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Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1999,8(1):147-172

Book reviewed in this article:
The Mystical Teachings of al-Shādhill: Including His Life Prayers, Letters, and Followers. A Translation from the Arabic of Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat al-Asrar wa Tuhfat al-Abrar by Elmer H. Douglas. Edited with an Introduction and a Bibliography by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabī.
Nizam Ad-Din Awliya: Morals of the Heart. Translated and Annotated by Bruce B.
Traditional Islam in the Modern World. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr.
Islam: An Introduction. By Annemarie Schimmel.
Al-Damurdāshl's Chronicle of Egypt. 1685–1755: al-Durra al-musana fī akhbār al-kināna. Translated and annotated by Daniel Crecelius and 'bd al-Wahhāb Bakr.
The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi ' as. By Joyce N. Wiley.
Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini. By H. E. Chehabi.
Iran's First Revolution: Shi ' ism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1905–1906. By Mangol Bayat.
Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution. By David Menashri.
The Modern Uzbeks from the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History. By Edward A.
Religion, Learning and Science in the ' Abbasid Period. Edited by M. J. L. Young, J. D. Latham and R. B. Serjeant.
The Ismā ' ilīs: Their history and doctrines. By Farhad Daftary.
' Abū Tammām and the Poetics of the ' bbāsid Age. By Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych.
Images of Paradise in Islamic Art. Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom
Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs. By Zeynep çelik.
Islamic Art. By Barbara Brend.
Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era. By Masam Arai.
The Emergence of Kurdish Nationalism and the Sheikh Said Rebellion, 1880–1925. By Robert Olson.
Islam and the Economic Challenge. By Muhammad Umer Chapra.
Palestinian Universities Under Occupation. By Anthony Thrall Sullivan.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Accommodating Protest: Working Women, the New Veiling, and Change in Cairo. By Arlene Elowe Macleod.
The Patriarchal Paradox. Women Politicians in Turkey. By Yesim Arat.
The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy: The Nineteenth Century. By Resat Kasaba
Culture and Counterculture in Moroccan Politics. By John P. Entelis
Pakistan: Transition from Military to Civilian Rule. By Golam W. Choudhury.
Religion and Property in Northern Nigeria. By Lissi Rasmussen.
Domestic Life in Palestine. By Mary Eliza Rogers.
Speak, Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian Arab Folktales. By Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana.
Islam: The Way of Submission. By Solomon Nigosian.
The Essential Teachings of Islam: Daily Readings from the Sacred Texts. Edited by Kerry Brown and Martin Palmer.
Islam: State and Society. Edited by Klaus Ferdinand and Mehdi Mozaffari.
Islam and World Peace: explanations of a Sufi. By M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen.
Our Philosophy. By Allama Muhammed Baqir As-Sadr. Trans, by Shams C.
A Muslim Philosopher on the Soul and Its Fate: Al-'Āmirīs Kitāb al-Amad. 'lā l-abad. Introduction, translation, and notes by Everett K. Rowson.
Islam, Guerilla War, And Revolution-A Study in Comparative Social History. By Haim Gerber.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(3):251-264
Book reviewed in this article:
Principes de Géographie sociale , by P aul C laval , Editions M.Th. Génin
Urban Canada , by J ames and R obert S immons , 2nd edition
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form , edited by L arry S. B ourne , R oss D. M ac K innon , J ay S iegel , and J ames W. S immons
Conservation by the People: The History of the Conservation Movement in Ontario to 1970 , by A.H. RICHARDSON
Physical Geography: The Canadian Context , by A llan F alconer , B arry D. F ahey , and R ussell D. T hompson
Modifying the Weather , by W. R. D. S ewell , et al.
Climate Canada , by F. K enneth H are and M orley K. T homas
The Geography of Puerto Rico by rafael P ico  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
International Congress for the Study of the Qur'ān , revised ed. Edited by A. H. Johns
Ibn Khaldān: An Essay in Reinterpretation. By Aziz Al-Azmeh
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection. By Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
Die Vorstellung vom Schicksal und die Darstellung der Wirklichkeit in der zeitgenossischen Literatur islamischer Länder. Edited by J. C. Bürgel and H. Fähndrich
Rings of Burnished Brass. Yūsuf Idrīs
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. By William C. Chittick
The Ahmadiyya doctrine of God. By Henry J. Otten
Issues in the Islamic Movement, 1981–1982 (1401–1402). Edited by Kalim Siddiqui
Mouvements populaires à Bagdad a l'epoque abbasside IXe-XIe siècles. By Simha Sabari
Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War. By Malcolm Cameron Lyons and D. E. P. Jackson.
