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本文运用建筑考古学研究方法,从明清北京官式建筑柱头科做法上提炼出4组共14个形制类型及其组合关系;从明清北京官式建筑平身科做法上提炼出4组共13个形制类型及其组合关系,结合相关文献,系统梳理出46处形制的标尺,同时,通过对其形制演变的分析,划分出明清时期北京官式建筑柱头科、平身科所经历的六个演变历程。最后,作者利用上述分期结论,结合相关文献,研究了故宫慈宁宫花园咸若馆的年代问题。  相似文献   

旋子彩画是明清三大彩画体系之一,在官式建筑中被广泛使用。长期以来,明清旋子彩画是建筑考古领域的薄弱环节,彩画类型的断代标准皆是依据专家所传授的经验,其中难免加入个人的主观经验,与实际产生或多或少的偏差。此外,当今彩画界对明代旋子彩画的认识多局限于从永乐至嘉靖时期,而之后百年间的演变却鲜有人提及。此文运用类型学研究方法,从明清皇家旋子彩画做法上,提炼出有助于分期研究的三组共12个形制类型,结合相关文献,系统整理了29处旋子彩画的实例。通过箍头、旋眼、方心头形制的演变关系,勾勒出旋子彩画在五百余年间所经历的六个演变历程,计为:明早期稳定期、明早期转变期、明中期至清初稳定期、清早期转变期、清中期稳定期和清晚期定型期。最后,作者利用形制分期结论,并结合文献,对故宫慈宁宫及大佛堂、西顶娘娘庙旋子彩画的年代问题加以分析。  相似文献   

本文旨在运用建筑考古类型学的研究方法,考察元代北方官式建筑、江浙地区元代建筑和明永乐至正统年间北京官式建筑在斗栱形制上的异同变化,进而厘清元明之际,中国官式建筑的传承关系。  相似文献   

明代官式彩画在中国彩画发展史上取得了突出的艺术成就,惜遗存数量稀少,幸北京紫禁城内集中保留有一批重要的明代彩画,主要分布在二十余处不同类型的官式建筑中。这部分彩画形制规范,制作精良,是明代官式彩画非常重要的实物例证,也是唯一能较全面体现明代官式彩画历史演变轨迹的珍贵遗产。以大木构件梁檩枋彩画为例,其大线轮廓造型、找头的花瓣与花心纹饰、盒子纹饰于明代不同时期表现出不同的特征,将这些彩画的构图与纹饰的形制特征进行年代排列后,可推测彩画的演变规律,并据此粗略将紫禁城明代大木构梁檩枋彩画分为早﹝永乐-弘治﹞、晚﹝正德-崇祯﹞两个时期。该课题完善了明代官式彩画的整体性研究。  相似文献   

明代皇家祭祖宫殿外有太庙,内有奉先殿。二者功能同为祭祖,但各有侧重,太庙祭祖重在四时祭享,奉先殿则是皇帝与皇室成员的晨昏瞻谒之所。明代实行两京制度,在南、北两京皇宫内各建有一座奉先殿,南京奉先殿初创于洪武二年,永乐迁都北京之后,复建奉先殿于北京紫禁城,两京奉先殿并存。明清更替之际,两座奉先殿先后毁于战乱,其建筑形制遂不可考。祭祖活动既关乎人情,也关乎国家制度,奉先殿作为重要的皇家祭祖场所,梳理其历史沿革,追溯其形制布局的演变脉络,既可以考察明清宫廷祭祖制度,亦有助于了解紫禁城宫殿布局的变迁和规律。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国现存的古代木构建筑、《营造法式》以及其它相关间接史料的研究,揭示出公元7-14世纪中国扶壁形制的典型类型及其分区、分期特征。并在此基础之上探讨了此时期中国南北方建筑的部分区域特点,以及《营造法式》的部分地域渊源与流布关系。  相似文献   

