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《History and theory》2010,49(1):153-156
Books reviewed in this issue.
R. G. C ollingwood : T he P hilosophy of E nchantment : S tudies in the F olktale , C ultural C riticism, and A nthropology . Edited by David Boucher, Wendy James, and Philip Smallwood.
T he M odern H istoriography R eader : W estern S ources . Edited by Adam Budd.
T he C ultural T urn in U.S. H istory : P ast , P resent, and F uture . Edited by James W. Cook, Lawrence B. Glickman, and Michael O'Malley.
L iterary H istoricity : L iterature and H istorical E xperience in E ighteenth -C entury B ritain . By Ruth Mack.
H istory , H istorians, and A utobiography . By Jeremy D. Popkin.
R icoeur el ' esperienza storica : L' ermeneutica filosofica nella tradizione delle A nnales . By Luca M. Possati.
R ecent T hemes on H istorians and the P ublic : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.
R ecent T hemes in W orld H istory and the H istory of the W est : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2009,48(3):295-298
Book reviewed in this issue.
D isciplining the H olocaust . By Karyn Ball.
T he S ymbolic C ontruction of R eality : T he L egacy of E rnst C assirer . Edited by Jeffrey Barash.
N arrating the N ation : R epresentations in H istory , M edia and the A rts . Edited by Stefan Berger, Linas Eriksonas, and Andrew Mycock.
T he C ontested N ation : E thnicity , C lass , R eligion and G ender in N ational H istories . Edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz.
W riting the H istory of the M ind : P hilosophy and S cience in F rance , 1900 to 1960 s . By Cristina Chimisso.
N eue Z ugänge zur G eschichte der G eschichtswissenschaft . Edited by Jan Eckel and Thomas Etzemüller.
T hucydides and the P hilosophical O rigins of H istory . By Darien Shanske.
S ensing the P ast : S eeing , H earing , S melling , T asting, and T ouching in H istory . By Mark M. Smith.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(3):477-482
Book reviewed in this articles:
H istory's S hadow : N ative A mericans and H istorical C onsciousness in the N ineteenth C entury . By Steven Conn.
C ynicism from D iogenes to D ilbert . By Ian Cutler.
F rom W ords to N umbers : N arrative , D ata , and S ocial S cience . By Roberto Franzosi.
T ocqueville U nveiled : T he H istorian and H is S ources for T he O ld R egime and the R evolution . By Robert T. Gannett Jr.
S ila mitu : Z ydzi w P oznanskiem w dobie zaborów w pismiennictwie historycznym (The Power of Myth: Jews in Poznania during the Era of the Polish Partitions in Historical Writing). By Krzysztof A. Makowski.
H erbert B utterfield : H istorian as D issenter . By C. T. McIntire.
M ax W eber : A n I ntellectual B iography . By Fritz Ringer.
T heorizing H istorical C onsciousness . Edited by Peter Seixas.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(2):304-309
D ictatorship in H istory and T heory : B onapartism , C aesarism, and T otalitarianism . Edited by Peter Baehr and Melvin Richter.
A ction as H istory: the H istorical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By Stein Helgeby.
P ast I mperfect : F acts , F ictions, and F raud in A merican H istory F rom B ancroft and P arkman to A mbrose , B ellesiles , E llis , and G oodwin . By Peter Charles Hoffer.
A H istory of R easonableness : T estimony and A uthority in the A rt of T hinking . By Rick Kennedy.
A C ultural H istory of C ausality : S cience , M urder N ovels , and S ystems of T hought . By Stephen Kern.
V ico's U ncanny H umanism : R eading the N ew S cience B etween M odern and P ostmodern . By Sandra Rudnick Luft.
S attire , H istory , N ovel : N arrative F orms , 1665–1815. By Frank Palmeri.
B ritish H istoriography in the T wentieth C entury : M ain T heoretical and M ethodological T rends , S chools , and D irections . By I. I. Sharifzhanov.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths. Edited by Isma'il R. Al-Faruqi. The Tarjuman al-Qur'an: a critical analysis of Maulana Abu'l-Kalam Azad's approach to the understanding of the Qur'an. By I. H. Azad Faruqi. Major Themes of the Qur'ān. By Fazlur Rahman. Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period. Edited by A. F. L. Beeston, T. M. Johnstone, R. B. Serjeant and G. R. Smith. Man's Religious Quest: Units 20–21: Islam and the Muslim. By Kenneth Cragg. Muhammad and the Jews. By Barakat Ahmad. Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society. Vol. I: The Central Lands; Vol. II: The Arabic-Speaking Lands. Edited by Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis. Minderheit, Millet, Nation?: Die Juden in Ägypten 1914–1952. (Studien zum Minderheiten-problem im Islam). By Gudrun Krämer. Reislamisierung und Entwicklungspolitik [Forschungsberichte des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, Band 30]. By D. Khalid. The Middle East Annual: Issues and Events [Volume 1–1981]. Edited by David H.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1988,7(1):161-185
Book reviewed in this article: Henry V: The Practice of Kingship. Edited by G. L. Harriss. Union to Reform: A History of the Parliamentary Representation of Wales 1536 to 1832. By Arnold J. James and John E. Thomas. The Parliament of England 1559–1581. By G. R. Elton. The Stuart Constitution: Documents and Commentary. Second Edition. Edited and introduced by J. P. Kenyon. Peers, Politics and Power: The House of Lords 1603–1911. Edited by Clyve Jones and David Lewis Jones. Politics and Ideology in England 1603–1640. By J. P. Sommerville. Rebellion or Revolution? England 1640–1660. By G. E. Aylmer. England's Rise to Greatness 1660–1763. Edited by Stephen B. Baxter. A Fractured Society: The Politics of London in the First Age of Party, 1688–1715. By Gary Stuart De Krey. Virtue, Comtnerce and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefy in the Eighteenth Century. By J. G. A. Pocock. The London Diaries of William Nicolson Bishop of Carlisle 1702–1718. Edited by Clyve Jones and Geoffrey Holmes. Memoirs of King George 11. By Horace Walpole. Gladstone 1809–1874. By H. C. G. Matthew. The Harlot and the Statesman: The Story of Elizabeth Armitstead and Charles James Fox. By I. M. Davis. Political Communications: The General Election of 1983. Edited by Ivor Crewe and Martin Harrop.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1993,12(3):321-347
Book reviewed in this article:
Bicameralisme. Edited by H. W. Blom, W. P. Blockmans, and H. de Schepper
History of the justices if the Peace. By Sir Thomas Skyrme
The Manufacture of Scottish History. Edited by I. Donnachie and C. Whatley
Secrets of the Kingdom: British Radicals fiom the Popish Plot to the Revolution of 1688- 1689.
The Revolution of 1688-89. Changing Perspectives. Edited by Lois G. Schwoerer.
Britons. Forging the Nation 1707- 183 7. By Linda Colley
Pitt the Elder. By Jeremy Black. (British Lives.)
Law, Politics and the Church of England. The Career ofStephen Lushington, 1782-1873.
The House Of Lirds in British Politics and Society 1815-1911. By E.A. Smith
The letters of Arthur Balfour and Lady Elcho 1885–1917. Edited by Jane Ridley and Clayre Percy.
TJ.: A Life of Doctor Thomasjones, C.H. By E.L. Ellis
'His Majesty's Loyal Opposition': The Unionist Party in Opposition, 1905191.5.
British Politics and the Great War: Coalition and ConJict, 1915–1918.
Anthony Eden: A Political Biography 193 1-1 957. By Victor Rothwell
Third Party Politics Since 1945: Liberals, Alliance and Liberal Democrats. By John Stevenson
Parliaments and Pressure Politics. Edited by Michael Rush.
The British General Election of 1992. By David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh.  相似文献   

