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我曾用一首诗写我的义弟凌新(大眼):“凌魂壮志盖云霄,新月犹胜夕阳潮。大汉狂沙横眉对,眼中无惧奈何桥。”后来大眼在whatsapp(注:一款类似微信的移动通信软件)说:“当年浩气冲天,夜郎自大自吹自擂。今日弟传来与兄长一观:‘凌宵壮志傲天下,新人辈出我们来。霸尽世间福源地,气吞天下大将才。’”  相似文献   

于萍 《丝绸之路》2009,(18):92-93
博物馆这座神圣而高雅的文化殿堂,承载着人类发展的记忆,它是一部我们祖先创造的物质与精神文明的百科全书,也是一个国家、一个城市的胎记和文化脉络。目前,全国博物馆面向社会为公众免费开放,大量的观众涌入博物馆,我们有责任让更多的人了解和关注博物馆。本文主要介绍了博物馆的产生和博物馆文化传播。  相似文献   

作为前黑道分子,阿军帮助边缘少年的方法是“三板斧”:金钱拉拢、意识控制和武力恐吓穿过车流不息的马路后,仅仅是几百米的路程,28岁的阿军走得气喘吁吁,他说,自己真的老了。  相似文献   

博物馆,作为一种化现象和社会存在,是明社会出现后的产物,它的雏形离我们已非常遥远在人们普遍共同的认知心理促使下,以审美价值观念产生为前提,形成了以私有性和封闭性为特征的实物收藏,这就是原始博物馆的萌芽,  相似文献   

目前中国已拥有国家级地质公园138家,园中种类丰富的地质遗迹是我们追索地球演化历史的重要佐证。我们将带你走入这些地质公园,一起领略地球内部的奇异构造和地球的发展演化历史。  相似文献   

写这篇文章,是因为基于这样一种认识:评判一个博物馆的价值,不仅要看它的收藏丰富程度,更要看它在鼓励公众参与和学习方面所取得的成绩.来博物馆参观的公众无疑是博物馆能接触的数量最多、成份最复杂、最易受影响的博物馆观众.这些观众也显然是推动博物馆整个工作进步的重要力量,尽管常常被忽视.就某个观众个人的体验而言,今天博物馆的参观者很可能成为明日的、遥远的博物馆宣传者和义务的博物馆公共关系联络员.我们的职责是:必须尽我们的最大努力扩大每个公众积极、有益参观博物馆的机会.为此,从观众进馆参观到出馆的全过程中,我们必须从各个角度、各个方面关心和照顾观众.让我们模拟一下这种角色,假如一个观众首次来博物馆参观,试想,我们应从哪些方面去关心他,使他在博物馆获得一种美好的体验?  相似文献   

目前中国已拥有国家级地质公园138家,园中种类丰富的地质遗迹是我们追索地球演化历史的重要佐证。我们将带你走入这些地质公园,一起领略地球内部的奇异构造和地球的发展演化历史。  相似文献   

王牧  Alex 《世界》2008,(2):153-157
不管我们到什么地方旅行,无论是面对金字塔,故宫,吴哥窟这些古迹,还是伦敦、巴黎或者纽约这些大城市里的博物馆,除了拍摄旅游纪念照以外,都希望拍出更好的图片来,至少能让我们在旅途结束之后面对相片能重拾起那些美好的记忆。  相似文献   

刘宇生 《文博》2007,(3):41-43
一我们注意到一个值得思考的文化现象:很少光顾国内博物馆的国人却在西方的博物馆频频出入,难道那里可以看到"月亮背后的光"吗?我们不得不深切检讨、正视"中国博物馆的社会贡献率"这一并不轻松的课题,因为人的因  相似文献   

小婧 《世界》2009,(6):144-145
菲律宾马尼拉,热带的强烈阳光,让吕亚佳晒黑了不少。她在这里呆了一个月。之前整整半年的时间。她选择无薪休假,从美国到菲律宾。这不是一场普通意义的旅行,而是参加Gawad Kalinga的一个义工项目。  相似文献   

Museums and heritage attractions worldwide are dependent on their volunteers, and this is particularly the case within the UK. However, the demographics of volunteers are changing and volunteers are more likely to be retired individuals than seeking work experience. Traditionally, volunteer management in the UK has adopted a top‐down approach. This paper, based on a sample of 222 volunteers within museums and heritage visitor attractions in the UK, argues that a significant proportion of volunteers are leisure seeking. Volunteers at ten museums and heritage attractions were questioned about their motivation, and predominantly leisure‐like motives were cited, including subject interest and social interaction. Indeed, volunteer's motives bear a strong similarity to those of visitors. Thus, older, leisure‐seeking volunteers would be more appropriately considered as an additional element of the museum's audience. A model showing the relationship between visiting, volunteering and paid staff is presented.  相似文献   

