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在四川西南省级物风景区——夹江千佛岩物风景区内,座落着一处如诗如画般背景风光的古建筑群,它就是始建于1986年的全国第一家手工造纸博物馆——四川夹江手工造纸博物馆。  相似文献   

21世纪初,中国手工造纸虽然品类仍比较丰富,但分布密度和广泛度已大为萎缩。从已完成传统手工造纸状况田野调查的南方中国来看,许多地区的传统手工造纸生态圈已成为"孤岛",面临着传统技艺无法融入现代人生活和消费需求、造纸技术传承后续无人的困境。传统造纸行业的生态恢复需要融入新的科技力量,积极适应社会审美、消费新需求,并促使设计师人群深度进入传统工艺行业。目前来看,设计师与经典工坊和工匠长期深入的"事业型"合作,是促进传统造纸工艺生态恢复的较好模式。  相似文献   

中国的造纸术的发明,已有2,000年的历史了。那是在汉和帝年间,大约公元2年的事。当时宫廷手工作坊的总管蔡伦,将民间已出现的粗麻纸改造成功,便诞生了可以用于书写的纸。虽然蔡伦不是中国造纸第一人,但他在造纸发展史上的“革命”作用,是不可低估的。2,000年过去了,今天的造纸术,比蔡伦的皇家作坊的工艺和技术不知要先进多少倍!相比之下,汉代皇家造纸法,  相似文献   

郭伟涛  马晓稳 《历史研究》2023,(4):157-176+223-224
综合出土文献,早期“纸”字表示的是丝质物品而非植物纤维纸。因为工艺和外观相似,不便于书写的早期纸张也被称为“纸”。随着纸张的改良和迅速普及,人们为了语义的合理化,创造出“帋”字代替“纸”字表示纸张。不过,“帋”字并未完成历史使命,而“纸”字逐渐被稳定用来表示纸张,其早期含义湮灭不彰。六朝人对“纸”、“帋”两字的交替演变缺乏正确了解,望文生义阐释两字形体,认为早先的“纸”表示丝纸,后出现的“帋”表示植物纤维纸。这一影响深远的误读得以纠正,造纸术起源的探索方有坚实的基础。  相似文献   

造纸术曾作为"使者"将文明撒播到世界各地,是人类历史的重要财富。唐山辖区造纸业历史悠久,分布广泛,但最早出现纸业则应属迁安,迁安有"北方纸乡"之称。随着科技手段的进步等一些原因,传统的造纸工艺正在淡出历史舞台,在全球化的背景下,机制纸进入中国并日益普及,手工纸生产就受到越来越严重的影响。包括古法造纸在内的传统文化正在快速消失,其技术、技艺亟待保护。  相似文献   

郭伟  滕菲 《神州》2020,(5):35-35
蛋雕艺术是我国的非物质文化遗产,蛋雕的技艺手法精巧,表现形式多样,其创作风格与社会生活密切相联,受到人民群众的喜爱,但是蛋雕收益因为各种各样的原因,也同其他非遗艺术品一样面临着传承的危机,但是在现有的基础上许多非遗手工艺术通过自己的创新和努力,已经在市场中找到了一个合适的地位,蛋雕要做的就是去总结出对蛋雕手工工艺的地域特色文化价值、美学价值及经济价值进行再挖掘。更好的去传承与保护这些珍贵的文化遗产,让优秀的传统工艺更好的传承下去.  相似文献   

曾成沪 《中国钱币》2014,(1):54-62,I0005-I0008
正上海造币厂于1920年建厂以来曾历经变迁。自新中国成立后直至2008年成立上海造币有限公司,她始终承担着印制中华人民共和国名片的光荣使命———铸造流通硬币和贵金属纪念币,同时还设计铸造众多各种材质的纪念章等。而在这个特殊的企业里,有一个重要的岗位———手工雕刻(简称手雕)。这一岗位在造币企业里有着举足轻重的作用,不仅承  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的传承特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世代传承是非物质文化遗产最重要的本质属性。非物质文化遗产的传承具有五个方面特点:口传心授的传承方式、生动鲜活的传承形态、文化独特的传承土壤、藏量丰厚的传承领域、与时俱进的传承变异。探究这些特点,可以加深人们对非物质文化遗产及其传承、保护的理解。  相似文献   

山西临县,地处黄土高原腹地、黄河中游地区。手工业从远古一直流传至今,是其支柱产业之一。临县刘王沟村手工麻纸,被称为是黄河岸边的活化石。刘王沟村位于三交古镇东北面5里的黄土山沟里,从国道209线向东走不一会就到了。去年冬天到这里时,村口坐着五六个老年人在晒太阳,问到做纸的事,老年人说做纸的都在后面沟里,现在天太冷,不做了。于是没进村就打道回来了。  相似文献   

中国的造纸技术有着数千年的历史,南漳造纸是我造纸技术的延续,在我国传统造纸史上占有重要地位。为做好南漳造纸技术保护与传承工作,本文介绍了南漳造纸技术工序流程、保护现状、存在问题,并从诸多视角加以分析和探索,并根据当前文物保护特点,探讨新形势下南漳造纸技术的保护措施和对策。  相似文献   

关于海岱地区新石器时代的玉器,此前已有学者从不同角度作过研究.但对于玉料来源及琢玉工艺从未做过专题分析.本文根据考古学以及矿物学的最新研究进展,从考古学文化的分区、文化因素分析、制作工艺等角度进行了尝试分析.  相似文献   

