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<正>Day One It was August 2013 when I first arrived in Changtang as a volunteer for WCS China.As our car was approaching the grassland,the air smelled a bit different,with the cool breeze of snowy mountains and the brisk smell of the prairie.When I saw the first Tibetan antelope holding her magnificent horns proudly high and staring at us for a while,I felt I was living in a dream.This was my first impression of Changtang.  相似文献   

<正>"Let me walk into the water and try it,"said Director Tsewang while he was rolling up his pants to his knees.He took out a shovel from the rear door of the car and walked towards the water.He tried to test the depth of the water by using his feet and moved forward slowly.With every step,he trod hard on the ground underwater and constantly used the shovel to clear the way.What he  相似文献   

正Changtang lies in the center of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.A paradise of wild animals,Changtang is one of the few places on Earth in which throngs of wild mammals can be observed.According to the forestry department,there are 28mammal,92 bird,and 13 fish species in Changtang.Though the species of wild  相似文献   

正If the Tibetan antelope is an elf among the highland animals,then the black-necked crane is undoubtedly the socialite among the birds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Gruidae are divided into four genera and fifteen species,of which the black-necked crane is the only one living and multiplying on the highland.The herdsmen in Changtang give it a sweet  相似文献   

Welcome to the Changtang National Nature Reserve,a place with annual average temperatures at or below freezing,oxygen about half that of sea level,and a prairie lying at an altitude 5,000 meters high.Found in the northern reaches of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,humans can rarely,if ever,be found here,but wildlife abound,many animals among the rarest and most precious in the world.Within such an inferior natural environment,there are groups of special guardians tasked with protecting wildlife from year to year.  相似文献   

<正>Besides the two common giant saprophagous birds of prey pictured above,there is another vulture in Tibet.Vultures are often seen in Lhasa,Lhoka,and some other areas in southern Tibet.A celestial burial ground is the domain of Himalayan vultures and these third vultures,with the Changtang Prairie in northern Tibet being the haven of Himalayan  相似文献   

正Year after year,in temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius,in gales offorce 8 or 9,camping out in sheepfolds and hiking across steep glaciers and ridges as high as 5,000 meters,just to set up an infrared camera to capture images of snow leopards.What do you call that?Devotion of  相似文献   

正Snowfinches are passerine birds which live in high altitude areas.As the name implies,they are not afraid of the cold.One can see them playing everywhere even when it is under twenty or thirty degrees below zero Celsius in the cold Changtang winter.Snowfinches are slightly larger than Eurasian tree sparrows and can be seen in both no man's land and areas full of human activity.They have a relatively darker coat in summer and are  相似文献   

鼠鼠 《世界》2012,(2):146-149
说不上是因为“风吹草低见牛羊”的辽阔风景还是大块吃肉大碗喝酒的壮志豪情,得知今年可以把10天年假一口气休完后,鼠鼠立刻拖出快要积灰的60升背包,买张机票就飞去了蒙古。  相似文献   

正Lhasa entrepreneur Dondrup Tsering,born to a nomadic family and captivated by the grasslands,has a distinctive dual motive:earning a profit while preserving Tibetan culture.His vision,in which the nomads of Maqu County in Gansu Province earn enough to maintain their traditional lives among their pastures and livestock,started with a robe shop and then expanded to include a yak dairy.  相似文献   

<正>On Jan 19th,2011,without sunlight,the weather in Lhasa was bitterly cold.I went to the Forest Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region to present my application and...  相似文献   

穆斋 《旅游纵览》2020,(2):86-91
<正>巴音布鲁克草原是彩色的。九曲十八弯的开都河静静流淌在草原上,清晨,太阳还未升空,她与草原一样静谧,悄悄掩在墨色里,忽然,一顶半圆形的光悄悄地从地平线上跃出,光芒从远处投射而来,像是一把利剑直刺河湾与湖心岛,那光芒贯穿了每一道曲线,像是将一条长蛇盘在光柱上。光线周围的色彩渐渐向外部扩散着,最外边只剩一丝白。那光似乎不满足只在一点上闪耀,它奋力地向上跳跃,留在河面上的利剑横扫出去,终于在太阳升到高空的某一刹,释放了盘着光束的长河,将自由还给草原上细细流淌的绸带。  相似文献   