Samuel Koenig 《Folklore》2013,124(1):59-91
PYTH0N: a study of Delphic Myth and its Origins. By JOSEPH FONTENROSE. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1959. Pp. xviii, 617, 28 illustrations, 3 maps. Reviewed by H. J. Rose.

THE PLAY PARTY IN INDIANA. By L. J. WOLFORD. Indianapolis Historical Society Publications, 10. Indiana, 1959. Pp. 105–326. Reviewed by Douglas Kennedy.

NEHALEM TILLAMOOK TALES. Recorded by ELIZABETH DEER JACOBS. Edited by MELVILLE JACOBS. University of Oregon Monographs, Studies in Athropology, No. 5, February 1959. Pp. 216+ix. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

TALES OF ANCIENT INDIA. Translated from the Sanskrit by J. A. B. VAN BUITENEN. University of Chicago Press, 1959. Pp. 260. Reviewed by J. H. H.

DEUTSCHES JAHRBUCH FÜR VOLKSKUNDE. Vol, v, Part I. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959, Pp. 233, 8 plates, 6 maps, 35 text illustrations. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

STUDIES IN IRISH AND SCANDINAVIAN FOLKLORE. By R. TH. CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen, 1959. Pp. vii, 249. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

DIE VEREHRUNG DES HEILIGEN BLUTES IN WALLDÜRN. By W. BRÜCKNER P. Pattloch-Verlag, Aschaffenburg, 1958. Pp. 352, 12 maps and 79 photographs. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

VÖLKERKUNDE. Edited by H. TISCHNER. Fischer Bücherei, Francfort, 1959. Pp. 368, 94 illustrations (photographs, drawings and maps). Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

ATLAS DER DEUTSCHEN VOLKSKUNDE. Edited by M. ZENDER. New series, first issue. Maps 1–12. ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZUR I. LIEFERUNG. N. G. Elwert Verlag, Marburg, 1958, 1959. Pp. 232, 25 illustrations. ZWEITE ARBEITSTAGUNG ÜBER FRAGEN DES ATLAS DER DEUTSCHEN VOLKSKUNDE, Protokollmanuskript, Arbeitsstelle, Bonn, 1959. Pp. 59, 4maps. Reviewed by E. Ettlinger.

ULSTER FOLKLIFE: Vol. 5, 1959. Published by the Committee on Ulster folklife and traditions. Pp. 72.58.6d. Reviewed by W. B.  相似文献   

