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The modern definition of geography as the science of 'space' derives in important measure, it will be argued, from the Germanic concept of Raum . The implications of the importation of this concept into English are masked, however, by its translation as 'space', an English word with very different connotations from the German Raum . Whereas the English space is conceptually distinct from place, Raum has a double meaning, combining elements of both space and place. This doubleness becomes duplicitous when Raum is transmogrified into the English space, thereby blurring the distinction; allowing space to appropriate the meaning of place. The problem is further complicated by the fact that this process of transmogrification occurred largely via contact with Swedish geography–in which rum is cognate to the German Raum . Geography, this essay concludes, would do well to apply the same reflexive critique to its concept of space as it has applied, with great success, to landscape , a Germanic concept that can also refer to both place and space.  相似文献   

黄向  吴亚云 《人文地理》2013,28(6):43-48
本文研究了空间感知基点的改变影响地方依恋持续性的关键因素。研究表明:①一个地方进行空间要素的形式改建、位置移动或色彩变换会导致空间感知基点的变化,进而引发地方依恋的减弱或中断,因变化后的空间物质要素和人们的地方记忆不符,从而引起地方的不认同。②当环境感知基点的改变迎合了人们的心理或某些功能需求后,地方记忆对地方依恋的支配地位便受到影响,因而依恋不会显著降低且可能增强。③地方记忆包括童年记忆,校园记忆和成年记忆,且内容一般与休闲活动相关,其中前两类最不容受侵犯。  相似文献   

“地方”概念对人文地理学各分支意义的辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方是文化地理学的核心概念之一.当文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支交叉时, “地方”则为其他人文地理学分支提供了分析的基础.本文结合英美地理学刊物中若干涉及“地方”研究的文章,挖掘了地方的概念和内涵,以期对人文地理学诸分支提供学术支撑.本文的结论是:地方研究可支撑经济地理学文化转向和制度转向的研究;支撑区域地理学地方营销和旅游地理学旅游目的地营销的研究;支撑城市地理学公众参与式城市规划方案的制定;支撑政治地理学的选区策略制定.因此, “地方”作为文化地理学的核心概念,其存在意义是为其他学科提供学术营养,同时,文化地理学对地方的研究也可以使得文化地理学的社会应用能力更强.  相似文献   

Investigation of the reciprocal relation between individuals and space within its cultural and historical evolution allow us to conceive the intrinsic qualities and dynamics of any space in its context and to develop new conceptions to explain what kind of a place it is. Oral history provides opportunities to listen to the voice of space as well as a new way to discover its unique and different characteristics that give the users the feeling of belonging and place attachment. In this study, the place of oral history method in historiography, its use in diverse disciplines related to the shaping of urban space, such as urban planning and architecture, and the possible contribution of oral history to planning and designing urban space are discussed. It is revealed that the use of oral history in research and practice can give effect to develop a sense of belonging for all users and to achieve sustainability of urban memory. For this reason, place-based studies and utilization of oral history method within them are of significant importance, for either acquiring the knowledge embedded in memories or understanding the expectations of users or to provide solutions to place-based problems.  相似文献   

Human experience of place can be conceived of as both an "objective reality" and a "lived experience." A more spiritual view of the earth has been advocated by some geographers, but relatively little attention has been given to mystic place per se. This paper begins with a discussion of place, mysticism, and genius loci, or the spirit of place, in an attempt to define mystic place within a cultural context. The term "topomystica" is proposed to differentiate this concept from the traditional discourse on sacred space. A typology is then developed in an attempt to classify the major characteristics of topomystica: topos, morphology, dialecticism, chronology, syncretism, naturopathy, and gestalt are each identified. Finally, a case study of Mystic Spring, in Victoria, British Columbia, is undertaken to explore topomystica more closely. Evidence suggests that although supernatural power is superimposed on certain places in the landscape by human beings in a variety of cultures, the research thus far into sacred space does not adequately address this idea, because it fails to fully explore mysticism in a geographical context.  相似文献   

Placing Lefebvre   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Geographers have extensively used Lefebvre's concept of space as a social product as a framework guiding urban and political critique. Lefebvre articulates social space through a primarily ontological engagement: he describes a complex and multi‐faceted object that exists in three simultaneous but distinct, co‐producing registers. The famous “triad” has become canonical within Anglophone geography, but the implications of this ontology for knowing or researching the object of “(social) space” often remain implicit. This paper suggests that recent scholarship on place‐making helps to address the latent epistemological challenges of operationalizing Lefebvre's triad. We trace linkages and gaps between Lefebvrian space and contemporary theorizations of relational place. Re‐examining social space through the lens of relational place highlights the potential for links between epistemologically diverse recent research and twenty years of Lefebvre‐inspired critique.  相似文献   