<正>"It breaks my heart looking at the door of my house!"In the guest house of Gumu Township government,a local herdsman was trying to describe for us how his home was wrecked by a brown bear.Inside the room,the smell of mutton and butter lingered in the air.Outside,there was the perfectly typical blue sky of Tibet.It was already June,but the weather was still chilly and windy on the Changtang grassland.The down jacket I put away only a month ago  相似文献   

正Unlike most young Tibetan people who yearn for stable governmental financial support to provide for a simple living upon their completion of education,Norbu Dradul is an exception.Possessing the same name of the heroic Tibetan King Gesar,Norbu Dradul is an influential photographer in Tibetan areas,and he has been working  相似文献   

Padmasambhava was an eminent monk from the 8th Century around the area of Udyana, India(in today’s Pakistan).As a Vajrayana master and a powerful devil fighter,he inherited the spirit of"the Sect of Indra Pudi",Indian Buddhist Vajrayana,and was well known for his supernatural powers and conjuring skills.In Tibetan Buddhism,Padmasambhava is addressed respectfully as Norben Rinpoche(Master of Criterion),Guru  相似文献   

为了拍鸟,鸟类摄影人经常要扛着沉重的摄影器材漫山遍野地去寻找,到了拍摄地还要一次次耐心地等待,甚至一守就是几天。冬天时,要么顶着寒风趴在雪地里,要么站在冰冷的水里;夏天时,要冒着酷暑蹲在蒸笼一般的草丛里,还得挨着蚊虫满身的叮咬……就是这样一项对男人来说都是又苦又累的活动,却深深地吸引了这3位来自华北油田的姐妹。几年来,她们和男人一样风餐露宿,去过很多艰苦的地方,拍摄了大量鸟类摄影作品,在圈内崭露头角,小有名气。  相似文献   

The "three masters of Jo Oldrum" refers to Guru Jo Olgyal Palden Atisha and his two disciples: Drumdompa Gyaiwarongne and O1 Lepal Sherab who lived in the 10th Century. In Thangka and frescos, Guru Atisha sits in the middle, and his two disciples on either side. Such works are commonly found in the shrines of Tibetan monasteries. All three were initiated into the Sect of Kadam in Tibetan Buddhism during the 10th Century.  相似文献   

南楠 《华夏地理》2003,(3):40-51
纤夫是三峡的风景,号子是纤夫的魂魄.没有了纤夫的三峡,只是一条普通的江;没有了号子的纤夫,只是失去生气的躯壳.号子是用劳动和生命谱写的赞歌,是与命运和自然抗争的最强音."一条纤绳九丈三,父子三代肩上拴,脚踏岩石步步深;一步辛酸一滴泪,泪水落地石头宽."一声吆喝包容了多少酸甜苦辣,离合悲欢!  相似文献   

三代时期出土柄形玉器研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目次一柄形玉器的发现二柄形玉器的类型及其特征三关于柄形玉器的几个问题四结论夏商西周时期是中国玉器发展的成长阶段,随着各地之间的文化交流不断加强,玉器风格也趋于一致并不断创新。制玉工艺技术的进步大大提高了玉器制品的数量与质量,对后世影响深远的玉器礼制也完备于这一时期。柄形玉器是三代玉制品中出土数量最多的器形之一,大多呈扁平长条形,下端多有短而薄的榫,有的榫上有孔,由于用途不清楚,过去有人称之为琴拨、玉拨子。后来以其形似器柄  相似文献   

早期东西文化交流的三个阶段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩建业 《考古学报》2021,(3):317-338
<正>目次一引言二铜石并用时代的文化交流三青铜时代的文化交流四早期铁器时代的文化交流五结语一引言如果以陶容器为主要依据,结合其他遗存的空间分布和起源传播,可将丝绸之路前全新世大部时段的亚欧大陆大致划分为三大文化圈,即以中国黄河、长江流域为中心,包括东亚、东南亚及太平洋诸岛屿在内的"早期东方文化圈";以两河流域为中心,包括西亚、北非、中亚南部、南亚和欧洲南部在内的"早期西方文化圈";以及东、西两大文化圈以北的"早期北方文化圈"。本文所谓早期东西文化交流,主要指旧石器时代人类大迁徙之后、汉代"丝绸之路"出现之前早期东、西两大文化圈之间的交流。  相似文献   

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