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For a number of years the use of ninth-century polyptyques as sources for demographic information has been rightly criticised, and their very usefulness for this purpose has been called into question. Nevertheless, the results of efforts to base population estimates on these polyptyques, particularly those of F. Lot for Saint-Germain des Prés, and of H. van Werveke for St Bertin's, have been generally accepted, though reluctantly and with serious reservations, in the absence of anything better. This article attempts to provide something better for St Bertin's by isolating the components both of the population and of the land so that they can be subjected to rigorous statistical measurement and analysis. By doing this, shortcomings of past efforts are avoided and valid criticisms of those efforts (it is hoped) met. Much of this analysis has been made possible by the careful preparatory work of the late Professor Ganshof and his associates as embodied in the Commentaire to their recent edition of the polyptyque. The result of this analysis is to reduce by some 40 percent the average population density found by Van Werveke. In the process of making the calculations, some unexpected light is shed on the distribution in space of large numbers of people subject to the protection of the lord abbey of St Bertin.  相似文献   


Glass trade beads are described here from two seventeenth-century sites located in the upper Illinois Valley, La Salle's 1682–1691 Fort St. Louis and the nearby Grand Village of the Kaskaskia, destroyed during an Iroquois raid in 1680. Simple monochrome drawn beads characterize both bead assemblages and each contains significant percentages of very small (<2 mm) and small (2–4 mm) size beads. Dominant colors are blue, white, and black. Turquoise-blue beads were a staple of the French trade at this time in the Illinois Country, particularly in transactions involving La Salle and his successors based at Fort St. Louis. Comparative treatment provided as part of this research indicates that there are significant similarities between the bead assemblage from Fort St. Louis and the beads recovered from the 1686 wreck of La Salle's ship Belle in Matagorda Bay off the Texas coast.  相似文献   

正侗族(侗语作Gaeml)是中国的一个少数民族。居住区主要在贵州、湖南和广西壮族自治区的交界处,湖北恩施也有部分的侗族。侗族的名称来自"溪洞",这是当地人传统的行政单位,今天当地还有许多地名叫"洞"。中华人民共和国成立后将这些地方的居民统称为侗族。黔东南侗寨流传至今的文化瑰宝侗族喜欢依山傍水落寨,寨前有溪流,寨边有古树,寨后有青山。侗族人  相似文献   

<正>侗族(侗语作Gaeml)是中国的一个少数民族。居住区主要在贵州、湖南和广西壮族自治区的交界处,湖北恩施也有部分的侗族。侗族的名称来自"溪洞",这是当地人传统的行政单位,今天当地还有许多地名叫"洞"。中华人民共和国成立后将这些地方的居民统称为侗族。黔东南侗寨流传至今的文化瑰宝侗族喜欢依山傍水落寨,寨前有溪流,寨边有古树,寨后有青山。侗族人  相似文献   

It is still uncertain whether earlier Waldhufen row settlements with single strip farms in the west of Germany served as models for this type of village, so widely diffused in east central Europe from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. In the Odenwald hills Waldhufen settlements were introduced as early as the late eighth century when the imperial monastery of Lorsch started to colonize a royal forest donated by Charlemagne. At first the abbey founded a small Waldhufe for dependent peasants of the manorial villicatio system, but later an enlarged version of strip farms incorporating large portions of forest—the classical Waldhufe—was developed by economically more independent farmers. Also a systematic network of central places in the form of villicatio centres and castle settlements was established within the colonization area. From the Lorsch colonies the diffusion of the Waldhufen settlement model can be traced to the neighbouring Spessart and to the distant Black Forest through personal contacts of territorial lords with Lorsch. Similar connections to one of the leading colonists in the Frankenwald may have brought the idea even to the east central European Waldhufen region in the early twelfth century.  相似文献   

魏晓霰 《民俗研究》2007,(2):121-128
黄巢村位于济南市与泰安市交界处、长城岭北麓,是济南市历城区柳埠镇最偏僻的小山村,距区政府驻地洪家楼55公里、镇政府15公里,海拔在450到837米之间。村中的耕地很少,土地贫瘠,村民们以果木林业为主要收入。在村里访谈时,村民们总是说:"俺们没文化,不懂啥艺术。"但是,在他们的生活中,我们却发现了很多具有浓厚地方民俗色彩的艺术元素,村民用朴实的生活智慧使他们的生活充  相似文献   

The historical and archaeological sources from the Viking period which concern the city of Smolensk and the large cemetery at Gnyozdovo by the river Dnieper are discussed.

