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20世纪以来,中国人民的优秀代表对中国走向现代化的道路进行了艰辛探索,其中最有代表性的就是孙中山的新三民主义建国方案,毛泽东的新民主主义建国方案和邓小平有中国特色的社会主义建国方案。它们以各自独特的风格反映了中国人民对现代化道路的选择,从历史与逻辑相统一的高度反映了中国社会发展的趋势。邓小平的特殊贡献就在于继承孙中山和毛泽东探索的积极成果的基础上,用建设有中国特色社会主义理论实现了历史性的创新与发展,找到了实现社会主义现代化的正确道路。三个建国方案产生的历史条件和主要内容孙中山是伟大的民主主义革命…  相似文献   

冯俊 《百年潮》2023,(1):1-2
<正>习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中指出:“全党必须牢记,全面从严治党永远在路上,党的自我革命永远在路上,决不能有松劲歇脚、疲劳厌战的情绪,必须持之以恒推进全面从严治党,深入推进新时代党的建设新的伟大工程,以党的自我革命引领社会革命。”习近平总书记在参加党的二十大广西代表团讨论时强调,要“牢牢把握以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命的重要要求”。这些重要论述,进一步丰富和发展了“以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命”的思想内容,深化了对建设什么样的长期执政的马克思主义政党、怎样建设长期执政的马克思主义政党的规律性认识。  相似文献   

建国后,中国共产党作为执政党,以自己鲜明的国际政策活跃于广阔的外交舞台。以毛泽东为首的党的第一代中央领导集体为了搞好国内的革命与建设,推进国际共产主义运动和被压迫民族、被压迫人民的解放斗争,反对霸权主义,就如何处理好无产阶级政党的党际关系提出了独立自主、互相援助、完全平等、协商一致等一系列基本准则,得到各兄弟党的广泛共识,丰富了马克思主义理论宝库,当前仍具有重大理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

孙镇  邓建华 《攀登》2023,(3):83-89
开展党内集中教育是中国共产党的优良政治传统,也是中国共产党加强自身建设的重要方式。基于历史和现实的双重语境考察,可以发现党内集中教育具有特质呈现功能,呈现了中国共产党“使命型”“革命型”和“先锋队”的政党形象;具有价值传承功能,丰富发展了党内政治文化的价值体系、推动党内政治文化的赓续传承、为党内政治文化的发扬提供了强大动力;具有思想凝聚功能,为政党认同的增进提供了思想基础、制度基础和价值基础,增进了广大党员对党组织的政治认同;具有合法性积聚功能,在合法性积聚的过程中,构建起了中国共产党的政党规范、提升了广大党员干部的执政能力、巩固了马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,深化了广大群众对中国共产党的政治信任;具有权威建构功能,有助于维护政党自身的权威和政党领袖的权威、实现了政党权威的理性化。基于政党理论的视角,可以分析出新时代党内集中教育所释放的政治功能,进而深入理解新时代中国共产党开展党内集中教育的政治意旨。  相似文献   

正确对待历史,善于总结经验,是一个马克思主义政党成熟的重要标志.中国共产党在领导革命、建设和改革的过程中,一贯重视对历史经验的借鉴和运用,党就是在不断总结历史经验的过程中逐步成熟起来的. 党员教育必须首先开展好党史学习教育 中国共产党历来看重借助党史学习教育,来教育和团结全党,以保证革命任务的顺利完成.在党内开展的学习...  相似文献   

毛泽东"共同富裕"思想解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张瑞敏 《史学月刊》2003,5(2):68-72
早在建国之初,毛泽东就已明确提出了共同富裕的概念,并积极地探索具体的实现道路与模式。从农业合作社到人民公社的发展与演变真实地反映了他的富裕观和价值取向。一方面他以生产关系的升级来努力寻求现实中的平等发展与同等富裕,另一方面他又把经济的富裕与革命精神、道德建设对立起来,从而陷入取舍两难的矛盾之中。  相似文献   

中国共产党建党百年以来,党的自身建设深深融入中国国家建构、国家改革、国家治理的进程,呈现出政党和国家、社会的融合发展,共同推进。中国共产党领导的革命、建设和改革事业的推进发展,必然引发中国社会革命、社会发展、社会转型,必然对政党建设、政党制度的发展不断地提出新问题、新要求,从而推动多党合作事业向广度和深度不断拓展。  相似文献   

刘宗洪 《攀登》2006,25(2):24-27
实现人的全面发展是马克思主义政党的终极理想。我们党进行革命和建设的目的,就是为了解放人和发展人。“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,从本质上把人的全面发展作为党的执政活动的全部目的。党的执政能力建设的首要目标是建设一个“立党为公、执政为民”的执政党,它体现了马克思主义政党的理想追求和价值取向。  相似文献   

