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<正>北京东直门智选假日酒店是洲际酒店集团(IHG)旗下智选假日酒店品牌(Holiday Inn Express)在北京地区的第6家酒店。智选假日酒店品牌在全球共有2,100余家酒店,所有酒店都为住店客人提供免费早餐、免费上网和优悦会积分奖励计划,北京东直门智选假日酒店也不例外。酒店共19个楼层,拥有350间客房,设计理念简洁时尚、装修风格高雅舒适,是洲际酒店集团在北京发展计划中的又一杰作。  相似文献   

璞富腾酒店及度假村发布2019年度I Prefer会员之选酒店获奖名单并启动I Prefer 2020关爱计划3月4日,全球知名独立酒店品牌璞富腾酒店及度假村公布2019年度I Prefer会员之选(I Prefer Member’s Choice Awards)获奖名单,并同时启动针对疫情特殊时期的I Prefer 2020关爱计划。  相似文献   

阿珠 《旅游》2003,(10):11-11
不久前,雅高集团在北京宣布了“近20年在中国酒店市场最具规模的一次扩展”计划,特别隆重推出了一个“对中国低端酒店业具有革命性意义”的经济型酒店品牌——宜必思(IBIS)。此行动表明,雅高开始向经济型酒店市场大举进攻。此前,新雅集团就已经将国外的经济型酒店复制进中国。另外,洲际酒店集团一度也要将其经济型酒店品牌“HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS”在中国推广。另外,北京如家客栈、青年旅舍都是冲着经济型酒店来的。不难预见,在未来几年内,国内外酒店集团围绕经济型酒店市场的圈地运动将会愈演愈烈。就此,本刊特约记者访问了雅高亚洲区首席副总裁邵栋来先生。  相似文献   

卡尔森酒店宣布进军中国天津日前,全球酒店旅游管理集团公司卡尔森酒店宣布,旗下第二家丽笙酒店正式签约进驻中国北方最大的沿海城市天津。酒店位于天津主要景点之一的盘山山脚,计划于2013年下半年开业。酒店客人可饱览群山和翠屏湖如画般的景致。对休闲旅客而言,这里是游览周边旅游景点最理想的地点,如黄崖光关(长城),千年古刹独乐寺...  相似文献   

正携程推出合作伙伴"同袍"计划投入10亿元支持基金2月5日,携程向其平台上的机票、酒店、旅游度假等领域合作伙伴宣布推出"同袍"计划,投入10亿元合作伙伴支持基金和100亿元额度小微贷款。酒店方面,携程将投入亿级营销资源和专属标签回馈"安心取消保障"计划参与酒店,并对部分酒店及产品佣金给予6个月至12个月的减免措施。针对旅游度假平台团队游供应商,减免其春节前投入的广告推广费用,减免春节期间订单的交易佣金,退还平台系统使用费至少3个月。另外,还将为其承担春节退订订单中无法减损的  相似文献   

随着中专学校开始注重人才的使用能力,校企合作办学成为了学校给学生提供实践的最好渠道,很多学校都围绕校企合作制订了人才培养计划。本文就研究学校如何开展校企合作办学,分析中职酒店旅游管理专业存在的问题,总结出有效的解决方法,旨在为提升我国中职酒店旅游管理专业的办学水平提供一些参考。  相似文献   

不久前,Gucci品牌创立者的曾孙女宣布要以自己的名字ElisabettaGucci在全世界范围内建立一个连锁酒店品牌的计划。她亦参与酒店的设计工作,并将于今年底在迪拜开设第一间酒店,定位为精品酒店,只有87间客房,一晚价钱500美元起。目前酒店已大致竣工,只待内部装修完成。  相似文献   

TOPCHINA 《风景名胜》2012,(4):34-69,14
本次的旅行得以实现,缘于三年前我对大溪地的关注。那时大溪地的绝美风景和异域风情,就让我心生向往。三年后,随着自己对酒店积分计划和航空公司里程计划的了解逐渐深入,慢慢摸索出了一套用最少的代价,获得最大的旅行享受的方法。  相似文献   

依托旅游经济对酒店管理措施进行调整,是当前酒店经营管理的重点工作。文中对我国旅游发展趋势和酒店市场变化特点进行了详细分析,并在此基础上,进一步对酒店管理措施进行了分析。近年来,由于人们生活水平和生活质量不断提升,对精神享受和感官享受的追求也变得越来越高,所以在一定程度上刺激了我国旅游业的发展。而旅游业不断发展,对酒店经济造成了一定刺激,对酒店管理也提出了更高要求。为了能够更好的促进酒店经济  相似文献   

在物联网、大数据技术快速发展的背景下,酒店智慧化建设与管理已成为当前酒店行业发展的趋势。智慧酒店在带给顾客新奇科技体验感的同时,对酒店的经营者和酒店行业从业人员也提出了新的要求。在新环境下,如何建设、管理、发展智慧酒店是每一个酒店人不得不面对的问题。本文以菲住布渴酒店为切入点,对未来智慧酒店的发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

章波  多措 《攀登》2008,27(6):149-150
建立科学量化的电视栏目评价体系是实施栏目评价的前提。电视栏目评价体系的框架是由一系列指标构成的,它大致可分为主观指标、客观指标、社会效益指标和经济效益指标。着力构建电视栏目的评价体系,有利于促进节目质量的提高,有利于建立健全电视栏目管理的约束机制、栏目运营的责任机制以及对创作人员的激励机制。  相似文献   

