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<正>江西高安博物馆收藏有19件元青花,在数量上仅次于土耳其托普卡比宫博物馆和伊朗国家博物馆,在全世界各大博物馆收藏的元青花中排名第三[1]。江西高安博物馆收藏的这19件元青花始于20世纪80年代国内的一次考古发现。1980年11月,在江西省宜春地区高安县的建筑工地发现了一处元代窖藏,共出土各类文物245件,其中有19件元青花。这是国内出土元青花数量最多的一次,随即在国内掀起了一股元青花研究之风。由于在窖藏现  相似文献   

~~虢国博物馆收藏的一件铜盨@李清丽$虢国博物馆  相似文献   

“雕漆八仙庆寿圆盒”吉祥图案试析谷锦秋(山西省博物馆)山西省博物馆馆藏一件清代的“雕漆八仙庆寿圆盒”。1987年为纪念山西省和琦玉县友好省县缔约五周年之际,此盒作为山西省博物馆精选的三件漆器之一,在日本琦玉县立博物馆“山西省文物特别展”中展出。其盒面...  相似文献   

中国民族博物馆收藏的一件元代蒙古族纳失石大袖袍保存十分完好,具有很高的研究价值和收藏价值。受中国民族博物馆委托对这件大袖袍的款式特征、面料成分、织物结构、纹样和装饰进行了详细的分析和研究。  相似文献   

项顼  罗琦 《收藏家》2020,(3):79-82
2009至2019年,李汝宽家族相继向青岛市博物馆捐赠了27件文物,其中不乏珍贵的漆器,如2019年李经泽代表家族向青岛市博物馆捐赠的一件"明正德至嘉靖戗金雕填龙纹方盘"就十分珍稀。该器物制作精湛、造型美观,是一件珍贵的雕填器。上海博物馆相关技术部门对该漆器进行了CT扫描,为进一步研究漆器的制作工艺,提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

朱森平 《丝绸之路》2010,(11):42-44
<正>如果我们绘制一幅甘肃省博物馆分布图,就会看到,100余座不同类型的博物馆和纪念馆,如同点点繁星撒落在千里陇原的沃野之上,将贯穿全省的古丝绸之路勾勒得脉络分明。目前,甘肃省已初步建立了以甘肃省博物馆为龙头、市(州)级博物馆为骨干、县级博物馆为支撑、行业博物馆和民办博物馆为补充的具有甘肃特色的丝绸之路博物馆体系。全省现有各类文物收藏单位117个,其中文物系统所属博物馆90个、纪念馆16个,行业博物馆7个,民办博物馆4个。全省国有博物馆、纪念馆共保存藏品42万多件,其来源主要是出土文物,占藏品总量的80%左右,珍贵文物约11万件,其  相似文献   

青铜器在河北大学博物馆的藏品中占有重要的位置,本文介绍了其中的两件青铜剑,一件是春秋中晚期的镂空圆首扁茎一字形格短剑,另一件是战国早期的圆首圆茎剑。  相似文献   

山西省襄汾县赵康公社北柴大队社员柴长发1975年在其院内挖红薯窖时,深挖至3米处发现了一个陶罐。罐内装有六件铜器: 匜形提梁锅一件。平底鼓腹,口沿外侈,向上折边,素面无纹饰。通高28.5(锅高9、梁高19.5)、口径21.8厘米。有流,流长9.5厘米。锅沿上特制三个铜纽,前二后一和梁相扣,成"丁"字形。锅底布满煤灰,当为实用器具(图二、三:1)。  相似文献   

<正>镇原县博物馆成立于1986年,是一座以收藏、宣传、科研、陈列历史文物为主的综合性国家三级博物馆。目前有馆藏文物5000多件,珍贵文物771件,一级文物46件,二级文物56件,三级文物669件。其中常山下层文化陶水管独步全国,秦代铜诏版举世无双,汉代青铜器精美绝伦,历代佛教造像千  相似文献   

开元观古建筑群,属荆州博物馆馆址的一部分,是明清时期的道教建筑。殿内陈列着有关三国时期的历史史迹,殿外钟釜亭、古槽亭里陈列着收藏的传世文物,有古石槽(相传为三国时关羽的饮马槽),大铁镬(相传系三国时张飞的行军锅)和六件铜、铁古钟。共有铜钟两件,铁钟四件。这六件钟分别铸于元、明、清三个历史时期。近来,笔者对这六件铜、铁钟进行了一些粗略的考察分析,并发现这六件钟的形制、花纹变化,铭文内容等都反映了它们的时代特征,同时也反映了我国古代冶炼铸造技术的发展历史,还为封建统治阶级利用宗教巩固和加强专制统治提…  相似文献   

郭丹英  陈钢 《收藏家》2009,(9):53-56
“三月三日,上巳契饮之日也,诸子议以茶酌而代焉。乃拔花砌,憩庭阴,清风逐人,日色留兴,卧借青霭,坐攀花枝,闻莺近席而未飞,红蕊拂衣而不散,乃命酌香沫,浮素杯,殷凝琥珀之色,不令人醉,微觉清思,虽玉露仙浆,无复加也。”  相似文献   

