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张志友 《神州》2011,(1X):144-144,147
体育专业大学生具有鲜明的思想特点,他们坚持主流意识形态,但价值观念趋向多元;思想较为外向与活跃,但缺乏理性自控能力;注重专业技能学习,但忽视文化素质与修养。当前国际国内环境的复杂与思想政治教育内容形式的不足为思想政治教育提出挑战。要形成具有体育特色的思想政治教育目标体系,把思想政治教育融入体育课堂教学中,巩固学生党团、学生组织的重要地位,加强教师、管理者的表率作用,通过丰富的校园文化活动贯彻思想政治教育理念。  相似文献   

陈立军 《区域治理》2022,(14):131-134
在新的时期,"体育兴邦"被赋予全新的时代意义,是体育行业指向性的指导思想.因此,对于体育从业者来说,既需要在平时的训练中不断引导队员进行体能增强训练,同时也应该增强自身的体育素养.与此同时,运动员的思想政治教育也至关重要,一支优秀的运动队一定有着先进的政治思想觉悟.本文结合笔者多年的带队经验,围绕政治思想教育对运动队的...  相似文献   

唐代的体育活动与政治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国自政治伦理形成后,社会生活中便有意无意地贯穿着一条突出政治的原则。本文对唐代的体育活动同政治的关系进行考察,以揭示当时体育活动的政治倾向,以及人们对待体育活动所持的政治标准和引出的政治意义。一对于一些体育项目,唐人肯定了它们的政治意义。唐代的球类活动有足球和马球两种,足球称为蹴鞠,马球称为打球或击球。玄宗时,蔡孚作《打球篇》一诗,序言说:“打球者,往之蹴鞠古戏也,黄帝所作兵势,以练武士,知有材也。”这是西汉学者刘向《别录》中的说法,为唐人所接受。因此,球类活动在唐代是军事体育,宫廷和军队都经常举行,  相似文献   

刘大川 《旅游纵览》2013,(12):267-268
体育的思想政治教育功能是基于马克思主义理论指导的体育和思想政治教育的学科交叉研究,它不仅丰富了思想政治教育的学科理论体系,而且为思想政治教育实践活动的开展提供了鲜活载体和实现路径。《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(16号文件)中明确指出:要大力加强学生的文化素质教育,把德育、体育、美育有机结合起来,寓教育于文化活动之中。培养德智体全面发展的人是当今教育的最高理想目标,随着社会对新型人才的需要,对个人综合素质的重视,从应试教育到素质教育的层层变革旨在关注人的全面发展,强调教育的"以人为本"和"科  相似文献   

陈煦 《神州》2011,(26)
体育教学理论来源于体育教学实践,反过来又指导教学实践,并在教学实践中不断完善与发展。本文通过对当代我国体育教学理论建设发展情况的探究发现,在改革开放以前,由于政治历史原因,我国的体育教学理论建设发展速度相对较慢,研究质量相对较差。自改革开放以来,我国体育教学理论的建设发展日新月异,成效显著。  相似文献   

陈煦 《神州》2011,(11):62-62
体育教学理论来源于体育教学实践,反过来又指导教学实践,并在教学实践中不断完善与发展。本文通过对当代我国体育教学理论建设发展情况的探究发现,在改革开放以前,由于政治历史原因,我国的体育教学理论建设发展速度相对较慢,研究质量相对较差。自改革开放以来,我国体育教学理论的建设发展日新月异,成效显著。  相似文献   

社会体育的发展是全面建设小康社会的一个重要体现,全面建设小康社会又为社会体育的发展提供了政治、经济、文化等方面的有利务件。在全面建设小康社会的背景下社会体育应朝着以人为本,提高体育人口数量,逐步改善社会体育环境条件设施,向锻炼手段科学化、活动内容多样化、管理方式多元化等方向发展。  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个涉及政治、经济、社会乃至自然环境各个层面,内容极其丰富的概念,体育的和谐是其中的重要组成部分。本文从维护社会安定团结;促进体育产业的发展;加强体育意识,增进体育文化的理解三方面来论述全民健身在构建和谐社会中的作用。  相似文献   

骑射体育活动是女真人尚武习俗的具体体现,有金一代,骑射类的体育活动发展几乎伴随着金朝国势的兴盛与衰落而起伏。金代统治者提倡骑射体育活动,绝非强身健体那么简单,有诸多政治因素在起导向作用。金代骑射体育活动的作用大体有:保持了女真民族的优秀传统文化,加强其民族凝聚力,保持了其国民勇武善战的军事实力等。  相似文献   

