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正Ethnic people living on the Tibetan Plateau during the Tubo period have been well-known as not only strong and brave on horses,but they were also an ethnic group enriched with powerful creativity and rich imagination.From Tubo's cultural art,we can observe a large amount of extremely fine artifacts.For instance,among recently  相似文献   

O n the F uture of H istory : T he P ostmodernist C hallenge and I ts A ftermath . By Ernst Breisach.  相似文献   

生态旅游及其景观生态学透视   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
在简单介绍生态旅游的产生及其与可持续旅游关系,以及简要总结生态旅游定义的基础上,本文尝试从旅游供给方、旅游需求方即旅游者和综合层次三个方面对生态旅游进行定义,可以概括为旅游者的旅游活动形式、生态旅游产品及其组合与可持续旅游思想在生态旅游目的地的综合和空间实现。在现代地理学与生态学结合下产生的景观生态学,既强调空间地域研究,又考虑生态学的思想和原则,为理解生态旅游的概念内涵提供了理论切入点。  相似文献   

The Northridge fractures demonstrated the inability of the welded beam-to-column connection, typically used in California prior to the 1994 earthquake, to fully develop the beam's plastic moment and, in some cases, to even reach yield. The unanticipated character of these failures implies that loads at which fracture occurs under Northridge-type conditions as well as the effects the latter has on a building's stiffness need to be quantified. This paper addresses these issues in a quantitive manner. To simplify matters, the behaviour of a simple single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) frame, with connection characteristics modelled in a way that reflects the Northridge conditions, is examined by taking into account the random nature of the connection's resistance to fracture. The fracture event is found to result in a modest reduction in the frame's lateral stiffness, with the post-fracture behaviour being governed by the behaviour of the remaining connecting elements.  相似文献   

为了迎接人类跨入二十一世纪 ,向世人展示中国金银币的风采 ,受中国金币总公司委托 ,在中国印钞造币总公司的领导下 ,沈阳造币厂开发制作了千年纪念金币。该金币面向国内国际发行共 2 0枚。单枚质量 10kg ,成色 99 99% ,直径 180mm ,厚度为 2 4 3mm ,边部齿数 3 80个 ,面值 3 0 0 0 0元 ,为目前世界上最大最重的金币。该产品正面图案为中华世纪坛 ,背景为九龙盘绕 ,象征着中华民族的腾飞。有“千年纪念”、“中华人民共和国”及“2 0 0 0”字样 (见封面图 )。背面图案为一“眼”状的几何图形 ,意寓“放眼看未来”。边缘有云、水、日、…  相似文献   

对中国当代金银币的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1979年中国发行当代第一套金币——纪念中华人民共和国成立30周年纪念币开始,至2005年为止,当代金银币已发行了27年。中国当代金银币的发行丰富了中国货币的品种,通过这些货币展示、宣传了我国的政治事件、历史人物、艺术文化、科学技术、自然风光、民俗民风等。当代金银币作为中华人民共和国货币的组成部分,作为向国内外公开发行的重要货币品种,作为受到人们重视的收藏、投资门类,金银币的设计、生产、发行受到社会很大的关注。  相似文献   

The cultural and economic development of neolithic Corsica falls into two periods. Until the early fourth millennium be the rate of innovation is rapid and the range of contacts extensive but thereafter involution sets in. This paradox cannot be explained in terms of static geographic factors. The author suggests a possible solution: the island acted as a transmitter of cultural and economic innovations which were in the long run better adapted to other regions of the Mediterranean. The postglacial paucity of terrestrial resources would have stimulated maritime activity and the selective adoption of the pastoral sector at the inception of the Neolithic but the typically late neolithic pattern of mixed-farming villages failed to become established: exploitation of the mature deciduous forest of the climatic optimum appears to have been more important.  相似文献   

奥地利山川秀美、人杰地灵 ,是一个富有音乐传统的国家 ,被誉为音乐之乡。它不仅培育了像海顿、莫扎特、舒伯特、约翰·施特劳斯等世界级音乐大师 ,还推出了像维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳童声合唱团等享誉世界的音乐表演团体。尤其是维也纳爱乐乐团 ,由于每年新年音乐会在电视上转播 ,更是家喻户晓 ,也为众多中国音乐爱好者所熟知。奥地利国家银行先后共发行了三套以维也纳爱乐乐团为题材的硬币。它们是 :1989年开始发行的纯金投资币 ,1991-92年发行的维也纳爱乐乐团著名指挥纪念币 ,1992年发行的维也纳爱乐乐团成立 15 0周年纪念币。由于《世界…  相似文献   

