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张永 《安徽史学》2008,28(4):47-56
二次革命期间,进步党处于北洋派和国民党竞相争取的有利地位,获得了上台组阁的机会,经过许多曲折,终于成立以熊希龄、梁启超为核心的新政府,立完派第一次掌握了部分中央政权。新内阁提出了雄心勃勃的大政方针,但也副署了取消国民党议员资格的命令导致国会解散。一种流传很广的说法是袁世凯利用承德盗卖文物案胁迫熊希龄副署,本文经过考证认定这种说法是错误的。熊、梁等进步党内阁派早已存在开明专制思想,而且对民初议会政治实践不满,他们希望在袁世凯的支持下走开明专制的道路。但是在国会解散后不久,失去支持的熊梁内阁也在北洋派的压力下黯然倒台,标志着这种依附性的开明专制道路完全破产。  相似文献   

1993夏天,日本政治地壳发生剧烈变动,战后传统政治结构随之崩溃。直接导火线是宫泽内阁的政治改革失败。6月18日,国会通过对内阁的不信任案;6月19日,自民党的羽田派以宫泽内阁未能实现政治改革为由,公开向自民党中央造反,该派所属的参众两院44名议会集体退出自民党;接着,武村等10多名众议员也宣布  相似文献   

沈晓敏 《安徽史学》2004,7(4):52-58,89
省议会联合会是在各省议会联合反对适用<谘议局章程>的斗争中产生的.二次革命前,省议会联合会激烈反对袁世凯政府独裁卖国行为;二次革命爆发后,又企图充当类似国会的角色,发挥国民党政治中枢的作用,但囿于事实和法理,该会既不能联合各省议会,又不能代表民意,作用有限,远不如清末的谘议局联合会.国民党在二次革命军事失败的同时,在政治、法律层面上也看不到任何胜利的希望.  相似文献   

护国战争结束之后,进步党分化为三个派别,一是倾向国民党的激进派,以孙洪伊为首,另外两个分别以梁启超、汤化龙为首。国会重开,这三个派别各立政团,梁、汤两派不久又合并为宪法研究会,即研究系。关于梁、汤两派合并之前所立政团名  相似文献   

护国运动中的革命派与投机派   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《文史天地》今年第一期《蔡锷与唐继尧谁是护国运动首功》一文,认为护国运动的首功是唐继尧而非蔡锷。事实上,从辛亥革命中的云南“重九起义”到“护国运动”(非仅指护国战争),蔡锷的功劳都在唐继尧之上。蔡锷一直是辛亥革命和护国运动中的革命派,而唐继尧不过是投革命之机而成长起来的地方军阀。历史事实充分说明了这一点。辛亥革命中袁世凯窃取了革命成果,成为临时大总统。其目的并不在维护共和,而是处心积虑地消灭革命力量,自己像封建皇帝那样独裁专制。1912年底国民党在国会选举中占压倒优势,袁世凯就在1913年3月国…  相似文献   

袁世凯窃取临时大总统后,即加紧向以孙中山为代表的革命势力进攻。他一方面和黎元洪勾结,杀害了武昌首义人员张振武和方维,另方面便虚伪的表示拥护民主共和,借以欺骗麻痹革命党人,甚至当时孙中山也曾被袁世凯的虚假面目所蒙蔽,说“十年以内,大总统非袁莫属。”黄兴更幻想实行所谓“政党政治。”由于资产阶级的软弱和袁世凯的伪装和蒙骗, 许多同盟会员都在幻想着依靠袁世凯来实现资产阶级的民主制度。作为当时议会政治积极推行者的宋教仁,为了争取在国会中占到优势,便把同盟会改组为国民党(1912年8月)。国民党是由同盟会联合了一些旧官僚和立宪派分子组成的,妥协是它  相似文献   

