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"太一"是先秦已有的祭祀神,在汉武帝时期太一神的地位得到提升,被奉为最尊神,分析其原因有三:1、大一统的政治需要;2、统治者追求长生的目的;3、方士的鼓吹及楚民族的文化心理影响.同时在研究汉代太一神祭祀的兴衰中发现,汉代没有一个系统的神学理论指导汉代的宗教活动.  相似文献   

徐琳 《中原文物》2008,1(1):49-54
本文通过对河北东汉中山王刘畅墓出土的玉座屏进行考察,结合文献和考古材料反映的汉代社会思想背景,认为其上屏描绘的人物形象为西王母,而下屏主题人物根据出现的时代有三种可能。它体现了汉代人们对生命不死的追求,是汉代神仙长生思想的集中反映。  相似文献   

木木 《南方人物周刊》2013,(20):103-103
战国时期,燕国东边和齐国北边是渤海,烟涛微茫,变化莫测。大家以为渤海中有蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲三座神山,动物都是白色的,用黄金白银建造宫殿,中有逍遥长生的仙人,炼制不死之药。此时,神仙有宋毋忌、正伯乔、充尚、羡门高4位,修仙者只追求个人解脱,并不济世救人。  相似文献   

山东青岛崂山在海边拔地崛起,绕崂山的海岸线长达87公里,沿海大小岛屿18个,构成了崂山的海上奇观。当你漫步在崂山的青石板小路上,一边是碧海连天,惊涛拍岸;另一边是青松怪石,郁郁葱葱,你会感到心胸开阔,气舒神爽。古时有人称崂山是"神仙之宅,灵异之府"。传说秦始皇、汉武帝都曾来此求仙,这些活动,给崂山涂上一层神秘的色彩。  相似文献   

张永圣 《黑龙江史志》2013,(17):143-143
邹衍的阴阳五行说与大小九州说为方仙道文化提供了理论上的支持,加上秦始皇与汉武帝等统治者对神仙之说的信奉,使得齐人形成一种好言神仙而尚方术的社会风尚。  相似文献   

武冠宇 《沧桑》2012,(3):22-24
郊祀是中国古代祭祀制度的核心,从上古三代、秦汉魏晋南北朝至隋唐元明清,郊祀制度经历了萌芽、发展、成熟的过程。汉武帝时期的郊祀制度是这一历史进程的开端。其祭祀主要是在神仙说、阴阳五行学说和儒家学说的倡导下逐步建立和完善的。主要的郊祀活动有八次,包括对泰一神、五帝以及山川、日、月诸神的祭祀。通过这一系列的郊祀活动,汉武帝时期郊祀制度的建设也初步完成。  相似文献   

曹雪芹在创作《红楼梦》的过程中吸收了丰富的神仙思想及其象征性元素,并对之进行了想象性和艺术性的再创造,拓展和深化了神仙思想的审美尺度和思想内涵.曹雪芹借仙山、乐园和游仙等神仙思想及其信仰的各种文化因子,建构了全书整体的叙事框架和结构模式,形成了独特的情感氛围和价值取向.在对待神仙思想的态度上,曹雪芹既批判了神仙思想中虚幻、荒诞和偏颇的成分,也对神仙思想所倡导的独立自由的精神世界充满向往,成为其塑造环境和人物形象的内在动力.《红楼梦》既赋予神仙思想以审美色彩,同时也提升了自身的艺术价值.曹雪芹吸收神仙思想中的积极因素进行创作与民族文化心理有关.  相似文献   

博山炉是出现于西汉武帝时期的新器物,它是丝绸之路开通后,受到中国文化和西域文化双重影响下的产物,最初是神仙崇拜的道具,后来转化为佛教用具并传至朝鲜半岛,并在继承中国文化的基础上有所发扬。  相似文献   