The Middle East: Fourteen Islamic Centuries. By Glenn E. Perry
Islam in Tribal Societies From the Atlas to the Indus. By Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam. The Darul Islam in Indonesia. By C. van Dijk
Senegal: An African Nation between Islam and the West. By Sheldon Gellar  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ibn Taymīya's Struggle against Popular Religion, with an Annotated Translation of his Kitāb iqti     ā a     -     irā     al-mustaqīm mukhālafat a         āb al-ja     īm. By Muhammad Umar Memon
The Islamic View of Women and the Family . By Muhammad Abdul-Rauf
Middle Eastern Muslim Women Speak . Edited by Elizabeth W. Fernea and Basima Qattan Bezirgan
Images and Self-Images: Male and Female in Morocco . By Daisy Hilse Dwyer
Moroccan Islam: Tradition and Society in a Pilgrimage Center . By Dale F. Eickelman
Prelude to Protectorate in Morocco: Precolonial Protest and Resistance, 1860–1912 . By Edmund Burke, III
Arab Nationalism: An Anthology . 2nd edn. Ed. by Sylvia G. Haim
Saladin . By Geoffrey Hindley
Islam et Jeunesse en Turquie d'aujourd'hui . By Sabine Dirks
Selections from the Poetry of Bassār. Edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary by A. F. L. Beeston.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Zwischen Hadīt und Theologie: Studien zum Entstehen prādestinatianicher Überlieferung . By Joaef van Ess.
Lettres de direction spirituelle, Ar-Rasā'il a     -     uġrā. Ibn 'Abbād de Ronda
Islamic Jurisprudence and the Rule of Necessity and Need . By Mohammad Muslehuddin
Popular Art in Afghanistan. Paintings on Trucks, Mosques and Tea-Houses . By Micheline Centlivres-Demont.
The Reign of al -     ākim bi amr Allāh (386/996/411/1021): A Political Study . By Sadik A. Assaad.
Separatism among Indian Muslims: The Politics of the United Provinces' Muslims 1860–1923 . By Francin Robinson.
Life and Times of Mohamed Ali . By Afzel Iqbal.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Land of Promise: A Critique of Political Zionism . By Abedelwahab M. Elmessiri
The Islamic Dynasties: A Chronolological and Genealogical Handbook . By Clifford Edmund Bosworth
Marxism and Other Western Fallacies: An Islamic Critique . By Ali Shari'ati. Trans. by R. Campbell
The Hijaz Railroad . By William Ochsenwald
The History of Egypt . By P. J. Vatikiotis
Islamic and Western Concepts of Civilization . By Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Wisdom of Islamic Civilization: A Miscellany of Islamic quotations . Compiled and translated by Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Women in Contemporary Muslim Societies . Edited by Jane I. Smith
Electoral Politics in the Middle East: Issues, Voters and Elites . Edited by Jacob M. Landau
Islam and Development: Religion and Sociopolitical Change . Edited by John L. Esposito
To Ride a Magic Carpet . By George W. Braswell
urī Zaidāk. His Lire and Thought . By Thomas Philipp
The Calligraphy of Islam: Reflections on the State of the Art . By Mohamed U. Zakariya
Egypt's Uncertain Revolution Under Nasser and Sadat . By Raymond William Baker
Weber and Islam: a critical study . By Bryan S. Turner
Karim Khan Zand: A History of Iran, 1747–1779 . By John R. Perry
Arabic Loan-Words in Malay: A Comparative Study. 2nd edition . By Dr. Muhammad Abdul Jabbar Beg
Islam . By Fazlur Rahman
Faith and Belief . By Wilfred Cantwell Smith
The History of the Sudan from the Coming of Islam to the Present Day. 3rd edition . By P. M. Holt and M. W. Daly
The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur'an: Al-Ghazālī's Theory . By Muhammad Abul Quàsem
Al-Ghazālīon Islamic Guidance . By Muhammad Abul Quasem
The Clouded Lens: Persian Gulf Security and US. Policy . By James H. Noyes  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1993,2(2):163-183
Geschichte der iberischen Halbinsel im Mittelalter, 711–1480. By Ludwig Vones.
The Age of Sutton Hoo : the Seventh Century in North-Western Europe. Edited by M. O. H. Carver.
The Image of Aristocracy in Britain , 1000–1300. By David Crouch
Vie chrétienne et culture dans I'Espagne du VIle au Xe siècles . By Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz.
Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar: Six Essays on Political, Cultural and Ecclesiastical Revival . By David N. Dumville.
