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《倭名类聚抄》所引《兼名苑》考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日交流在隋唐时期达到鼎盛,其中遣唐使的贡献巨大。他们将中国书籍带回日本,对日本的社会、文化、语言诸方面产生了深远影响。这些书籍中有一部分是在中国问世后不久便传入日本,而在中国却渐渐失传。《兼名苑》就是其中之一。本文通过考证《倭名类聚抄》对其的引文部分,对其成书过程、内容及在日本的传播进行了分析。  相似文献   


This review analyzes, through three recently published books that talk about cultural heritage in Latin America, how the Cultural Heritage Studies have allowed us to understand the current situation in the region characterized by the growing tendency to promote declarations of heritage as part of a plan for the use of culture as a resource for sustainable development. Likewise, those books analyze how responses from local communities are generated to hegemonic definitions of heritage, which indicates that cultural heritage in Latin America is not something given but something in constant construction and dispute.  相似文献   

《四库全书》乾隆谕旨平议(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为《四库全书总目·卷首》乾隆二十五道谕旨是编纂《四库全书》的指导思想和总纲。因此,对这二十五道谕旨进行一番剖析,可知其编纂《四库全书》的基本目的是始终不脱离其宣杨封建思想、文化,维护封建统治这一宗旨,并因此而使许多典籍惨遭厄运。同时又在客观上使中国文化典籍得到了保存和流传。中肯地评价二十五道谕旨,能了解其某些文化政策和书籍编纂思想,有助于对其思想研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

沉默也是一种言说——论梁启超笔下的严复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国近代思想文化史上,严复和梁启超是两个杰出的代表性人物。他们一个着力译书,系统介绍西方近代哲学社会科学理论,堪称理论之源;一个致力办报,传播西方文化,堪称舆论之母。但是二人之间的关系却非常微妙。以往学术界针对严复在清末民初讽喻和指责梁启超进行过比较深入的研究,但对梁启超的反应基本未予涉及。本文从梁著《清代学术概论》入手,于不疑处起疑,借用烘云托月的手法,通过将梁启超与同时代其他学者进行比较,力图勾勒出梁氏著作在论及严复思想时存在的凹陷现象,并分析了梁启超对严复批评保持沉默的原因。  相似文献   

The present study traces recent trends in cultural policy concerning “cities of culture” in South Korea. The paper is a case study of the city of Gwangju, known as the birthplace of modern democracy in Korea. Currently, public input from below into the urban regeneration project for Gwangju is almost nonexistent, while most urban regeneration policies have been implemented from the top by elites who enjoy exhibiting their performances through constructing massive edifices rather than encouraging the preservation of such intangibles as historical significance through cultural participation from below. The government’s policy of promoting Gwangju as the “city of culture” in order to make it a hub of Asian cultural industry and tourism in the global economy is closely allied to its policy of economic reductionism of culture. The study suggests that Gwangju and its unique heritage would instead benefit from an urban regeneration policy aimed at establishing it as the city of art and culture for human rights and democracy and as part of a collaborative network with the heritage initiatives of international bodies.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between cities and culture from the point of view of the production of cultural goods, including media products. It focuses on the institutional structure of present-day cultural production and the media industry and on their geographical organization at the local and global levels. The cultural economy is a prime mover for globalization processes in the urban system, in which cultural production clusters act as local nodes in the global networks of the large media groups. The models frequently used to analyse the global city system will be supplemented and partially modified by an empirical analysis of the 'world media cities'. The analysis of the world media cities enables those locations to be identified, from which globalization in the spheres of culture and the media proceeds and is 'produced' in practical terms. Global city research has predominantly emphasized the role of advanced producer services—in contrast this article concludes that for the process of globalization the globally operating media firms are at least as influential as the global providers of corporate services, because they create a cultural market space of global dimensions, on the basis of which the specialized global service providers can ensure the practical management of global production and market networks.  相似文献   

贞惠、贞孝两位公主《墓志》铭文中所反映出来的汉文化底蕴,自该两墓碑出土以来就受到学界的重视。本文对照被涉及汉文典籍,详细解读了两位公主《墓志》的文本。在此基础上,对照在时代上相距不远的其他墓志文本,得出了两位公主《墓志》的文本风格并非唐代通行《墓志》风格,而是更接近当时少数民族地方政权乃至日本《墓志》风格的结论。从这一点出发,本文展示了对这种文化碰撞与交融现象的四点思考:时尚追逐的滞后性;文化轻视现象推动的模仿者之间的文化互动;对先进文化追慕过程中的身份迷失;文化渗透压对政治经济交流的巨大影响等。并认为,这是中日文化碰撞与交融中出现的一种奇特文化现象。  相似文献   