The article initially draws upon the notion of non‐alienated labour to explain the motivations of volunteers who offer their time and expertise freely to the running of steam and diesel locomotives within UK preserved railways. It suggests that in this instance the concept is flawed in that volunteers operate outside the cash nexus. In drawing upon the anthropological concepts of liminality and communitas it aims to develop the notion of non‐alienated labour by adding a subjective dimension. It argues that volunteers working on preserved railways are modern‐day pilgrims through their moving in and out of different identities as they seek solace in the certainty of operating and working in complex and highly satisfying workplaces.  相似文献   


Between 1832 and 1834 during the civil war against the partisans of absolutism in Portugal about a hundred Italians fought as volunteers in the Portuguese liberal army. These Italians were motivated to participate by a Romantic culture of war that was strongly rooted in the liberal nationalism of the Italian Risorgimento, but above all, the decision to fight as a volunteer abroad was the result of an international movement of political solidarity with Portuguese liberalism in the early 1830s with which the Italian liberals came into contact during their political exile in France and in Belgium. For the Italian, fighting as volunteers in Portugal proved to be a decisive political experience which deeply shaped their own political ideas of the nation that the volunteers would subsequently draw on in their different political and professional roles in Italy where they became ministers, diplomats and generals of the Kingdom of Italy.  相似文献   

The growing number of volunteers in the heritage sector indicates a desire for a leisure experience by pursuing a subject interest with like‐minded people. Millar and others have suggested that volunteers are the ‘ultimate frequent visitors’, and as the day visitor market for museums and heritage attractions declines, this paper offers the repositioning of ‘heritage visiting’ from day visits to longer term connections with particular heritage attractions via volunteering. It draws on Stebbins’s concept of serious leisure as a way of reading museum volunteering as a leisure practice and argues that museum volunteering is a way of practising heritage as leisure that is ‘self‐generated’, with museum volunteers active in constructing their own identities. According to the concept of ‘serious leisure’, museum volunteers become part of a social world inhabited by those knowledgeable about heritage and history. The paper concludes by examining the adequacy of Stebbins’s P‐A‐P system for analysing the power relations between museum professionals and volunteers in the museum social world.  相似文献   

The article sets out to map militant Soviet solidarity with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War (1936–9). It is based on recently declassified letters that ordinary Soviet citizens addressed to the Comintern, asking its head, Georgi Dimitrov, to send them as volunteers to fight against Fascism in Spain. The articles evaluates the social profiles of these would-be volunteers, their rhetoric of militant solidarity and the social climate in which they formulated their pleas to fight abroad – namely the onset of Stalin's purges in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   


Between 1834 and 1870, Germans participated in the armed conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento in the ranks of both Mazzini and Garibaldi and of the Pope and Francis II of Naples. While acknowledging the difficulty in analysing the motives of historical actors, the essay compares the reasons that led these Germans to volunteer and fight. For those who fought for the cause of Italian unity, the networks created in exile in the 1830s remained decisive down to 1870, whereas the mobilization of volunteers in Germany for the Papal states reached its height only later between 1867 and 1870. Despite these chronological differences, the methods used in terms of the media and forms of organization to mobilize the volunteers and to legitimize war were very similar across the political spectrum. The foreign volunteers were described by their own side as brothers, but as mere mercenaries by the respective enemy side. At the same time, Germans and Italians brought their national stereotypes to the various armed groups and armies in which they served and in ways that made the latter important places for the staging of national ‘re-virilization’ achieved through heroic fighting.  相似文献   

Environmental sustainability education, the dissemination of environmental education for sustainable development into the community, should be a lifelong process and not one restricted to a learner's years in higher education. Informal environmental sustainability education, including personal involvement in NGO environmental action, can be an effective way of increasing the understanding of environmental and sustainability issues. NGO projects help provide practical environmental education to environmentally aware people who have built their careers in other areas. In the process, they help environmental awareness to trickle into areas of life where it would not ordinarily impinge. In this case study of a community-based land reclamation research project, supported jointly by the NGO Earthwatch and Oxford Brookes University, analysis of the motivations and experiences of project volunteers shows that their aims include making a personal contribution to enhancing the quality of the environment and networking with like-minded individuals, and that they expect to carry their new understanding back into their everyday lives to influence other people in their workplace. Engagement in practical work and action research may help overcome some of the negativity linked to many assessments of the human impact on the environment and, working together, universities and NGOs can more effectively ‘think globally and act locally’. NGOs may provide the best hope for helping to change the destructive aspects of modern society but they are vulnerable through financial dependency on sponsors, volunteers and donors.  相似文献   

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