今日之东方朔的形象,多是以插科打诨角色面世,但在汉代史家眼里,东方朔是一个矛盾人物,他的言辞虽不能打动汉武帝,但他却能被汉武帝接受,是一个庄中有谐的近臣、名士。这个形象在魏晋时期发生了变化。受魏晋文艺思潮裹挟,东方朔的名士风度和其夸饰的性格,被当时文人有意放大,同时东方朔神怪的形象又遭到民间热捧,其本体形象渐渐膨胀变形,最终被涂抹成一个超凡脱俗、飘飘凌云上的神仙异人。这种变形表面看似神化,实是世俗化。在传播、定型过程中,东方朔已非历史本体,他已成为一种符号象征,被各色人等进行改造,以期寻求心理呼应,安顿自己或无奈、或好奇、或攀附、或知己的心。  相似文献   

赵刚 《丝绸之路》2013,(16):15-17
汉武帝是我国古代一位伟大的政治家。他在政治、经济、军事、思想文化等方面采取措施,促使西汉社会繁荣发展,对后世影响深远。然而这位千古大帝晚年却沉迷于神仙方术,同样对西汉社会各层面产生了深远影响。从汉武帝精神世界入手,通过梳理"泰山封禅"、"亲寻蓬莱"、"服食仙丹"等求仙道路,可以探究其思想渊源以及求仙举动对社会产生的种种影响。  相似文献   

谁是鲁国的始封之君 ,周公旦抑或其子伯禽 ?自古至今聚讼未决。今天的学者多主“伯禽封鲁”说 ,其主要依据为《鲁颂·宫》与《左传》定公四年所载的两条材料 ,但这两条材料明显有可疑之处。“伯禽封鲁”说之所以影响大 ,盖由崔述的鼓荡所致 ,然而崔氏的考证远非一贯正确。《左传》僖公二十四年说“鲁”是“文之昭”,这是一条铁证 ,证明了周公旦是鲁国的始封之君。历史上 ,周公旦曾两次封于鲁。但由于他是武王、成王两代人的助手 ,所以两次受封均不曾就国 ,而是由其长子伯禽代就封 ,故有“伯禽封鲁”说  相似文献   

西汉名臣汲黯卒年考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于西汉武帝时名臣汲黯的卒年,现今一些重要的工具书大多认为是公元前112年,即汉武帝元鼎五年。也有少数认为是公元前122年,即汉武帝元狩元年。本文考证,上述二说不确,汲黯当卒于公元前109年,即汉武帝元封二年。  相似文献   

汉武帝初置刺史部十三州辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪清 《史学月刊》2000,(3):24-29
汉武帝元封五年设立的刺史制度,传统中的观点大多认为按“州”或“州部”派遣刺史,以致出现了许多无法解释的疑难问题。其实,“州”、“部”是两个不同的概念,武帝是将全国除京畿以外的所有郡国划分为十三个监察区域,叫做”部”,武帝应是设立十三刺史部,其中包括有朔方刺史部,但不存在所谓”朔方州”。  相似文献   

《史记》中的董仲舒不过是专治《春秋》的纯儒,而这一认识在《汉书》中发生了变化。我们看到在武帝朝并未被过于重视的《春秋》纯儒董仲舒,随着汉代政治形势及学术倾向的变化,至元帝时地位已经远远高于武帝时期。至刘向时董仲舒始被鼓吹为对武帝朝政治有重大影响的儒宗。班固接受了刘向的说法,并为使得董仲舒符合两汉的儒宗标准而刻意通过种种手段提高了他在武帝朝的政治参与度,于是董仲舒从《史记》的纯儒一变而为《汉书》中"于世有益"的儒宗。  相似文献   

从《吏民田家莂》看汉代田税的征收方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简牍表明,孙吴把国有土地按质量分为“熟田”、“旱田”两类租给农民,征收不同标准的田租,其“熟田”、“旱田”的数额是人为地“定”出来的而非依据土地质量的自然状况而统计出来的数量;东汉自章帝以后把土地“差为三品”而税之,吴简的问世,间接地证明了东汉土地分为三等之后是分别征以不同数额的田税;孙吴的“熟田”、“旱田”之分是东汉田分三等的发展,尽管租、税性质不同,但方式一致。  相似文献   

