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2011年11月29日-12月17日1911年12月14日,人类第一次到达南极点;百年后的今天,人类挑战终极的梦想仍在继续…走进晶莹剔透的白色大陆,沉淀和净化心灵。体验南极探索旅程,唤起保护地球家园的决心。2011年,中国领先商业媒体《世界经理人》携手德迈国际,联合举办一个地球一个家一走进南极,百人环保行公益活动。活动已于5月18日在北京正式启动;四场环保主题沙龙相继在上海、广州、深圳、北京成功举办,获多家主流媒体关注和报道。  相似文献   

在人类无法摆脱对轿车的依赖的情况下,王传福的电动车王国如果建立成功,那将不但是中国制造的骄傲,更可能成为环保事业的最有力推动者  相似文献   

杨欣的办公室就在成都的一个普通居民区里,门上贴着各种活动在可可西里一带的动物图谱。屋里没有装修,两张乒乓球桌拼起来当成了会议桌,显得有些空空荡荡。办公室的三个工作人员中只有一个是专职,其他两个一个是西南民大教师,一个是川大的研究生。  相似文献   

钱易,生干1936年,江苏无锡人,著名国学大师钱穆之女。现任清华大学教授,曾任全国妇联副主席、北京市政协副主席、中国科协副主席、全国人大环境与资源保护委员会副主任委员。1951年至1952年在江苏省苏州市文联、苏南文教处工作。1952年至1956年在上海同济大学学习。1956年至1957年任上海同济大学助教。1957年考入清华大学攻读研究生,1959年10月毕业后留校任教至今。历任清华大学环境工程系助教、讲师、副教授、教授、教研室主任、环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室主任。  相似文献   

2009年5月26日,首届丹霞地貌国际学术讨论会在丹霞地貌命名地、中国红石公园、世界地质公园——广东丹霞山召开。150多位国际国内地质地貌专家和中国有关部门、中国丹霞世界自然遗产系列提名地专家和官员齐聚一堂,就丹霞地貌的科学发展与资源保护利用、丹霞地貌自然遗产保护等有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

佛家常言:一花一世界,一叶一如来。 而我说:一树一世界,一叶一如来。  相似文献   

上世纪70年代初的一天,一名放羊娃百无聊赖地坐在一片草地上,他随手在身边的草窝中掏挖着,突然,草丛中出现了一根根骨头.这些质地坚硬、色泽如玉的骨头深深地“长”在赭黄色的沙土中,在阳光下显得十分醒目.年幼的放羊娃费了九牛二虎之力才拔出了其中的一根.  相似文献   

高敏 《神州》2011,(25):94-96
说起海洋,你脑海中浮现的是什么?神秘而美丽的一片湛蓝,绚丽而奇异的海洋生物,抑或是狂暴的海啸、台风;阳光耀眼的沙滩浴场、缤纷梦幻的水族馆,抑或是被污染的水域、不断上升的海平面;海明威的《老人与海》、蕾切尔.  相似文献   

欧洲和美国的反对人士分别向当地法院提出起诉,要求叫停这个项目,理由是机器能产生危险粒子或者微型黑洞,从而毁灭整个地球  相似文献   

张红菊 《百年潮》2011,(4):67-70
伴随着经济的高速发展和物质文明的巨大进步,当今世界面临的环境资源危机也愈益严重,环境问题已成为全世界共同关心的问题,而这一问题在我国表现尤为突出。如何处理经济发展与环境保护的关系,以及物质文明丰裕富饶与精神世界健康和谐的关系成为我们面临的重大问题。  相似文献   

American cities vary considerably in the degree to which they pursue sustainability. What explains this variation? One plausible cause of such differences is that sustainability may be more appealing to high‐income cities than to more economically challenged cities. Yet such strict economic determinism seems simplistic and removes politics from an inherently political process. The hypothesis here is that any such relationship between income and commitment to sustainability is conditioned by a city's level of environmental advocacy. The data utilized in this analysis are derived from two large‐scale data sources. One is a comprehensive inventory of sustainability programs and policies in 50 large American cities. The other is a set of surveys in those same 50 cities. The multivariate model supports the hypothesis. Controlling for income growth and the predisposition of policymakers to be supportive of sustainability (as well as other alternative explanations), a city's commitment to sustainability is strongly linked to the advocacy of environmental and sustainability groups in the policymaking process. The example of Sustainable Seattle is used to illustrate the linkages that would seem to underlie the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

This paper critically evaluates the use of journals as a pedagogic tool to encourage reflection, critique and self-analysis by students. Based within a postgraduate teaching module that has operated annually since 2008 and was awarded the Royal Town Planning Institute's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2009, reflexive journals were employed as a method of assessment which, supplemented by conventional lectures and student focus groups, sought to explore the relations, opportunities and obstacles for sustainable development at the individual level.  相似文献   

