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The study of primate evolution opens a fascinating window onto the varied adaptations, behaviors, and origins of our closest relatives and therefore ourselves. Four books reviewed give different perspectives on the primate fossil record and cover diverse time periods, from the Eocene to the Pleistocene. Four major themes are explored in this article: defining “primatehood” and classifying primates, comparative approaches, reconstructing behavior and ecology, and the importance of non-fossil data. Together, the books show that the study of ancient and modern primates is rooted firmly in anthropology, sharing with other sub-disciplines fundamental aims like classification and relying on a comparative approach.  相似文献   


The five books under review here explicitly call for archaeologists to place greater emphasis on agency and practice in understanding the role of religion and ritual in the ancient world. Four volumes, principally investigating Mississippian polities, draw our attention to the American midcontinent and its earthen monuments, magical plants, rock art, sacra, and sacred shrines. Although spanning a diversity of approaches and perspectives, the authors demonstrate how cosmograms, exotic objects, sacred landscapes, and transcendental beings articulate with people’s daily lives and lived experiences. Each work offers an awareness of religion as expressed through materiality and the ways past belief systems were bundled, constituted, entangled, and intermeshed with agentive things, built landscapes, humans, natural environments, and other-than-human-persons. The fifth book, by Brian Hayden, contributes a significant approach to these ongoing discussions by stressing the importance of secret societies for interpreting and understanding the power of ritual in the ancient world.  相似文献   

与古代埃及和西亚诸国只留下编年体的历史记载不同,古代以色列民族具有自己鲜明的历史意识;与古代希腊充满人本精神的历史记载也不同,以色列民族历史观的实质是一神论的神权历史观.他们将对耶和华神的信仰融入对民族历史发展的思考和解释之中,其历史书卷的编写几乎持续了一千年之久,在这一过程中,以色列历史成为"历史就是耶和华神对以色列民族的救赎史"的生动体现.  相似文献   

四川大学博物馆馆藏书籍档案数量多、时间久、价值丰富。但历经长时间的保存后,出现了不同程度的病害,亟需科学的保护修复。为此,本次研究首先对该馆线装书的病害情况进行了抽样调查;在不破坏文物的基础上,利用无损或微损分析技术,包括酸度计、光学显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、扫描电镜-能谱分析仪等,对样品进行分析研究。调查发现,这些线装书均存在不同程度的虫蛀、霉害、受潮、污染、断裂、脆化等病害。分析研究结果表明,这些馆藏线装书的纸张原料以竹纤维和草纤维为主,亦有添加麻纤维、韧皮纤维以改善其机械性能;CaCO_3的存在能有效减缓纸张的酸化;纸张原料中CaCO_3等碱性物质的缺乏、霉菌的滋生、Fe等金属元素的混入等可能是造成部分纸张酸化的原因。  相似文献   

The activities of Jean Goulu in the 1620s, an author and superior of a religious order, the Catholic congregation of the « Feuillants », are a good example of the conflicts over the uses of print in France in the early xvii th century. An erudite translator of Greek philosophy and author of anti-protestant pamphlets, spiritual books, but also of a polemical book on eloquence, Goulu was uniquely positioned at the crossroads of the political, religious and literary debates of his time. On one level, his books obviously serve to advance his very successful career within his religious congregation, but they also represent a moral and political attempt to control the publications intended for the growing number of non scholarly readers. Goulu’s books aim to guide this relatively uneducated public. He hopes to satisfy these inexperienced readers’ request for novelty with attractive, but moral, writings. Last but not least, his books seek to fashion good reading and interpreting habits. This study thus makes it possible to understand how one can use books to build one’s social identity as well as to act concretely upon the society in which they are published.  相似文献   

古代地理学作为一种观念体系,同时也可以看作是一种特殊的人文景观,因此对它的考察在相当的程度上可以采用历史地理学的方法。基于这样的认识,本文尝试着在两宋公私书目的基础上,复原这一时期的地理学"景观"。我们发现,宋人对地理学的观念性规定沿着疆域地理的路径前进。而与此相伴随的是,《山海经》所代表的古代地理学传统开始逐渐被有意识地淡化。最为引人注目的是,南宋初年,郑樵对地理学所做的分类,构成了一幅两宋之际,具有浓郁学科意识(专门之学)的地理学景观。此外,需要指出的是,"地理书"在两宋时期,作为一个学术概念并没有被独占,而是被相宅兆类著述以不同的形式所"分享"。  相似文献   


About 96% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa, and the malignant falciparum malaria also originated on the continent. Although falciparum malaria only appeared in the Holocene period, it can be hypothesized that the transfer of malaria parasites from other primates to humans occurred several times in history parallel to human evolution. This study develops the model that examines the possible coexistence of the potential original host apes, human ancestors, and the diverse anopheline mosquito species; and how, where, and when the host switch of these parasites from great apes to humans occurred. Based on the Pliocene-early Pleistocene archaeological sites, it was found that certain early hominin populations could have lived in malaria areas where the anopheline mosquito fauna was moderately diverse. The people of the Lupemban Culture, as well as the Greenlandian and Northgrippian human populations of East and West-Central Africa, lived close to the high diversity of anopheline fauna and the territories of such great apes as Gorilla gorrilla. African mid-Holocene cultures likely came in contact with gorilla populations — the original hosts of Plasmodium falciparum — along the coasts of the Gulf of Guinea and the East African Rift Valley during their migration to southern Africa. The host switch of the ancestor of the falciparum malaria parasite likely occurred in these regions.