Godwin's controversial claim for earthly immortality in the first edition of Political Justice has been largely dismissed by scholars as a flaw in his philosophy or as absurd speculation which Godwin cannily omitted from the later editions of the text. In this paper, I will demonstrate, not only that such claims were not nearly as idiosyncratic or eccentric as they have been presented, but that they constitute an intrinsic part of his overall philosophy regarding perfectibility and human progress. Moreover, by examining the revisions made to Political Justice in the second and third editions, it will be possible to prove that the essence of his argument regarding material immortality was not as radically altered as is widely accepted. I will further show how the population controversy of the 18th century forced Godwin to apply his perfectibilist theory to contemporary demographic challenges and how he defended his concept of immortality from both the principle of population and, more particularly, Malthusian philosophy.  相似文献   

秦汉政治史观的演变历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦汉时期共有三种主要的政治史观:以五行相胜原则运转的五德终始说、以五行相生原则运转的汉为尧后说,以及董仲舒所创三统说。秦到汉武帝时,五行相胜的五德终始说占政治史观的主流,汉昭帝以后则被五行相生的政治史观代替,董仲舒创立的三统说在汉武帝时形成,此后便和五行相生政治史观平行发展。这三种政治史观都与阴阳五行有密切关联,并对秦汉乃至以后两千余年封建社会产生深远影响。  相似文献   


The campaign of Alexios Philanthropenos in Asia Minor, and his subsequent rebellion and punishment were among the most dramatic events in the Byzantine Empire in the 1290S. When first he assumed the responsibilities of a general and doux of the Thrakesion theme, Alexios was the great hope of the Emperor, Andronikos II, and of the population of Asia Minor. With his army, the general soon achieved spectacular victories in the Maeander valley. The Turks of the area were defeated, the Greek population took heart, deserted cities and villages were repopulated; he was able to send back to Constantinople the spoils of war, gold and silver and corn, and many captives. Large numbers of Turks, pressed on the other side by the Mongols, preferred to join Philanthropenos' army, and came to form a substantial part of it. To his own followers he gave a considerable portion of the spoils, and this too spurred them on to greater victories. The local population, having at last found a defender, joined him and gave him their loyalty. At Constantinople, the Emperor and Philanthropenos' friends rejoiced at the success of the young and brilliant general.  相似文献   

In his youth, he worked for sixteen years in northern Tibet where he put his heart and soul into this snow-covered plateau. According to his friends, it is impossible to give a complete portrayal of his life with limited words. He is Wu Yuchu, head of the Yok Museum of Tibet. Mr. Wu is known as"Mr. Yak", a mon in his 60s working tirelessly for the preservation and promotion of yak culture.In 2017, Mr. Wu agreed to start writing a column called"Colorful Choracters of Tibet"about real Tibetan people he knew over the years on China'sTibet magozine. We will select some of the bestpieces to share with our readers.  相似文献   

Hobbes anticipates many important features of liberalism, including rights, the sovereign state, social contract and constitutionalism. Yet in his insistence that the sovereign will have final authority in matters of faith he appears to repudiate what we have come to consider the core liberal assumptions regarding separation of church and state. In this article, I argue that Hobbes takes this approach because of the political challenge posed by immortality (the promise of eternal rewards and the threat of eternal torment and damnation after death). Hobbes regards immortality as one of the most important factors that transform a religion from a means to strengthen the sovereign's authority, a “humane politiques,” to a “Divine politiques,” where others come to exercise countervailing claims on subjects' loyalty. Because immortality presents such a profound challenge to Hobbes' political remedy founded on the judicious use of fear, he adopts a twofold strategy to moderate its political influence. The first is a redefinition of who shall speak and what shall be said about immortality. The second strategy is to elevate the demands of this-world, by promising an eternal peace that will ensure a commodious life.  相似文献   

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