The Great Adventure: Male Desire and the Coming of World War I. By Michael C. C. Adams John Bull and the Bear: British Public Opinion, Foreign Policy and the Soviet Union 1941-1945. By P. M. H. Bell The Rise of Richelieu. By Joseph Bergin Nineteenth-Century Ireland: The Search for Stability. By D. George Boyce The Habsburg Monarchy among the Great Powers, 1815-1918. By F. R. Bridge Shipbuilders of the Venetian Arsenal: Workers and Workplace in the Preindustrial City. By Robert C. Davis The Vanishing Children of Paris: Rumor and Politics before the French Revolution. By Arlette Farge and Jacques Revel. Translated by Claudia Miéville Jewish Politics in Vienna, 1918-1938. By Harriet Pass Freidertreich The Causes of the English Civil War. By Ann Hughes The Unfree Professions: German Lawyers, Teachers, and Engineers, 19004950. By Konrad H. Jarausch Chinese Boycotts Versus Japanese Bombs: The Failure of China's “Revolutionary Diplomacy,” 1931-32. By Donald A. Jordan From Ad Hoc to Routine: A Case Study in Medieval Bureaucracy. By Ellen E. Kittell The Battle of the Books: History and Literature in the Augustan Age. By Joseph M. Levine Rioters and Citizens: Mass Protest in Imperial Japan. By Michael Lewis A Climate for Appeasement. By Terrance L. Lewis Sleepless Souls: Suicide in Early Modern England. By Michael MacDonald and Terence R. Murphy Cicero: The Senior Statesman. By Thomas N. Mitchell Class, Sect and Party: The Making of the British Middle Class, Leeds, 1820-50. By R. J. Morris Himmler. By Peter Padfield Politics, Shipping and the Repeal of the Navigation Laws. By Sarah Palmer Military Planning for the Defense of the United Kingdom, 1814-1870. By Michael Stephen Partridge Political Society in Lancastrian England: The Greater Gentry of Nottinghamshire. By S. J. Payling English Politics in the Thirteenth Century. By Michael Prestwich Women, Equality, and the French Revolution. By Candice E. Proctor The Restoration. By Paul Seaward Tannenberg: Clash of Empires. By Dennis E. Showalter The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Edited by Denis Sinor Prisoners, Diplomats, and the Great War: A Study in the Diplomacy of Captivity. By Richard B. Speed m Journalists for Empire: The Imperial Debate in The Edwardian Stately Press, 1903-1913. By James D. Startt Sir Francis Drake. By John Sugden State and Society in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Egypt. By Ehud R. Toledano Holland Under Hapsburg Rule, 1506-1566: The Formation of a Body Politic. By James D. Tracy Athenian Myths and Institutions: Words in Action. By William Blake Tyrrell and Frieda S. Brown Paul Leroy-Beaulieu and Established Liberalism in France. By Dan Warshaw War From the Top: German and British Military Decision Making during World War II. By Alan F. Wilt The History of Siberia: From Russian Conquest to Revolutbn. Edited by Alan Wood Lloyd George and the Challenge of Labour: The Post-War Coalition, 1918-1922. By Chris Wrigley Breaking the Iron Bonds; Indian Control of Energy Development. By Marjane Ambler The Facts of Reconstruction: Essays in Honor of John Hope Franklin. Edited by Eric Anderson and Alfred A. Moss, Jr Waterfront Workers of New Orleans: Race, Class and Politics, 1863-1923. By Eric Arnesen The Moral Frameworks of Public Life: Gender, Politics, and the State in Rural New York, 1870-1930. By Paula Baker A New Deal for the American People. By Roger Biles Virginia's Viceroy, Their Majesties’Governor General: Francis Howard, Baron Howard of Effingham. By Warren M. Billings Revolution and Empire: English Politics and the American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century. By Robert M. Bliss Without Quarter: The Wichita Expedition and the Fight on Crooked Creek. By William Y. Chalfant The Future South: A Historical Perspective for the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Joe P. Dunn and Howard L. Preston Amateurs, to Arms! A Military History of the War of 1812. By John R. Elting The NAACP Comes of Age: The Defeat of fudge John J. Parker. By Kenneth W. Goings A Quest for Security: The Life of Samuel Parris, 1653-1720. By Larry Gragg Thomas O. hirkin: A Life of Patriotism and Profit in Old California. By Harlan Hague and David J. Langum The Politics of Change in Georgia: A Political Biography of Ellis Arnall. By Harold Paulk Henderson Joseph E. Davis: Pioneer Patriarch. By Janet Sharp Hermann Law, Gender, and Injustice: A Legal History of U.S. Women. By Joan Hoff To Shining Sea: A History of the United States Navy, 1775-1991. By Stephen Howarth Abe Fortas: A Biography. By Laura Kalman A History of Hispanic Theatre in the United States: Origins to 1940. By Nicolas Kanellos The American Whig: William Livingston of New York. By Milton M. Klein James Milton Turner and the Promise of America: The Public Life of a Post-Civil War Black Leader. By Gary R. Kremer Destroyer of the Iron Horse: General Joseph E. Johnston and Confederate Rail Transport, 1861-1865. By Jeffrey N. Lash To Serve and Collect: Chicago Politics and Police Corruption from Lager Beer Riot to the Summerdale Scandal. By Richard C. Lindberg Freedom by Degrees: Emancipation in Pennsylvania and its Aftermath. By Gary B. Nash and Jean R. Soderlund The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties. By Mark E. Neely, Jr Blackcoats Among the Delaware: David Zeisberger on the Ohio Frontier. By Earl P. Olmstead Major Robert Farmar of Mobile. By Robert R. Rea An American Illiad: The Story of the Civil War. By Charles P. Roland Creating a Dignified Past: Museums and the Colonial Revival. Edited by Geoffrey L. Rossano Roosevelt: The Party Leader, 1932-1945. By Sean J. Savage Taking the Wheel: Women and the Coming of the Motor Age. By Virginia Scharff Into the Breach: American Women Overseas in World War I. By Dorothy Schneider and Carl J. Schneider Romantic Longings: Love in America, 1830-1989. By Steven Seidman Predators and Prizes: American Privateering and Imperial Warfare, 1739-1748. By Carl E. Swanson Speculators and Slaves: Masters, Traders, and Slaves in the Old South. By Michael Tadman War on the Great Lakes: Essays Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie. Edited by Wiliam Jeffrey Welsh and David Curtis Skagss Mosby's Rangers. By Jeffry D. Wert  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
International Congress for the Study of the Qur'ān , revised ed. Edited by A. H. Johns
Ibn Khaldān: An Essay in Reinterpretation. By Aziz Al-Azmeh
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection. By Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
Die Vorstellung vom Schicksal und die Darstellung der Wirklichkeit in der zeitgenossischen Literatur islamischer Länder. Edited by J. C. Bürgel and H. Fähndrich
Rings of Burnished Brass. Yūsuf Idrīs
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. By William C. Chittick
The Ahmadiyya doctrine of God. By Henry J. Otten
Issues in the Islamic Movement, 1981–1982 (1401–1402). Edited by Kalim Siddiqui
Mouvements populaires à Bagdad a l'epoque abbasside IXe-XIe siècles. By Simha Sabari
Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War. By Malcolm Cameron Lyons and D. E. P. Jackson.
The Middle East: Fourteen Islamic Centuries. By Glenn E. Perry
Islam in Tribal Societies From the Atlas to the Indus. By Akbar S. Ahmed and David M. Hart
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam. The Darul Islam in Indonesia. By C. van Dijk
Senegal: An African Nation between Islam and the West. By Sheldon Gellar  相似文献   

L. Salmon 《Folklore》2013,124(4):418-420
ABORIGINAL SIBERIA : A STUDY IN SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY. By M. A. CZAPLICKA. With a Preface by R. R. MARETT. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914. Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.

THE PEOPLE OF INDIA. By SIR HERBERT RISLEY, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. Pp. xxxii + 472. Map, 35 plates. Second Edition. Edited by W. CROOKE, B.A. Thacker &; Co., London, 1915. Reviewed by M. Longworth Dames.

