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谭萌 《民俗研究》2022,(1):33-41
集市是广泛存在于世界各地区各民族的商品交易形式,也是地方社会生活在空间上的浓缩。以流动为特征的集市为地方性知识的生成与表述、民俗关系的搭建与互动提供了场域,是区域性生活实践、文化变迁和社区整合的动力源泉。民俗学对集市中民俗事象、时空特征和实践活动的关注,可在超越村落边界的基础上,透视人群交往、文化交流和物品交换之间的关系,从而拓展民俗学的研究视野,深化对日常生活的理解,提升民俗学理论方法的活力;同时,民俗学的学术关怀可以进一步充实集市研究的生活感、文化性与应用性,丰富有关集市当代转型和乡村社会建设等议题的讨论,体现学科服务社会发展的现实关切。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院近代史研究所组织编撰的《中国近代通史》近期已由江苏人民出版社出版。全书共10卷,约550万字,各卷名称如下:第1卷《近代中国历史进程概说》,第2卷《近代中国的开端(1840—1864)》,第3卷《早期现代化的尝试(1865—1895)》,第4卷《从戊戌维新到义和团(1895—1900)》,第5卷《新政、立宪与辛亥革命(1901—1912)》,第6卷《民国的初建(1912—1923)》,第7卷《国共合作与国民革命(1924—1927)》,第8卷《内战与危机(1927—1937)》,第9卷《抗日战争(1937—1945)》,第10卷《中国命运的决战(1945—1949)》。本书的出版,完成了近代史研究所几代人的夙愿。对于1840—1949年完整的中国近代史来说,本书的撰写还是一个尝试。本刊特别约请我国近代史学界几位著名学者通过笔谈的形式发表看法,以期引起关注和讨论。  相似文献   

The article examines longitudinal trends in expenditures by over 1,200 private firms, finding evidence of punctuated equilibrium—a pattern of change widely interpreted as evidence of stick‐slip dynamics in decision‐making processes. Levels of punctuation in the private sector closely resemble those observed in studies on public budgeting, suggesting that the private sector is not on average any less resistant to change than government. Both private‐ and public‐sector decision making is a function of deliberative processes, which the article compares to market systems. Deliberative decision making takes place when a group comes to a consensus about the allocation of resources. Market processes aggregate the actions of many independent decision makers to arrive at an outcome, such as the value of a commodity. The article considers the relative informational efficiency of these two processes and concludes that market systems should be more adaptive to incoming information. Three case studies provide natural experiments to investigate the stability of outputs during periods of deliberative and market control. A key finding is that when outputs are determined by market systems it greatly reduces the magnitude of punctuation.  相似文献   

The characteristics of hierarchical trade flows, when placed in the context of differentiated markets, can provide some insight into the underlying bases of contemporary international trade. A model that relies on differentiated market theory and hierarchical market theory is developed. Trade characteristics derived in the model, concerning the frequency and value of trade, are empirically tested. Empirical results indicate that the model provides a useful framework for the analysis of contemporary international trade.  相似文献   

关于旅游节庆市场化运作的思考   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
旅游节庆作为一种动态的化旅游吸引物,应该作为独立的旅游产品来经营。规范化、市场化、产业化是旅游节庆必由之路。笔认为以下问题是探索旅游节庆走向的关键:独一无二的城市特征是旅游节庆的灵魂;广泛的民众性是节庆赖以成功的魅力所在;活动内容的确定性和管理的严谨是旅游节庆成为“产品”基本条件;“成本与利润”理念的注入是节庆得以传承的基础。  相似文献   

A review of periodic and quasiperiodic VLF emissions observed at ground-based stations and in the Earth's magnetosphere is presented. Emissions with periods below 10 s are divided into three main groups: periodic emissions, hisslers and pulsing hiss, while the quasiperiodic emissions with periods above 10 s are divided into two main groups: QP1, which are definitely related to geomagnetic pulsations, and QP2, which are not obviously related to them, based on ground observations. However, it is pointed out that all types of quasiperiodic emissions with periods over 10 s observed onboard satellites show some association with geomagnetic pulsations which suggests that both QP1 and QP2 can have similar mechanisms for their generation. Different approaches to the theoretical modelling of periodic and quasiperiodic emissions are discussed.  相似文献   

茶市是明政府在西北边地设立的与藏族诸部落进行以茶易马活动的地点。设在这一地点上的管理机构称为茶马司,茶市的所有交易活动都是在茶马司安排下完成的,没有茶马司的先期安排,就没有茶市的后期交易,可以说茶市是茶马司的附属物。从表面上看茶市只是进行简单的物物交换活动,而实际上是明政府对西部边地藏族诸部落进行羁縻政策的一种具体表现形式,它起着团结少数民族、巩固边地、加强统一的积极作用,因此具有极浓的政治意义和军事意义,是明史研究不可忽视的一个重要问题。本从多角度对这一问题进行全面研究,试图勾勒出一个完整的茶市来:  相似文献   

<正>Although I am naturally born for business,I urge my children to do their best in school since I do not want them to be useless and without knowledge,not even properly equipped to find their way to a nearby restroom to relieve themselves,in a way similar to yaks and sheep.  相似文献   

西夏汉文“南边榷场使文书”再研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《俄藏黑水城文献》第6册收录有15件有关西夏榷场使的汉文文书,英藏黑水城文献也有2页有关西夏榷场使文书的残件,俄藏和英藏有关西夏榷场使文书的残页总数已达17件。文书是榷场使向上级机构汇报榷场业务,主要是依例扭算进口总值、应税额特别是各种进口商品具体种类、具体数量和具体价值量,对收税情况进行统计的报告。文书提供了西夏南边榷场使汉文文书的实物样本,反映了西夏官方汉文公文制度、外贸统计制度和扭算制度、外贸管理体制和管理方式等。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of incorporating household dynamics into operational dynamic urban models. Dynamic model approaches that can be used to model urban change are introduced and discussed. We conclude that these different approaches are best combined in an accounting framework. An example of an accounting framework for a dynamic model of Amsterdam is presented. The household submodel is discussed in detail and some preliminary results are given.  相似文献   

非市场竞争条件下喀斯特洞穴旅游竞争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场竞争条件下,即游客为经济人的情况下,同一地域内洞穴类旅游地的空间竞争表现为替代性强的空间竞争,其结果为区位好、资源价值高、知名度大的洞穴替代区位差、资源价值低、知名度小的洞穴.而在非市场竞争条件下,同一地域内的洞穴旅游地空间竞争结果受到旅游地内外部复杂环境因素的影响,表现为不确定性.企业经营因素、政策因素等有可能超越资源、区位、知名度等因素,对洞穴类旅游地间的空间竞争格局的形成发挥作用,导致市场的重新分配.  相似文献   

A Note on the Geographic Interdependencies of Retail Market Areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Central place theory describes an orderly hierarchy of places, with particular retail services developing for lower-ordered places as they reach a threshold. Yet it is likely that nearby areas could serve simultaneously as a source of demand and a source of competing supply for retail stores in a place. This paper contributes to the understanding of local economic development by modeling and estimating the geographic interdependence between a place and its neighboring areas. The simultaneous equation Tobit results suggest that such geographical interdependence exists for most retail industries, with spatial competition on the supply side being particularly important.  相似文献   

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