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Summary: The buildings and landscapes that constituted the mental institutions of the 19th and 20th centuries were not neutral spaces within which psychiatric theory could be enacted, but rather were highly ideological. This paper is concerned with the lack of correspondence between the ideals of psychiatric theory and the reality of mental institutions’ material environments. The principle of non-correspondence is applied to four mental institutions from New South Wales, Australia, to demonstrate the consequences of, and responses to, this lack of correspondence and its implications for the study of institutions archaeologically.  相似文献   

Religious organizations have always played a major role in the formulations of public policy. In the case of plant closings and mass unemployment, religious organizations have always assumed a leadership role in comforting and caring for workers and families under distress from job loss. Recently, religious organizations have broken from this traditional role to become advocates and actors in the politics of plant closings, economic development, and worker ownership. In this article, the efforts of religious organizations spawned by the closing of Youngstown Sheet and Tube are examined.  相似文献   

It is intended that the publication of this symposium will result in the involvement of more political scientists and policy analysts in the intriguing, challenging, and important area of mental health policy. The articles in this symposium serve as examples of a few of the areas in mental health that offer both the opportunity for and that would benefit from, more studies of policy issues and processes. Many others exist as well.  相似文献   

This paper considers how small area variations in a set of psychiatric referral outcomes in a London health authority of 750,000 people may inform health need assessment and health resourcing for mental illness based on true need. As well as adopting a multivariate perspective, the spatial interdependence of the outcomes is included in the modelling approach outlined. By contrast, existing studies on mental health need tend to focus on single outcomes, and may not include spatial dependence. The analysis relates to three hospital referral outcomes for psychiatric conditions, and to total community mental health referrals across sixty‐seven electoral wards in East London.  相似文献   

Narratives about mental health in Africa often present people with mental illness in situations of extreme precarity, such as in chains or on the street. In this article, the author argues that such representations should not become the only story regarding mental illness in Africa. The article focuses on the story of Joseph, a man who is an outpatient of a psychiatric ward in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and reflects upon his experience of mental illness in relation to the ongoing story of his life. His confident statement ‘I am also doing research’ provides an entry point for understanding his engagements with life and mental illness as acts of experimentation that are not necessarily rooted in precarity. His story shows how precarity and possibility can evolve alongside each other. It also shows the role that psychiatry already plays in (some of) the lives of people with mental illness in an African context, interacting with other narratives of mental troubles and healing.  相似文献   

This article suggests some characteristics of the field of mental health that might explain why political scientists and public policy analysts have evidenced little interest in the study of mental health policy. Following a brief overview of United States mental health policy, the author makes the case for the importance of menial health policy inquiry on grounds of both pragmatic and theoretical significance.  相似文献   

This essay explores the occurrence of unintended consequences of public policy, particularly those embodied in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) towards people diagnosed with mental illness. Rights to equal opportunity under the ADA are not inalienable. Two key provisions of the ADA allow employers to abridge those rights. While these provisions sound reasonable on the surface, this paper points out how they disproportionately affect people with psychiatric disabilities. The first provision is the direct threat exclusion, which exempts employers from the requirement to provide reasonable accommodation to a person with disabilities if that person poses a significant risk to the safety of others. Employers can exclude or fire qualified applicants or employees who potentially may pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the workplace. The second provision is that employers must only accommodate the known disabilities of an employee or applicant. While these provisions address legitimate concerns, they may be abused and they may distract employers and policymakers from other underlying problems.  相似文献   

戴斌  常俊娜  李薇  李莉  黄选 《旅游科学》2007,21(4):36-42
本文以首批创建白金五星级试点饭店为例,抽取相关饭店员工问卷样本进行满意度分析,采用SPSS13.0统计软件对员工是否满意、满意与不满意的因素并结合个人信息进行T检验和方差分析,以期对我国豪华饭店员工满意度现状进行评析并提出相关改进建议.  相似文献   

The cultural industries have come to the forefront as the potential job creators of the future. However, building on the concentric circles model and production system view of the cultural industries, we pose that many young and small organizations in the industries lack the motivation, ability, and opportunity to become job creator. We reason that industry location crucially affects job creation expectations. Evidence from an international sample of early-stage entrepreneurs strongly supports this thesis. We identify a divide between entrepreneurs in the ‘core’ cultural industries vis-à-vis those in the ‘non-core’ cultural industries, where the latter group is indistinguishable from entrepreneurs in non-cultural industries in their job creation expectations. Simultaneously, those in the core cultural industries are distinct from others in their expectations to maintain the same number of jobs, rather than grow. These findings have important implications for cultural policy aimed at promoting employment growth in the cultural industries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines how a metropolitan area's job growth affects its income distribution, using CPS data from 1979 to 1988. Metropolitan growth increases the poorest quintile's income by a greater percentage than for the average family. Metropolitan growth also increases the value of property owned by the richest quintiles. Economic development programs to increase local growth will have a net progressive effect if the cost per job created is low, and these costs are financed by personal taxes. But programs with a high cost per job, or financed by cutting welfare, will reduce the net income of the poorest quintile.  相似文献   