11月15日至27日,我們在以"八一"起义聞名中外的南昌市,参加了文化部召开的全国地志博物館、革命紀念館館长会議,并訪問了革命搖籃井岡山,紅色故都瑞金,老革命根据地兴国,使我們受到一次极其深刻的革命传統教育,我們一致認为当前必須繼續大力开展革命文物的征集展覽工作,并且广泛进行革命历史遺址、遺迹和紀念地点的調查、保护和恢复工作,以配合当前在全国范围内开展的社会主义、共产主义思想教育运动和向广大人民群众进行革命传統教育,鼓舞建設社会主义的干劲和信心,促进工农业生产更大跃进!  相似文献   

石学峰 《攀登》2009,28(2):49-53
政党自其产生起就始终处在一个不断发展变化的过程之中。当前,世界政党的发展出现了以下新的态势,即从传媒政党化走向政党传媒化;力求建设包容性政党,积极增强政党的包容性;国际与地区性联合使党际交流日益频繁。认真分析和研究当代世界政党发展的新特点,对于现阶段加强和改进我们党的建设具有重要的现实启示。  相似文献   


David Walsh is a student of Eric Voegelin's political thought, and this essay evaluates the influence of Voegelin's work on Walsh, while also suggesting how Walsh deviates from Voegelin's philosophy. The analysis is performed in terms of several key concepts from Voegelin's work, including Gnosticism, metaxy, luminosity, equivalences of experience, and history. It is argued that Walsh makes extensive use of Voegelin's ideas of metaxy, luminosity, and the equivalences of experience, but that he transforms these concepts as he moves beyond Voegelin's philosophy of consciousness and turns to a philosophy of existence that is not subject to the epistemological problems that continue to challenge Voegelin's thought. Finally, it is suggested that, in so doing, Walsh is actually continuing Voegelin's philosophical project, rather than undermining it.  相似文献   

从农村合作化运动看国家构造中的集体及集体产权   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
集体产权不是一个主流经济学的产权概念,它只在中国才有财产和法律上的双重意义。伴随着农业合作化运动的互助组、初级社、高级社三个阶段,集体及集体产权也经历了一个萌芽、雏形、形成的过程。  相似文献   

Jessica Pykett 《对极》2012,44(1):217-238
Abstract: Policies explicitly aimed at changing people's behaviour and recasting state–citizen relations are becoming prevalent in the UK. New political rationalities of “co‐production”, “personalisation” and ‘soft” or “libertarian paternalism” seek to cultivate a relationship between the adaptive state and the active citizen which is increasingly pedagogical. Informing these new pedagogies of governing is research from behavioural economics, psychology and the neurosciences, from which policy strategists draw insights aimed at improving the effectiveness of behaviour‐changing interventions across a range of policy spheres. This paper develops perspectives from feminist economics, critical psychology and feminist political theory in order to demonstrate how such research offers a gendered account of human behaviour and thus is used to assert a conversely gender‐blind explanation of the legitimate role of the state in governing through behaviour change.  相似文献   

Alex Demirović 《对极》2011,43(1):38-59
Abstract: In contrast to assertions that the capitalist state is either losing control or that it has returned, this article argues that during the last two decades the state itself has been reshaped. To understand the processes that the capitalist state is exposed to it is necessary to conceive of it as a series of form‐specific practices. Which practices form “the state” is not a result of pre‐given institutions but of conflicts and struggles. The capitalist state, separated as it is from the relations of production, must not be made synonymous with the national state. Only as a result of certain relations of force does bourgeois rule acquire the form of the national state. These relations between classes are currently being dissolved by the ruling classes. The capitalist state is being reorganized and is constructing new elements of a transnational network state, whilst the state itself is governed through new techniques—that is, those of governance.  相似文献   

Much has been published theorizing the origins of states, but ethnography has lagged behind in developing the conceptual tools to theorize the state, generally preferring to study the margins of states or “stateless” societies, even though they were enmeshed in or colonized by states. In recent decades states seem to have been bypassed by an interest in global and transnational phenomena that presumes states as political organizations to be increasingly irrelevant. This review examines three texts that cut across archaeological and socio-cultural anthropology to analyze contemporary research on states and propose new directions in the study of states.  相似文献   

赵燕姣 《文博》2009,(1):64-68
周灭商后对殷遗民的处置,历来是史家关注的焦点,前人论说纷纭。1976年底扶风微氏青铜器窖藏的出土,给我们带来全新的认识,本文在经过对其释读的基础上,认为殷遗入周后受到周王室的礼遇。  相似文献   

Davina Cooper 《对极》2017,49(2):335-356
Merging means and ends, prefigurative politics perform life as it is wished‐for, both to experience better practice and to advance change. This paper contributes to prefigurative thinking in three ways. It explores what it might mean to prefigure the state as a concept; takes its inspiration from a historical episode rather than imagined time ahead; and addresses what, if anything, prefigurative conceptions can do when practiced. Central to my discussion is the plural state—taking shape as micro, city, regional, national and global formations. Plural state thinking makes room for divergent kinds of states but does not necessarily foreground progressive ones. Thus, to explore in more detail a transformative left conception of the state, discussion turns to 1980s British municipal radicalism. Taking up this adventurous episode in governing as a “thinking tool”, an imaginary of the state as horizontal, everyday, activist and stewardly emerges.  相似文献   

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