The author examines the most important find groups and grave types and asserts that extremely few specific Scandinavian traits are to be found.

His conclusion is that Smolensk was founded by the Slavs before the Gnyozdovo cemetery was established. The fact that only a few Scandinavian graves are known from the tenth century and none from the ninth and eleventh must mean that only small groups of Scandinavians had settled in the Smolensk area and these were rapidly assimilated with the Slav groups.  相似文献   

湖山行政村位于南京麒麟门以东、宁杭公路以北。1937年12月6日,日军侵占湖山村,对无辜村民烧杀抢掠,犯下累累罪行。2003年夏,作率南京农业大学土地管理学院学生对侵华日军湖山村暴行调查取证,取得一组证词,兹特公布于后,供研究参考。  相似文献   

社会资本是建立在人们之间的关系网络基础上的情感、信任与规范等,它能够通过推动人们之间的行动来提高共同体的工作效率。本文运用社会资本理论,分析企业应该怎样利用社会资本来开拓农村市场。农村市场有不同于城市市场的特点不能把城市中的营销手段简单地移植到农村市场。企业开拓农村市场要做到:与农村社团建立好关系;企业文化要与农村文化融合起来;与农村的联系要制度化。  相似文献   

Irecently paid a visit to Tari Village in Renbo County of Xigaze. I went there for two purposes: to attend the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and to persuade Puncog‘s father to allow him to get married in Lhasa.  相似文献   

The ideal of sanctity presented in Sulpicius Severus' Vita Martini included a repudiation of military life. Sulpicius was concerned to show that Martin was a true ‘man of power’ (potens), but this had nothing to do with the army. On the contrary, in Sulpicius' day, the potens was, in the political sphere, a decidedly civilian patron; in the religious sphere he was a miracle-worker. Six hundred years later the attributes of power were no longer the same. Social and political changes had worked to transform the ‘man of power’ into a warrior. The old ideal remained, however; its reactionary effects were evident in several Cluniac texts, where exemplary men were shown leaving the tumult of the battlefield for the discipline of the monastery. Yet within that same tenth-century Clumiac milieu an entirely different pattern of sointhood, that of the holy warrior, was created by St Odo, the second abbot of Cluny. It was a model quite unprecedented in the West, but it was not created new out of whole cloth. Rather, this new persona was patterned on the same old form. Its explanation seems to lay precisely in Odo's literal adherence to the old paradigm, but understood in the light of the changes which had taken place in the role of the potens.  相似文献   

Low-lying houses, dirt paths, stinking ditches, a litter-strewn environment, poor school conditions, and poorly equipped clinics-these are problems still plaguing many parts of the rural areas today.Generally speaking, living conditions in rural areas in the autonomous region can only be termed as nasty. In some villages, many houses have no space for bicycles in front. Some of the farmers' houses have their door facing the toilets of the house in front.  相似文献   

Miles or knight referred in twelfth-century Salzburg to a servile retainer of a ministerial or noble. In the thirteenth century the knights coalesced with the lesser ministerials, who were the vassals of the great ministerial lineages, to form the estate of knights, the lowest strata of the Salzburg nobility. The Thurns are an example of lesser ministerials who belonged to the estate of knights and who rose to prominence in the thirteenth century by serving the archbishops of Salzburg. The founder of the lineage's fortunes was Werner I of Lengfelden (1230–1268), the master of the archbishop's kitchen, who built St Jakob am Thurn, south of Salzburg. The distinguishing characteristic of the lineage was its devotion to the Apostle James, a saint associated with knighthood. The Thurns adopted Jakob as their leading name, built the church of St James next to their tower, St Jakob am Thurn, and the church of St James in Faistenau, and were buried in the chapel of St James in Salzburg, which they endowed.  相似文献   

成都市商业街墓葬的问题   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
成都市商业街独木棺与船棺葬是近年的一个重要考古发现,现已公布为全国重点物保护单位。本对这次考古发现出土的葬具和器物作了深入考证和探析,对墓葬的年代和化内涵提出了一些独到的见解。  相似文献   

The misunderstanding of vices superbae at Carm. 1. 28. 32 has led to complicated interpretations. This article takes superbae as an interesting instance of enallage adiectivi (approximately?=?poena superbiae tuae). - At Carm. 3. 14. 11 the author discusses nominatis/ ominatis vs. Bentley's conjecture inominatis (adopted by Shackleton Bailey) which he is decidedly in favour of.  相似文献   

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