Doppelklöster und andere Formen der Symbiose männlicher und weiblicher Religiosen im Mittelalter . Berliner Historische Studien 18. Ordensstudien 8. Edited by K. Elm and M. Parisse.
Die abendländische Freiheit vom 10. zum 14. Jahrhundert. Der Wirkungszu-sammenhang von Idee und Wirklichkeit im europäischen Vergieich , Vorträge und Forschungen des Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelalterliche Geschichte 39. Edited by Johannes Fried.
The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages . By Margaret Gelling.
Venantius Fortunatus: A Latin Poet in Merovingian Gaul . By Judith W. George.
The Kingdom of Northumbria AD 350–1100 . By N. J. Higham.
Rome, Britain and the Anglo-Saxons . By Nicholas Higham.
Anglo-Saxon Women and the Church, sharing a common fate . By Stephanie Hollis
Re-Envisioning Past Musical Cultures: Ethnomusicology in the Study of Gregorian Chant . By Peter Jeffery.
Ottonian Book Illumination: an Historical Study . By Henry Mayr-Harting.
The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel . By G. Ronald Murphy.
The English Church and the Continent in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries: Cultural, Spiritual, and Artistic Exchanges . By Veronica Ortenberg.
St Dunstan. His Life, Times and Cult . Edited by N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, and T. Tatton-Brown.
The City in Late Antiquity . Edited by John Rich
Province and Empire. Brittany and the Carolingians . By Julia M. H. Smith.  相似文献   

Recognizing that post-modernism (broadly defined) has had a significant impact upon contemporary geographical practice, this essay considers the claims of its proponents and seeks to weigh the implications of the postmodernist impulse for the subject as a whole. On balance, recent engagements with the ideas of a broad spectrum of important philosophers and critical theorists are seen to have broadened, enlivened, and in some respects enhanced human geography. The impress upon physical geography has been much less consequential. Yet many post-modernist claims must be met with circumspection. Embraced tout ensemble, they would seem to blinker understanding, limit practical engagement with the world, and imperil the foundations upon which important geographical work has been (and should continue to be) built. In human as well as physical geography, different scales of inquiry favour (even require) different modes of analysis, and a respectful understanding of different scholarly aims and means is essential if Geography is to remain robust well into the new millen nium. Étant donné que le postmodernisme (au sens large) a beaucoup influé sur les pratiques de la géographie contemporaine, cet essai étudie les affirmations de ses partisans et cherche àévaluer les implications du post-modernisme pour la discipline dans sa totalité. En fin de compte, l'utilisation des idées de toute une gamme de philosophes importants et de théoriciens du post-modernisme peut être perçue comme ayant élargi et à certains égards amélioré la géographie humaine. L'impact du postmodernisme sur la géographie physique a été beaucoup moins important. Et pourtant, on doit envisager avec beaucoup de prudence les prétentions des partisans du postmodernisme. Si l'on accepte toutes ces théories dans leur ensemble, on risque de mettre en cause notre compréhension du monde et de nuire aux fondements mêmes sur lesquels la recherche en géographie a été (et continuera àêtre) construite. En géographie humaine aussi bien qu'en géographie physique, l'échelle des recherches entreprises implique (et même nécessite) l'utilisation de différentes méthodes d'analyse. Une compréhension respectueuse des différents objectifs et méthodes des chercheurs en géographie est essentielle, si nous voulons que la géographie en tant que discipline maintienne sa vigueur au-delà du seuil du nouveau millénaire.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic.
Jordan in the 1967 War.
Generals In Politics: Pakistan, 1958–1982.
The Middle East Remembered.
Middle East and Islam; A Bibliographical Introduction Supplement 1977–1983.
Kitāb Tathqīf al-Ta'f bi'l-Mu     tala     al-Sarīf par Taqī al-Dīn 'Abd al-Ra     mān b. Mu     ibb al-Dīn Mu     ammad al-mad al-     alabī appelé Ibn Nāir al-ayš.
Mannerism in Arabic Poetry: A Structural Analysis of Selected Texts (3rd Century A. H./9th Century A. D.5th Century A. H./llth Century A. D.)
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest.
Mysticism and Dissent. Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Inn.
Religious Ecstasy.
Eschatological Themes in the Qu'n.
How to Understand Islam.
Dynamics of Urban Life in Pre-Mughal India.
Agricultural, Industrial and Urban Dynamism under the Sultsas of Delhi 1206–1555.
