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The strontium (Sr) concentration in bioapatite of human bone and teeth reflects the Sr concentration in food that is differentiated by two major factors: an abundance of Sr in local soils and the biopurification effect along the trophic levels. Eastern Syria is an area with a relatively high concentration of Sr within the Euphrates valley and a low concentration of Sr beyond the valley. For this reason, the strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratio in human enamel retrieved from skeletons buried in cemeteries within the Euphrates valley may be used as a proxy for food provenience in a local population. A sample of human teeth (N = 72) from Tell Ashara and Tell Masaikh was divided into seven temporal subsets covering periods between c.2200 bce and the early 20th century ce . A significant difference in Sr/Ca values between temporal subsets is observed. The Sr/Ca values in later subsets are negatively correlated with δ13C values, indicating the wider exploitation of steppe areas outside the valley with more wild C4 grasses and a low Sr concentration. For periods with lower Sr/Ca values (c.2200–1900 bce and 19th–20th centuries ce ) there is additional textual and isotopic evidence for food transportation from outside the river valley, supporting the interpretation of Sr/Ca values as a proxy for food provenience in this specific area.  相似文献   

Dental microwear features in a sample of 10 human teeth from Tell Ashara and Tell Masaikh, two archaeological sites in the Middle Euphrates valley, Syria, were compared for possible evidence of a shift in grinding technology in Mesopotamia—parallel to the well-documented introduction of large rotary querns and watermills in the Graeco-Roman world. Two chronological subsets (Bronze Age, n = 4 and Late Roman/Islamic period, n = 6) differred substantially and features related to a more abrasive diet (broad lines, pits and punctures visible on SE micrographs) were significantly less frequent in the later subsample which may indicate that the shift in cereal grinding technology occured in Mesopotamia before the Late Roman period.  相似文献   

Long-term excavations at Arslantepe, Malatya (Turkey), have revealed the development, in the fourth millennium BC, of a precocious palatial system with a monumental building complex, sophisticated bureaucracy, and a strong centralization of economic and political power in a nonurban site. This paper reconsiders, in comparative terms, the main features and organization of the earliest states in Greater Mesopotamia. By looking at the social and economic foundations of the emergence of hierarchies and unequal relations, the dynamics and degrees of urbanization, and the role of ideology, I highlight the common aspects and the diversified trajectories of state formation and outcomes in three main core regions—southern Mesopotamia, northern Mesopotamia, and Upper Euphrates valley.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of human tooth enamel have allowed us to reconstruct the isotope composition of dietary carbon, changes in the oxygen isotope composition of drinking water and the possible migration of humans in ancient Terqa and Tell Masaikh (SE Syria). δ18Ocarbonate values of human tooth enamel from the interval comprising the Neo‐Assyrian to the modern Islamic periods (from 900 BC to AD 1949) generally mirror the isotope composition of Euphrates water, which is believed to have been a major drinking water source. Lower δ18Ocarbonate values of human Bronze Age apatite are linked to a different hydrologic system that was present in the Middle Euphrates valley at that time (2650–1700 BC). Higher δ18Ocarbonate values of some individuals in the Neo‐Assyrian (900–700 BC) and Islamic periods (AD 600–1200) may indicate human migration from the interior of the Near East. Low δ13Ccarbonate values (−11.3 to −12.4‰) of human tooth enamel from the interval comprising the Early Bronze to the Islamic periods (from 2650 BC to AD 1200) indicate C3 plants as a predominant source of dietary carbon. Changes in human dietary customs in SE Syria (with inferred usage of C4 plants) occurred in the modern Islamic period only (AD 1850–1949). Oxygen and carbon isotope data of sheep enamel show the usage of water bodies characterised by an enhanced evaporation rate during the Neo‐Assyrian time (900–700 BC) and grazing sheep herds on drier areas during the Islamic and the modern Islamic periods (after AD 600). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 1902, a portion of a juvenile human frontal bone was excavated by Armand Viré from the cave of Lacave in the Dordogne valley of southwestern France. The specimen is clearly from an Upper Palaeolithic context, although problems in interpreting the stratigraphy and postdepositional history in the cave render it essentially impossible to determine whether it is from a Magdalenian or Solutrean context. The morphology of the specimen is modern, as would be expected considering its relatively late Upper Palaeolithic context. Examination of aspects of brow ridge and frontal sinus development, as well as metopic suture obliteration, allows estimation of a developmental age of approximately 7–8 years for the specimen. Sex is indeterminate, and there is no pathology present. Apart from serving as an example of the problems of interpreting fragmentary skeletal remains from early 20th century excavations, the Lacave frontal represents one of the relatively few subadult cranial specimens known from the European Upper Palaeolithic. As such it is a valuable addition to the fossil record of early modern humans from Europe. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three specimens of silicified wood, two transported and one probably in situ, have been found in association with Early Miocene basaltic lavas in the upper Lachlan valley, N.S.W. On the basis of their preserved structure, the three specimens have been identified as belonging to Nothofagus, Acacia, and the family Myrtaceae, respectively. The specimen of Nothofagus (one of the transported specimens) constitutes the first identification of a macrofossil of this genus from this interval in southeastern mainland Australia, while its conjunction with the myrtaceous specimens (one probably in situ) may indicate vegetation zonation according to elevation, as proposed on pollen evidence from Kiandra. Such zonation is not demanded by the upper Lachlan evidence, however, but if it is favoured, reconstruction of the Early Miocene geography of the upper Lachlan constrains the maximum elevation above the locality of the myrtaceous fossils to be 350 m.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the genetic and the acquired anaemias, particularly in areas of the world where they may co‐exist, has been a challenge for palaeopathologists for over 100 years. In this paper we present macroscopic and radiographic skeletal lesions that are associated with the thalassemias in a 14‐year‐old girl from a modern reference collection of the University of Athens. This individual is of known sex, age, cause of death, place and dates of birth and death. The case is examined in terms of epidemiology, growth, distribution and severity of lesions and differential diagnosis. The entire skeleton is affected by marrow hyperplasia: lesions of the axial skeleton are extreme, and the appendicular skeleton is severely affected as well. The odontofacial manifestations that are diagnostic of thalassemia and differentiate it from other anaemias are present and include: maxillary and mandibular hyperplasia, reduced sinuses, displacement of maxillary dental structures, overbite, and generalised osteopenia. The development of extreme bone lesions and the ‘advanced’ age‐at‐death of this individual is explained as either the result of thalassemia major under a low transfusion regimen that was the norm during her lifetime, or to a form of thalassemia intermedia that allows survival to later life at the expense of gross skeletal alterations. The present status of skeletal studies in Greece does not support the identification of a genetic anaemia in past populations. The potential contribution of the current analysis in differentiating the anaemias in antiquity is evaluated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The petrographic and geochemical analyses of 130 Late Chalcolithic 3 (LC3, 3800 bce ) to Early Bronze Age IIIB (EBAIIIB, 2000 bce ) ceramics from Arslantepe and the Malatya Plain in the Eastern Anatolian Upper Euphrates have identified critical differences in raw material procurement and paste preparation, reflecting typological, chronological and cultural changes. Based on these differences, distinct modes of production that correspond to phases reflecting significant social, economic and political changes were recognized. In particular, the interruption of the centralization process and the establishment of mobile groups during EBAI (3000–2900 bce ) were accompanied by the exploitation of new sources.  相似文献   