This paper advances a households-in-place perspective to understanding socio-spatial disadvantage in energy-carbon restructuring. This reflects evidence that the costs and benefits of low carbon restructuring will not be distributed evenly or fairly between people and places. Some households and localities will benefit from decarbonization but others will be disproportionately affected by rising energy costs and job loss. In this paper we use the example of England to explore different dimensions of advantage and disadvantage in low carbon restructuring and how they might be reinforced or mediated by intervention by governments, NGOs and citizens. The paper makes a distinctive contribution by linking different sites and policy areas in the distributional politics of decarbonization from the perspective of individuals and households. Emphasis is placed on understanding just energy-carbon transitions from a households-in-place perspective. The analytical framework is exemplified through case studies of the coming to ground of different strands of energy-carbon restructuring in England.  相似文献   

Contemporary parenting standards in the field of child protection produce a paradox in disability policy. Focusing on the protections necessary for child safety, child protection workers are apt stereotypically to discount the abilities of parents with disabilities to raise their children. This situation runs a wide spectrum. It includes parents fully capable of parenting with no outside assistance who are nevertheless denied their children on the basis of completely baseless stereotypical assumptions. It includes parents who are mentally fully capable of parenting, but who are denied the necessary personal assistance services to perform the physical tasks of child care. This article, however, focuses on yet another situation: parents with mental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities who, without assistance to perform the cognitive tasks necessary for safely raising children, could neglect their children. It discusses this situation in light of the Americans with Disabilities Act and various state laws that protect the civil rights of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

跨文化服务接触中游客服务质量感知的心理模型建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务接触是跨文化旅游交际的核心,是游客满意度构成的重要组成部分。本文以中国导游和美国游客之间的服务接触为例,以心理模型理论为基础,分析了美国游客感知中国导游服务质量的过程。本文认为,游客感知服务质量、形成满意度的过程是一个游客建构心理模型的推理过程。在建构过程中,由于游客的文化定位、价值观、旅游经历、个性特征、认知能力和情绪等诸因素的不同,每个游客所建构的心理模型不尽相同,最终形成的服务质量评价和满意度也不尽相同。  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a “personal,” as opposed to an institutional, view of administrative responsibility. The idea of personal responsibility is better suited for appreciating the cognitive, conceptual, and interpersonal dynamics of policy processes than is the institutional view of responsibility as accountability. From the perspective of personal responsibility, the primary impediment to responsible action by policy makers, policy analysts, and administrators is not that they may act in ways that are ethically or morally wrong. Rather, the problem is that such actors may either not perceive that important choices are available to them or, when choices are perceived, their moral, as opposed to their instrumental, content may not be appreciated. Responsible action should thus be seen as a conceptual or cognitive issue, not simply one of adherence to or departure from institutionally objectivated standards of correctness. Inability to appreciate the moral nature of action may be explained by the cognitive tendency to reify policy making and administrative institutions, roles, rules, and situations.  相似文献   

A dominant urban focus in previous research on the social geographies of mental health has obscured the experiences of people with mental health problems living in rural localities. Critiquing this urban focus, we report on research conducted in the rural and remote Scottish Highlands. Evidence derived from in-depth interviews with over 100 users of psychiatric services in the Highlands is deployed to investigate the complex socio-spatial dynamics of inclusion and exclusion experienced by these users on a daily basis. A discussion of the explanations that users themselves offer of their experiences is accompanied by a theoretical framing of these issues pivoting on relations of proximity–distance and intimacy–repulsion.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study in attempting to apply a particular value (caring) to the domain of social policy, specifically resource conservation policy. The argument is that our consumer society erodes the social basis for the development by individuals of a sense of well-being and personal identity, and that a conservation ethic based on the concept of caring could provide a foundation in practical morality and public policy for a viable sense of well-being.  相似文献   

Building upon Emile Meyerson's correspondence and other personal papers, all of them hosted by the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem, this article presents a mainly personal portrait of the philosopher (1859–1933). Thus this article describes his family circle in Lublin (Poland), his higher education (in Germany) and his professional course: settled in France, he worked first in chemistry, then get a job as foreign news editor and later took an important position at the Jewish Colonization Association. This article deals also with Meyerson's contacts with the French and international intellectuel milieu (scientists as well as writers).  相似文献   

This article examines the status of a national mental health policy for children in need of mental health services. The need for systems planning and services integration involving multiple agencies is presented. The different programs of the major governmental agencies involved in the delivery of services to children are reviewed, as are the range of services provided. This article demonstrates the fragmentation and duplication that is endemic in all aspects of mental health, and that consequently makes policy implementation exceedingly difficult.  相似文献   

Policy development is of little moment if those policies are never implemented. In this article a governor who had considerable success in implementing major changes in the mental health delivery system of his state suggests seven principles of successful policy implementation. The relevance, general utility, and applicability of these principles should be of interest to those political scientists who study issues related to policy implementation.  相似文献   

罗浩  钟国平 《人文地理》2007,22(1):77-81
本文首先报告了作者对1990!2004年广东省区域经济差距的变动趋势和影响因素的前期研究,发现广东省内总体区域差距基本呈明显上升趋势,其中,三大地带间差距和珠江三角洲内部差距、第二产业差距和第三产业差距对全省总体差距的影响最大。文章继而详细论述了在市场经济条件下缓解广东省内日益扩大的区域差距的基本思路。在此基础上,本文给出了缩小广东省区域经济差距的区域政策建议。  相似文献   

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