RECENT WORK ON THE FOLKLORE OF INDIA. Reviewed by W. Crooke.  相似文献   

Reviews Of Books     
《Parliamentary History》1983,2(1):223-264
Book reviewed in this article: History and Imagination: Essays in Honour of H. R. Trevor-Roper. Edited by Hugh Lloyd-Jones Studies in Irish History Presented to R. Dudley Edwards. Edited by Art Cosgrove and Donal McCartney. Dublin: University College. (Distributed in Great Britain by Colin Smythe Ltd., Gerrards Cross.)1979. [ix], 253 pp. IR £12.00. Ireland under the Union: Varieties of Tension. Essays in Honour of T. W. Moody. Edited by F. S. L. Lyons and R. A. J. Hawkins. Plantation to Partition: Essays in Ulster History in Honour of J. L. McCracken. Edited by Peter Roebuck Documents Illustrating the Crisis of 1297-98 in England. Edited by Michael Prestwich. The Crown and Local Communities in England and France in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by J. R. L. Highfield and Robin Jeffs. The Public Career of Sir Thomas More. By J. A. Guy. Brighton The House of Lords in the Parliaments of Edward VI and Mary I: An Institutional Study. By Michael A. R. Graves. Cambridge Proceedings in the Parliaments of Elizabeth I: Volume I: 1558–1581. Edited by T. E. Hartley. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy 1572–1588. By Wallace T. MacCaffrey. Commonwealth to Protectorate. By Austin Woolrych. The Declaration of Rights 1689. By Lois G. Schwoerer. London Politics 1713–1717: Minutes of a Whig Club 1714–1717, edited by H. Horwitz The Dynamics of Change: The Crisis of the 1750s and English Party Systems. By J. C. D. Clark. The Parliamentary Agents: A History. By D. L. Rydz. Holland House. By Leslie Mitchell. Gladstone: Church, State and Tractarianism. A Study of His Religious Ideas and Attitudes 1809–1859. By Perry Butler. Lord Ripon 1827–1909: A Political Biography. By Anthony Denholm. Lord Randolph Churchill: A Political Life. By R. F. Foster. Edward Carson. By A. T. Q. Stewart. Property and Politics 1870–1914: Landownership, Law, Ideology and Urban Development in England. By Avner Offer. The Nonconformist Conscience: Chapel and Politics 1870–1914. By D. W. Bebbington. Anthony Eden: A Biography. By David Carlton.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article: The Ancient Mediterranean. By Michael Grant. Philopoemen. By R. M. Errington. Plebs and Princeps. By Z. Yavetz. Erasmus of Christendom By Roland H. Bainton. Duecento: The Late Middle Ages in Italy Helene Nolthenius. Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe. Essays in Memory of E. H . Harbison. Econorrtic History and the Historian: Collected Essays. By Charles Wilson. Politics and Public Interest. By John Gunn. Idealism, Politics and History Sources of Hegelian Thought. By George Armstrong Nihilists: Russian Radicals and Revolutionaries in the Reign of Alexander II (1855-81). By Ronald Hingley. Paris in the Age of Absolutism: An Essny. By Orest Ranum. Richelieu. By D. P. O'Connell. Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightentnent in France. By Robert Darnton. Napoleon: From 18 Brumaire to Tilsit, 1799-1807. By Georges Lefebvre. Crisis and Decline The French Socialist Party in the Popular Front Era. By Nathaniel Grecne. A Long Time Burning; The History of Literary Censorship in England. By Donald Thomas. Army Royal: Henry VIII's Invasion of France, 1523 . By C. G . Cruickshank. King James the Third of England. By Bryan Bevan. The Irish Question, 1800-1922. By Lawrence J. McCaffrey. Promise of Greatness: The War of 1914-1918. Edited, with an introduction, by George Panichas. British Baptist Missionaries in India, 1793-1837: T h e History of Serainpore and Its Missions. By E. Daniel Potts. Sun Yat-sen and the Origins of the Chinese Reuolution. By Harold Z. Schiffrin. China in Revolution: The First Phase, 1910-1913. Edited, with an introduction, by Mary Clabaugh Wright. A Brief Diplomztic History of Modern Japan. By Morinosuke Kajima. Japan's First General Election, 1890. By R. H. P. Mason. Suez: De Lessep's Canal. By John Pudnev. Ethiopia: The Era of the Princes. By Mordechai Abir. Origins of Rhodesin. By Stanlake Samkange. Spiritual Autobiography in Early America. By Daniel B. Shea, Jr. Congregational Conamonwealth; Connecticut, 1636-1662. By Mary Jeanne Anderson Jones. Richard Henry Lee: Statesrnan of the Revolution. By Oliver Perry Chitwood. Timothy Pickering and American Diplomag, 1795-1800. By Gerard H. Clarfield. John Breckinridge: [jeffersonian Republican. By Lowell H . Harrison. To Wear a City's Crown: The Beginnings of Urban Growth in Texas, 1836-1845. By Kenneth W. Wheeler. The Radical Republicans: Lincoln's Vanguard fur Racial Justice. By Hans L. Trefousse. A Union Soldier in the Land of the vanquished: The Diary of Sergeant Mathew Woodruff Big Bill Haywood and the Radical Union Movement. By Joseph R. Conlin. Reform in Detroit: Hazen Pingtee and Urban Politics. By Melvin G . Holli. Twentieth Century Pittsburgh: Government, Business, and Environmental Change. By Roy Lubove. The New York Money Market and the Finance of Trade, 1900-1913. By C. A. E. Goodhart. The U. S. Machine Tool Industry from 1900 to 1950. By Harless D. Waggoner. Climb to Greatness: The American Aircraft Industry, 1920-1960. By John R. Rae. Rebels Against War: The American Peace Movement, 1941-1960. By Lawrence S. Wittner. The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I. By Edward M. Coffman. President Wilson Fights His War: World War I and the Amrerican Intervention. By Harvey A. DeWeerd. The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1915. By Gabriel Kolko. American Power and The New Mandarins. By Noam Chomsky. The Autobiography of a Runaway stave By Esteban Montejo. Edited by Miguel Barnet, translated by Jocasta Innes. Zapata: The Ideology of a Peasant Reuolutionary. By Robert P. Millon.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Sub Specie Historiae: Essays in the Manifestation of Historical and Moral Consciousness. By John T. Marcus. The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D, By Graham Webster. Second edition. The Westward Enterprise: English Activities in Ireland, the Atlantic, and America, 1480-1650. Edited by K.R. Andrews, N.P. Canny, and P.E.H. Hair. Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649. By R. T. Kendall. The Rise of the New Model Army. By Mark A. Kishlansky. The Victorian Constitution: Conventions, Usages, and Contingencies. By G. H. L. Le May. The State of the Scottish Working-Class in 18-43. By Ian Levitt and Christopher Smout. A Pilgrimage of Passion: The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. By Elizabeth Longford. C.P. Trevelyan, 1870-1958: Portrait of a Radical. By A.J. A. Morris. Ministry of Morale: Home Front Morale and the Ministry of Information in World War II. By Ian McLaine. The Huguenots: A Biography of a Minority. By George A. Rothrock. The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition. By N. M. Sutherland. Ideas in Seventeenth-Century France: The Most Important Thinkers and the Climate of Ideas in Which They Worked. By Edward John Reams. From Dreyfus to Vichy: The Remaking of French Jewry, 1906-1939. By Paula Hyman. Divided mid Conquered: The French High Command and the Defeat of the West, 1940. By Jeffery A. Gunsburg. Spanish Politics and Imperial Trade, 1700-1789. By Geoffrey J. Walker. A Time of Triumph and Sorrow: Spanish Politics during the Reign of Alfonso XII, 1874-1885. By Earl R. Beck. Spain in the Twentieth-Century World: Essays on Spanish Diplomacy, 1898-1978. Edited by James W. Cortada. Luxury Fleet: The Imperial German Navy, 1888-1918. By Holger H. Herwig. The Emergence of the Romanian National State. By Gerald J. Bobango. The Soviet Scholar-Bureaucrat: M. N. Pohrovskii and the Society of Marxist Historians. By George M. Enteen. The Swedish Imperial Experience, 1560-1718. By Michael Roberts. Main Currents of West African History, 1940-1978. By Sir Frederick Pedler. The Far China Station: The U.S. Navy in Asian Waters, 1800-1898. By Robert Erwin Johnson. George Berkeley in America. By Edwin S. Gaustad. From Loyalist to Founding Father: The Political Odyssey of William Samuel Johnson. By Elizabeth P. McCaughey. Hall Jackson and the Purple Foxglove. By J. Worth Estes. The Long Journey of Noah Webster. By Richard M. Rollins. The Southern Common People: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Social History. Edited, with introductions, by Edward Magdol and Jon L. Wakelyn. Afterword by Ira Berlin. Antislavery Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Abolitionists. Edited, with an introduction, by Lewis Perry and Michael Fellman. New Masters: Northern Planters during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Lawrence N. Powell. Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869-1879. By William Gillette. Pacifying the Plains: General Alfred Terry and the Decline of the Sioux, 1866-1890. By John W. Bailey. Stand Watie and the Agony of the Cherokee Nation. By Kenny A. Franks. The Architecture of Frederick Clarke Withers and the Progress of the Gothic Revival in America after 1850. By Francis R. Kowsky. The Office of Naval Intelligence: The Birth of America's First Intelligence Agency, 1865-1918. By Jeffery M. Dorwart. When Harlem Was Jewish, 1870-1930. By Jeffrey S. Gurock. The Devil Wagon in Gods Country: The Automobile and Social Change in Rural America, 1893-1929. By Michael L. Berger. The United States and the Caribbean, 1900-1970. By Lester D. Langley. Herbert Hoover: The Great War and its Aftermath, 1914-1923. Edited, with an introduction, by Lawrence E. Gelfand. The Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson. By John Morton Blum. The NAACP Crusade against Lynching, 1909-1950. By Robert L. Zangrando. Journal of a Tamed Bureaucrat: Nils A. Olsen and the BAE, 1925-1935. Edited, with an introduction, by Richard Lowitt. The Seventy-sixth Congress and World War II, 1939-1940. By David L. Porter. Truman's Crises: A Political Biography of Harry S. Truman. By Harold F. Gosnell. The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency, 1945-1953. Edited by Francis H. Heller. Charles E. Wilson and Controversy at the Pentagon, 1953-1957. By E. Bruce Geelhoed. The Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. [American Presidency Series.] By Elmo Richardson. The Iron Barons: A Social Analysis of an American Urban Elite, 1874-1965. By John N. Ingham. Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City. By Tamara K. Hareven and Randolph Langenbach. Don Pepe: A Political Biography of José Figveres of Costa Rica. By Charles D. Ameringer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article The Shapes of Time. By Peter Munz. The Sea Peoples: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean, 1250–1150 B.C. By N.K. Sandars. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus: Tradition and Apostasy. By Alvin H. Bernstein. The Army of the Caesars. By Michael Grant. In the Twilight of Antiquity. By Tom B. Jones. Laws of the Alamans and Bavarians. Translated, with an introduction, by Theodore John Rivers. Annalists and Historians: Western Historiography from the VIIIth to the XVIIIth Century. By Denys Hay. Medieval Settlement: Continuity and Change. Edited by P. H. Sawyer. Furta Sacra: Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages. By Patrick J. Geary. Law, Church, and Society: Essays in Honor of Stephan Kuttner. Edited by Kenneth Pennington and Robert Somerville. The Origins of European Dissent. By R. I. Moore. The Dissenters. Vol. 1: From the Reformation to the French Revolution. By Michael R. Watts. The European Economy, 1914–1970. By Derek H. Aldcroft. James II. By Maurice Ashley. Britain's Army in India: From its Origins to the Conquest of Bengal. By James P. Lawford. Econocide: British Slavery in the Era of Abolition. By Seymour Drescher. Domination, Legitimation, and Resistance: The Incorporation of the Nineteenth-Century English Working Class. [Contributions in Labor History, no. 3.] By Francis Hearn. Political Economists and the English Poor Laws: A Historical Study of the Influence of Classical Economists on the Formation of Social Welfare Policy. By Raymond G. Cowherd. Victorian Imperialism. By C. C. Eldridge. Political Power in Birmingham, 1871–1921. By Carl V. Harris. The British Motor Industry, 1896–1939. A Social & Economic History. By Kenneth Richardson, assisted by C.N. O'Gallagher. Bounder from Wales: Lloyd George's Career before the First World War. By Don M. Crieger. The Making of Lloyd George. By W.R.P. George. William Morris: The Marxist Dreamer. By Paul Meier. Translated from the French by Frank Gubb. Preface to the English edition by Robin Page Arnot. 2 vols. Miracles, Convulsions, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century Paris. By B. Robert Kreiser. Adolphe Thiers. By René Albrecht-Carrié. [Twayne World Leaders Series, no. 67.] A Savage War of Peace: Algeria, 1954–1962. By Alistair Horne. The Italian Nationalist Association and the Rise of Fascism in Italy. By Alexander J. DeGrand. The Swastika outside Germany. By Donald M. McKale. Leon Trotsky. [Twayne World Leaders Series, no. 72.] By Robert D. Warth. Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations, 1917–1933. By James K. Libbey. Proletarian Science? The Case of Lysenko. By Dominique Lecourt. Translated by Ben Brewster. Introduction by Louis Althusser. Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History. Edited by Thomas Naff and Roger Owen. A History of Rhodesia. By Robert Blake. The Rulers of German Africa, 1884–1914. By L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan. The Chairman's New Clothes: Mao and the Cultural Revolution. By Simon Leys. Valley of Darkness: The Japanese People and World War Two. By Thomas R. H. Havens. Reconsiderations on the Revolutionary War: Selected Essays. Edited by Don Higginbotham. The Process of Government under Jefferson. By Noble E. Cunningham, Jr. The Republic's Private Navy: The American Privateering Business as Practiced by Baltimore during the War of 1812. By Jerome R. Garitee. Finance and Enterprise in Early America: A Study of Stephen Girard's Bank, 1812–1831. By Donald R. Adams, Jr. The Political Crisis of the 1850s. By Michael F. Holt. Division and Reunion: America 1848–1877. By Ludwell H. Johnson. Shiloh: In Hell before Night. By James Lee McDonough. When Workers Fight: The Politics of Industrial Relations in the Progressive Era, 1898–1916. By Bruno Ramirez. Rainey of Illinois: A Political Biography, 1903–34. By Robert A. Waller. Allies of a Kind: The United States, Britain, and the War against Japan, 1941–1945. By Christopher Thorne. The Pursuit of Equality in American History. By J. R. Pole. Americans and German Scholarship, 1770–1870. By Carl Diehl. Joseph Neff The Americanization of Pestalozzianism. By Gerald Lee Gutek. The Bard of Savagery: Thorstein Veblen and Modern Social Theory. By John P. Diggins. Children of Fantasy: The First Rebels of Greenwich Village. By Robert E. Humphrey. Conquer and Colonize: Stevenson's Regiment and California. By Donald C. Biggs. Glittering Misery: Dependents of the Indian Fighting Army. By Patricia Y. Stallard. Mexico's Miguel Caldera: The Taming of America's First Frontier, 1548–1597. By Philip Wayne Powell. The Almadas and Alamos, 1783–1867. By Albert L. Stagg. United States Penetration of Brazil. By Jan Knippers Black.  相似文献   