新城市贫困空间固化及其治理研究,对破解城市发展不平衡不充分,促进城市社会公平公正具有重要理论和现实意义。基于西安市街道尺度问卷调查数据,采用贫困综合指数和构建空间固贫指数,在GIS技术支持下,对西安新城市贫困空间时空演化和固化趋势进行研究,并以空间正义为视角,提出西安新城市贫困空间固化治理方案。结果表明:①研究期内,西安新城市贫困程度不断减轻,贫困空间分布异质性明显,贫困空间演化整体上由放射状嵌套分布向圈层分布转变;②西安新城市贫困空间固化正在形成,空间固贫指数较高街道集中在内城衰退区,城市边缘失地农民聚居区、流动人口聚居区和遗址保护区;③西安新城市贫困空间固化治理要以空间正义思想为指引,在弘扬价值正义、制度正义和政策正义基础上,构建空间正义“起点-过程-结果”三位一体保障体系,确保城市空间生产公平公正。  相似文献   

随着人文地理学的“情感转向”,地缘环境也开始指向情感研究。中国的家国情怀使“国家”不仅具有政治属性,也成为一个饱含情感与地方认同的概念。本文从地缘环境的情感要素入手,援引环境心理学理论与方法,探究跨境流动背景下的国家感影响因素。结论发现:①中国海外移民国家感受到个体与社会因素制约,包括年龄、学历、公民身份、出国时长、移居国GDP和文化认同;②国家软实力提升和包容多元的地缘政策利于提升客族文化认同进而增强海外移民的国家感;③居住、网络媒体环境变化及国家间的话语博弈会引发跨境群体重新审视流动前后所处的地缘环境,直接或间接重构国家感。本文既为促进跨境流动群体与国家之间的双向接纳提供新路径,也在情感地理学方法论层面提供新思路。  相似文献   

赵燕慧  路紫  白龙 《人文地理》2018,33(3):20-26
跟踪心理地理学相关网站信息和心理地理学情境主义“漂移”论代表性研究成果,开发一个二维的心理应激主观评测方法,通过情境下的深度访谈旨在从情境再现时空难暴露人群心理活动视角揭示其心理应激作用机制,将其具体概括为一个由时间过程特征和空间接近特征、个体心理应激行为和群体心理应激行为、消极心理反应和积极心理反应组成的相对应与互转化的组合范式,进而进行风险感知水平、心理意识力、区域差异的讨论,以说明情境“漂移”论对心理应激研究的支持。这项研究的特色在于将空难暴露人群心理应激机制研究建立在心理地理学情境“漂移”论的基础上,从而体现心理地理学的学科意义。  相似文献   

Here we show the results of a study concerning a small group of shaft‐hole axes found in northeastern Italy, made from amphibole‐rich metabasites, fine‐grained and free of phenoblasts. The main mineral phases are amphibole, ranging from actinolite to hornblende, and plagioclase (An10–15 and An70–77). The amphiboles generally show a needle shape and are often radially arranged. Quartz is present in thin veinlets, while ilmenite is widespread in small patches. The petrographic and geochemical features suggest that the axes originate from the southern thermal aureole of Tanvald granite in northern Bohemia. In accordance with this provenance, the typology of the tools shows similarities with the perforated shoe‐last axes spread across Central Europe during the fifth millennium bc and made from similar raw material. For the first time, these axes give evidence of long‐distance (about 800 km) contacts between northeastern Italy and Central Europe during the Neolithic.  相似文献   

An examination, by metallography, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and electron probe microanalysis of some decorative metalwork and small items such as needles and fish-hooks from Ecuador and Colombia revealed that ‘fusion-gilding’ or ‘wash-gilding’ was employed in the manufacture of many artefacts. The coatings found included silver alloy coatings over copper and gold alloys over copper. The coatings are often themselves superficially enriched at the surface; they are thick, and completely different from the surfaces found on depletion gilded objects which are far more common in ancient Colombia. The evidence from Ecuador is piecemeal and a considerable number of additional analyses must be carried out to clarify the extent of use of this surface treatment technology.  相似文献   

1997年10月国际邮票钱币博览会在上海展览馆隆重开幕。人头攒动的观众争相购买虎年1盎司彩色银币(封底图1),这是中国第一枚生肖彩色银币(在此之前,刚发行了熊猫彩色银币1997年版)。自此之后,以生肖彩色金银币为长期定型产品的我国彩色金银币相继发行,几乎占据了中国金银币  相似文献   

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