段义孚的地方空间思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方与空间思想是段义孚人文主义地理学的核心,以人的生存为旨归,从人的感官、感情、美学的多重维度,揭示人与地方、空间两种地理环境的本质联系,呈现了人类认识地方、认识空间、重构地方的崭新视角。本文从思想内涵、历史渊源、学界评价及影响、当代价值方面对段义孚的地方空间思想进行了体系性与初步理论建构式研究,认为段义孚地方空间理论以人为本,地方是具有既定价值的安全中心,代表着真实与安定;空间跟时间一样,构成人类生活的基本坐标,代表着向往与自由。二者对立统一,在人的生存中相辅相成、缺一不可,人类生活就是穿梭于地方与空间的辩证运动,揭示了人与生存环境的本质关系,蕴含深厚的人文关怀。有助于人们进一步探讨人与地方和空间的内在联系,改善人的生存环境,为缓解身份危机和环境危机、维护精神生态和环境生态提供新的理念。  相似文献   

Boul. St-Laurent is a commercial artery in inner-city Montréal. Often characterised as the border zone of a multicultural and bilingual city, it is a place where a variety of populations and activities come together. It is also a central activity space for residents of the Plateau Mont-Royal District, an area of the city with a significant population of lesbian residents. Using qualitative interviews with lesbians who live in this district, the author examines how this neighbourhood shopping street facilitates lesbian patterns of social interaction, place making and expressions of desire. Most previous research on how lesbians establish a presence in urban space focuses either on the exclusion of lesbian subjectivity from heterosexual spaces or patterns of residential and institutional clustering in urban neighbourhoods. The objective of this article, however, is to focus on an area of the city that can be described as a 'space of difference' and examine how its heterogeneity accommodates lesbian visibility, especially among the lesbians themselves.  相似文献   

韩光明  黄安民 《人文地理》2013,28(2):125-130
地方理论认为,人与地之间的情感连接,使地方成为一个充满意义的空间。以休闲为导向发展的城市正是一个这样的充满意义的空间。在国内外相关研究的基础上,从人本主义的微观认知方法论角度,以地方理论为基本研究视角,阐释了城市休闲与地方性、地方意义、地方依恋感的联系,探讨了休闲主体与城市之间的"人与地"关系,提出了城市休闲的地方依恋研究框架,分析了地方观应用于城市休闲研究的必要性,最后构建了城市休闲的地方观研究概念框架。以期为休闲领域的理论和实践提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   

汶川地震重灾区北川老县城为案例地,以地震受灾群体老县城居民为研究样本,通过问卷调查与访谈挖掘灾后遗址唤起居民的集体记忆和空间,通过认知地图和GIS空间分析对比遗址官方记忆空间、居民集体认知-情感空间、行为空间的差异,揭示现实空间与居民集体记忆空间互动影响机制。灾后日常记忆、灾难记忆夹杂在一起,产生怀旧、创伤等情感,构成居民复杂的集体记忆。尽管具体空间引发的情感以负面为主,但居民对老县城整体还是充满了积极的地方依恋和认同。  相似文献   

Radical geographers have emphasised the centrality of class relations to the production of social space. In particular, this literature makes the distinction between the homogenising “abstract space” of global capital and meaningful, specific social “places.” The tension between the two expresses itself in spatial forms, creating the landscapes of capitalism. This political-economic conception of space and place is generally under-explored in the Australian context, particularly regarding the highly important post-World War II Long Boom period. This article interrogates the spatiality of this epoch through David Ireland's award-winning novel The Unknown Industrial Prisoner. Rooted in the notion of literary geography, which argues that literature “knows” things about the space of the society into which it is born, the article argues that Ireland portrays and handles in a particularly vivid and powerful way the dialectical articulations, simultaneously contradictory and intertwined, of space and place in the spatiality of Australian capitalism. Whilst he ultimately concludes that the powers of capital's abstract space dominate, he nevertheless demonstrates that through explicitly spatial projects of place-making, workers can attempt to impose their own political economy on the spatial form.  相似文献   

张骁鸣 《人文地理》2013,28(6):29-35
大卫·哈维在收录于其《正义、自然与差异地理学》文集中的《从空间到地方,再回看》这篇文章中,对他所谓的马丁·海德格尔"地方建构"思想进行了批判。通过忠实地引用哈维和海德格尔的著作、分析其各自观点形成的背景并提供依据,本文详尽揭示了哈维在勾勒海德格尔思想这一学术工作中的操作细节,即他实际上大量使用了重排引文、重组素材、偷换主题、"视而不见"、模糊处理等做法,"制造"出一个需要批判的所谓海德格尔的"地方建构"思想,从而对自己所要提出的"地方建构"思想加以支持。仅就目前所掌握的文献看,海德格尔有他自己的"地方"和"空间"思想,但并未明确讨论过甚至从没有提到过哈维所关心的"地方建构"问题。  相似文献   

汪丽  王兴中 《人文地理》2008,23(2):43-48
基于学术界共识的后工业化大城市社会空间中产阶层化的理念,本文首次提出社会阶层化的概念并指出社会阶层化主要研究在社会阶层的生活行为扩散和变化规律下,所构建的城市日常居住社区体系和日常生活行为场所体系的时空模式,以此探讨城市社会空间结构的变化。研究认为不同城市发展阶段其对应有不同主导阶层的社会阶层化空间结构。进一步从解构城市社会空间结构的演化动态角度,研究不同社会发展阶段下,社会阶层化与城市娱乐产业的对偶空间结构关系。  相似文献   

