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20 0 2年 3月 ,江西革命老区修水县一家农户在拆迁旧房时 ,从土筑结构的墙隙里发现一张修水县救济金融合作社于 192 6年发行的“当十铜元壹百枚”的农协货币 ,因墙土间隙不利藏存 ,且存放时间长 ,此币票面显得十分脏旧 ,并有多处被虫蛀馈成孔 ,对折处已完全断裂。所幸行名、面值、印章还完好 ,图案也只有七、八处虫眼。第一次国内革命战争时期江西农村普遍都成立了农协组织 ,至于江西农协组织是否发行过货币 ,在早期只闻修水发行过 ,但未见实物 ,《中国革命根据地货币》和《中国历代货币》等书也未有记载或提及 ,因此不敢肯定 ,现终于找到了…  相似文献   

戈尔 《世界》2014,(11):124-129
“虽然登顶是每个登山者的梦想,但对我来说,安全下撤回到亲人身边,才是最大的成功。毕竟,山永远在那儿!”作为孩子的母亲,女登山者张焱是理智的,也是明智的,在山的面前,攀登者的随性才是最致命的危险。伺况,这是一只由三位看似柔弱的女孩组成的女子登山队——张焱与公司职员高洋、为攀登梦想而辞去工作的马姗姗,三个女人作为第八届“体验无止境——戈尔特斯TM户外梦想实现”活动首支出发团队、活动成立以来的第一支“女子登山队”,8月19日从成都出发,重装向海拔6119米的多普峨扎峰一路攀登。多普峨扎峰位于青藏高原东南缘,属于高海拔冰岩混合型雪山,是中国最美的山峰之一。这里冰川连绵、裂缝密布,地形非常艰险。据资料显示其难度系数已经超过了主峰,对攀登者的技术、经验、体能方面都要求非常高。这座山峰之前只有一次美国人登顶的记录,中国人还没有成功征服过它。  相似文献   

The civil war in mainland China during 1945–1949 resulted in an enormous influx of immigrants to Taiwan, the majority of whom were single male soldiers in their twenties or thirties. In addition, a military marriage ban prevented most of the immigrant soldiers from getting married until 1959. These two factors have profound, but distinct, influences on the effective prime-age sex ratio in the marriage market in post-war Taiwan. Unfortunately, the official population data in Taiwan excluded the military and thus did not reveal the true male population until the late 1960s. This paper proposes a method to impute the effective prime-age sex ratio. The imputation result shows that the effective prime-age sex ratio first rose in the 1950s, peaked in the 1960s, and then declined in the 1970s. At its peak, as many as 120 men were competing for only 100 women in the marriage market.  相似文献   

The author evaluates changes in the form of civil adjudication that have occurred since the adoption of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938. The evidence reveals a. paradoxical situation–the system has become both less and more adversarial. After identifying the causes of these opposing trends, the author concludes that the forces undermining adversariness are more powerful than those supporting the traditional model. Finally, the implications of this retreat from customary procedure are explored.  相似文献   

An act for registering births, deaths, and marriages was passed for England and Wales in 1836. Scotland, despite evident support for the principle of civil registration there, did not obtain equivalent legislation until 1854 - a paradox that has yet to be fully explained. Eight unsuccessful bills preceded the Scottish act, and this article explores the reasons for their failure. Although the Scottish churches and municipal authorities broadly favoured vital registration, their objections to particular clauses concerning the nomination and payment of registrars, the imposition of fees for registration and penalties for non-registration, and the provision of new administrative facilities, repeatedly impeded the bills' progress through parliament. More importantly, four of the bills were linked to measures for reforming the marriage law, which were so offensive to Scottish sensibilities that the registration bills were damned by association. Only by altering these contentious clauses and eschewing any interference with the law of marriage did Lord Elcho's bill of 1854 succeed. The lengthy gestational period preceding the Scottish legislation did, however, result in the compulsory registration of births and deaths, unlike in England, and secured a greater breadth of detail in the Scottish registers.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of accessibility on the productivity of Spanish manufacturing firms. We suggest the use of accessibility indicators of workers and commodities, integrating transport, land use, and individual components, computing real distances or traveling times using the Spanish full road network. Estimated firms’ total factor productivity is explained as a function of the accessibility indicators and additional control variables. Results evidence the crucial role on firms’ productivity to the accessibility of commodities and to a slightly lesser extent the workers.  相似文献   

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