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One day in July 2007,Horkhang Changpa Tendar told me that they had discovered a group of Tsha-Tsha in the ruin of Lhakhang Chemo (a chamber) in Gyama Town,which they believed belonged among relics from the period of Gadam Pa and had never been discovered before.He also asked us to come to see what they were.  相似文献   

We drove from Beijing to Tianjin,guided by GPS.We got lost several times in the crowded city and had to continually send messages to Mr.Liu Dong to get directions by mobile phone.Finally in the thick of the city buildings,we found a Tibetan-style flat-roofed building that was colored red and white  相似文献   

Thin and dressed in a red, yellow-lined monk's robe, 24-year-old Thubten Palden was seated quietly before me. His purity and simplicity were touched with a little shyness. It was hard to believe that such a young monk of the Nyingma Sect had the clear intention to burn himselfi Thubten Palden said that the idea occurred to him after he had an Internet chat with a Tibetan woman who was in India last summer. Intruth, the Tibetan woman (named "Trewa Online") is responsible for the overseas network of"Independent Tibet".  相似文献   

正Tibetan opera is divided into four different schools:Gyangkhar, Junpa, Shambha and Jomulung.Although Jomulung originated in Lhasa, the other three come from Shigatse. In my view, there had to be something special about these places for something such as Tibetan opera  相似文献   

<正>It was November in Changtang.Temperatures during the cold nights could reach as low as-20℃.Before brushing my teeth,I had to hold the toothpaste close to my chest to warm it up.Otherwise,it would not come out no matter how hard I squeezed the tube.During the day,the howling wind carrying sand and dust was so strong that I could lean directly into the wind and not fall to the ground.  相似文献   

<正>The first time I met Grandpa Pema,he was being pestered by some giggling children.When he saw me and Gioro,he stood up and greeted us,shaking off the kids and starting to boil tea for us.It was in June,when the rainy season was yet to come,but the weather had turned warm.This was the season when the flies ran wild.With the movement of the kids and Grandpa Pema,swarms of  相似文献   

For those who come to Tibet for the first time,butter tea is on their list to try.I, however,am an exception to the rule because butter tea just does not agree with me. I prefer the delicate fragrance of sweet tea but enjoy watching Tibetans light butterburning lamps and the serenity of the light from butter lamps in dimly lit monasteries. During my trip through the middle of nowhere on the plateau,we had a happy encounter with some herdsmen taking a break from their journey.  相似文献   

At the end of April 2003, the State Cultural Relics Bureau and the TAR Cultural Relics Bureau urgently called on specialized archaeological workers to participate in an archaeological investigation along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. There were two teams to undertake the task. One team was made up of four teachers and students, namely two female postgraduates, Zhang Changhong and Yin Junxia, who both come from Henan Province, Li Yongxian and myself, who had been engaged in the Tibetan Ar…  相似文献   

I still remember the first time I stepped into Are's Tibetan Restaurant back in 2011 when I had just come back from my first trip to Tibet.With memories reverberating in my mind,I started to explore Tibetanstyle restaurants in Chengdu in the hopes of finding some relief through enjoying a simple bowl of buttered tea while reminiscing about the sweet drink served in a warm tea house on the Barkor Street.For the past nine years,I have gone to Are's place with friends every now and again and can never shake the feeling that we are eating and talking in a nice restaurant in Lhasa.  相似文献   

正I still remember the first time I stepped into Are's Tibetan Restaurant back in 2011 when I had just come back from my first trip to Tibet.With memories reverberating in my mind,I started to explore Tibetanstyle restaurants in Chengdu in the hopes of finding some relief through enjoying a simple bowl of buttered tea while reminiscing about the sweet drink served in a warm tea house on the Barkor Street.For the past nine years,I have gone to Are's place with friends every now and again and can never shake the feeling that we are eating and talking in a nice restaurant in Lhasa.The  相似文献   

The Tibetan Red Deer(Cervus canadensis wallichi) is also called the Sikkim red deer and is pronounced "xiawa" in the Tibetan language.It is a special member of the red deer family and a unique species to the Tibet Autonomous Region.The Tibetan red deer was first discovered by scientists about 150 years ago.Because of its status in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as being endangered,the Tibetan red deer was listed before the white-lipped deer,which is under first-level key  相似文献   

New Books     
正A Collection of the History of the Ethnic Hans and Ethnic Tibetans This book was written during the Ming Dynasty by Datsang Drumpa Poljor Sampo.Chen Qingying,a famous modern Tibetologist,translated the work,a key piece of literature to gain a better understanding of Tibetan history throughout the Yuan Dynasty.  相似文献   

My understanding of art production is that the process is of more importance than the results,and many happiness and joys actually come from the process.  相似文献   

On May 23, 1951, the Central Governmentand the local government of Tibet signedan agreement for the peaceful liberation ofTibet. The news threw Xi'an into an oceanof jubilation, and prompted me to go toTibet.Five of us schoolmates enrolled in the People's Liberation Army (PLA). We were decorated with red silk ribbonsand red silk flowers, and sent to the PLA Xi'an Office by ourteachers and schoolmates. They made us parade aroundin the city, and beat gongs and drums to attract the public…  相似文献   

As our understanding of the Qing empire and its various borderlands has evolved, so too have we come to appreciate China's early modem commercial sophistication. In recent North American studies of the Qing, the links between commerce and conquest have come under investigation, and we are increasingly urged to pay attention to merchants and merchant capital. But how should we understand the relationship between merchants and the Qing empire in the borderlands? This article surveys selected work on the borderlands and commercialization, primarily in the Northwest and Southwest. The goal is to initiate a more comprehensive discussion of how to understand the intersection of commerce and empire while also making some suggestions for ways that borderlands history might shape future work on China.  相似文献   

The first appointment I had with Penpa Pendok was at Jokhang Temple Square.Though we had never met,I could still tell that the lady dressed in brown Tibetan clothes and with a stylish handbag had to be my interviewee of the day.I gathered this by the way she walked,full of confidence and energy,just like her voice when we talked over the phone.  相似文献   

正A bowl of hot buttered tea in hand,Chodrak was looking through the window,observing the land now completely covered in snow.Not even the normally red mountain range in the far distance to the east escaped the snow's fury.  相似文献   

It was July 3, 2012. The sky had cleared after rain and the ancient Namseling manor looked magnificent against a backdrop of blue sky and white clouds. The little courtyard of Duoduo, the village head, is right behind the manor. For centuries, generations of feudal lords living in the manor had owned the land.  相似文献   

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