Two books under review investigate the relationship between biological and cultural transmission of information. This perspective offers a promising basis for a definition of culture with broad applicability in contemporary anthropology. Lamb and Jablonka stress the complexity of biological transmission and the importance of behavioral and symbolic variation to evolutionary biology. Richerson and Boyd present a rigorous model-based approach to the analysis of cultural transmission. The approach reduces cultural phenomena to simple models for methodological purposes. Modeling cultural transmission has value for anthropology but cannot replace approaches drawn from social theory and from detailed contextual studies.  相似文献   

中国文化对日本文化的影响是毋庸置疑的历史事实。日本有史以来就不断地吸收中国文化,可以说其古代发展史就是吸收中国文化的历史。在长期的交流过程中,中国文献被大量地介绍到日本,对促进社会、文化、语言的发展起到了重要作用。其中有很多重要文献在我国已经失传,而在日本却部分或完整地被保留下来。对这些遗失于东瀛的逸书、逸文等资料的研究对于我国的古籍研究具有重要意义。本文以《和名类聚抄》的引文为中心对今本《释名》进行考察。  相似文献   

朝鲜王朝从中国获取书籍的数量、种类超过了以往任何时期。其从明朝获取书籍的途径一是由明廷赐给,二是由使臣在市场购买。与此同时,朝鲜王朝也重视对引进书籍的印制和传播,努力吸取书籍中蕴寓的思想理念、行为规范,从而使儒学在朝鲜半岛得到前所未有的传播。  相似文献   


This paper examines social media movements, specifically #MeToo, in relation to the politics of feminism and white privilege in the contemporary global political economy. Analysis of social media movements is located as a key part of the intricate web of practices that enable certain types of gendered identity and socioeconomic privilege to intersect, in powerful ways and to potent effect. The paper argues that, while scholarship on the global political economy has not often taken seriously popular culture sources in and across world politics, and needs to do better in this regard, investigating the politics of popular culture, race and socioeconomic privilege in contemporary world politics is important. This is because such analysis foregrounds everyday, cultural practices of knowledge formation, building space for emphasising relations of power but also highlighting the possibilities of and for resistance, agency and avenues for creative thinking and doing in world politics.  相似文献   

The article starts with a discussion about the frequent statement that culture is a marginal area in politics. It proceeds with an analysis of the phenomenon and concept of “the cultural turn” and its possible consequences for cultural democracy. Then there follows a reflection on the potential power of religion and culture in political developments. After these introductory sections I present and discuss what I call five “democracy dimensions” of cultural policy: norms and ideologies; distribution of economic resources; institutional structures and decision‐making procedures; agents and interests in the policy‐making process; and access to and participation in cultural life. The conclusion is that under certain circumstances culture may mobilise huge masses of people in political actions but this is unlikely to happen in Western European democracies where culture in a long historical process has been privatised and isolated from big politics by the establishment of a specific sphere with its own structures, norms, logics and discourses. It is questionable if cultural policies will be more democratic under the reign of global capitalism and new liberalism. “The cultural turn” is an ambivalent phenomenon which cannot by itself bring about more cultural democracy. The future of cultural democracy cannot be decided for by cultural life or the cultural policy system themselves, it is dependent on what will happen to democracy as a total political system, of which cultural policy is only a small part.  相似文献   

Fifteen OECD countries, ten of which EU members, have regulation for fixing the price of printed books. At least eight of these have extended such regulation to e-books. This article investigates the cultural and economic arguments as well as the legal context concerning a fixed price for e-books and deals with the question of how the arguments for and against retail price maintenance for e-books should be weighted in the light of the evidence. It concludes that while the evidence in defence of a fixed price for printed books is slim at best, the case for a fixed price for e-books is weaker still while the legal acceptability within EU law is disputable. Against this background, introducing a fixed price for e-books is ill-advised.  相似文献   

论我国城市化过程中的城乡文化整合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
兰勇  陈忠祥 《人文地理》2006,21(6):45-48,39
早期的城乡隔离制度造成了我国现存的城乡文化"二元结构",从而极大地影响了城乡文化的交流与发展。因此,必须进行城乡文化整合。本文就城市化过程中,影响城乡文化整合的因子进行了灰色关联度分析,得出了各因子对城乡文化整合进度的影响强弱排序;并且提出了通过加强小城镇的建设来推进我国的城乡文化整合,其中主要包括加快发展小城镇乡镇企业和发展小城镇文化产业。笔者认为,发展小城镇文化产业应该从四个方面入手:第一,增大小城镇文化教育及科技投入。第二,立足提高小城镇人口的文化素质,增加文化整合的底蕴。第三,建立城市帮扶小城镇的长效机制,加快推进城市文化的扩容和普及。第四,拓宽融资渠道,建设小城镇文化产业。  相似文献   