郝园林 《清史研究》2020,119(3):42-53
依托丰富的文献资料和古城地图,"伊犁九城"的建置始末可以得到详细的考证。"伊犁九城"包括了满城、汉城、回城等不同类型城市,在选址、城市形制、城内建筑等方面,各城存在诸多共性,也具有不同的特点。通过对满城建置的考察,可以将满城形制追溯到明代卫所城,这可在古城形制及内部建筑上得到印证。明清之际北疆城址形制的延续性,是由古城均由绿营兵建造这一事实直接决定的。  相似文献   

梁源 《福建文博》2020,(1):57-68
本文在对泉州地区现存石构建筑进行实地考察的基础上,将纪年明确、保存完整、后期扰动少、建筑形制典型的21处北宋至清代石构建筑作为案例,进行了建筑形制特征的提炼、排比、梳理,旨在找出该地区石构建筑的形制特征及其演变规律。  相似文献   

本工作以太原永祚寺无梁殿为例,研究中国特有的建筑遗产类型——明代砖砌无梁殿的建筑形制和结构性能。首先采用三维激光扫描仪进行精确测绘,获得其准确的几何尺寸信息。然后结合历史文献资料,对该类型建筑遗产的建筑形制进行分析。另外,通过采用无损检测方法获得砖砌体的材料强度,结合精确测绘获得的几何尺寸信息,采用ANSYS有限元软件建模并对其受力性能进行了模拟分析,获得了该建筑在静力荷载作用下的结构性能。研究结论为该类型建筑遗产的加固修缮提供参考。  相似文献   

中国古代都城形制的发展演变,是一个继承传统、不断发展、逐渐完善的过程,尤其两汉到隋唐时期的都城形制变化极为明显。本文以近年来曹魏至北魏洛阳宫城的考古发现为重要突破点,结合文献和考古勘察资料,对两汉至隋唐时期的各个重要都城进行对比研究,探讨了中国古代都城从两汉时期的多宫形制,到魏晋南朝时期的居北居中单一宫城形制,再到北朝时期的三重城圈形制,最后形成隋唐时期中轴对称的坊市制新型国际商贸大都市,为向以后更繁盛的开放式商业都市发展奠定了基础。其都城形制和格局的变化轨迹清晰,发展演变具有延续性和开创性,既沿承了传统的汉地都城制度,又有适应新的社会发展状况的创造。总之,隋大兴唐长安城作为这个时期都城的鼎盛之作,其都城形制产生的源头源自曹魏洛阳城,对汉唐时期的都城形制进行研究,探索其中的各种渊源和汉化因素,在中国古代都城发展史及整个东亚地区古代文化与文明的发展进程中,都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Design criteria of slab-column connections in the ACI Building Code [2011] were mostly developed from experimental results of interior connections. When dealing with corner slab-column connections, supplementary documents published by ACI Committee 352 and Committee 421 provide better explanations than the ACI Building Code [2011] and become useful references for practical engineers. However, different design values can be obtained using approaches recommended by different documents. In this article, a summary of this issue is presented. Among several design parameters discussed in this article, bi-axial moment, gravity shear ratio and column rectangularity have more significant effect to enlarge the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Documentary theatre, as a theatrical genre, has not maintained a continuous presence in Irish theatre. The Darkest Corner series, produced in 2010 by the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, Ireland's National Theatre is, therefore, one of the first examples of Irish theatre using the genre to address political and social issues. Presenting three plays, Gerard Mannix Flynn's James X, Richard Johnson's The Evidence I Shall Give and Mary Raftery's No Escape, the series examines the widespread abuse of children in state institutions. Before analysing the documentary play commissioned by the Abbey, Raftery's No Escape, this article will begin with an exploration of documentary theatre in Ireland. It will then examine the material used for the play, the Ryan Report, published following the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, something of great political and social interest to contemporary Ireland and, finally, the play itself.  相似文献   

