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他们是泰山上最平凡的一群人,却也是泰山最伟大的守望者.作为世界自然和文化双遗产的泰山,因为他们的点滴守护,得以保存和延续.他们是泰山护林员,而老陈就是他们中的一员.  相似文献   

实践不仅为我们提供了所需要的物质财富,还为我们提供了文化创造的事实材料。事实作为唯一确定不变而又不受时空制约的客观实在,自然成了我们科学研究与信仰的对象。这种坚不可摧而又无影无形的"对象"是通过指号让人认识、积累和传播的,而指号就是文化的载体。人们借助指号对事实的感知和领悟,就是所有文化现象的共同本质。文化源自事实和指号不受时空制约而又确实可知的特性让教育有了意义。教育与实践的良性互动正是繁荣发展科学文化的基本路径。  相似文献   

看了不少攻略,99%建议在贺州西站坐汽车去黄姚.而事实是出了贺州站,我们一行3人打的去了黄姚. 我们仨的房子 感觉古镇最不缺的就是客栈和吃东西的地方,黄姚也不例外.这里,几乎能找到所有你心里古镇的客栈梦.一家家客栈古朴而温柔,每日邂逅不同的旅人,凝结着每一次遇见时的欣喜,在自己的一方天地里,陈酿着自己的味道.  相似文献   

有这样一个学说:三千世界,所有时间、所有空间并行不悖地存在着,几乎是永存——深奥而难于想象。然而好的回忆竞可以说服我们须臾得见,那些并存于世的所有时间和空间。  相似文献   

上世纪60年代我刚开始看足球赛时,一切都那么简单明了.英格兰队刚刚夺得了1966年的世界杯,因此毋庸置疑是世界上最好的球队——这 是事实,句号,斩钉截铁.然后一切都不对劲了,而且没完没了.首先,我长大成人,对“国家归属感”的含义心生疑窦;而此时的英格兰足球队呢,已经没救了(但凡他们的表现稍有可取之处,我恐怕也不至于因为爱国问题而如此矛盾.)1974年和1978年的世界杯,英格兰队连决赛圈都没进去;我们在上世纪60年代有幸拥有的那些世界一流球员已经成为历史,到了80年代,整个关于爱国和足球的问题变得愈发扑朔迷离.  相似文献   

中华民族是世界上最古老最优秀的民族之一,这已是不争的事实。这—结论的形成并目获得全世界的共识,是由于我们的祖先为我们创造并留下了大量的遗迹遗物。这些全人类宝贵财富的发现,保护研究、传承是我们及后辈光荣而艰巨的任务。从国宝群鹿纹陶壶的发现、修复、研究工作中便可见一斑。  相似文献   

阿罗科咖啡焙制(北京)有限公司是一家小型的美国独资企业,成立于1994年10月,是由三个杰出的异国青年创办的。我们的目标是要成为世界上最好的咖啡公司之一,今天我们仍正确的朝着这个目标出发。我们相信一个事实,只有好的咖啡才能带来好的生意。因此我们致力于把阿罗科咖啡焙制公司的名字变成最佳品质的标志,我们同时也是美国特殊咖啡协会的会员。  相似文献   

展辰 《旅游纵览》2013,(9):44-48
1玫瑰城 作为世界新七大奇迹之一,红玫古城佩特拉用其沁入人心的美震撼着世人,佩特拉在希腊语中是“石头”的意思,又因周围的岩石基色为粉红色,在朝霞和夕阳的映照下尤其迷人,世人又称它为“玫瑰城”. 2故事的曲线就像被风吹过的波纹一般立体,也许纳巴泰人想谨守红玫古城的秘密,担心外面世界的纷扰会干预他们的悠闲生活,他们紧紧地守护着佩特拉的一切.而化石上的神奇花纹似乎在向人们讲述着两千多年前有关历史的故事.  相似文献   

紫漫 《风景名胜》2016,(10):96-101
“在这薄情的世界上深情地活着”,不仅仅只有梵高,但愿还有我们.梵高说过:终有一天,死神会把我们带往另一个星球. 梵高之于美术,就像肖邦之于浪漫乐派,贝多芬之于古典音乐,那绝对是殿堂级的.可以毫不夸张的说,几乎每个美术生心中都有一个属于自己的梵高情节.这种略带清高傲娇的情节,是内心为数不多的一块净土,是刻进骨子里,与艺术与生俱来的.而我对阿姆斯特丹的所有印象,都来自于电影《雏菊》.缤纷的  相似文献   

一朵 《名人传记》2022,(7):64-65
汉斯·罗斯林,理性思考永远是困难的,尤其当我们恐惧的时候。当我们的思想被恐惧填满的时候,我们的大脑就没有空间来思索事实了。——汉斯·罗斯林詹天佑提起中国人自行设计修建的第一条铁路,很多人都会想到是1909年由詹天佑主持修建的京张铁路。但实际上,在这之前.  相似文献   

This paper speculates on three issues about the relationship between women and water, focusing on the context of South Australia, a particularly dry part of the world. First, it is suggested that gender affects our connections to environmental resources, in this instance to water. Second, it is noted that currently unexamined archival material exists for the South Australian situation and that the analysis of this material may shed light on the relationship between gender and environmental resources. Third, it is possible to argue that the conflation of nature and the feminine through such things as tropic devices in language results in both being constituted largely as corporeal, as bodies requiring management. Such a possibility suggests that a body politics exists in environmental studies and related disciplines that requires further theoretical work.  相似文献   