袁世凯是个奉行封建专制主义的大独裁者。1914年1月,他下令解散了国民党占多数议员、作为最高立法和权力机关的国会,随之通令取消了各地方自治会和省议会。5月,又颁布了一部为他搞专制独裁服务的《中华民国约法》,同时宣布废除了南京临时政府制定的具有资产阶级民主共和性质的《中华民国临时约  相似文献   

宋教仁为民族、民主革命之先驱。中华民国北京政府建立后,为第一届内阁即唐绍仪内阁的农林总长,由于袁世凯实行独裁统治,宋与唐绍仪等愤而辞职。1912年8月,宋教仁协助孙中山,黄兴组建国民党,代理干事长,为实际负责人。在第一次国会召开前夕,宋教仁奔走呼号,到处宣扬责任内阁制主张,争取议会斗争,遭到了袁世凯的忌恨,命其爪牙,当时的国务总理赵秉钧指使国务院秘书洪述祖收买凶手将宋教仁刺杀。“宋案”惊醒了沉醉于实业迷梦中的孙中山及革命党,他们认清了袁世凯的狰狞面目,从而发动武力讨袁,进行了“二次革命”和讨袁战争。  相似文献   

18世纪,欧洲大陆出现了风行大半个欧洲达数十年之久的开明专制,这是西欧文明在东欧各国反映的结果。受到影响的俄国叶卡特琳娜二世实行的开明专制政策成为了东欧国家实行开明专制的典范。研究叶卡特琳娜二世实行开明专制的背景,有助于人们进一步认识到俄国开明专制的产生既避免了革命又吸收了欧洲各国的经验,为东欧的后进国迅速赶上先进国提供了历史借鉴。  相似文献   

民初国会选举后,为了破坏国民党在国会中的多数地位,袁世凯使出了种种卑劣手段,对国民党分化瓦解。其中最主要的方法是提供巨额经费,诱使国民党人另立山头。在袁世凯诱惑下,国民党中的志行薄弱者纷纷脱党,另组政团,与国民党分道扬镳。率先从国民党中分裂出来的政团是孙毓筠“主倡”的国事维持会,1913年2月17日成立于北京,主要发起人还有王芝祥、王人文、扬曾蔚、于右任、章士钊等。该会以“维持大局、俾国家得抵于和平统一”为宗旨,具体纲领有三项:一、维持立法与行政之冲突;二、维持中央与地方、地方与地方之冲突;三、维持政党与政党之冲突(《申报》1913年2月25日)。国事维持会要求会员在言论行动上“不得挟持私见,有所偏倚。”(同上,2月15日)但在实际上,它却完全站在袁世凯一边。正式国会召  相似文献   


The election on the first ballot of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi to the Presidency of the Republic came as a surprise. This article explores how it occurred by analysing the criteria usually employed to screen the candidates for President and the misplaced efforts by the secretary of the Partito popolare to win the office for a candidate of his party. An assessment of the powers of the President, in particular those concerning the appointment of the Prime Minister and the dissolution of parliament, is offered with reference to the experience of outgoing President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro. The success of Walter Veltroni, secretary of the Leftist Democrats, and of Gianfranco Fini, leader of the National Alliance, in persuading the opposition to vote for Ciampi is related to their interest in reigniting a process for the reform of the political system and the construction of a majoritarian and bipolar democracy. President Ciampi may prove to be very helpful in this difficult task, but most of the initiative and responsibility lie with party leaders and members of parliament.  相似文献   

On 22 February 2014 President Napolitano appointed Matteo Renzi to the office of President of the Council of Ministers (the correct title according to the Italian constitution). Since then the 39-year-old secretary of the Democratic Party has launched a series of institutional, economic, and social reforms. Claiming that it was of the utmost importance to scrap the old political class and to put Italy back to work, Renzi has already produced significant but, to say the least, controversial changes, as well as many clashes within his party and in the relationship between Italy and the European Union. This article will explore where the changes in his style of governing and in his party will lead the politics of Italy.  相似文献   

