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This article tries to understand what kind of theories is produced in books and only in books, without any institutional or scientific guarantee. Two cases are successively studied: a method for accountants and a treatise on nobility. Both contain theoretical proposals, although neither accounting nor knowledge of genealogies or aristocratic habits was considered more than mere practical competence at the time (the end of the xvii th century in France). The aim of this inquiry is to suggest that identifying material and social conditions of some evolution of thought (context of composition of an important book, circulation of printed materials or of information, literary market, relationships of the authors with powerful patrons) does not differ that much from a « Zeitgeist » analysis, as long as a book is viewed as a result or a product and its own action is not taken into account. This action consists here in an elevation of accounting and genealogical techniques to theory or even to quasi-political philosophy. Both case-studies then try to show that the adaptation of a book to political action is not an available explanation for historians; rather, it is nothing other than the fact of an interpretation of theoretical needs aroused by this action.  相似文献   

森和 《江汉考古》2006,59(2):73-79
本文对“楚帛书”(包含第二帛书和残帛书)上有关月名与历法问题的文字和图像进行了基础性研究,认为子弹库楚帛书群中可以看到边文月、十三行月和楚月名三种月名,并尝试就其对应关系与历法作了再验证。我们还以五行说为指标,通过对“日书”以及“卜筮祭祷简”进行比较,指出楚帛书群的年代可能接近九店楚简“日书”。同时就子弹库楚帛书群的史料性质以及定位及今后的课题研究简单地作了展望。  相似文献   

Iconoclasm is one of the central characteristic of the reformation movement. In several books it was argued that there was a connection between iconoclasm and the interpretation of nature as a language and as a text since about 1600. This article discusses the artist as a creator in Renaissance culture. It shows the reaction of Luther to this concept and to iconoclasm, focussing on the connection between the Lutheran control of pictures and images and his conception of the mind and of memory on the one hand and of creatures as images and natural history on the other. In Lutheran context the book of nature was a book made of images as signs of the word of God.  相似文献   

刘知几史学批评的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘知几的《史通》是一部以史学批评为特色的史学理论著作,涉及史家和史著之多,在中国史学史上可谓是空前绝后。他发扬王充的批判精神,“直书”前代史家之得失,即使是圣贤孔子和当朝皇家修史也在其批评之列,表现了无畏的求实精神;他具体评价史书的优劣,褒扬不讳其短,批评不抑其长,主张史学评论要探赜史家的著述旨意。他以理、势论述史学问题,增强了史学批评的理性色彩,在中国史学的发展上具有承先启后的意义。他史学批评的核心是史义。实录直书和“激扬名教”在他的史义体系内实现了既相互制约又相辅相成的统一。  相似文献   

论浮田和民《史学通论》与梁启超新史学思想的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日本史学家浮田和民所著《史学通论》,是一部广征博引西方诸家之说,同时又有自己识断的;以进化史观为指导的较为系统的新史学理论著作。梁启超在《新史学》等专论中所阐述的基本史学理论,实际上主要是从浮田和民的《史学通论》中有选择地移植过来的。20世纪初的梁启超在新史学的理论建设方面,基本上没有自己的创见,因此,将其视为中国新史学理论的奠基人或创立者,是不准确的。当然,梁氏的移植并非完全照搬照抄,而是有所归纳,并结合中国旧史弊病有所演绎,这就使其《新史学》等专论所宣传的新史学思想更条理、更易为中国学界所接受,并且有了针对性。正因为如此,梁氏在中国新史学发展史上,有着无人能够取代的地位。  相似文献   