The English higher education landscape has recently experienced a significant change with the addition of 74 Centres for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETLs), each one devoted to a particular educational issue or theme. This paper highlights a CETL which is of special interest to geographers in that it is focused on the promotion of education for sustainable development (ESD). The CETL is based at the University of Plymouth, UK, and is tasked with the responsibility of embedding a whole-university approach to sustainability. It will also seek to encourage best practice more widely, working with other institutions regionally, nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Research evidence and pleas that humans are undermining their own survival on a robust and unforgiving planet seem to be falling on deaf ears. The drive for economic and military security remains more powerful than the evidence that both of these objectives are being undermined by environmental damage, social disruption, unjust treatment and forced migration. Yet the signs are growing that environmentally and socially sound futures may be vital prerequisites for economic and military stability. So, at the heart of multi-nationalism, sustainable development is beginning to be recognized as a crucial element in reliable international agreements. The consequence of all this is that environmental science has become highly political, and geographers need to recognize and work within an expanding political process. Examples of new forms of governing via sustainability science for sustainable futures are offered in the latter part of the paper, especially at local government level. The antagonistic pressures of established power and economic hegemony are never far away. Indeed, the confirmation of these established patterns of power still pervades the politics of environmental science. But it is possible that these antagonistic political frameworks are beginning to be transcended by the more influential aspects of sustainability partnerships incorporating new arrangements between government, private capital and civil associations. These partnerships will not be easy to create, for they criss-cross boundaries of familiarity and rules of operation. But geographers can play a critical role in helping to shape them and assess the best circumstances for ensuring their success.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the way land-cover stock and change data are used for 'state of the environment' reporting. The paper considers the relative merits of the indicator approach as opposed to one based on natural resource accounting. It is shown that indicators have a number of shortcomings as measures of the sustainability of land-cover change, and that land-cover accounts offer a more rigorous framework in which to develop and test policy. The argument draws upon the experience gained in the preparation of land-cover accounts for Great Britain using data from Countryside Survey 1990.  相似文献   

环境解说评估研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔚东英 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):84-94
环境解说评估具有导向、鉴定、改进、管理、调控以及服务功能。国外的环境解说评估注重运用定性与定量分析结合的方式,研究内容包括:游客对解说媒体满意度和偏好、环境解说评估的方法和效果、环境解说的综合评估、环境解说评估标准等。国内相关研究起步比较晚,研究内容多为探讨解说效果和游客满意度,也有少量关于环境解说评估的理论思考以及评估方式探讨。本文认为,需要进一步扩展环境解说评估的对象,丰富环境解说评估的方法,加强前期评估和阶段评估的研究,并建立起环境解说标准。  相似文献   

This paper identifies some of the pedagogical benefits of an active learning course delivery complemented by an online discussion forum to teach sustainability by evaluating the case of a geography master's course. The potential benefits and some challenges of an active learning course delivery to teach sustainability in geography and related disciplines are considered. This case study further supports past research that suggests e-learning as a complement to the classroom (1) increases the opportunities for student participation; and (2) enhances the participation of students who may feel more inhibited to engage in discussions in a traditional classroom setting.  相似文献   

Collapse is a perennial topic among historical scholars, and a favorite source of lessons for our future. Collapse literature often reflects contemporary fears and aspirations. The four books discussed here mirror today's concern with anthropogenic environmental degradation and climate change, and for better or worse, influence a reading public far beyond the academy. Two books focus on an individual collapse—the Classic Maya—and two aspire to a broader treatment. They are unequally successful in their outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews theoretical and empirical approaches drawn from influential journal articles and books on sustainability policy published over the last 10 years (2007 through 2017). Due to the widespread application of sustainability as a concept and space limitations, the paper more narrowly focuses on sustainability research in three critical policy areas: climate change, urban development, and agroecology and food systems. Drawing from information provided primarily by citation indexes, the study identifies and analyzes the research literature related to sustainability in these three fields. Future theoretical and empirical research approaches that can better integrate and connect the current diffuse and incongruent literature on sustainability are discussed in the paper. The findings of the literature review generate a number of possible future research directions that are discussed in the study.  相似文献   

Trent Brown 《对极》2016,48(1):115-133
Until recently, the concept of “sustainability” appeared to occupy a central position in the politics of many Western democracies. Following the 2008 financial crisis, however, sustainability has been relegated to a position of secondary or tertiary significance. This article considers the rise and fall of sustainability through the theoretical lens of Ernesto Laclau, considering whether it may be seen as an example of an “empty signifier”. Through detailed engagement with Laclau's work, as well as both theoretical and empirical studies of the concept of sustainability, I argue that sustainability signifies the multiple failures of dominant discourses to recognise “the future” as a meaningful category. After examining the historical conditions under which sustainability was able to operate in this way, I go on to argue that the global financial crisis and neoliberalism more broadly have interrupted our capacity to think about the future, undermining the significance of sustainability, at least temporarily.  相似文献   

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