We use the case of Chile to analyze the effectiveness of a spatially blind employment relief program (hereafter referred to as the LPE program) established by the Chilean government and implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chile is an interesting case because on the one hand its nonpharmaceutical interventions were spatially driven by health indicators based on small geographical areas; hence, producing sizeable regional and temporal variation of the local conditions induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the LPE program was designed and implemented nationally without distinction of local labor market or pandemic conditions, and each firm could decide whether to enroll in the program. By exploiting the spatial-temporal variation of exogenously imposed lockdowns and using a difference-in-differences panel data framework, we find that the LPE program was only effective for a group of regions in the country but, more importantly, that the LPE program was less effective during lockdowns. Moreover, the requirements of the LPE program were vague and did not target specific populations or entities. Consequently, our results suggest that women, informal and small firm workers, and most economic sectors throughout the country were less able to take advantage of the benefits of this program.  相似文献   

As one of Australia’s largest and most active non‐governmental development assistance organisations, Community Aid Abroad‐Oxfam Australia (CAA) places development education and advocacy among its priorities. This study evaluated one of CAA’s development education programs to determine if a program lasting only twenty‐eight days could heighten participants’ awareness of social justice issues sufficiently to be considered successful. The research aimed to determine what participants’ pre‐program expectations were, and if after completing the program, participants believed that they had been changed sufficiently by the experience to become activists for social justice, thus fulfilling CAA’s stated reason for running the program. The study revealed that all participants had their positive expectations of the program met and all hoped, and most expected, to become activists for social justice in some way in the future. It was therefore concluded that, in the context of a development education program with a limited number of annual participants, 28 days does make a difference.  相似文献   

Crime Mapping and the Crimestat Program   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

When creating a new program, an authorizing committee must choose a budget structure, either using mandatory funding or creating an authorization for appropriations to enable the appropriation committees to use discretionary funding. One hypothesis we examine is based on the strategic interplay by congressional committees seeking to control their policy domains. Based on expected purposes of a nascent program, an authorization committee must calculate, whether, if a program is designed as requiring appropriations for spending, will the appropriators provide the funds? Or if instead, a program is funded through mandatory spending, will those funds be blocked by appropriators? For example, when a new program is likely to offer credit claiming opportunities to Congress, such as through legislative earmarks, the authorization committees are less likely design a program to rely on mandatory funding. An alternative hypothesis is that where there is greater expected difficulty in predicting likely program needs—e.g., predicting the annual spending needs for unemployment insurance—a mandatory structure would be expected. We find that the hypothesis associated with the committees' pursuit of autonomy is supported, whereas the rational design hypothesis associated with reduced transaction costs is not supported.  相似文献   

Voluntary environmental programs are institutions that seek to induce firms to produce positive environmental externalities beyond what government regulations require. Drawing on club theory, this paper outlines a theoretical perspective to study the relationship between program design and program effectiveness. Effective programs have rule structures that mitigate two central collective action problems inherent in producing positive environmental externalities: attracting firms to participate in the program and ensuring that participating firms adhere to program obligations. Because program efficacy can be undermined by collective action problems associated with free riding and shirking, effective voluntary clubs should be designed to mitigate these challenges.  相似文献   

Romanesque sculpture can be profitably studied by trying to create the thought processes of those responsible for designing the programs. In particular, the thought pattern of associating various biblical stories which contain the same or similar words can be applied to the program of the little church of Neuilly-en-Donjon (Allier). It is clear that the various stories depicted are related to one another by sound - for example the Adoration of the Magi and the fall of Simon Magus and Mary Magdalen at the house of Simon the Pharisee. However, just as the genius of a monastic author such as Bernard of Clairvaux was the thematic unity he could use to organize these aural associations, so does the importance of the program at Neuilly derive from the sophisticated thematic unity of the program around the theological virtue of faith. From this study, we can learn not only to appreciate the genius of the designer of the program at Neuilly but also to attempt to unlock other secrets of Romanesque sculpure by applying this or other elements of contemporary thought processes to the parts of a program.  相似文献   

This study focuses upon French immersion programs, an educational innovation which seeks to produce bilingual students in Canada. As part of publicly supported school systems, the program recruits from non-French speaking families. Research findings bearing on the nature of the program, its organization and its eventual outcome are examined. Three problems are discussed: availability and accessibility to the program, competition and conflict arising from it and its meaning for French-Canadian communities.  相似文献   

Oklahoma is one of only three states in the nation to offer a free pre-kindergarten (pre-K) program to all students in participating school districts on a voluntary basis. Fortuitous circumstances in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the state's largest school district, permitted an unusually rigorous evaluation of the pre-K program in Tulsa. Because four-year-olds beginning pre-K and five-year-olds beginning kindergarten were administered the same test in September 2001 and because strict eligibility cut-offs were applied, based on date of birth, it was possible to control for selection effects, in addition to gender, race/ ethnicity, school lunch eligibility, and precise date of birth. The evaluation showed strong positive effects of the pre-K program on children's language and cognitive test scores. Hispanic children benefited most from the program, and black children also showed sharp gains, especially when they attended full-day programs. The results are discussed in light of contemporary controversies regarding targeted or universal pre-K programs; full-or part-day programming; public school or multiple delivery sites; strategies for ensuring high quality, effective programs; and the need for rigorous program evaluations.  相似文献   

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