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在贵州、广西和湖南三省交汇处聚居着许多少数民族.近年来,这些少数民族聚居区凭借着秀美山川和民族风情,正日益成为吸引国内外游客的热点地区。这其中.有一个民族虽然在崇山峻岭、茂林修竹之中深居简出.却用他们灵巧的双手创造了令人惊叹的建筑奇迹。  相似文献   

本文通过对东北亚地区近一个半世纪的历史回顾,说明这一地区始终是世界政治的热点和大国争夺的主要场所。随着世界政治经济形势的变化,东北亚地区经济区域化的趋势在发展,双边与多边关系在不断改善。相互合作与信任的政治氛围开始形成,图们江地区合作开发已成为各国共同关注的热点与焦点。联合国开发计划署的介入,推动了多国合作与联合开发的进程。图们江工程的实施必将给东北亚各国带来巨大的经济利益并促进这一地区的经济发展和政治稳定。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代中后期开始,金门不仅处于国共两党对抗的最前沿,更与美苏冷战结下了不解之缘。金门为何成为影响东亚冷战格局走向的三大热点地区之一?  相似文献   

哨棚嘴文化的大发展和玉溪坪文化时期优越的自然环境为玉溪坪文化的扩张提供了充足的原动力.玉溪坪文化时期东、西部及东南部由于各种原因,原控制力量对这些地区的控制力减弱,这些地区与玉溪坪文化核心区相似的自然环境或良好的文化认同也进一步推动了玉溪坪文化向这些地区的扩张.  相似文献   

本文是对1997-2006年间《石油学报》上刊登的2499篇论文标引的关键词以及这些论文引用频率较高的论著的分析成果。通过对高被引论著的主题分析,以及论文高频关键词的统计分析,总结了该学科研究热点,通过对各年度关键词的统计、比较,分析本学科的研究热点趋势。  相似文献   

苏北运河经济带构建的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿江沿河地区的发展一直是国内外地理与规划学所关注的重点和热点。对于经济落后地区而言,沿江沿河的开发更是振兴经济的有效手段。本文从GDP增长率、产业结构变化等方面,分析了苏北运河沿河地区的经济发展状况,指出了构建苏北运河经济带的必要性和可行性,进而提出了构建苏北运河经济带的设想,从开发模式、重点产业和空间结构等方面进行了分析,这对苏北运河地区资源环境、社会、经济等的发展有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

雷明德 《人文地理》1989,4(1):51-54
本文介绍了做为我国旅游地的热点地区--陕西的旅游资源的特征和旅游活动的类别,并提出发展旅游、旅休、旅居和商务旅游是陕西旅游业的进一步发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

程艺  刘慧  宋涛  张芳芳 《人文地理》2022,37(2):67-76
中亚地处欧亚大陆中心,是“一带一路”倡议建设的重要区域。本文基于GDELT新闻媒体数据库,构建了事件影响度和双边关系度,定量分析了中国与中亚国家之间的合作、冲突关系演变,采用时空热点分析识别了中国在中亚城市尺度的合作、冲突热点模式。结果表明:①中国与中亚国家的合作日趋紧密。“一带一路”倡议提出之后,中国与中亚国家的合作趋势显著上升,与哈萨克斯坦的合作关系最为紧密。②中国在中亚地区的合作区域集中在中亚国家首都、战略要地、重要能源基地等,在乌兹别克斯坦安集延地区和塔吉克斯坦哈特隆州形成集中连片的合作区域。冲突区域集中在中亚国家首都和战略要地,与合作区域在空间上高度重合,但影响力显著低于合作事件。③中国在中亚城市的影响力以合作关系占主导,冲突关系大于合作关系的城市主要分布在吉尔吉斯斯坦。64%的中亚城市为低合作—低冲突状态,中亚国家首都、阿拉木图、安集延属于显著的高合作—高冲突城市。④时间尺度上,中国与中亚地区的合作热点以持续型为主,冲突热点以振荡型为主,哈萨克斯坦纳伦市、阿特劳州为新增冲突热点,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目前秦岭一淮河南沿线地区发现的宋代墓葬已积累了一定的数量,从这些墓葬所反映的特点来看,受到了南方地区和中原地区的共同影响.我们从墓葬形制和随葬品的特征出发,总结了这些墓葬的特点和阶段性特征,并对这些现象产生的原因进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