Late Bronze Age Handmade Burnished Ware (HMBW) from Tell Kazel was studied by thin-section petrography and neutron activation analysis in order to investigate its manufacturing technology and origin of production. Results show that the majority of the HMBW fabric groups point to a local area of production while a few petrographic loners might have been produced elsewhere in the Akkar Plain or imported. The manufacturing technique, in terms of clay paste recipe, forming and finishing techniques, is however new in the Tell Kazel pottery assemblage, hinting at the work of foreigners present at the site. The historical and archaeological contexts further suggest that these foreigners were some of the Sea Peoples and the stylistic and analytical data further reinforce the link between the northern Levant and the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   


The characterization of historic mortars by means of a concise methodology of material analyses can provide crucial information with regard to the origin of the raw materials and the ancient mortar technology. For the analysis of the historic mortars of the Coudenberg archaeological site, the methodology consists of optical and scanning electron microscopy, simultaneous thermal analysis, and an acidic treatment. These analyses were carried out on a total of seventeen samples lifted from various areas in the site, in function of the building chronology resulting from a historic built investigation. The type of binder and aggregate as well as their volumetric ratio were determined.

Both binder and aggregate present distinctive features, which made it possible to identify the probable geological provenance of the raw materials. The observations are verified with available historical records regarding the construction of the main banqueting hall — the Aula Magna — and the use of raw materials such as limestone and sand for the production of lime and construction purposes.  相似文献   

本研究应用剖面显微观察和显微红外光谱等分析手段对蒙古国博格达汗宫建筑彩绘的制作材料和工艺特征进行了分析,剖面显微观察显示历次彩绘重彩层次结构;紫外显微剖面观察还发现了彩绘层中施胶的信息。分析结果还显示:博格达汗宫建筑彩绘工艺与中国彩绘传统工艺基本相同。  相似文献   

文化大革命和三线建设时期,技术创新体系再次陷入混乱。但中国赶超世界先进技术的信心和决心依旧。在已有引进技术的基础上,中国的国防尖端技术和其他重大技术取得了一定成就,但整体工业技术的改进或创新趋于停滞。这种技术发展的极端不平衡既是技术创新体系混乱、对外经济技术交流中断、可借以发展为新技术的技术源过于陈旧的结果,也和当时实行的与国家资源状况不相适应的重工业优先发展战略不无关系。  相似文献   

《清季外交史料》由王彦威、王亮父子辑编,该书出版,使晚清外交的官方档案文献得以合成完璧。其成书,耗时近半个世纪,王氏父子做出了巨大的努力和贡献。其内容主要为光绪、宣统两朝各种外交事件,另涉及相关的重要内政。其中尤为重视约章,扣住晚清外交最重要环节,反映了中外条约关系的变化和时代需要。所辑文件为官方档籍,不仅对当时外交起了资鉴作用,且对研究晚清中外关系史具有极高的文献史料价值。编纂体例上,既承袭了传统体裁,又有新创,增加了新的表述形式。作为一部史料汇编,该书亦有时代的局限,存在种种不足和不当之处。  相似文献   

郑和下西洋葡萄牙史料之分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本以葡萄牙史料为基础,对英国业余历史学家孟席斯(Gavin Menzies)新近出版的《1421年——中国发现世界》(1421-Tht Year China Discovered The World)一书中所引用的葡萄牙史料进行了有广泛献支持的系统剖析和点评,澄清了一些基本史实,论证孟席斯关于郑和早于哥伦布发现美洲的说法是不正确的。作建议以后的郑和研究应注重史料的发掘,包括对郑和船队经访的亚、非地区和欧洲的史料进行发掘。  相似文献   


Archaeological sites are essentially submitted to decay phenomena inherent on their history as well as the environment to which they are exposed after excavation. The history of such archaeological sites is particularly related to their long-term underground conservation conditions during which they were subject to salt migration into the architectural remains.

It is well known that soluble salts present in building materials can cause damage, mainly by producing stresses in the substrate. A lot of research has been done in the past concerning the behaviour of salts in built constructions. However, most studies include single salts, of which the deliquescence points are well documented, while in situ one mostly finds complex salt mixtures, which makes the conservation strategy much more intricate.

The environmental conditions to minimize damage of salt-laden porous building materials can be modelled using a computer program ECOS capable of predicting the crystallization behaviour of salt mixtures. To use the model data of quantitative salt analyses are required as input. The program is then able to predict from a thermodynamic point of view which minerals will exist in the solid state under specified climatic conditions.

This paper deals with the results of a systematic investigation of the salt contamination of the building materials of the Coudenberg site and a prediction of the behaviour of the salt mixture related to the actual climate, as part of the environmental assessment.  相似文献   

20世纪 5 0年代 ,经过中国史学会精心组织 ,由一批第一流学者分别担任主编 ,1 0年之中编辑出版了《中国近代史资料丛刊》 1 0种 ,62册 ,共计 3 0 0 0余万字。它是在马克思主义观点指导下对近代史资料的一次大规模的科学整理 ,为近代史研究提供了最基本和最有价值的史料 ,成就巨大 ,影响深远 ,因而堪称是新中国历史科学的盛举。  相似文献   

How did the Arctic seabed become a political space despite its almost complete inaccessibility to humans? While we can explain the causes of this in geopolitical and economic terms, theorizing the process is more difficult. This article argues that spatial constructions of the Arctic seabed emerge from the interaction among human actors, technologies, and the material environment. This interaction generates representations which are then fed into the overall process of spatializing the seabed. By highlighting the role of technology, this paper offers a way of relating human agency and materiality in the construction of oceanic space. The case study of bathymetry in the ongoing disputes over the Arctic continental shelf illustrates how technological and scientific advancements are embedded into global politics and themselves cause evolutions in the spatial construction of the seabed.  相似文献   

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