A spate of recent work on the Canadian Parliament highlights the importance of constituency pressures in understanding the legislative behavior of individual Members of Parliament (MPs). In light of this renaissance, we reexamine decisions by Canadian Liberal Party MPs to defy Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and his cabinet by supporting party-weakening reform in 2002. More specifically, we model votes on the question of selecting committee chairs through secret ballot as a function of factors both internal and external to the Parliament. While we find some evidence of exogenous, constituency-based forces, we find that support for reform was largely driven by internal party power dynamics. We gain additional insight into our findings by comparing this reform to analogous reforms in the US Congress. The patterns we uncover highlight the stark difference between the “double monopoly of power” held by party leaders in Westminster-style legislatures and the lack of such a monopoly in Congress. We conclude by advocating for more such comparisons, arguing that careful efforts to synthesize these and other similar reforms can improve our understanding of both legislatures despite the obvious and important differences between them.  相似文献   

张永 《安徽史学》2007,(4):53-60
民初国会选举是中国历史上第一次非暴力方式的政权角逐.以国民党、共和党为代表的各个政党采取了各种各样的竞选方式和竞选策略,其中有暴力、行政作弊等恶性的方式,有舆论斗争、金钱作用等中性的方式,也有公开演说、政党组织、法律诉讼等良性的方式,虽然有很多缺点,但总体来说这是一次具有合法性的选举.民主制度需要深层的现代政治文化为依托,从传统"一元文化"到现代"多元文化"需要一个长期的转化过程,竞选中暴露出的政治文化缺陷预示了在中国建立民主制度的道路必定曲折艰辛.  相似文献   

Sir Henry Cavendish, who sat in the Irish parliament from 1766 to 1768 and from 1776 to 1800, and in the Westminster parliament from 1768 to 1774, was a parliamentarian par excellence. His chief claim to fame is as a parliamentary diarist, in both houses of commons, noting down in shorthand some five million words. But this article is on Cavendish as a politician. He was a prolific speaker in both parliaments. But finding himself only a second‐rate debater, he cultivated two fields of expertise: finance, and, above all, parliamentary procedure. Here his knowledge soon became unequalled, and virtually unchallenged by the last two decades of the Irish parliament, where he became notorious as a master of obstruction. His political career was erratic, often in opposition, increasingly in government, a permanent officeholder by the end.  相似文献   

Sir Stafford Northcote has gone down in history as a man who fell short of the ultimate achievement of being prime minister largely because of personal weakness, and lack of political virility and drive. The picture painted by Northcote's political enemies – most notably the Fourth Party – has been accepted uncritically. Yet, political motives lay behind the actions of these supporters, and their harsh black and white portrait is not illustrative of the complexity of the situation in which Northcote found himself. Although individual characteristics undoubtedly played a part in his final political failure, underlying dynamics and structural transformations in politics and political life were more significant. It was more than simply the misfortune in succeeding the exceptionally charismatic Disraeli as leader. Northcote was faced with unparalleled disruption in parliament from Irish Nationalist MPs; the starkly polarised debate on the eastern question left him detached as a moderate. His temperament was better suited to constructive government rather than to opposition. However, following general election defeat in 1880, Northcote was denied this opportunity. Equally, his position in the lower House denied him the capacity to define a clear political critique of the Liberal government. Northcote's leadership of the party reflected the changing nature of British politics as radicals, tories, Irish Nationalists and Unionists increasingly contested the consensual style more appropriate to the political world of Palmerston and the 14th earl of Derby.  相似文献   