Two skeletons from Mediaeval Wharram Percy, England, show osteological lesions consistent with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The primary cause of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is generally chronic pulmonary disease, usually either cancer or infection; in the pre-antibiotic era it was predominantly the latter. Biomolecular analyses indicate the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in one of the specimens, strongly indicating that pulmonary tuberculosis was the eliciting factor in this case. This is the first time that a primary cause for hypertrophic osteoarthropathy has been firmly identified in an ancient skeleton and illustrates the potential of a dual approach using both osteological and biomolecular techniques for enhancing our understanding of early disease. The other specimen proved negative for M. tuberculosis complex DNA, however the presence of infectious rib lesions allowed us to suggest that some non-tuberculous pulmonary infection was likely the primary cause of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in this case.  相似文献   

Almost all of the obsidian used to craft stone tools in the Near East from the Palaeolithic onward originated from volcanoes in two geographic regions: Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia. Five decades of obsidian sourcing has led to the view that Central Anatolian obsidians largely followed the Mediterranean coast and rarely reached farther east than the Middle Euphrates, whereas Eastern Anatolian sources almost exclusively supplied sites east of the Euphrates. This paper discusses the identification of Central Anatolian obsidian artefacts at the Bronze-Age site of Tell Mozan (Urkesh) in northeastern Syria. Most of the obsidians at Tell Mozan (97%) came from the Eastern Anatolian sources, as expected from established distribution models. Artefacts of Central Anatolian obsidian, however, were excavated from one well-constrained context: the deposits on a palace courtyard that date to the height of the Akkadian empire's influence at this third-millennium Hurrian religious and political centre. In particular, the obsidian came from the Kömürcü source of Göllü Da?. Potential explanations for this exotic obsidian are discussed. This obsidian might have “piggybacked” on the distribution of Central Anatolian metals or arrived at this city as royal gifts or prestige items. Other discussed mechanisms include Akkadian-linked changes in either territoriality involving pastoral nomads responsible for the arrival of Eastern Anatolian obsidians or identity construction of elites based on involvement in Central Anatolian economic and political networks.  相似文献   

