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<正>一个眼神,一种微笑,一次叩拜行走甘南,心灵如朝圣般,望着那些行五体投地叩拜大礼的人们不惜用毕生的代价在蜿蜒曲折的长路上,向着遥远的目标,用身体丈量着朝圣的道路,听着那木板双叩、磨擦土地的声响,每一叩,每一扑,都强烈冲击着我的心灵,更有恍如隔世之感,风景不再重要,感受他们的世界会使心灵更加纯净……  相似文献   

正With the architectural history upon the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau spanning back four to five thousand years, the Tibetan architecture has given rise to three basic forms:palaces, monasteries and civilian residences. Residences themselves can be further subdivided geographically and material-wise into nomadic lodgings, earth-and-stone structures, cave dwellings(especially in the western frontier),and wood-and-mud houses in  相似文献   

From June 25-27, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held their Fourth National Conference on Work in Tibet and General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji both spoke at the meeting. CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan made a summing up speech. The National Conference, in which leaders of various provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government also participated, was held when the CPC was celebrating the 80th anniversary of its founding and the 50th anniv…  相似文献   

段兆顺 《旅游纵览》2010,(12):68-73
<正>不久前翻阅到一本关于巴拉格宗的摄影集,那时我甚至还从未听说过这个地名。从此巴拉格宗就成了心中的一个意象,神山、峡谷、河流、飞瀑、村庄、原始森林、玛尼堆……带着原  相似文献   

姜玢  长嗣烨 《世界》2008,(12):88-95
Louis愿意称自己是“管家”,尽管.他是这个家庭名副其实的主人.但是.在他看来,“管家”会用更细致的方式爱家、爱家人、爱生活。  相似文献   

<正>Tibet's school for the blind was founded in 1999 by the blind German woman Sabriye Tenberken,who was not only the first person to establish a school especially for blind girls,but also the inventor of Tibetan braille.This institution nurtured the first educated blind people within all of Tibet,the first Tibetan group for the blind all being former students at this school.  相似文献   

<正>Leapfrog Progress in Infrastructural Development Tibet is most certainly progressing in convenience of transportation.Across the whole region,roads increased from 63.1thousand kilometers in 2011 to 82.1 thousand kilometers in 2016,and by the end of 2016,the total length of operational  相似文献   

This paper locates the emerging professional police force in Copenhagen both in a European‐wide context and in the context of Danish absolute monarchy between 1660 and 1799. The surviving source material on the activities of the new police force itself (from 1683) is reviewed, but the notion of ‘good police’ is placed in a much broader early modern framework involving not only daily security in the city, and matters of criminal and civil law arising naturally in a growing urban environment, but also the relationship between the police master and the many other existing agents of domestic policy in early modern Denmark. The role of ‘good police’ in terms of begging, vagrancy and the workhouse conform largely to contemporary European patterns, but when the police was also (from 1773) given powers to control newspapers and the press, questions of civil rights and obligations were bound to be raised – not least once public opinion became fully aware that the mental condition of Christian VII meant that absolutism could not operate in the normal way. Although the Copenhagen police provided a tool for more co‐ordinated implementation of social policy in the 18th century, there were no sudden changes in domestic agenda.  相似文献   

Sabrina  薛龙STUDl  景丽  王岩 《世界》2014,(9):26-27
因烈日而晒黑晒花,因过敏而泛红、爆痘,因疲劳变黯沉出黑眼圈……如库克岛这般有着最纯净风景的海岛,却很容易由于日晒或水土多变让肌肤不纯净?!别担心,海岛度假净肤秘器来救急。  相似文献   

任春吉  朱子畅  邢峥  汪琳  宣彭  经纬  亚楠  丁丁  子畅 《世界》2014,(9):92-95
我们所熟知的王新是《侦察记》中的李春林,《铁血使命》中的刘成,《向着炮火前进》中的刘建功,出演过多部战争片的王新已然成为不折不扣的“军人专业户”,正义的革命形象深入人心。他说:“大学刚毕业那会儿特别期待饰演英雄人物,目前还真演了不少。而现在就是想演一个普普通通的人,一些生活当中家长里短的事情,越普通越好。可能是因为这类题材近些年拍得偏少,越是返璞归真的东西对人的考验越大,所以还是很期待。”其实无论是年代剧还是现代剧,作为一个演员,王新一直用心塑造着每一个角色。  相似文献   

天空中有山鹰自由自在地翱翔,在我们的头顶上盘旋鸣叫,生命和自由是多么令人向往啊。路边草地上散落着一团团一簇簇的各色小花,有紫色的,黄色的,白色的,有的从石缝中顽强挺起来,让人有种说不出的感动。而草叶经了昨晚的夜露,正闪着片片磷光,幻如童话。  相似文献   

The water requirements of the Moscow region, now estimated at 6 cubic kilometers a year, are expected to increase by a factor of 2.5 to 3 over the long term in connection with higher water use rates for households and municipal uses, industrial expansion and the proposed development of perennial pasture lands for livestock. Over the short term, Moscow's additional needs are to be met from two major sources: (a) additional transfer of water from the Ivan'kovo Reservoir on the Volga River north of Moscow; (b) development of a water-transfer system from the Ugra River (a left tributary of the Oka River), southwest of Moscow. Over the long term, the region's water resources may have to be replenished from Lake Ladoga or from the Volga River's Rybinsk Reservoir, which may by then also be receiving additional water from northern streams.  相似文献   

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