何崝 《四川文物》2008,(3):50-56
柏灌氏的事迹虽然不见于文献记载,但由于古蜀地区与中原及关中地区很早就有了联系,而这些地区文献中有较多记载,本文就是从记载这些地区的文献中,钩稽出一些零星史料,并结合考古资料,对柏灌氏时代勾画出一个粗略的轮廓,并提出了自己独特的看法.  相似文献   

徐州两汉诸侯王墓研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目次一徐州两汉封国概况二徐州西汉诸侯王(后)墓葬分析三徐州西汉楚王(后)墓墓主推测四徐州西汉诸侯王墓与西汉帝陵及其他地区诸侯王墓比较五徐州地区横穴崖洞墓研究的几点推论六徐州东汉诸侯王墓情况在全国范围内分封诸侯王是汉代中央政府巩固统治的措施之一。两汉400余年,今徐州一带共属七个不同的诸侯国,前后有数十位诸侯王。目前徐州境内共发现两汉诸侯王墓十余处,墓葬近二十座。本文拟以考古资料为基础,结合历史文献及其他相关资料对这些诸侯王墓进行研究,并对与之相关的一些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Earlier research has underlined the importance of the first incomes policy agreement in 1968, in analysing the qualitative shift to more consensual industrial relations and the stronger influence of labour market organizations in the Finnish welfare state legislation. The main argument is that this qualitative change in Finnish corporatism happened earlier. The compromise between employers and trade unions in the early 1960s was established not because of their strength but because of their simultaneous weakness and vulnerability. The left wing majority in the Eduskunta forced employers to adopt a more conciliatory and even pro‐active view of social reforms. Confederation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), which suffered from a severe split, was more than willing to co‐operate with Confederation of Finnish Employers (STK) in social policy as well as in wage bargaining.  相似文献   

城市社区环境下商业性娱乐场所的空间结构   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
现代城市社会地理学对城市生活空间质量的评价,已涉及到城市内部福利设施(与场所)的空间结构层面。随着社会经济发展,城市居民收入与文化素质的提高,闲暇时间延长,城市内部商业性娱乐场所日益增加,已引起了学术界的关注,但国内地理学者对商业性娱乐场所的空间关注较少。本文从人本主义视角,运用行为和实证主义方法,在总结国内外对商业性场所研究的基础上,力图轮廓性地揭示商业性娱乐场所的空间形成与分布等规律;并以城市社区和场所作为城市社会生活空间研究的两大基本单元,探讨商业性娱乐场所的社会空间内容和结构模式,及其与城市社会生活空间质量的相互关系。以便更深入地揭示城市社会生活空间质量的本质,丰富城市社区规划与整治的基础理念。  相似文献   

基于流动人口流入地福建省的问卷调查数据与流出地河南、安徽两省的调研资料,采用生存分析方法、空间可视化与质性研究方法,探讨流动人口在流出地住房投资行为的时空特征和规律。研究发现:流动人口在流出地村庄内建房或在县城(镇)内购房是一较为普遍的现象,建房率明显大于购房率,且存在较为明显的住房闲置现象;在时间特征上,2005年以前的住房投资行为较少,而2005年以来渐多,购房比建房需经历更长的时间跨度,特定时期内的住房政策能推动流出地的住房投资行为;在空间特征上,流出地的住房投资行为存在区位优化选择倾向,且建房的跨地区生计走廊数量多于购房。最后,基于上述的研究结论,提出相关政策启示。  相似文献   

