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文章在民间采风的基础上,对大量莆田民间版画作了初步的归纳,指出莆田民间版画虽内容多封建色彩,但在制作、印刷、用色等诸多方面对当今的版画创作仍具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

贵州省图书馆现藏古籍二十多万册,几乎占全省古籍半数。其形成有自民初以来近百年历史,其中二十世纪五十年代是其形成黄金时期。本文结合馆藏档案并参考多种出版物,分阶段回顾其形成大略并作初步评析。  相似文献   

刘道胜 《安徽史学》2010,(4):67-71,106
众存产业是众存公有与房派份额互为前提的业态形式,系宗族内部以房派为主体的血缘性和水平性结合,属于前组织化的产业形态,主要依靠契约关系予以维系.明中期以前,众存产业和众存关系是传统徽州宗族经济和宗族关系的原始体现.明中期以后,众存产业是徽州宗族实体形成乃至发展壮大的现实经济基础.明清徽州民间众存关系的发生具有深厚的社会学背景.  相似文献   

Lizzie Richardson 《对极》2020,52(3):619-636
UK online food delivery company Deliveroo has a platform that automates the coordination of meal delivery, creating a market for the delivered meal. This market indicates the necessity to examine the social arrangements produced through the platform beyond the labour of the delivery worker. Markets comprise heterogeneous actors that require their coordination to be calculated. Deliveroo, though, offers two competing views of markets. First, as interfaces in which supply and demand are represented as autonomous blocs that are articulated through the goods of the delivered meal whose constitution, including the labour of delivery, is black-boxed. Second, as agencement—formatting collective arrangements—in which the goods of the delivered meal are contingently calculated as a flexible arrangement of riders, restaurants and customers whereby these actors have differing degrees of choice concerning their participation, and through which new service performances are emerging in the necessity for their contingent interaction.  相似文献   

"负责任旅游"概念的起源与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张帆 《旅游科学》2006,20(6):9-14
负责任旅游是近年一些国家大力提倡的旅游发展观,而我国对这个概念还比较陌生。本文主要从负责任旅游这一概念提出的背景出发,探讨了不同个人和旅游组织从各自角度出发对负责任旅游概念的解释,然后对负责任旅游概念的发展以及不同阶段的特征进行了概括和总结。  相似文献   

Globalization and the Rise of City-regions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A world-wide mosaic of large city-regions seems to be over-riding (though is not effacing entirely) an earlier core-periphery system of spatial organization. The economic dynamics of these city-regions are analysed with particular emphasis on the ways in which they tend to generate increasing-returns effects and competitive advantages for local producers. The managerial tasks that these city-regions face raise many new issues about local economic development policy and institution building in the interests of social order. These issues lead on to further questions about democracy and citizenship in the global mosaic of city-regions as well as in the new world system as a whole.  相似文献   

Exploring the apparent tension between Foucault's analyses of technologies of domination -- the ways in which the subject is constituted by power-knowledge relations -- and of technologies of the self -- the ways in which individuals constitute themselves through practices of freedom -- this article endeavors to make two points: first, the interpretive claim that Foucault's own attempts to analyse both aspects of the politics of our selves are neither contradictory nor incoherent; and second, the constructive claim that Foucault's analysis of the politics of our selves, though not entirely satisfactory as it stands, provides important resources for the project of critical social theory.  相似文献   