We see what we are prepared to see. Scientific research aims at breaking down this situation, analysing its subjects/objects of study from different points of view. Although multiple meanings can be derived from every question and a myriad of positions can be adopted, some are bound to be silenced by traditional criteria of authenticity. Archaeology is not an exception to this: the prevailing agenda severely impacts on our perception of what archaeological practice consists. In turn, its ethos is recreated as part of our own identity processes through our productions, whether by passively accepting monolithic standards or by dynamically proposing alternative positions in response. The study of the prehistoric and colonial periods in America can be a good test bed for surveying the influence of academic background upon the analysis of human history. Here we review two Spanish journals of American studies to discuss the different orientations of the authors according to their provenance. Plotted against the country represented by the authors, we consider his/her research as regards the object of study (ie. artefacts/written sources), its origin, chronology and, finally, the aim of the paper. We found interesting orientations in relation to focus on particular subjects, most probably conditioned by the ontology of the researchers. Although the selection is quite taxative, it may usefully complement studies carried out in the Americas.  相似文献   

World War Two and its aftermath transformed Chicago's African American community. The Great Migration entered a second and more intense phase as black migrants flooded into Northern cities. This massive relocation of Southern blacks resulted in the expansion and reformulation of Chicago's ghettoes on both the West and South Sides of the city. The question of a response to this Second Ghetto from African Americans themselves presents itself. White politicians, cultural elites and businessmen still controlled the city and could impose their will on its neighborhoods simply redrawing ghetto boundaries to reflect the new realities of the postwar era. The strange case of Joe Smith and Sin Corner sheds some light on black agency in the 1950s. The African American middle class had resources it commanded to try and protect itself from racial injustice. These resources, however, were based on class privileges not enjoyed by most in the African American community.  相似文献   

基于VRIO框架的饭店资源三维度评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饭店是由各种资源构成的企业组织,饭店资源是与饭店竞争力密切相关的要素。论文在对饭店资源的内涵和结构进行分析的基础上,利用VRIO框架的4个基本问题,构建了饭店资源三维度评价模型。根据该模型,论文对饭店资源的价值性、稀有性和可模仿性分别提出了评价方法,并确定了饭店资源优化的条件。  相似文献   

家户考古是一种从微观上研究古代社会生活的新的理论方法,与后过程考古关系密切,但如何与既有的研究兼容,成为一个具有挑战性的难题.史前家户考古研究可以分为6个层次进行,按照这个操作模式,不同层次的考古学理论可以被整合起来:文化历史考古层面的研究可以提供时空框架;过程考古范畴的研究可以帮助我们分析考古材料的形成过程、了解家户...  相似文献   

Location planning often makes use of data in an aggregate form without a clear understanding of the consequences. Although research has been directed toward addressing aggregate data usage in location planning, there have been conflicting findings on the stability of location model solutions obtained using aggregated data. This paper analyzes the question of location model solution stability from a somewhat different perspective than previous researchers in that locational configurations identified for aggregate data are evaluated using the original disaggregate data. Analytical results demonstrate that a high level of solution stability does exist when aggregated data are utilized. Further, this analysis is based upon the use of what can be expected to be worst case aggregation approaches. This suggests that the use of aggregate data is adequate for conducting locational studies.  相似文献   


The failure mechanism of corners in masonry buildings has frequently been observed in seismic scenarios, but only a few works and no experimental investigations devoted to it are available in the literature. In this aritcle, the experimental behavior of a simple masonry corner is first analyzed, by simulating the seismic horizontal actions through a progressive tilting of the supporting base. Then, the conditions of the onset of two possible failure modes are analytically formulated: they are the rocking-sliding and the horizontal flexure mechanism. A three-dimensional macro-block model with frictional joints is used to analyze these mechanisms, while the crack patterns and the load factors are derived through the kinematic approach of the limit analysis. The evaluation of the in-plane frictional resistances involved by the rocking-sliding mechanism is performed by applying a reliable criterion previously proposed, while for the torsion strength involved in the horizontal flexure mechanism, simplified yield conditions are adopted and a possible criterion is also introduced to take into account the actual reduction of the contact surfaces. Last, the experimental findings are compared and critically interpreted in light of the analytical results and the influence of the main parameters on the prevailing mechanism is highlighted.  相似文献   

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