Islam: Politics and Religion in the Muslim World.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Soils in Canada: Geological, Pedological, and Engineering Studies
Central Europe, A Regional and Human Geography
Maps and Map-Makers
The West Indies Federation: Perspectives on a New Nation
Pràcis de géographie humaine  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article: Al-Quran Rendered into English. By Syed Abdul Latif. The Message of the Qur'an Presented in Perspective. By Hashim Amir-Ali. Ibn Kammn?a's Examination of the Three Faiths: A Thirteenth-Century Essay in the Comparative Study of Religion. Translated from the Arabic, with an Introduction and Notes, by Moshe Perlman. Arab Civilization to A.D. 1500. By D. M. Dunlop. The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings. By William McElwee Miller. Jeunesse, Famille et Développement: Essai sur le changement socio-culturel dans un pays du Tiers Monde (Tunisie). By Carmel Camilleri. Jabal al-Akhdar, Cyrenaica: An Historical Geography of Settlement and Livelihood. By Douglas L. Johnson. Is Western Civilization Universal? By Maryam Jameelah. Syria under the Ba'th, 1963-1966: The Army-Party Symbiosis. By Itamar Rabinovich. Politics and Change in Al-Karak, Jordan. By Peter Gubser. Man, State, and Society in the Contemporary Middle East. Edited by Jacob M. Landau.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. Band XVII A 1: Materialien zur arabischen Literaturgeschichte , Teil 1. By Rudolf Sellheim.
Louis Massignon (1883–1962): Christian Ecumenist, Prophet of Inter-Religious Reconciliation . By Gidio Bassetti-Sani, O. F. M. Edited and translated by Allan Harris
Pluralism and Party Transformation in Lebanon: Al-Kata'ib 1936–1970 . By John P. Entelis.
The Holy War . Edited by Thomas Patrick Murphy
Islam, Tha Religion of Peace . By K. G. Saiyidain
Millenium and Charisma among Pathans . By Akbar S. Ahmad
The Arab Left . By Tareq Y. Ismael
Historical Gazetteer of Iran. Vol. I: Tehran ad Northwestern Iran . Ed. by Ludwig W. Adamec
Historical and Polltical Gazetteer of Afghanistan . Vol. 3: Herst and Northwestern Afghanistan. Ed. by Ludwig W  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Cultural Barrier: Problems in the Exchange of Ideas . By Norman Daniel
The Islamic Pious Foundations in Jerusalem: Origins, History and Usurpation by Israel . By A. L. Tibawi
The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers . By Miguel Asin Palacios, translated by Elmer H. Douglas and Howard W. Yoder
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq . By Hanna Batatu
Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn . By Abū al-Najīb 'Abd al-Qāhir al-Suhrawardī
ŠUŠ'Ī, Šams ad-DĪn aš-. Die Chronik aš-Šuā'īs. Ed. and transl . By Barbara Schäfer.
Deliverance From The Cross . By Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
Al-Ghadir fi 'l-Kitāb wa' l-Sunna wa 'l-Adab . By 'Abd al-husayn Ahmad al-Amnī al-Najafī
A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Volume III: The Family . By S. D. Goitein
An-Nawnwī's Forty hadith . Translated by Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
A Study in Igbal's Philosophy . By Bashir Ahmad Dar
Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yagżān: A Philosophical Tale . Translated, with introduction and notes by Lenn Evan Goodman
Baššār et son expérience courtoise. Les versa à 'Abda: texte arabe, traduction et lexique. By André Roman
The Muslims of British India . By Peter Hardy
Muslim Self-Statement in India and Pakistan, 1857–1968 . Edited by Aziz Ahmad and G. E. von Grunebaum
The Evolution of the Egyptian National Image. From its Origins to Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid . By Charles Wendell
The Making of an Arab Nationalist. Ottomanism and Arabism in the Life and Thought of Sati al-Husri . By William L. Cleveland
Central Asia: Turkmenia Before the Achaemenidr . By V. M. Masson, and V. I. Sarianidi  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Qu'ānic Sufism. By Dr. Mir Valiuddin. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977. Second Revised Edition, vi plus 216 pp. Rs. 45
Sufi Essays. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. New York: Schocken Books, 1977. 184 pp., Index. $3.75. pa.
Al-Qā     ī Abn Yal'ā Ibn al-Farrā', Kitāb al-Mu'amad fī u     ūl al-īn. Par Wadī'     addād. Beyrouth: DS El-Machreq éd., 1974. Coll. "Recherches" No. 8, Nouvelle série, A. Langue arabe et pensée islamologique. Intr. anglaise 28 pp.; Intr. arabe 16 pp.; 4 facsimilés de manuscrits; texte arabe pp. 19–301.