国民政府自从1935年5月直接控制贵州后,为"振兴"、"复苏"其困境,在政治、军事、经济、文化等方面开展了一系列举措。对贵州体育教育与发展做了相应调整。文章以1935年至1936年期间贵州体育状况为出发点进行研究,以探讨当时贵州体育状况。  相似文献   

体育旅游资源开发及营销   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
体育旅游是近年来国内外旅游研究中的新兴课题。本文简述了体育旅游研究的产生背景,从营销角度探讨了大型体育赛事的旅游功效评价;在尝试对体育旅游进行类型划分的同时,分析了这些类型划分对有关体育旅游发展战略的影响。  相似文献   


Internationally, ethnicity in sports has become an independent field of research amongst sports historians focusing on phenomena such as colonialism, immigration and indigenous populations. Studies demonstrate that sports have simultaneously been able to assimilate different groups, promoting majority concepts of identity and majority values, and enable groups to fashion their own singular ethnic identities in contrast to those of majority societies. In Norwegian historical research, sport and ethnicity has been given only scarce attention. Norwegian sports historians have mainly seen Norway as an ethnically homogenous society where sport has played an essential part in creating a unifying national identity. A major concern for Norwegian sports history research has been the political split in Norwegian sports in the 1930s. Research on this event has mainly been occupied with the relationship between the Workers’ Sports Association (AIF) and the “bourgeois” National Sports Federation (NLI), and by AIF's significance as a political movement. Less attention, however, has been given to its cultural impact. This article investigates the establishment and function of AIF in the multi-ethnic area of West Finnmark, a geographically and politically peripheral region of Northern Norway, at the end of the 1930s. The town of Alta, the main focus of attention, was in the 1930s a small fiord community with an ethnically mixed population of indigenous Sámi, Kvens and Norwegians, sharp political divisions and a vibrant sporting milieu. Although the political division of Alta's sports establishment displays many of the traits that characterize similar events in the country at large, the ethnic factor brought another, important, dimension to it. This highly politicized period in Finnmark sports underlines the importance of sports as an arena for the construction and reinforcement of not only political identity, but also for the production of ethnic and local identities.  相似文献   

In recent years, several cities have constructed new sports facilities in concentrated areas or supplemented existing facilities to create a themed sport zone. Some have branded these areas as “sports cities” to give them visibility and coherence. This research assesses the rationale for these projects, in particular, their potential value as new tourist areas for cities. Although the relationship between sport and cities is an established part of urban studies, there is currently little research that explicitly addresses this new phenomenon of themed areas of cities dedicated to sport. To address the lack of previous work, existing literature on comparable manifestations of themed urban areas is used as a conceptual basis for the paper. A comparative analysis is then conducted of four specific schemes: “SportCity”, Manchester (UK); “The International Sports Village”, Cardiff (UK); “The Aspire Zone”, Doha (Qatar) and “Dubai Sports City” (UAE). These different sports-city zones are compared and evaluated with reference to issues raised in the literature. The paper concludes that, to be successful, sports-city zones need to be planned as such, and not merely employed as convenient brands for existing events facilities.  相似文献   

The main goals of this article are first to examine through Olympic sports journalism what hierarchies and categorisations of the global space and the people populating it were considered important to the national imagery in Finland at the beginning of the twentieth century and, secondly, to assess how the notion of race was intertwined with these categorisations. Sports journalism played an important role in Finland by constructing and legitimising a national imagery and by providing accounts of other races, cultures and nationalities that were considered ‘different’ from ‘us’. The article concludes that sports journalism at that time employed three major discursive practices that were aimed at constructing an image of a white, Western and Finnish nation living in the north. The ‘others’ were placed in a hierarchy, in which their position was determined by their racial background and assumed similarities/differences in appearance and behaviour as compared with Finnish males.  相似文献   

The Oral History Association's 2008 annual meeting was heldin Pittsburgh last October, as the World Series and the 2008U.S. Presidential Election approached. While the PittsburghPirates were not in the playoffs—and had not been since1992—Pennsylvania's other team, the Philadelphia Phillies,were. And with the Keystone State's status as a key "swing state"in the 2008 election, the presidential candidates and theirprospective running mates made stops in myriad cities and townsthere during the summer and fall. The intersection of politics and sports always will give riseto politicians trying  相似文献   

At a time when Japanese foreign policy was constrained by the legacies of war and the exigencies of the Cold War, hosting the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was conceived as an alternative means of engagement with the international community. The sporting diplomacy of the Tokyo Olympics centered around elevating Japan’s international position by engaging the people of the world on a grassroots level. The pervasive notion that sports are separate from politics helped smooth Japan’s return to the international community, while concerns about the image presented to foreign audiences motivated efforts to internationalize Japan, in terms of both the physical infrastructure of the capital and attitudes of the people. The development of infrastructure for the Games—including new buildings, roads, and trains, and even a satellite to facilitate live international broadcast—all contributed to making Japan more “international.” The event was a great success for Japan, both athletically and diplomatically, and sports diplomacy became a lasting component of Japan’s foreign policy, still used today to promote international connections and develop greater knowledge and understanding of Japan. At the same time, this build-up of soft power also cleared the way for the development of greater hard power by Japan.  相似文献   