History, it is routinely assumed, belongs primarily to time and the temporal. Yet although routine, the assumption is nevertheless mistaken. It is place or topos, which encompasses both time and space (and that is intimately tied to the notion of bound or limit), that is primary here, and so history has to be understood as determined topologically, and not merely temporally. The exploration and elaboration of this claim involves rethinking the ideas of time, space, and place as well as of language and narrative. History appears in its adventual character, but its adventuality is itself seen as a happening of place.  相似文献   

地方感指人与地方的情感关联,是地理学特别是人文主义地理学的关键概念。快速城镇化使得“地方”剧变,地方感也变得复杂多样,多元主体的地方感形成机制值得探讨。本文基于人文主义地理学视角,选取江苏省如皋市东大街为典型案例,通过实地调研,运用半结构化访谈等方法,将不同主体的地方感归纳为三类:根植型、创造型和关怀型。老年原住民形成了根植型地方感,其重点在血缘联结、归属感、身份认同;沿街商户生成了创造型地方感,主要涉及美学、经验与私人空间等;虽从地方抽离但仍与地方保持着积极情感纽带的“乡邻”们则形成了关怀型地方感,主要涉及关注、社会互动、熟悉等。借助案例剖析和质性研究方法,本文对地方感多元类型和形成机制的深入探讨将有助于理解地方感的多态性和分异性。  相似文献   

地方与认同:欧美人文地理学对地方的再认识   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
地方是现代人文地理学研究的重要视角之一。以人本主义地理学为代表,现代欧美人文地理学界对地方性意义以及地方在建构个人与社会的文化身份认同的作用进行了深入的探讨与研究。地方对于个人与社会来说,不啻是一个意义的中心,同时也是构建社会关系与权力关系的媒介。因此,地方意义在身份认同的建构过程中有着十分重要的作用。本文从地方-空间的关系、地方认同的多样性与动态性、地方认同与权力的关系以及全球化背景下的地方认同四个方面对欧美人文地理学关于地方与认同之间辩证关系的研究进行系统的述评。  相似文献   

The English printing house was initially conceived, legally, as a printing house, with public work taking place in a private setting. This private space emphasised the traditional hierarchies of political and legal order: Women’s work that took place within the printing house thus fell into the traditional role of household labours. This erasure of labour is one that foregrounds the erasure of women’s writing from history; women who worked in essence as publishers, as printers and booksellers, are very clearly present in the historical records but invisible in our narratives of book history. How did this erasure happen, and why is their presence, and work, overlooked? If we consider the language of space in theory and reread Moxon’s Mechanickal Exercises closely, we see the ways in which the ideas of space itself can be implicitly gendered, and how this might shape our idea of the printing house.  相似文献   

地理学的安全感研究:基于地点的综合理解、应用及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全是人们对日常生活空间的基本需求,安全感则反映了人们希望免于危险的主观感知。20世纪90年代以来,基于地点的安全感研究成为社会地理学及其相关学科的重要议题,学者们重视探索地点的物理、社会-文化环境特征与人的安全需求、生活质量之间的关系。运用地点理论开展安全感研究,一方面倡导建构具有情感、价值、意义的安全地点,另一方面为预防犯罪的跨学科安全空间综合研究提供了平台,促使人文地理学通过整合社会学、环境心理学等学科的研究成果完善社会-生活空间理论,提高人们的社会-生活空间质量。本文通过回顾地理学、社会学、犯罪学、环境心理学等相关学科对犯罪地理与安全感的主要研究成果,梳理了不同学科的研究兴趣及其最新进展;在此基础上讨论了人文地理学基于地点理论研究安全感的主要方向及趋势,旨在建构基于地点理论的安全地理学研究框架,为人文地理学社会-生活空间研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The out-migration of young people from rural regions is a selective and highly gendered process suggesting considerable differentiation in the way young men and women identify with and experience rural life. Gender imbalance in rural youth out-migration has prompted feminist researchers to consider more carefully linkages between the gendered nature of rural space and place and the social and spatial mobility of rural young men and women. Based on 11 months of ethnographic fieldwork in a rural Irish fishing community, this article explores the gendered dimensions of rural youth experience. Theoretically grounded in the conceptual triad of gender, power and place, this article considers how young men and women experience ‘the rural’ as masculine and feminine subjects. Special attention is given to the ways in which relations of power in ‘the rural’ are articulated, contested and accommodated in the everyday lives of local young men and women. As well as highlighting the ways in which rural space and place is male-dominated, this article foregrounds other power relations at play in the rural. As part of this effort, I problematize male power and point to the ‘effectivity of girls as conduits of power’. I argue that subjectivities of intra-gender relations are a critical dimension of rural youth experience and cannot be overlooked in research on rural youth experience and emigration.  相似文献   

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