Charcoal and charred seeds at five Bronze Age archaeological sites discern ancient land use in the eastern Mediterranean. Seed frequencies of orchard crops, annual cereals and pulses, and wild or weedy plants are used to characterize plant utilization at different archaeological sites on the island of Cyprus, in the Rift Valley of Jordan, and in the Jabbul Plain and along the upper Euphrates River valley in Syria. Seed to charcoal ratios provide proxies to determine the relative usage of dung versus wood for fuel across the ancient Mediterranean landscape. Greater charcoal and lower charred seed values are interpreted to represent a wooded environment, while higher amounts of charred seeds and minimal wood charcoal suggest a much great use of dung as a fuel source. Interestingly, Politiko-Troullia (Cyprus, Cypriot archaeological sites are, by convention, named for the nearest modern village (Politiko), followed by an italicized toponym (Troullia) referring to the plot of land that incorporates the site) has the lowest seed to charcoal ratio, suggesting its residents primarily burned wood and that the landscape surrounding Troullia remained relatively wooded during the Bronze Age. In contrast, villagers at Tell el-Hayyat (Jordan) utilized a mixture of wood and dung, in contrast to Tell Abu en-Ni’aj (Jordan), and especially Umm el-Marra and Tell es-Sweyhat (Syria), where inhabitants relied solely on dung fuel. Comparative analysis and interpretation of seed and charcoal evidence thus illustrates the variety of fuel use strategies necessitated by the dynamic and diverse Bronze Age landscapes of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis in Greek skeletal remains have typically been attributed to a genetic anaemia, most notably thalassemia due to the presence of endemic malaria in the Mediterranean region. This paper reports the results of an analysis of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis in a Greek colonial population (5th to 3rd centuries BC) from the Black Sea. Archaeological evidence, stable isotopic data, and other skeletal indicators of physiological stress are examined to determine the most likely cause(s) of these lesions. While the possibility that some of the colonists of Apollonia suffered from thalassemia cannot be entirely discounted, the skeletal evidence examined in this study is not consistent with a diagnosis of thalassemia. We must therefore be cautious in assuming that cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis in Greek skeletal remains, and indeed skeletal remains from any region where malaria was endemic in the past, is always indicative of this condition. Nutritional deficiencies and exposure to infectious diseases probably played an equally, if not more, important role in the development of these lesions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Examples of the impressions made on bones by arterial aneurysms are rare in the archaeological record. One such specimen was found in a collection of 5000 pieces of disarticulated human bone from a disturbed eighteenth to nineteenth century graveyard in Leicester. The distal end of an adult femur shows a lesion on the posterior surface that has been identified as that made by an aneurysm of the popliteal artery, by comparison with an authenticated museum specimen of that condition, also of eighteenth century data. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

none 《Medieval archaeology》2013,57(1):243-270

The saga of the People of Vatnsdalur (Vatnsdaelasaga) provides a case study for a new approach to the Sagas of Icelanders (Íslendingasögur). This treats the saga as a cultural product of the 13th century that can give insights into its creator's ideas and worldviews. Fieldwork at five sites in the Vatnsdalur valley in NW Iceland seeks to establish what these places were like in the 13th century. This knowledge, alongside the saga and place-name evidence, illustrates how the saga writer, presumed to come from a powerful 13th-century family, systematically used the landscape and archaeological remains in the valley to serve his political interests when describing 10th-century events.  相似文献   

In 1992, Mark Seeman proposed the existence of a Jack's Reef horizon in Ohio. Little professional research has been undertaken on domestic sites since then though. The Jack's Reef horizon subsumes the Intrusive Mound complex. Archaeological excavations for the Rockies Express-East gas pipeline project identified three sites in the central Scioto valley that provide evidence of Jack's Reef horizon occupations in floodplain and upland settings flanking the river valley. Radiocarbon dates confirm habitation associated with this late Late Woodland culture from cal A.D. 630–1000. Excavation and geophysical data reviewed in this article indicate intensive habitation of large base camps and small-scale residential bases, with secondary refuse disposal, distinctive ceramics, a curated bifacial lithic technology, and an expedient flake-tool technology.  相似文献   