M. C. Balfour 《Folklore》2013,124(3):257-283
The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Translated from the Pali by various hands under the Editorship of Professor E. B. Cowell. Vol. II. translated by W. H. D. Rouse, M.A., 1895. Vol. III. translated by H. T. Francis, M.A., and R. A. Neil, M.A., 1897. Cambridge: University Press. By Joseph Jacobs.

The Cults of the Greek States. By L. R. Farnell. In Three Volumes. Clarendon Press. Vols. I. and II. 1896.

Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London. Supplement I. Nihongi, Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697. Translated from the original Chinese and Japanese by W. G. Aston, C.M.G. Vol. II. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, &; Co., Limited. 1896.

The Book of Wonder Voyages. Edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by John D. Batten. London: D. Nutt, 1896.

The North-Western Provinces of India, their History, Ethnology, and Administration. By W. Crooke. London : Methuen &; Co., 1897.

The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. By W. Crooke, B.A. 2 vols. New Edition. Westminster: Archibald Constable &; Co., 1896.

Greek Folk-Poesy. Annotated Translations from the whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk-Prose. By Lucy M. J. Garnett. Edited, with Essays on the Science of Folklore, Greek Folkspeech, and the Survival of Paganism, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie, M.A. 2 vols. London : David Nutt, 1896.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Islam: A Survey of the Muslim Faith. By C. George Fry and James R. King. Islam and the West: The Moriscos. A Cultural and Social History. By Anwar G. Chejne. The Muslim Community in North America. Edited by Earle H. Waugh, Baha Abu-Laban, and Regula B. Qureshi. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries. Edited by Christian W. Troll. The Afghan Connection: The Extraordinary Adventures of Major Eldred Pottinger. By George Pottinger. Modern Arab Thought: Channels of the French Revolution to the Arab East. By Ra'?f Khūr?, translated by I?sān 'Abbās, edited by Charles Issawi. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation: People, Power and Politics. By Helena Cobban. The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? By Alfred M. Lilienthal. Faith and Power: The Politics of Islam. By Edward Mortimer. Sex and Society in Islam: Birth Control Before the Nineteenth Century. By B. F. Musallam. Studies on Byzantium, Seljuks, and Ottomans: Reprinted Studies. Byzantina kai Metabyzantina, Vol. 2. By Speros Vryonis, Jr. Malibu Society and Religion in Early Ottoman Egypt: Studies in the Writings of 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'ran?. By Michael Winter. Chants Musulmans en Peul. By J. Haafkens. Love, Madness, and Poetry: An Interpretation of the Maǧnūn Legend. By As'ad E. Khairallah. The Churches and Islam in Europe (II). By Jan Slomp and others. The Republic of Lebanon: Nation in Jeopardy. By David C. Gordon. I Speak for Lebanon. Kamal Joumblatt. Translated by Michael Pallis. Issues in Islamic Banking: Selected Papers. By Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi. The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince: Abu'l-Fidā', Sultan of Hamāh (672–732/1273–1331). Translated with an introduction by P. M. Holt. Une Herméneutique de la Tradition Islamique: Le Commentaire des Arba'ūn al-Nawaw?ya de Mu?y? al-D?n Ya?y? al-Nawaw? (m. 676/1277): Introduction, texte arabe, traduction, notes et index du vocabulaire. By Louis Pouzet.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: A Short History of Warfare. By David H. Zook, Jr., and Robin Higham, with a foreword by B. H. Liddell Hart. The Romans. Edited by J. P. V. D. Balsdon. Christian Faith and the Interpretation of History: A Study of St. Ausgustine's Philosophy of History. By G. L. Keyes. The French Apanages and the Capetian Monarchy, 1272–1328. By Charles T. Wood. Politics and Profit: A Study of Sir Ralph Sadler, 1507–1547. By Arthur Joseph Slavin Britaiin and the Stuarts 1603–1714. By D. L. Farmer. The Agricultural Revolution, 1750–1880. By J. D. Chambers and G. E. Mingay. The Agricultural Revolution in South Linconshire. By David Grigg. John Bright, Victorian Reformer, By Herman Ausubel. Bagehot's Historical Essays. Edited, with an Introduction by Norman St. John-Stevas. The First Industrial Revolution. By Phyllis Deane. Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and the Early Phases of Europan Expansion, 1400–1700. By Carlo M. Cipolla. Freedon and Dignity, the Historical and Philosophical Thought of Schiller. By Deric Regin. The Revolutionay Internationals, 1864–1943. Edited, with an introduction, by Milorad M. Drachkovitch. French Colonialism 1871–1914. Myths and Realities. By Henri Brunschwig. With an Introduction by Ronald E. Robinson. Vienna in the Age of Franz Josef. By Arthus J. May. The History of Treaties and International Politics. By Mario Toscano. The Two World Wars: Selective Bibliography. [Edited by Jacques de Launay for the International Commission for the Study of History.] His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany during the Seven Years War. By Sir Reginald Savory. FRIEDRICH von HOLSTEIN. Politics and Diplomacy in the Era of Bismarck and Wilhelm II. By Norman Rich. The Germans and Their Modern History. By Fritz Ernst. Translated from the German by Charles M. Prugh. The Four Power Pact 1933. By Konard Hugo Jaraush. Pius XII and the Third Reich. By Saul Friedländer. Sons against Fathers: Studies in Russian Radicalism and Revolution. By E. Lampert. Thomas Munro and the Development of Administrative Policy in Madras, 1792–1818. By T. H. Beaglehole. Minority Politics in the Punjab. By Baldev Raj Nayar. Formosa: A Study in Chinese History. By W. G. Goddard. The Taiping Rebellion-History and Documents, Vol I. By Franz Michael in collaboration with Chung-li Chang. Britain, China, and the Antimissionary Riots, 1891–1900. By Edmund S. Wehrle. White Protestantism and the Negro. By David M. Reimers. 