Matanzas’s Ediciones Vigía and Holguin’s Ediciones Cuadernos Papiro construct an arc from the revolutionary 1960s and its investment in collective and communal goods, to the increasingly privatized 1990s and 2000s through their materials and procedures, as well as through their engagement with the figure of the archive. I contend that the books printed by Ediciones Vigía and Ediciones Cuadernos Papiro are both artists’ books – that is, books that are art unto themselves – and books as ‘archives’. Here, I understand the ‘book’ as ‘archive’ in a similar fashion as art historian Hal Foster interprets ‘archival art’: that is, art, in this case book art, that ‘draws on informal archives but produces them as well’ in an effort ‘to make historical information, often lost or displaced, physically present’. The hand-made books of Ediciones Vigía and Ediciones Cuadernos Papiro project a new figure of the reader and occupy social spaces that are radically different from their predecessors. Where Cuban institutional archives have left incomplete territories of the Revolutionary-era and pre-Revolutionary book, the 1990s and 2000s ‘archival book’ incarnated in Ediciones Vigía and Cuadernos Papiro has come to occupy these voids in a compensatory fashion as an ‘archival’ product.  相似文献   

<兼名苑>是唐代僧人释远年编纂的类书.该书汇集事物别名异称,对于名物训诂以及语源学研究都有很高的参考价值,但成书不久便遗佚不存,因此国内各种书目文献对<兼名苑>以及作者鲜有记载.<兼名苑>在中日文化交流中被"遣唐使"带回日本,并受到很高的重视.日籍<本草和名>、<倭名类聚抄>以及<医心方>曾多次引用<兼名苑>,之后<兼名苑>在日本也散佚流失了.近年有学者钩沉中日典籍中<兼名苑>佚文,整理为<〈兼名苑〉辑注>一书.本文对书中的注释以及佚文作了补充.  相似文献   

王绍曾主编《清史稿艺文志拾遗》,堪称当代一部拾遗补阙、嘉惠学林的目录学著作。该书虽以体例创新,著录宏富,考辨求是见长,但又略显美中不足,诸如重复著录、著录之书归属不一、漏收《清史稿·艺文志》著录之书的瑕疵,亦复不少。  相似文献   

赵英 《攀登》2006,25(1):135-136
由于多卷书自身的特点及复杂性,在采用CNM ARC格式进行机编著录时会产生许多问题,从而会影响书目资源的共享。对此本文进行了有益的探索,即各分卷共用一个ISBN的多卷书应采用整套著录法,各分卷有独立的ISBN的多卷书应采用分卷著录法;多卷书的分类标引和主题标引均应整套集中标引。  相似文献   

Using the unpublished archives of Jean Norton Cru, held at the University of Aix-en-Provence, this article provides a new interpretation of Cru's famous book on First World War literature, Témoins, first published in 1929. This work severely criticised a large number of books of soldiers' experiences of combat. Here a new reading of Cru's motives is offered, looking in particular at the author's Protestant background as well as at the links between reading and writing strategies.  相似文献   

为处理2001年上海宝山明墓出土的古书选用了乙醇作消毒剂。这批出土古书,书页之间相互粘连,散发出恶臭,这与书中粘着物有关。实验证明,用70%-75%乙醇处理2小时能杀灭书中的细菌和霉菌,而且能同时去除部分黏附在书页上的腐败物。但醇的溶解度有限,即使用无水乙醇粘连的书页亦无法分开。采用脂溶性的丙酮,经多次丙酮的洗涤去除了古书上黏附的全部有机类腐败物,书被逐页揭开,丙酮不但去除了部附的杂物,消除了其中的臭气,而且随着雨酮的最后挥发,也完成了古书脱水和脱水后书页的平整。  相似文献   

Two recent books on the history of geographical ideas, by A. G. Isachenko of Leningrad University, and by Preston James of Syracuse University, are reviewed in the general context of the need for a textbook for courses now being taught at Soviet universities. The Isachenko book is criticized on the ground that it reduces the history of geographical ideas to a history of physical geography, ignoring the impact of human activity. James, who deals with the history of geographical ideas as a whole, is praised for having included a chapter on the new geography in the Soviet Union and on the innovative aspects of theoretical geography, such as systems theory, spatial systems, diffusion on studies, etc. In the reviewer's opinion, the two books need to be examined critically in connection with preparation of a text for a Soviet university course on the history and methodology of geography.  相似文献   