Initially the model for the speakership of the US house of representatives could not but be drawn from Westminster, though the occupants of the chair in the Commons around the time of independence were not impressive. Not however till Henry Clay's election in 1812 was the American Speaker transformed into a partisan, politically-active leader of the House. The contemporary Commons Speaker, Manners Sutton, though he failed to be re-elected to the chair on political grounds, was not a party leader. Between Clay and the civil war the intensity of party conflict obscured the role of the Speaker, and minorities flourished. Speaker Reed in the 1880s believed in the rights of the majority and used the authority of the chair to promote them. He ended the practice of members delaying business by refusing to answer a roll-call though present, and he developed special rules to accelerate the progress of bills. About the same time, Speaker Brand in the Commons, in the face of Irish obstructionism, also reasserted the rights of the majority by introducing the closure, to which guillotines were later added. Reed's authoritarianism broke in the hands of Speaker Cannon in 1909–10 as progressive members of his party rebelled. By then the Commons speakership had entered a period of complete political neutrality. Speakers O'Neill and Gingrich in the last quarter of the 20th century regained much of the power and authority which Cannon's speakership had lost.  相似文献   

Abstract: Arguing that resistance to the state is too narrow a conceptualization of a political project that challenges neoliberalism, we posit that there are latent, residual apparatuses of the state which can be activated as part of a systematic progressive politics. We examine Massachusetts’“Dover amendment”, a legal framework which governs group home siting throughout the state. Dover offers a powerful tool with which to resist a neoliberal socio‐spatial agenda, though it has been underutilized toward enabling an alternative landscape. We analyze how and why Dover has often remained latent as a tool for socio‐spatial resistance, and consider a provocative case in Framingham, Massachusetts that suggests how residual state apparatuses may be leveraged in support of an explicitly resistive, progressive agenda.  相似文献   

We report a possible rheumatoid arthritis (RA) case found in a Korean Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) tomb encapsulated by a lime‐soil mixture barrier (LSMB). The tomb is thought to have been constructed during the 1700s AD (1760 AD by carbon dating). In our anthropological examination, joint destruction, erosion or fusion (signs of polyarthritis) were identified mainly in the peripheral skeleton. Especially in both sides of the wrist bones, severe destruction/joint fusion possibly caused by polyarthritis was observed. A similar polyarthritis pattern also was seen in the right foot bones, even though we failed to confirm this symmetry due to the missing left foot bones. Despite these findings, signs suggestive of polyarthritis are very rarely seen in axial bones, even though bony fusions are found in the atlanto‐occipital joint or thoracic vertebrae (TV) 9–10. By the osteological signs observed in this case, the individual, a female, might have been suffering from a very late stage of RA and died in her 40s, even though other forms of chronic arthritis could not be ruled out completely. Though the current case could not provide evidence to decisively settle the debates on the antiquity of RA, our report could be a stepping stone for forthcoming studies on RA cases found in East Asian countries. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

红山文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红山文化是燕山南北地区新石器时代非常重要的考古学文化,有关红山文化分期的文章已发表多篇,但由于受到当时考古资料所限,学者们分歧较大。本文以近年来所发表的两处层位关系较好的遗存为突破口,尝试对红山文化进行分期,并在分期的基础上,对以往有学者将红山文化划分为不同考古文化类型等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

杨龙 《史学集刊》2012,(4):23-31
在中国中古门阀政治的背景下,士人之间的社会交往对于维护和提升其政治地位具有重要作用。北魏前期的汉族士人虽然在政治上受到较大的限制,但他们仍然试图在现有政治状况之下,通过社会交往建立社会网络,从而形成相互间的身份认同并获得有效的政治资源。乡里社会是汉族士人展开社会交往的基础,他们也十分重视。随着仕宦于平城的汉族士人逐渐增多,平城就成了北魏前期汉族士人社会交往的中心。以崔浩为中心的社交网络和青齐地区的汉族士人的交往成了这一时期较为明显的两种社会交往形态。当然,汉族士人之间的社会交往往往受到政治的牵连。  相似文献   

由利公正是明治初年著名的财政家,他主持明治初年的国家财政,对于日本由封建社会向近代资本主义社会过渡起到了关键作用,而他们面临的财政困难,却是极为艰巨的,由利财政所面对的历史条件,是研究其历史地位的前提之一。  相似文献   