1755: Another Part of the Field. By Ivor Noël Hume. Jews in America, A Short History. By Ruth Gay. 1787: The Grand Convention: The Year That Made a Nation. By Clinton Rossiter. The Ordeal of the Constitution: The Anti-Federalists and the Ratification Struggle of 1787–1788. By Robert A. Rutland. The Second American Party System. Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era. By Richard P. McCormick. Travels in the Southland, 1822–1823: The Journal of Lucius Verus Bierce. Edited, with an Introduction, by George W. Knepper. The General to His Lady: The Civil War Letters of William Dorsey Pender to Fannny Pender. Edited, with an introduction, by William W. Hassler. Life in the North during the Civil War, a Source History. By George Winston Smith and Charles Judah. The Legend of Grizzly Adams: California's Greatest Mountain Man. By Richard Dillon. Buckskin Joe. Edited by Glenn Shirley. War Drums and Wagon Wheels: The Story of Russell, Majors and Waddell. By Raymond W. and Mary Lund Settle. Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West. By William H. Goetzmann. The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era. By Geoffrey Blodgett. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884–1919. By Warner Berthoff. Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto, Negro New York, 1890–1930. By Gilbert Osofsky. Master of Precision: Henry M. Leland. By Mrs. Wilfred C. Leland and Minnie Dubbs Millbrook. The Politics of Military Aviation Procurement, 1926–1934. By Edwin H. Rutkowski. Liberals and Communism: The “Red Decade” Revisited. By Frank A. Warren III. Individual Freedom and the Economic Organization of Agriculture. By Harold F. Breimyer. 1933: Characters in Crisis. By Herbert Feis. American Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook from Pragmatism to Philosophical Analysis. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliographies, by Paul Kurtz. Wendel Willkie, Fighter for Freedom. By Ellsworth Barnard. Pueblo Warriors and Spanish Conquest. By Oakah L. Jones, Jr. Panama: Four Hundred Years of Dreamks and Cruelty. By David Howarth. The Unwritten Alliance, Rio-Branco and Brazilian-American Relations. By E. Bradford Burns. Nationalism in Contemporary Latin America. By Arthur P. Whitaker and David C. Jordan. Creative History, a Introduction to Historical Study. By Walter T. K. Nugent. [The Lippincott History Series] Society Today and Tomorrow: Reading in Social Science. Second Edition. Edited by Elgin F. Hunt and Jules Karlin. The Birth of Western Economy. By Robert Latouche. Paths to the Ancient Past: Applications of the Historical Method to Ancient History. By Tom B. Jones. Origins of the Medieval World. By William Carroll Bark. Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A. D. 500 to 900. Second Edition. By M. L. W. Lasitner. The Western Heritage from 1500 to the Present. By Stewart C. Easton. The World Since 1918: A Complete Up-to-Date Summary of Recent Political, Economic, and Social History Includign Maps, Charts, and Bibliography. By Stewart C. Easton. [Barnes & Noble College Outlien Series]. Theological Highlights of Vatican II. By Joseph Ratzinger. A Short History of Italy. Edited by H. Hearder & D. P. Waley. Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933–1944. By Franz Neumann. Marxism in the Modern World. Edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch. Some Makers of English Law. By William Holdsworth. Elizabethans at Home. By Lu Emily Pearson. Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition, By E. G. Rupp. From Puritanism to the Age of Reason. By G. R. Cragg. Britain and Europe, 1871–1939. By R. C. Birch. Classes of Departmental Papers for 1906–1939. List of Cabinet Papers 1915 and 1916. The British Political System. By Andre Mathiot. China Under Mao: Politics Takes Command. Edited by Roderick MacFarquhar. Spain in America. By Charles Gibson. James Fenimor Cooper: A Biographical and Critical Study. By James Grossman. The Jacksonian Persuasion, Politics, and Belief. By Marvin Meyers. Pre-Civil War Reform: The Variety of Principles and Programs. By Lorman Ratner. American Negro Slavery, a Survey of the Supply, Employment, and Control of Negdro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime. By Ulrich Bonnell Phillips. The Urban Community Housing and Planning in the Progressive Era. Edited by Roy Lubove. Wilson and the League of Nations. Edited by Ralph A. Stone. The Arrogance of Power, by J. William Fulbright. Recent America: Conflicting Interpretations of the Great Issues. Second Edition. Edited by Sidney Finc. To Be Equal. By Whitney M. Young. Jr. Continuity and Change in Latin America, Edited by John J. Johnson.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1985,4(1):215-252