My goal in this essay is to show that myths have played a larger role than we might think in politics and in political theory and that myths are essential to politics. For this purpose I will use Schmitt's theory of myth, since he elaborated his theory with strong interpretations of two different myths: Hobbes's Leviathan and Shakespeare's Hamlet. I will compare Schmitt's interpretations of Hamlet with my own, as doing so will provide a critical view of Schmitt's conclusions, and it will enable me to develop my own conception of myth and its relations to political theory and history.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the relation between different kinds of indigenous speech and music and various iconographic forms such as petroglyphs, house painting, basketry designs and also features of landscape that are understood in graphic terms. It examines how Northwest Amazonian myth-history is structured and memorized, how it can appear in both verbal and non-verbal forms, and how contemporary books, maps and diagrams produced by indigenous organizations as part of programmes of research and education show continuity with these traditional forms. Rather than making firm distinctions between peoples with and without writing, I argue that it is more profitable to focus on how various mnemonic systems—“writing”—work in tandem with different narrative forms—“myth”. When “writing” and “myth” are understood in indigenous terms, contemporary written documents appear in a new light.  相似文献   

宋代宗室喜好藏书,其藏书家之多、藏书数量之巨,为历代所罕见。宗室藏书渠道丰富,其藏书目的明确,用途广泛,促使其热衷于藏书的原因是多方面的。宋代宗室的藏书活动同时也是一种学习的过程,通过藏书习文,培养了一大批学有专长的宗室文人与学者。  相似文献   

李锡祺,贵州遵义人,一生酷爱书籍,凡访得好的古籍版本,便多方寻购,同时还对所获古籍,细心整理,精心校勘。现有部分古籍见藏于遵义市图书馆,成为该馆古籍藏书的重要组成部分,根据所藏古籍的质量、数量和整理、校勘工作,李锡祺可以称得上是一位藏书家。  相似文献   

《小华外史》一书,1 9世纪朝鲜吴庆元父子编撰。“小华”,即“小中华”,指朝鲜王朝。明朝灭亡以后,朝鲜君臣上下多有崇祀明朝之举,同时编修了大量追述和思念明朝的史书。本书就是在这种政治文化背景中产生,内容是记载朝鲜王朝与明朝的历来关系,而在明朝灭亡以后,则详述朝鲜举国怀思明朝、祭奠明朝皇帝和优礼明朝遗民及其后裔的史实。吴庆元父子用了几乎半个世纪的时间才把其编成。全书征引史料十分丰富,参考了明、清、朝鲜以及日本的史料1 80余种,几乎每条史料都标明出处,史学方法严谨扎实,学术视野广阔。在思想上大倡尊周思明理念,宣扬尊王攘夷、尊明贬清观念,将清朝视作夷狄。此书之编撰在清朝已经统治二百余年之后,是值得注意的史学现象,对于研究明清时期的中朝关系具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Jason Dittmer 《对极》2007,39(2):247-268
Abstract: This paper seeks to theorize the structuring of geopolitical worldviews and attitudes by the comic book medium and by serial popular culture more broadly. Evidence of the use of comic books to promote specific discourses by geopolitical actors is presented, and the conventions that govern the limits of comic book narration are outlined. Among the conventions of production discussed are the role of “continuity” as a structuring force and the serial nature of most comic books. The impact of these conventions is viewed through an examination of Watchmen and Captain America comic books. Both series revolve around issues of political legitimacy and the structuring of geopolitical space, but do so in different ways. This leads to insight connecting seriality with the concept of the nation itself. Finally, a theorization of the limits to comic book and other serialized discourse is outlined, and its ultimately conservative political outcome is described as endemic to the genre.  相似文献   

1996至2006年10年间学术界关于牛郎织女神话研究所取得的成绩是有目共睹的,不仅出版了一批学术著作,而且还发表了大量学术论文,研究的视野也开阔起来。主要体现在如下几个方面:一、牛郎织女神话起源研究;二、牛郎织女神话流行状态研究;三、牛郎织女神话与相关民俗研究;四、牛郎织女神话与相关文学创作研究;五、牛郎织女神话的历史学、考古学、档案资料等方面的研究;六、牛郎织女神话的文化学、社会学、人类学等方面的研究。可以说,在牛郎织女神话研究方面已经形成了一个多姿多彩的局面。对近10年牛郎织女神话研究进行学术总结是有必要的。  相似文献   

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