据不完全统计,明清西北筑城碑记大约存有269篇,其中原碑尚存于世者32方,是研究明清西北城池史宝贵的一手资料。甘、宁、青三省现存明代碑记最有特色,有大量卫所营堡的筑城碑保留。州县碑记大多有若干时段连续的拓城记,连缀起来就是城池形态扩展的整体叙事。明清西北筑城碑记所反映的城镇类型也多种多样,州县城镇最多,卫所营堡占有一定比例,其他如驿城、巡检司城、厅城、寨城、关城都有一部分存留,非常难得。这些碑记作为第一手资料,详述了筑城过程、工程耗时、销银数量、捐资人户,对于考证原委、制度复原、社会阶层以及城镇职能与形态扩张都有极重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

The increasing influence of nativist-populism across Europe has provoked public and scholarly debate in recent years, to which political geographers are well placed to contribute. This article synthesises recent work on popular geopolitics and the geopolitics of diaspora to analyse the ways that the MAK-Anavad (the Kabyle government-in-exile) positions itself politically through both reactionary nativism and progressive indigenism. The politics of diaspora, indigeneity and nativism share some common discursive traits relating to territory and belonging, though their starting points and political effects are different. This article outlines and explains the ways the MAK-Anavad's discourse articulates with the nativist-populism of the French Right, arguing that this is possible because of its diasporic situation, colonial history, and a common discourse of anti-Islamism. Online social media, an important new field for the study of popular geopolitics, is argued to offer a key political opportunity structure for the MAK-Anavad and to privilege a populist communication style.  相似文献   


Various objective reasons have led to the development of a vast and elaborate literature on the Epilogue in the Book of Qohelet. This study presents a Sitz im Leben based approach to the Epilogue, which capitalizes on the known historical reality during the Hellenistic period in which Qohelet lived. It views the Epilogue as an expression of Qohelet’s deep apprehensions of the challenges that faced his people. From this perspective it is natural to consider Qohelet as being the author of the Epilogue. The Epilogue is not about what he says in the book but what he has to say to his people. As a wise man concerned with the welfare of his people he urges them: keep records, though it is wearisome; be aware that secrets would be leaked; fear God; and, obey His commandments. These are his essentials for survival.  相似文献   

A paradigm is a methodological device which historians of political thought borrow from the history of science. The initial part of this article examines the views of three distinguished historians of political thought—Sheldon Wolin, Alan Ryan and John Pocock—who have borrowed paradigms. Wolin and Ryan are shown to have confused paradigms with weltanschauungen in such a way as to make the former less useful as methodological devices. Pocock, on the other hand, has been successful in his use of paradigms, though he does not sufficiently recognise their methodological limits. He also raises a conceptual problem. The latter part of this article examines the recent history of science in an attempt to clarify the use of paradigms and their limits.  相似文献   

Heritage has come to play a very significant, though largely unrecognised, role in the evolution of urban design. Central city heritage quarters are a major response to the development of the urban fringes, and have developed an internationally recognisable form. This paper examines the characteristics and assets of such quarters and also considers their impact on the urban populace, and their implications for future urban design work in the intermediate zone.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(8):877-885
This article introduces a special issue dealing with partition and the reconfiguration of the Irish border. Notwithstanding southern nationalist refusal to accept the partition of Ireland in 1921, the border gradually consolidated its position. The article describes the transformation in relations across the Irish border which first found a place on the political agenda in the early 1970s, but which was given full institutional expression only following the Good Friday agreement of 1998. This new configuration has two aspects, which seem at first sight to be in conflict with each other: it marks a new, unreserved acceptance of the legitimacy of the border by Irish nationalists (though moderated by British agreement to end partition if the two parts of Ireland so wish), and it is characterised by a significant growth in public sector bodies which span the border.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(1):13-19
In this essay, I emphasize that politics does exist at a global scale, though it exists in a non-conventional way, far from the times, places, people, and objects by which we are used to analyzing its existence. Geography can be used as a vehicle or a special lens to ensure that these emerging realities are not missed.  相似文献   

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