Book reviewed in this article: Parliament and community. Edited by Art Cosgrove and J.I. McGuire. English Lordship in Ireland 1318–1361. By Robin Frame. The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More. By Jasper Ridley. The Axe of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors 1547–1603. By D.M. Palliser. Calendar of tha Correspondernce of the Smyth Family of Ashton Court 1548–1642. Edited by J.H. Bettey. Faith by Statute: Parliament and the Settlement of Religion 1559. By Norman L. Jones. De Republica Anglorum by Sir Thomas Smith. Edited by Mary Dewar. Charles I: The Personal Monarch. By Charles Carlton. Charles I and the Popish Plot. By Caroline M. Hibbard. The English Republic 1649–3660. By Toby Barnard. England without a King 3649–1660. By Austin Woolrych. The Poet's Time: Politics and Religion in the Work of Andrew Marvell. By Warren L. Chernaik. William Molyneux of Dublin 1656–1698. By J.G. Simms. Edited by P.H. Kelly. The Glorious Revolution. By John Miller. Hell-Fire Duke: The Lije of tlie Duke of Wharton. By Mark Blackett-Ord. Lord Bolingbroke: Contributions to the Craftsman. Edited by Simon Varey. Pvoceedinp and Debates of the Brifish Parliament Rcspecfirg North America 1754-1 781.Edited by R.C. Simmons and P.D.G. Thomas. The Emergence of the British Two-Party System 1760–1832. By Frank O'Gorman. A Great and Necessary Measure: George Grenville and the Genesis of the Stamp Act 1763–1765. By John L. Bullion. Peaceable Kingdom: Stability and Change in Modern Britain. By Brian Harrison. Palmerston: The Early Years 1784–1841. By Kenneth Bournc. Selections from the Papers of the London Corresponding Society 1792–1799. Edited by Mary Thale. The Great Reform Act of 1832. By Eric J. Evans. Lord Aberdeen: A Political Biography. By Muriel E. Chamberlain. A Political Odyssey: Thornas O'Donnell M.P. for West Kerry 1900–1918. By J. Anthony Gaughan. Britain and Ireland 1914–23. By Sheila Lawlor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Meaning of History. By Henri Marrou. Freedom in the Modern World. By Herbert J. Muller. The Shape of Medieval History: Studies in Modes of Perception. By William J. Brandt. They Saw it Happen in Europe, 1450–1600. By C. R. N. Routh. John the Fearless: The Growth of Burgundian Power. By Richard Vaughan. Reformation Europe, 1517–1559. By G. R. Elton. 1066: The Story of a Year. By Denis Butler. The Norman Conquest and the Common Law. By George W. Keeton. Origins of the Common Law. By Arthur R. Hogue. The Justicarship in England, 1066–1232. By Francis West. The Wars of the Roses. By J. R. Lander. Education and Society in Tudor England. By Joan Simon. Two Tudor Conspiracies. By D. M. Loades. The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England. By Clayton Roberts. The Corresopndence of Henry Oldenburg. Edited and translated by A. Rupert Hall and Marie Boas Hall with the collaboration of Eberhard Reichmann. The Stuart Constitution, 1603–1688, Documents and Commentary. Edited By J. P. Kenyon. Sherington: Fiefs and Fields of a Buckinghamshire Village. By A. C. Chibnall. The Bradlaugh Case: A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics. By Walter L. Arnstein. The Age of Keynes. By Robert Lekachman. Scotland: James V to James VII. By Gordon Donaldson. The Making of Modern Ireland, 1603–1923. By J. C. Beckett. Daniel O'Connell and the Repeal Year. By Lawrence J. McCaffrey Plans for Political Reform in Imperial Russia, 1730–1905. By Marc Raeff. Stankevich and His Moscow Circle, 1830–1840. By Edward J. Brown. Russia and the Balkan Alliance of 1912. By Edward C. Thaden. Comintern and Peasant in East Europe 1919–1930. By George Jackson A Short History of Sweden. By Stewart Oakley. Seenteenth Century France. By G. R. R. Treasure. Louis XIV. By Vincent Buranelli. Empress Maria Theresa, the Earlier Years, 1717–1757 By Robert Pick. The Third Reich and the Arab East. By Lukasz Hirszowicz. Deutschlands Araberpolitik im iweiten Weltkrieg. By Heinz Tillmann. Napoleon III and the German Crisis, 1865–1866. By E. Ann Pottinger. Islam in the Modern National State. By Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857. By J. A. B. Palmer. British Policy in India, 1858–1905. By Sarvepalli Gopal. Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle. Translated, with an Introduction, by Helen Craig McCullough. Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1972-1949. By Y. C. Wang. A Journey from St. Petersburg to Pekin, 1719–1722. By John Bell. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. L. Stevenson. The French in the Mississippi Valley. Edited by John Francis McDermott. Americana-Austriaca: Festschrift des Amerika-Instituts der Universität Innsbruck anläBlich seines zehnjährigen Bestehens. Edited By Klaus Lanzinger. Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter in American Morality 1780–1845. By Donald G. Mathews. The Prisoners of Algiers: An Account of the Forgotten American-Algerian, War, 1785–1797. By H. G. Barnby. A Shower of Stars: The Medal of Honor and the 27th Maine. By John J. Pullen. Bankers and Cattlemen. By Gene M. Gressley. Ray Stannard Baker: The Mind and Thought of a Progressive. By Robert C. Bannister The New York City Sketches of Stephen Crane and Related Pieces. Edited by R. W. Stallman and E. R. Hagemann. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Volume I, 1856–1880. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Politics Is Adjourned: Woodrow Wilson and the War Congress, 1916–1918. By Seward W. Livermore. Letters On The League of Nations: From the Files of Raymond B. Fosdick. By Raymond B. Fosdick. The Uncertain Giant: 1921–1941: American Foreign Policy between the Wars. By Selig Adler. High Dams and Slack Waters: TV A Rebuilds a River. By Wilmon Henry Droze. The Formative Year of Social Security. By Arthur J. Altmeyer. The Petitioners: The Story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro. 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