During the late‐Midlandian (25–13 14C ka BP), the last Irish Ice Sheet was thicker in the Western Mourne Mountains than previously argued. Geomorphological and sedimento‐logical analysis shows that regional ice from the Irish Ice Sheet spilled over the mountains, reaching a major limit 5 km along Pigeon Rock Valley. These findings differ from the previous view that a local valley glacier occupied the valley during this period. The pattern of deglaciation was reconstructed using glacial and periglacial evidence. A complex topographic environment in the upper reaches of the valley suggests that regional ice stagnated as it wasted away. During the Nahanagan Stadial (Younger Dryas, ca. 11–10 ka 14C BP) an arcuate ridge was formed on the western flank of the valley. Calculations suggest that the Equilibrium Line Altitude, influenced by topographic conditions favourable for snow accumulation, was approximately between 1736 m and 1386 m lower during the Nahanagan Stadial than at present.  相似文献   

A gas geochemical precursor anomaly was identified prior to the October 2008 Nový Kostel (Czech Republic) earthquake swarm with a peak magnitude ML of 3.8. This anomaly was observed as a deviation of CO2 concentrations from the long‐term annual CO2 concentration trend in the gas extracted from the scree at the Nový Kostel and Old?i?ská gas monitoring stations, which are directly above the Plesná valley‐Po?átky and Mariánské Lázně fault systems. Both sites are located within the major focal zone of the NW Bohemian swarm earthquake region at the northern edge of the Cheb Basin. A decrease in CO2 concentration started at Nový Kostel in September 2008, 17 days before the swarm, opposite to the usually increasing annual trend in the autumn period, and ended with a nearly coseismic drop immediately prior to the onset of the first swarm. The CO2 concentrations at Old?i?ská, deviating from the annual trend, did not further increase after August 2008. The calculated horizontal strain field, based on the data of two permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems stations, proved there was horizontal compression in this period. The increasing compression along the Plesná valley‐Po?átky and Mariánské Lázně fault systems during the stress build‐up reduced the fault permeability prior to this earthquake swarm as indicated by the decrease in CO2 concentration. The 17‐day duration of the earthquake precursor at Nový Kostel and about 65 days at Old?i?ská lie within the range of the precursor times that are hypothesized worldwide for an ML = 3.8 earthquake. The nature of earthquake precursors and their origin are discussed, for example, as an indication of changed fault permeability by stress build‐up in the case of the Nový Kostel swarm earthquake precursor or as fault opening in other cases.  相似文献   

Occlusal surface wear scores were examined in a sample of 200 Formative period (1500 bc–ad 500) skeletons from the lower Azapa Valley in northwest Chile. Wear rate and plane (angle) were additionally evaluated using a subsample of paired first and second mandibular molars. The Formative period represents the transition from marine foraging to agro‐pastoral dependence in the region, and differences in oral pathology indicate that diet varied by site location (coast vs valley interior) but not by archaeological phase (early vs late). We predicted that occlusal wear would demonstrate similar patterns, resulting from differences in food consistency, and therefore hypothesised that in coastal groups consuming greater quantities of foraged foods, occlusal surfaces should wear faster and exhibit flat molar wear, whereas among valley interior groups consuming greater quantities of agro‐pastoral products, these should wear slower but exhibit more angled molar wear. Heavier posterior tooth wear was identified among coastal residents, but rate and angle of molar occlusal attrition did not differ significantly by location. Heavier overall wear and a steeper molar wear plane were identified during the early phase indicating that food consistency varied somewhat over the course of the Formative period. Overall, the results indicate that, although limited differences in tooth wear exist by site location, wear varied more over time likely reflecting a gradual transition from foraging to agro‐pastoral dependence in the lower Azapa Valley. Although oral health indicators point to differences in dietary investment by location, maintenance of a mixed subsistence economy likely sustained a comparative consistency of foodstuffs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The specimen reported here presents a rare form of dental variant—a permanent, mandibular labial canine talon cusp. This anomaly has not previously been reported in the clinical or archaeological literatures and is currently unique. The affected individual is an adult male from the Early Holocene cemetery of Gobero located in the Sahara Desert in the Republic of Niger. The age of this site (ca. 9500 bp) makes this the first archaeological case of labial talon cusp from Africa and the oldest reported talon cusp of any kind (lingual or labial, maxillary or mandibular, incisor or canine) in the world. Previous case studies, population frequency data, sexual dimorphism patterns and distribution within the dentition are discussed for labial talon cusp. The morphological aetiology of talon cusps is reviewed with respect to this specimen. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple tool made from a gracile human femoral shaft was retrieved from a small animal bone assemblage found in a Late Bronze Age stratum at Gohar Tepe, Iran. The specimen has been identified as a chisel or gouge for which no analogous examples are known in the Near East. Studies examining similar tools from other regions suggest that such a tool may have been used for wood processing or pottery smoothing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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