该遗址位于广西贵港市上江口村郁江边。1996年发掘,堆积共3层,可分两期,约为新石器时代中期、晚期。发掘证明了一期遗存早于二期遗存。前者出细长、厚体的石器,陶片以夹粗砂的红褐陶、红陶为主,胎较厚,饰绳纹,可见罐、釜类;后者出宽短、薄体的石器,陶片以夹砂红褐陶为主,新出胎薄的夹细砂黑陶和泥质红褐陶,除素面外,见拍印曲折纹等,有鼎、甑等。二期新出双肩石器和南传的陶鼎,文化面貌有了变化。  相似文献   

Collective gardening spaces have existed across Lisbon, Portugal for decades. This article attends to the makeshift natures made by black migrants from Portugal's former colonies, and the racial urban geography thrown into relief by the differing fortunes of white Portuguese community gardening spaces. Conceptualising urban gardens as commons‐in‐the‐making, we explore subaltern urbanism and the emergence of autonomous gardening commons on the one hand, and the state erasure, overwriting or construction of top‐down commons on the other. While showing that urban gardening forges commons of varying persistence, we also demonstrate the ways through which the commons are always closely entwined with processes of enclosure. We further argue that urban gardening commons are divergent and cannot be judged against any abstract ideal of the commons. In conclusion, we suggest that urban gardening commons do not have a “common” in common.  相似文献   

旅游决策过程调查研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
旅游决策过程是一个从心理到行为的连续体,包括一系列相关的阶段或步骤。本研究在以往研究的基础上,通过访谈和问卷调查,最终发现个人的旅游决策过程可以划分为产生旅游的需要或动机、收集有关旅游的信息、确定旅游目的地或旅游线路、进行旅游预算、确定出游方式、决定是否外出旅游、外出旅游等七个阶段。每个阶段,旅游者需要解决不同的问题。  相似文献   

In artefact compositional studies, the selection of variables to use in analysis is unavoidable. Given this ubiquity, surprisingly little attention has been paid to ways in which variables might be selected. After arguing the case for the importance of variable selection, two systematic approaches to making a choice, which have had little or no application in archaeometry, are discussed and illustrated. One, based on the use of principal components, is appropriate if structure in the data is not known. The other, based on the use of classification trees, is applicable when there are known or assumed groups in the data.  相似文献   

It is a widely held belief that civil development programs play a central role in any counterinsurgency campaign. It is assumed that civil development assistance is key to ‘winning the hearts and minds’ of the civilian population, which, in turn, is crucial for victory. However, there is currently little evidence to support this belief. This article begins by analysing the different methods that have been used in Afghanistan in order to evaluate the effectiveness of civil development programs since 2001. It finds that these methods have severe limitations. Indeed, based solely upon current methods of evaluation, we have no reliable evidence whether civil development programs are actively improving security, having no impact or making matters worse. As such, this article makes the case for a field experiment approach to be adopted in Afghanistan. It argues that field experiments are the most powerful methodology currently available to social scientists for making causal inferences and, by making minor changes to the way in which civil development is distributed, we can vastly improve our understanding of the relationship between aid and security.  相似文献   

本文对新石器时代各区系文化出土的陶作了序列排比及类型分析,指出陶可分实足与袋足两类,它们各自有着自身的发生、发展途径,实足起源于海岱文化区,袋足起源于太湖文化区;纠正了以往一般认为袋足由实足发展而来的看法。这对于确立良渚文化的时空框架,理清太湖地区新石器时代文化与周边文化的关系以及良渚文化在中国文明起源过程中的历史地位都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

In December 1968 Ernest May asked how the US government could gain access to ‘long‐headed’ staffers to provide greater strategic depth to foreign policy. The challenge of long‐term strategy persists: how should government be organized to support it, how can the right people be found to staff it and how can political leaders make time for longer‐term policy‐making given the challenge of the immediate? The policy planning staff in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have traditionally had the task of supporting longer‐range, broader foreign policy. A small group of diplomats—later leavened by externals from the media, non‐profit and private sectors—was meant to generate an improved approach to British interests and policy. As Robert Wade‐Gery recalls of its role in the 1960s, there was a push to forge fresh links with outside thinking. Did it work? Former policy planners can be circumspect about its achievements. One former British planner said he felt like ‘a spare part rattling around in a tin’, while former American planners have written about the challenge of injecting fresh thinking when detached from decision‐making. Other planners were dragged into operational work or speechwriting. Many planners nonetheless enjoyed the opportunity to think more broadly. Policy planning can be intellectually rich without being the source of actionable strategic thinking about the long‐term national interest. This article suggests that a greater focus on people rather than systems might help to foster more strategic, anticipatory and innovative thinking about the national interest.  相似文献   

本文报道了用ENGLE-Ⅱ微探针能量色散型X荧光光谱(EDXRF)技术测定一批青瓷残片中的16种元素氧化物的含量.其残片来自浙江杭州地区南宋的郊坛窑和老虎洞窑。由主量元素判别方程。值表明,郊坛和老虎洞青釉瓷均属官窑制品,与龙泉民窑产品有很大差别。从主成分统计分析看出.郊坛下官窑与老虎洞官窑的瓷釉成分有明显不同,但其胎质成分的分布却有部分的重叠。这显示两类同属官窑的制品,其釉料可有不同的矿物组合。但胎料有时会交流使用。从釉层、中间层、和胎层的Al2O3和CaO的含量变化数据表明,郊坛下官窑和老虎洞官窑的青瓷制品有厚度分别为120-140um和230-240μm的中间层,反映出烧造工艺上有一定的差别。化学成分鉴定证实了考古工作者认为老虎洞窑实为史书记载的修内司官窑的观点.  相似文献   

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