By establishing the dates and political context of all early grants of the subsidy of tunnage and poundage, this study provides new evidence for the relationship between parliament and the so-called 'estate of merchants' during the third quarter of the 14th century. Until the 1370s, tunnage and poundage was granted by the king's council with the assent of groups of merchants; it was only at the end of Edward III's reign that grants of the tax began to be made in parliament, and only from the mid 1380s that it became fully integrated into the customs system. Throughout the period of experimentation, the subsidy was intended for a specific purpose: the defence of the coasts and of English shipping. This partly explains why the crown chose to discuss it with groups of mariners and merchants rather than with the Lords and Commons in parliament. The chronology therefore calls into question assumptions about the collapse of the estate of merchants in the 1350s and the take-over of its fiscal and political agenda by the burgesses in the parliamentary Commons. Through an analysis of petitions made in the name of the 'merchants of England', it can be shown that crown and parliament alike continued to recognize this group as a distinct political entity for the rest of Edward III's reign. The decisive shift came not in the 1350s but in 1382, when the merchants themselves acknowledged that the appropriate place to determine the crown's financial policies was, indeed, in parliament.  相似文献   

Although John Hay, 1st marquess of Tweeddale, contributed significantly to both the ruthless overthrow of Charles I, and the establishment of the first British parliament in the 1650s, most of his political career was concerned with attempting to re-establish this parliament after it was dissolved at the restoration of Charles II. His first attempt ended in defeat at the hands of the king and the duke of Lauderdale in 1670, but following the overthrow of James VII and II in 1688, Tweeddale tried to persuade the prince of Orange to unite Scotland and England. The prince, however, showed much more interest in securing the crown of Scotland than uniting the two kingdoms. Tweeddale, as lord high commissioner to the Scottish parliament in 1695, responded by passing legislation designed to provoke the English parliament into accepting union. He was also engaged in a jacobite intrigue to restore King James. Tweeddale intended that the restored monarch would be little more than a puppet, who could be used to legitimise what was effectively a republican regime in all but name. By this means the restored parliament would avoid the unpopularity which brought down the first British parliament in 1660. Tweeddale's scheme came to nought, but the technique he employed to manipulate the English parliament, and exploit the jacobite threat, contributed to the restoration of the British parliament ten years after his death.  相似文献   

The Grenville Act of 1770 was designed to prevent justice being ‘sacrificed to numbers’ when election petitions came before the Commons. The fate of the petition following the Morpeth election of 1768 illustrates how ministerial and other powerful influences, as well as prejudice, could determine the result, the votes of freemen who had gained their rights by peremptory writs of mandamus from the court of king's bench being declared invalid because they had not been admitted to their freedom in the customary manner. At the 1774 election, the partisan returning officers rejected many votes, but a riot forced them to return the candidates having a majority with these votes. When petitions complaining of a forced return and counter petitions alleging bribery and corruption came to the Commons, a party succeeded in postponing to a distant date a hearing on the merits of the election, and in restricting the remit to the committee chosen under the Grenville Act. One of the sitting members was unseated but allowed to petition on the merits, but parliament was prorogued before his petition was heard. On renewing it in the next session, he made substantial alterations which were challenged and a committee was appointed to investigate. All who came to the committee were to have voices, and, realising that his cause was thereby rendered hopeless, the petitioner withdrew his petition. Thus a party in the House was still able to exert influence and, on this occasion, to bypass the Grenville Act, which, however, in other cases evidently proved satisfactory.  相似文献   

1889年的明治宪法是一部以天皇大权为中心的专制宪法,议会的权限有限,但是由于它被赋予了重要的预算审议权等财政权限,促使战前日本天皇制的政治体制中竞产生了政党政治。那么,宪法的缔造者——伊藤博文为什么会把这么重要的权力赋予议会?有学者认为,伊藤博文等人对“宪政及各类政体的精神”有着“深刻的理解”是重要原因。而本文则通过对近世以来日本地方上存在的租税协议惯行、明治维新后地方民会和府县会的预算审议权以及宪法发布前政府及民党的宪法草案内容等进行分析,认为议会拥有预算审议权等财政权限已是当时普遍的基本的认识,具有广泛的社会基础,伊藤博文不可能逆社会潮流而动也是重要的原因之一。  相似文献   

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