In ‘Itinerary’ Patrick McCarthy provides an introduction to the four articles that examine the connections between sport, politics, business and contemporary culture in Italy. Noting that mass participation in sport has been closely related to modernization, McCarthy argues that the forms of contemporary mass sport reflect the particular cultural, political and economic conditions of each European society. In Italy these made soccer and cycling the most popular mass sports by 1945.

Patrizia Dogliani’s article ‘Sport and Fascism’ examines the development of mass sport in Italy from the late nineteenth century, showing the critical role played by the Fascist regime, which rapidly expanded public sports facilities while the language of politics and combat permeated the vocabulary of sport in Italy in the 1920s and 1930s. Initially the emphasis was on international competition as a symbol of national virility, but following the success of Germany and the USA in the 1936 Olympics the regime’s search for consensus placed new emphasis on recreational aspects. The institutional and administrative organization of sport established in the 1930s remained in place in Italy, however, until more recendy.

In ‘Itinerary 2’ McCarthy examines the roles of the boxer Carnera from Friuli and the racing driver Tazio Nuvolari as sporting heroes of Mussolini’s Italy and in ‘Itinerary 3’ shows how the struggles between Catholic Italy and Communist Italy were personified in the rivalry between the cyclists Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi in the post-war period.

In ‘Itinerary 4’ he asks why soccer had by the 1970s overtaken cycling as Italy’s most popular sport. That theme is examined in greater detail by Nicola Porro and Pippa Russo, whose article reconstructs the ‘hybridization of sport, mass media and politics’ in Italy in the 1990s. Its central focus is Silvio Berlusconi, the self-made media tycoon who founded Fininvest in the 1970s, acquired AC Milan in 1986, and by 1994 controlled a media empire that enabled him to found a new political party (Forza Italia) and become Italy’s Prime Minister albeit for less than a year. Porro and Russo examine the ways in which Berlusconi’s roles in the world of the media and professional soccer have changed both Italian politics and Italian sport.

In ‘Itinerary 5’ McCarthy sets the example of Berlusconi in the context of the integration of soccer and mass media, the commercialization and politicization of sport at a global level in the last decade. These issues are developed in greater detail in Emanuela Poli’s article, ‘The revolution in the televised soccer market’, which emphasizes the critical role that has been played by soccer and soccer clubs in the development of the new media empires based on digital pay-per-view TV and the sale of sporting events in the 1990s. This has left control of the sport (in terms of who can watch and when) in the hands of major international communications moguls like Berlusconi and Rupert Murdoch.

‘Itinerary 6’ links the fragmentation of collective myths like the national soccer championships to the decline of the nation state, and surveys the situation of other sports in Italy (the Americas Cup, skiing, rugby football. Formula 1 motor racing and the gymnasium). The latter is the subject of the final article by Roberta Sassatelli on ‘The commercialization of discipline: keep-fit culture and its values’ which explores the social and cultural meanings attached to the growing vogue for fitness clubs and the shaping of the ideal body in contemporary Italy.  相似文献   

This article examines the life and works of Robert Blakey, author of the first English-language history of political thought. Studies of Blakey have typically concentrated on one aspect of his life, whether as an authority on field sports or as an historian of philosophy. However, some of Blakey’s lesser-known ventures, particularly his early Radical politics, his hagiographies, and his attempts to write a biography of Charlemagne, heavily influenced his more famous works. Similarly, Blakey’s upbringing in a Calvinist tradition, rooted in the Scottish School of Common Sense philosophy helps makes sense of his philosophical and theological commitments, yet has been largely ignored. This article provides a sketch of Blakey’s life, tying these disparate strands together, and explaining their influence upon, and relevance to, the first history of political philosophy.  相似文献   

有明一代,宦官的势力遍及帝国中枢和地方要塞,对明朝政治、经济、军事以及文化等各方面都产生了巨大的影响。就军事上来说,自明中期以来,宦官不仅提督京营、监军统兵、镇守地方,而且还在皇城大内演兵习武,同时也为皇帝举行军事体育娱乐活动,史称"内操"。本文主要根据《明实录》、《明史》以及明清历史笔记等相关史料梳理出明代宦官内操的兴衰历程,并分析其不同时期的阶段性特点,力求对明宦官史、宫廷史研究有所增益。  相似文献   

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