满铁图书馆的职能及其在东北的侵略活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满铁是日俄战争的产物,作为日本侵略东北的“国策会社”,它的业务范围不仅垄断经济,也涉足政治、文化等领域,其中在东北建立图书馆是一个重要举措。这些图书馆的设立不仅使东北原有图书遭受了罕见的破坏,而且日本侵略者采取各种措施宣传日本文化精神,灌输日本思想,奴化东北人民,并直接为日本帝国主义侵略战争服务。  相似文献   

Literature is a significant agent in the transmission of culture. Through literature expected behavior and patterns of life are passed on from generation to generation. The anticipated power of children's literature is even stronger. Socializing the target audience has always been one of its main aims. Consequently, books for children are governed by dominant social, cultural, and educational norms. This article explores the reciprocity between cultural transmission and the transmission of literature. It examines adaptations of international literary classics in their capacity of cultural intermediaries between old masterpieces and young audiences. Focusing on ways of transmitting family ideologies to children, the repository of Dutch adaptations of "Reynard the Fox," "Till Eulenspiegel," "Robinson Crusoe," and "Gulliver's Travels" serves as a case study.  相似文献   

How should we understand the cultural politics that has surrounded the development of international human rights? Two perspectives frame contemporary debate. For ‘cultural particularists’, human rights are western artefacts; alien to other societies, and an inappropriate basis for international institutional development. For ‘negotiated universalists’, a widespread global consensus undergirds international human rights norms, with few states openly contesting their status as fundamental standards of political legitimacy. This article advances an alternative understanding, pursuing John Vincent's provocative, yet undeveloped, suggestion that while the notion of human rights has its origins in European culture, its spread internationally is best understood as the product of a ‘universal social process’. The international politics of individual/human rights is located within an evolving global ecumene, a field of dynamic cultural engagement, characterized over time by the development of multiple modernities. Within this field, individual/human rights have been at the heart of diverse forms of historically transformative contentious politics, not the least being the struggles for imperial reform and change waged by subject peoples of diverse cultural backgrounds; struggles that not only played a key role in the construction of the contemporary global system of sovereign states, but also transformed the idea of ‘human’ rights itself. In developing this alternative understanding, the article advances a different understanding of the relation between power and human rights, one in which rights are seen as neither simple expressions of, or vehicles for, western domination, nor robbed of all power‐political content by simple notions of negotiation or consensus. The article concludes by considering, in a very preliminary fashion, the implications of this new account for normative theorizing about human rights. If a prima facie case exists for the normative justifiability of such rights, it lies first in their radical nature—in their role in historically transformative contentious politics—and second in their universalizability, in the fact that one cannot plausibly claim them for oneself while denying them to others.  相似文献   

Though Japan anthropology since the 1970s has been characterized as outside mainstream anthropological currents, recent work reflects broader disciplinary debates about the relation between culture and power. The four books under review, spanning the archaeology, history, ethnography, and political science of Japan, illustrate different ways of synthesizing cultural and political perspectives. Yet, to varying degrees, they all move beyond an undifferentiated, ahistorical, and depoliticized view of culture to embrace complexity, variability, conflict, and change. In so doing, they raise important questions about knowledge construction across the subfields of anthropology and its uneasy relationship with nationalist and essentialist discourses.  相似文献   

The city of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil attracts considerable numbers of visitors who spend time there in order to participate in local cultural practices, particularly percussion music, capoeira and African–Brazilian dance. This paper investigates the extent of their engagement with those practices and with the wider cultural context. It was found that such participatory cross-cultural learning, adoption and travel can be split into categories and differs markedly from conventional tourism. Theorisations of cultural interaction have frequently concentrated on colonialism or migration, where acculturation is a by-product of political, economic and even military shifts. The concept of “mimicry” as used in postcolonial theory is evoked here and considered in relation to the processes studied. One of the main differences is that the subjects voluntarily expose themselves to a measure of culture shock. Furthermore, the adoption takes place against the predominant global flow of cultural influence from the “West” to the rest. Apart from certain factors which make Bahian culture accessible and attractive, motivating factors for this voluntary movement and orientation are the perception of particular aspects of that culture as “authentic other”, as well as a weakened attachment to place, specifically to Western community and cultural origins.  相似文献   

西方国家历史文化旅游发展的现状和趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴承忠 《人文地理》2004,19(6):62-66
本文总结了历史文化旅游的特点。进而预测西方历史文化旅游将有如下发展趋势:1.文化吸引物的管理、筹资与营销变得更专业化;2.在全球化和区域化的背景下,政府和企业的强力推动使文化吸引物供应过剩,同时文化产业内部合作的缺乏,最终导致竞争的加剧;3.广泛运用网络、信息、虚拟等高新技术;4.必须采取新的手段来适应游客体验不断变化的特点。我们可以增加新项目、利用新主题组合旅游吸引物、举办大型城市或地方文化活动来吸引越来越多的旅游者和休闲者。  相似文献   

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