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本文首先探讨了西方社会对乡村认知转型的基本思潮,其演进脉络经历了生产主义、后生产主义和多功能乡村三个阶段。在此基础上,本文尝试建立了从主体和功能两个维度进行乡村认知的基本框架,并从历史视角对中国乡村的认知变迁进行了回溯。新中国成立以来,对于乡村的认知大致经历了牺牲型乡村和追赶型乡村两个阶段,直至城乡统筹的概念提出,才有一定的改变。本文提出了当前中国乡村的三重价值——乡村的农业价值、乡村的腹地价值和乡村的家园价值。基于这样的多元价值,尝试性地提出了"乡村复兴"的概念框架。  相似文献   

This article ponders the quest for a new Quebec constitution. It critically analyzes a proposed Quebec constitution introduced as a bill in Quebec's National Assembly in 2007 1 1. Québec Official Publisher (2007a Québec Official Publisher. 2007a. National Assembly, First Session, Thirty-Eighth Legislature, Bill 196, Québec Constitution. Québec Official Publisher http://www.assnat.qc.ca/eng/38legislature1/Projets-loi/Publics/07-a196.pdf (Accessed: 20 May 2008).  [Google Scholar]). and probes the meaning and significance of such a provincial constitution. It makes some comparisons of Quebec's current constitution with those of other provinces and concludes by reflecting on the political prospects and legal effects of such a proposed new constitution. The adoption of a new Quebec constitution, along the lines proposed in 2007 and 2008, should not significantly alter Canada's constitutional order under Canadian law or affect Quebec's current constitutional arrangements with Ottawa and the other provinces. Such a new constitution might, however, come to prevail over other Quebec laws. The objectives of the proposed new constitution are to forge and reinforce Quebecers' sense of a common political identity. The project, however, is not currently at the forefront of discussion.  相似文献   

Turf-banked solifluction lobes are common landforms of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Observations made 1980–3 at 45 sites reveal a wide range in the rate of solifluction. The most rapid rates occur on moderately sloping, northeast-facing sites, in close proximity to the local treeline. However, statistical comparison indicates these variations are insignificant and that the mean rate of solifluction is similar throughout the area. Solifluction has an average rate of surface movement of 0.61 ± 0.21 cm/year and is responsible for annually transporting 8.76 ± 3.57 cm3/cm of sediment in the southern Canadian Rockies .
La topographie des Rocheuses canadiennes prend souvent la forme de lobes de solifluxion gazonner. Des observations faites entre 1980 et 1 983 dans 45 sites de ces lobes révèlent que le processus de solifluxion varie grandement d'un endroit à l'autre dans cette région. Les taux les plus rapides se retrouvent dans des sites modérément inclinés et orientés vers le nord-ouest, situés à proximité de la lisière des bois. Pourtant, des comparaisons statistiques indiquent que ces variations sont d'importance minime et que le taux moyen de solifluxion recte semblable à travers toute la région. La solifluxion se faut à un taux moyen de mouvement à la surface de 0,61 cm ± 0,21 cm par année et on peut lui imputer le fait de transporter annuellement de 8,76 cm3/ cm ± 3,57 cm3/cm de sediments dans la partie sud des Rocheuses canadiennes .  相似文献   

Alternative Canadian energy futures as articulated by forecasting agencies and as perceived by a sample of the Albertan public are examined. The use of environmental world views as a conceptual framework facilitates the analyses of both the energy scenarios and public perspectives in an analogous manner in order to establish areas of congruence and disagreement.
The results indicate that energy projections were consistent with the forecasting methodology selected, as well as the attitudes, values, and assumptions incorporated into the forecasting models. A relationship between environmental attitudes, energy preferences, and reasons expressed for those preferences was also found amongst the public sample.  相似文献   

On the basis of a statistical analysis of their employment profiles, Canadian cities are grouped into four economic categories: manufacturing, mixed, nodal, and a heterogeneous group containing political, military, and mining towns. Indexes of industrial diversification are calculated for all cities for 1951, 1961, and 1971 using comparable data for the three years. It is shown that industrial diversification is significantly related to the economic typology and also to city size; but city size is not related to economic type. Through time, most cities become more diversified as they grow larger, lending support to the theory of import substitution.
Si on se réfère à une analyse statistique de leurs profils d'emploi, on peut regrouper les villes canadiennes en quatre catégories économiques: industrielles, mélangées, nodales, et un groupe hétérogène composé de villes à vocation politique, militaire, et minière. On calcule les indices de diversification industrielle de toutes les villes pour 1951, 1961, et 1971 en utilisant des données comparables pour chaque année. Ils montrent que la diversification industrielle est liée d'une manière significative à la fois au type d'économie et à la taille des villes, mais que celle-ci n'est pas fonction du type d'économie. Au fil du temps, la plupart des villes diversifient leurs activités au fur et à mesure de leur croissance, ce qui vient à l'appui de la théorie du remplacement des importations.  相似文献   

Rural housing conditions and needs across Canada are as complex as the rural landscape itself, yet within the research literature rural housing is often treated as a single and unproblematic unit. This paper makes two arguments about rural housing research in Canada. The first is that the ‘rural’ is a complex housing landscape, not simply an undifferentiated ‘other’ in comparison to urban housing. The second is that this complexity has important implications for assessing changes to the local housing stock. The empirical content of the paper is drawn from three study areas in Canada where there is a mix of rural / agricultural and cottage area properties. Questions of housing stock change within these rural-recreational countryside examples are examined using questionnaire and building permit data. The findings presented here support the contention that the rural landscape is in fact a complex housing landscape, and also support the view that unless this complexity is recognized, a coherent portrait of rural housing will not emerge. Les conditions et les besoins d'habitations rurales au Canada, sont aussi complexes que le paysage lui-même, même si la littérature traite I'habitat rural en tant qu'unité“unique, dénuée de problèmes. Cet article présente deux arguments concernant la recherche sur I'habitat rural au Canada. En premier lieu, ‘rural’ decrit un paysage contenant des habitations complexes et pas simplement une ‘autre chose’ non-déstincte par rapport a I'habitat urbain. Deuxidmèment, cette complexité a des conséquences importantes qui ont un rapport avec les changements dans I'inventaire local des habitations. Le contenu de l'article est basé sur trois Études de cas au Canada où il y a un mélange de propriétés rurales, agricoles et vacancyères. Les questions concernant le changement dans I'inventaire des habitations pour ces examples ruraux et vacanciers, sont reliées à des donnés de questionnaires et aux permis de construction. Les résultats présentés ici, confirment l'argument qu'un paysage rural est en fait un paysage complexe d'habitations. lis confirment aussi I'idée qu'un portrait cohérent de I'habitat rural n'apparaitra pas, sauf si cette complexity est reconnue.  相似文献   

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