The varied and distinct ways we connect can facilitate or impose isolation, our own or someone else's. Different forms of isolation are themselves interconnected and sometimes enrich our connecting. The relation between isolation and connection, we argue, is one of complementarity, like Calvino's ‘two inseparable and complementary functions of life …syntony, or participation in the world around us … [and] focalization or constructive concentration.’ Solitude sought can enhance connections. Imposed isolation weakens connections in ways both obvious and subtle. This contrast between sought and imposed underscores the influence of hierarchy and socially produced inequities, excesses of which fragment the social ties that could constrain or diminish these same inequities. Deep inequity degrades the quality of both connections and isolation, at significant costs to our health, ecology, economy, cultural diversity, and political vitality. From this vantage point, we cull ways to improve our syntony and our focalization, fulfilling by expressing those shared egalitarian moral sentiments that motivate connections of solidarity partly in the interest of being “left alone”.  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years museums have become important sites to understand the politics and poetics of heritage management, display, and knowledge production. The books under consideration here all help demonstrate how museums as relational entities—containing dynamic relations between persons and things, as well as generating them—are emergent processes. Each work helps demonstrate why museums in their many guises remain critical terrains for the negotiation of identity, history, and culture in the push for more collaborative accounts of our world and the circulation and display of things.  相似文献   

The present reflection seeks to establish the chronotope as an operating unit in the act of reading inasmuch as it strives to reconstruct the coherence of the novel's universe and to uncover the essence of things. Of the equal value is the Bakhtinian principle of dialogism, which proves propitious in rendering explicit the connections between different chronotopical units.  相似文献   


If we consider the context in which certain works of art were produced, as well as the world view of the artists themselves, we should be able to make some connections between the history of science and the history of art. We can do this partly because we have access to reproductions of pictures in all media made before photography and can make comparisons between them. Yet these same techniques for the multiplication of images flood our own daily horizons with pictures taken from their original context and often trivialised. Photography has so conditioned our way of looking at pictures that a considerable corrective effort is needed to bridge the psychological distance between our own mentality and that of the past.  相似文献   

侨务领域的拨乱反正是"文化大革命"结束后全面拨乱反正中的重要一环。侨务领域的拨乱反正首先从批驳"海外关系复杂论"入手,对"海外关系"重新作出肯定评价,并恢复重建了在"文化大革命"中遭到破坏的侨务机构以及建国初正确的侨务方针政策,继而侨务领域从平反冤、假、错案,落实保障归侨、侨眷合法权益,落实归侨、侨眷知识分子政策,以及落实侨汇政策等方面进行了全面的拨乱反正。侨务领域的拨乱反正为开创新时期侨务工作的新局面作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Scott Kirsch  Don Mitchell 《对极》2004,36(4):687-705
This article is about the question of social agency in the animation of things , and about how this problematic has been conceptualized in Marxist and Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approaches to human–nature–technology relations. Notwithstanding many obvious differences, we note that each tradition was founded on a radical shift to a relational ontology, a world of relations and processes and not things-in-themselves, and that each has developed, partly as a consequence of this move, analytically useful ways of investigating and talking about the work that things do, or appear to do, in the world. By relating the ANT category of non-human actors to the Marxist concept of dead labor, and by revisiting Marx's own dialectics of technology as embodied in his figure of the "living machine" in Capital , we explore the different implications of these approaches for our understandings of the nature, materiality, and the efficacy of social agents. We argue that ANT's reconfiguration of agency as a collective social and technical process—a process wherein the "nonhuman" can have very real social effects—can be deepened and given some political efficacy only if we take seriously the ontological problems of causality, accountability, and the directedness of social relations (and things) which ANT, and its wider, still evolving ethos among the social sciences and cultural studies, would have us forestall.  相似文献   

世界城市体系研究的定量化趋势及其方法演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,世界城市体系研究受到越来越多的关注,研究内容由早期的案例研究、基于属性的世界城市排名,发展为对世界城市体系结构的定量化分析。这些变化是与城市间关系数据的日益丰富分不开的,数据的丰富也带动了世界城市体系研究方法的日益丰富与完善。本文首先回顾了世界城市体系研究的定量化发展过程,在此基础上对世界城市体系定量分析方法的演化:由社会网络分析到链锁网络模型的发展以及两种方法的讨论和完善进行了梳理,并对两种方法的异同进行了对比。最后结合中国国内相关领域的研究现状,对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   


Responding to calls for scholars to address ‘material worlds’ in our analyses of protests past, the paper examines the more-than-human historical geographies of enclosure and enclosure protest in sixteenth-century England. It argues that negotiating enclosure – in the sense of both promoting and resisting private property rights – was dependent on particular assemblages of people, animals and things and their convergence within specific spaces and temporalities. Particular attention is paid to mundane and everyday objects entangled in enclosure protest and the ways these assemblages might transform objects’ meanings, rendering them threatening or disobedient. Moreover, repurposing these things offered opportunities to re-make space, concretising or resisting particular claims to access or possession at the local level. It contributed too to the ongoing debate out of which new concepts of property eventually emerged, so that interrogating the materialities of enclosure protest offers vital space in which to rethink the makings of our modern world.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2000,19(1):5-32
This is largely an empirical paper which uses a unique set of office geography data to describe inter-city relations across the world. After identifying a set of 55 world cities, these patterns are related to states in a preliminary analyses of city–state connections. Particular emphasis is placed upon identifying trans-state processes and regional city hierarchies. This empirical reporting is sandwiched between a theoretical and practical introduction and conclusion. Using Braudel's conceptualization of capitalism as a world of monopolies, world city formation is introduced as a particular geographical knowledge nexus for creating new monopoly products. In the concluding section, the future of globalization is linked to the possibilities for world city network knowledge monopolies.  相似文献   

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