Études d'Islamologie. By Robert Brunschvig. Paris: Éditions G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1976. 2 vols. Vol. I: xv plus 398 pp. 65 F. pa. Vol. II: 406 pp. 65 F. pa.
The Doctrine of Ijmā' in Islam. By Ahmad Hasan. Islamabad, Pakistan: Islamic Research Institute, n. d. vi + 274 pp. Rs. 65.00.
Social Justice in Islam. By H. Mintjes. Amsterdam: Institute for the Study of Religion, Free University, 1977. 92 pp. n. p. paper.
Middle Turkic Glosses of the Rylmds Interlinear Koran Translation. By János Eckmann. Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica XXI. Budapest: Akadémjiaa Kiadó, 1976. 359 pp. $25.00.
The British in India, A Study in Imperialism. By K. K. Aziz. Historical Studies (Muslim India) Series, 1. Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1976. xi plus 389 pp. Appendices, Notes, Bibliography, Index. Rs. 100. US $15.00.
Law Reform in the Muslim World. By Norman Anderson. University of London Legal Series, 11. London: The Athlone Press, 1976. xi plus 235 pp. $13.50.
The Ba'th Party: A History from Its Origins to 1966. By John T. Devlin. Stanford, Calif.: The Hoover Institution Publications, 1976. 372 pp. $11.95.  相似文献   

Agrégation played a key role in the operation of the Université de France of the nineteenth century but is poorly understood in the English-speaking world. Characteristics of the French Université are outlined, and the agrégation competition of 1866 in which Vidal de la Blache participated is described in detail, as further illustration of the early training and intellectual orientation of the future founder of the French school of human geography. Characteristics of the successful candidates in the agrégation examinations are then examined, and possible reasons for the perennial shortage of agrégés teaching in the Université are suggested .
Alors que l'agrégation était une force majeure pour le fonctionnement de l'Université de France au xixmesiècte elte n'est que faiblement comprise au delà du monde français. Dans cet article, j'expose quelques traits principaux de l'Université française et j'explique en détail le concours d'agrégation de 1866, dans lequel Vidal de la Blache a concouru, pour illustrer cette étape importante dans la formation intellectuelle et professionnelle du future fondateur de I'Ecole française de la Géographic humaine. Puts, j'examine les caratéristiques des concurrents reçus à l'agrégation et j'avance quelques raisons possibles pour expliquer le deficit continuel d'agrégés dans les postes enseignants de l'Université, durant le XIXme siècle .  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(1):93-113
Book reviewed in this article:
The Royal Mace in the House of Commons. By Peter Thorne.
The Mental World of the Jacobean Court. Edited by Linda Levy Peck.
Prelate as Pastor. By Kenneth Fincham.
An Uncounselled King. Charles I and the Scottish Troubles, 1637–1641. By Peter Donald.
English Conservatism Since the Restoration: An Introduction and Anthology. By Robert Eccleshall.
Algernon Sidney and the Restoration Crisis, 1677–1683. By Jonathan Scott.
Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar, 1680–1730. By David Lemmings.
Robert Walpole and the Nature of Politics in Early Eighteenth Century England. By Jeremy Black.
'Organise !Organise! Organise!': A Study of Reform Agitations in Wales, 1840–1886. By Ryland Wallace.
Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain, 1850–1930. By Stefan Collini.
A Different World for Women. The Life of Millicent Garret Fawcett. By David Rubinstein.
Lloyd George. By Stephen Constantine.
Herbert Samuel: A Political Life. By Bernard Wasserstein.
Private Members' Bills. By David Marsh and Melvyn Read.  相似文献   

Arabic and Islamic Themes: Historical, Educational and Literary Studies. By A. L. Tibawi.
Kahlil Gibran: His Life and World. By Jean Gibran and Kahlil Gibran.
The Classical Heritage In Islam. By Franz Rosenthal.
Islamic Historiography: The Histories of Mas'ūdi. By Tarif Khalidi.
Islamic History A. D. 600–750 (A. H. 132): A New Interpretation. By M. A. Shaban.
The 'Abbāsid Revolution. By M. A. Shaban.
A History of Islamic Sicily. By Aziz Ahmad.
The Zirids of Granada. By Andrew Handler.
The Arabs and Mediaeval Europe. By Norman Daniel.
A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730. Edited by M. A. Cook.
Gurtaf Raquette and Qasim Akhun's Letters to Kamil Effendi. Ethnological and Folkloristic Materials from Southern Sinkiang. Edited and translated with explanatory notse by Gunner Jarring.  相似文献   

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