Natalie Zemon Davis's work has decentered the identities of her subjects as part of seeing their complexity. This essay, inspired by Davis's rich thought and scholarship, looks at the ways in which the Romantics in the arts decentered their thought and practices away from the West. Their decentering involved serious study of non‐Western thought and its incorporation into their art, and the regular use of opium to shape their creative works. One borrowed theme was transcendence to a higher mode of existence, often through sexual union with a woman. So influential did Romantic tropes, themes, and images derived from outside the West become that they persisted in Western culture long after the Romantics themselves had lost interest in the body of non‐Western culture from which they drew. Examples include the work of Samuel Coleridge, Walter Scott, Hector Berlioz, the Schlegel brothers, Caroline Günderode, Sidney Owenson, and others.  相似文献   

目次一绪言二旧石器时代晚期的随机性食物搜寻经济三中石器时代的季节性食物搜寻经济四结语一绪言史前的概念在不同的民族和地区有着不同的时间界定〔1〕。就本文所涉及的青藏高原而言,传统上将其界定在从距今三万年左右旧石器时代晚期出现的人类遗迹开始,直到公元7世纪中叶,即松赞干布建立的吐蕃王朝这段时期〔2〕。从时间上看,这是一个  相似文献   

An essay devoted to improving the present system of oblasts, krays, ASSRs, etc. (i.e., political administrative units) focuses on current imbalances among these units in terms of size, population, etc. and their spatial incompatibility with emerging territorial production complexes. Historical factors contributing to current problems in territorial administration are outlined. Among the general approaches to improving the administrative-territorial system advocated by the author are the granting of political-administrative status to territorial production complexes and their incorporation within the administrative-territorial hierarchy and greater recognition of socioeconomic and environmental characteristics in the formulation of regionalization schemes. Translated by Elliott B. Urdang, Providence, RI 02906 from: Territorial'naya organizatsiya obshchestva i problemy mezhnatsional'nykh otnosheniy: Materialy k IX s'yezdu Geograficheskogo Obshchestva SSSR. Leningrad: Geograficheskoye Obshchestvo SSSR, 1990, pp. 32-38.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper will explore the role of the Isle of Man in the prehistory of the Irish Sea area through an examination of its changing islandscape from the Neolithic through the Iron Age. It was far from insular during prehistory, but the social and economic interactions of prehistoric Manx people around the Irish Sea and beyond were heavily affected by their water-bound environment. The way that the prehistoric Manx perceived their boundaries and their coastal situation is reflected in their ritual and social landscape, their preferential use of coastal areas for monumental architecture, and in the choices they made with regard to the island landscape they inhabited. This culturally constructed sense of islandness allowed the prehistoric Manx people to maintain distinctive local cultures while still playing an active role in the larger Irish Sea region.  相似文献   

This study explores and suggests a methodological approach to the gender dimensions of remittances. It argues that remittances should be seen as a social process and examined in relation to (i) the sending side, (ii) the recipient side and (iii) gendered use of remittances by the households. Focusing on Indonesian domestic workers in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong, and migrant households in Central Java, it explores the gender dimensions of remittance-sending, receiving, control and use, and their development implications. Despite their lower incomes, female domestic workers remit a greater share of their earnings than their male counterparts; they tend to remit to their mothers and sisters rather than to fathers, brothers and husbands. Close to half of the recipients exercise discretion over the use of remittances; female recipients tend to use remittances to invest in human capital and male recipients, in physical capital.  相似文献   

It is well-established in various strands of historiography that the First World War was a formative phase in the evolution of the modern state. This article deals with the Danish case, in which the politics of neutrality made a previously unseen kind of economic regulation necessary. This led to a heated debate about the functions and role of the state, especially its role in economic life. On the one hand, the Social Liberals in government saw the great potential of economic regulations, and their experiences during the war confirmed their beliefs in the importance of a strong state in dealing with the problems of capitalism; on the other, liberals and conservatives began to voice strong criticism of this slide towards stronger state control. Hence different visions of the role of the state came to be the dividing line between Left and Right, and the ideologies of the liberal and conservative Right were redefined in direct opposition to socialism and economic regulation.  相似文献   

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