How have feminist historians transformed the account of class formation and consciousness articulated in Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class? Deborah Valenze’s The First Industrial Woman, Anna Clark’s The Struggle for the Breeches, Sonya Rose’s Limited Livelihoods, and Ellen Ross’s Love and Toil place the gendering of the British working class at the center of the process and explain the peculiar limitations of the working-class movement. The essay also places these books in the theoretical tradition of socialist feminism and considers them as responses to Joan Scott’s call for a poststructuralist approach to gender, class and power.  相似文献   

Charles Howard (‘Dick’) Ellis, born in Sydney in 1895 and a Great War veteran, was working as a journalist in Vienna and Geneva when he wrote one of the most comprehensive books of the time on the League: The Origin, Structure and Working of the League of Nations (1928). Dedicated to the progressive literary figures of the era and showing a particular debt to the writings of the British Labour left, Ellis argued that the internationalism of the age marked a necessary rejection of the anarchic conditions that brought forth the Great War. The League and its associated institutions constituted ‘the first step toward a world society’ that would facilitate the suppression and ultimate removal of the causes of conflict. A remarkable work in itself, this progressive volume was written by a member of British intelligence who had already made a reputation in this sphere and was to go on to hold very senior positions in the 1940s. The question is considered whether the ideas expressed were a product of Ellis's genuine beliefs, or whether they were a mask for his substantive professional role. The circumstances around the writing of this book are also reviewed in an attempt to answer this question, especially given the hitherto accepted scholarly view that Konni Zilliacus of the League Secretariat was the actual author.  相似文献   

本文对中西方的人格思想及社会行为方式中的人格意识进行分析,探明两者人格思想差异的文化原因,论证中西方特权意识与平等意识、尚德意识与尚智意识、依附意识与独立意识的人格意识差异存在的历史必然。  相似文献   

《说文解字系传》所引古书达一百五十余种,因其所引古书的版本是宋以前的本子,对于我们今天辑佚整理校勘古籍都有较高的价值,本文通过对《说文解字系传》收录的九千余字的引书的情况详加考定,从而弄清楚了该书征引古书的数目,并对引书中所遵循的体例加以探讨。  相似文献   

There were numerous books of physiology and hygiene published in the cultural market of the late Qing Dynasty. Their writing and translating purposes, hygienic concepts and hygienic identification in these books displayed the intellectual elites’ efforts in constructing “hygienic modernity” and establishing a national state. Books of physiology and hygiene published in the late Qing Dynasty were firstly translated and edited by missionaries and it was not until 1894 that many Chinese began to edit, translate, and write books of this kind. About one hundred and thirty varieties of books of physiology and hygiene were published in the late Qing Dynasty, most of them were textbooks widely read by people and commonly accepted as books of “hygiene” or “medical science” together with the then published books of Western medical science and books on how to keep a good health. At that time, hygiene was not only a guideline for people’s life and consumption, but also became an ideology to distinguish civilization and savageness with its significance gradually connected with race and nation.  相似文献   


The social insurrection of May 1968 in France continues to provoke strong political debate. Compared to most French politicians and social commentators who dismiss or condemn it as an excessive adolescent rebellion, French anarchists contend that it was a substantial political rupture because participants challenged the legitimacy of all hierarchy and domination in every realm of society. Research into a wide range of French anarchist books and articles from 1988 to the present reveals several distinct approaches to May 68. Beyond narratives of the events themselves, anarchists emphasised the rapid spread and delight with horizontalist social relations of mutual aid and respect on campuses and in workplaces and neighbourhoods as 10 million French people went on strike for several weeks. This liberating experience, they contend, transformed the social consciousness of large numbers and led to the great surge of anarchic autonomous social movements in different realms in the 1970s. These writings also reveal important debate among anarchists themselves on whether May 68 was a revolution, whether revolution is even possible and how to organise a revolutionary movement.  相似文献   

傅云龙是近代海外访书的先行者之一,他在奉旨游历海外时,曾在日本见到过诸多珍贵汉籍,并对其中的部分古籍进行了考证,甚至还有过刊刻海外汉籍的活动。本文主要从文献学的角度对傅云龙所著《游历日本图经余记》中涉及的日藏汉籍予以考察,在考订这些海外汉籍的版本、流传等问题的同时,并对傅氏的某些考证中存在的问题予以订正。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the circulation of Chinese books by looking at the books which François Foucquet carried from China to Europe. By examining different “booklists,” it investigates how books circulated not only from one concrete place to another, but also through different “lists”: bookseller lists, transportation lists, cataloguing lists, lists of forgotten books, or quotation lists. In addition, by linking the various catalogues and book lists to the holdings of European libraries and, in turn, Foucquet's library to the other systematic transfers of books from China to Europe, this study reconstructs the “communication circuit” of a library. This reconstruction is an “intercultural” communication circuit, which runs from the Chinese bookseller over the shipper to the European reader. On the basis of this analysis, this article shows the important role Foucquet and other Europeans played in a new epoch of interest in Chinese culture: the constitution of Chinese libraries in Europe.  相似文献   

《续修四库全书提要》虽是特殊历史时期的产物,但对它的修撰,却是一项巨大的工程,时至今日,也非易事。它是我国现代史上第一次大规模古籍整理研究的结晶,在一定程度上清理了自《四库全书总目》以后我国的文化遗产,史学价值不容忽视。  相似文献   

朝鲜王朝编修了四十多部中国史书 ,其中以明史所占比重最大 ,其次则是宋史。尊华攘夷为中心的儒家正统观成为这些史书的基本原则 ,上至国王 ,下及儒士皆参与中国史书的编撰 ,成为朝鲜王朝后期尊周思明的一个重要表征。透过对这些史书的分析 ,不仅可以看到朝鲜王朝对明清两朝不同的文化心态 ,而且可以更深入地把握明清时期的双边关系 ,同时反映中国史学对朝鲜的影响  相似文献   

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