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虎是凶猛而又危险的兽类动物,人称兽中之王。中国境内的虎患至少开始于春秋战国时期,据《虎荟》记载,秦昭襄王时“白虎为害,自秦蜀巴汉患之。……虎历四郡,害千二百人”。以后历朝均偶有虎患之记载,但明清虎患最为严重。明清时期广东地区的社会经济已较发达,然而众多的史料却零散地记录了广东地区不断发生虎患之事实。笔罗列一些资料,采用叙述性的方法进行考述,目的是抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

正"虎贲"一词始见于《尚书》的《牧誓》、《立政》篇,指军中猛士尤其是周王的近身卫士。西汉平帝时更名宿卫的期门军为虎贲,为后世所沿袭。目前已知的商周金文中并无"虎贲"一词,但有"虎臣"与之相类。虎臣一词又见于《尚书·顾命》及《诗经》的《常武》、《泮水》篇。伪孔传以为虎臣即虎贲氏;郑笺称《常武》之虎臣乃一职官,《泮水》之虎臣泛指威武如虎的武将。有学者认为虎贲由虎臣分化而来,乃虎臣之一种。1窃以为虎臣当即虎贲,名称变换而已。  相似文献   

虎,百兽之王也。虎之威、虎之狂、虎之情历来为人敬仰。人们常用"虎虎生威""龙腾虎跃"来形容它的威风和勇猛,也曾用"虎里虎气"来描绘它的憨厚和正直,所以在许多百姓家里就有了一件必不可少的镇邪之物--虎画。孰不知,那一幅幅形态各异形象逼真的老虎画蕴含了画家多少心血,而高歌就是其中极具代表性的人物之一。孜孜不倦的学画生涯磨砺出他坚韧不拔的格性,成为了  相似文献   

虎是贺兰山和北山岩画的重要题材。其构图有单体、双体和群体、虎扑食和猎虎四类 ,形态有直立和曲足两类 ,时代在商周至春秋战国时期。这四类虎岩画 ,与图腾崇拜相关。在图腾文化中 ,图腾之名也是相对应的氏族、部落之名号 ,而以虎为图腾的民族 ,其族名是春秋战国时期活动于我国北方的林胡。  相似文献   

王冰 《东南文化》2008,(3):50-55
本文通过对宜侯矢簋铭文中“王卜于宜,入社南乡”之旬的全新考订,结合滕虎簋“虎”字与前贤所释“虞”字结体基本一致之比较,以及对西周初地缘政治形势的分析,考证宜侯矢原封虎侯,不属吴君世系,其迁封之邑为邳县北之祖。  相似文献   

本文通过对宜候■簋铭文中"王卜于宜,入社南乡"之句的全新考订,结合滕虎簋"虎"字与前贤所释"虞"字结体基本一致之比较,以及对西周初地缘政治形势的分析,考证宜侯矢原封虎侯,不属吴君世系,其迁封之邑为邳县北之祖。  相似文献   

文物1960年第2期载有訇簋及弭叔簋铭文(器铭照片及两种释文),中之訇簋铭文更关系到西周社会性质.因将所见数事录出,以供同志们参考.訇簋铭文有云:"今余令汝啇官,司邑人、先虎臣、后庸、西门夷、春夷、京夷、……"以全文证之,"先虎臣"是一种军旅,指作为先锋的虎臣.师?簋:"今余肇令汝率齐币、?、僰?、左右虎臣,征淮夷".虎臣既用来征伐,可见本是军旅之一种.以师?簋的左右虎臣和本铭的先虎臣相较,知左右是指左右两翼,先则无疑为先锋.又  相似文献   

纷繁扰攘的辛丑年渐进尾声,企盼安宁平定的壬寅年即将到来。寅,在十二属相里为虎。中国自古以来就以虎为吉兽,尤以白虎为尊,其五行方位在西,主兵与刑,但也有驱凶辟邪之效,故自古以来有把器具塑成虎形,以祈平安。虎在民间具有其特殊的地位。在中国民间传说里,虎是具有大威能的神物,因其长相凶恶,极具威慑力,人们认为虎能驱除邪祟,护佑世人,也有人相信虎能驱除火灾、失窃等灾祸。  相似文献   

范常喜 《江汉考古》2024,(1):141-148
信阳楚墓出土的虎座鸟架鼓鼓架在遣策简中被记作“一灭盟之柜,躔土蝼,厀青黄之划”。“一灭盟之柜”当读作“一灭明之虡”,意为一座灭明凤鸟形的鼓架,此即虎座鸟架鼓鼓架的自名。“躔土蝼,厀青黄之划”是说鼓架中的灭明凤鸟脚踏螭虎,整个鼓架漆有青黄色彩绘。其中的“土蝼”即“地蝼”,在古书中指兼具龙虎二形的螭虎,在简文中指鼓架中双凤所踏伏虎形螭虎底座。  相似文献   

虎在十二生肖中排第三,在中国传统文化中,虎是山兽之君、百兽之长,寓意着吉祥平安,是活力与荣耀的象征。在古代中国,山高林密,野兽经常出没,虎就作为力量的象征而被广泛崇拜。从出土文物来看,对虎崇拜的历史最早可以追溯到新石器时代良渚文化中玉琮的兽面及殷商青铜器上的兽面,这些纹饰有诸多虎的形象存在。此外,虎的形象被当做礼器用以祭祀;被当做兵器的装饰用以象征勇猛和权力;被用做调兵遣将的兵符——"虎符"。  相似文献   


Since the publication of Eißfeldt's study in 1935, it has been doubted by some scholars that a Hebrew god named Moloch or Molekh has ever existed. Recently, however, two studies have been published, one by George Heider (1985) and the other by John Day (1989), in which the existence of the god Molekh is defended once again. Especially Day's arguments seem convincing. Nevertheless, considering the Carthaginian archaeological evidence (in 1991 gathered by Shelby Brown), and also considering the ideological bias of the biblical passages concerned, the existence of a separate god of human sacrifice in Israel remains uncertain. By a new analysis of the biblical passages, arguments are given that the god Molekh is an invention from the Persian period in an attempt to conceal that Judahite worship of YHWH in the eighth and seventh century B.C.E. also included child sacrifice.  相似文献   

Whereas Paul's apocalypticism can be regarded as a highly political approach to the tirannical “powers of this world”, Marcion, although a disciple of Paul's, cut the thread by preaching an a-cosmic doctrine, in which no trace of the Biblical god can be found. Still, marcion is not anti-Semitic because his aggression is directed towards the god of the Old Testament, no towards the Biblical people of god, Israel.  相似文献   

车马祭祀可以上溯至殷商时期。西周时期,车马用于周王室的重大祀典。东周时期,祭祀礼制逐渐被破坏,各诸侯国僭越周礼规定,车马被广泛用于郊祀、宗庙祭祖、社祀、山川望祭、盟誓、方神等各种祭祀,祭法多采用沉和瘗埋的方式。随着社会的发展及祭祀观念的变化,最迟到战国中期,木偶车马被用于祭祀,成为秦汉以后车马祭祀的发展趋势。  相似文献   

碧霞元君由汉唐泰山玉女这一文学意象发展而来,宋元时期在道教的逐步吸纳和国家认同的共同推动下,其完成了从民间俗神到道教神仙的转变。明清时期碧霞元君不仅多次得到帝王致祭、赐额,成为国家“准正祀性”神灵,其信仰也从泰山一隅扩展到全国大部分地区,庙宇亦由山东等地向全国近20个省区扩展,形成了不同的核心、扩展、边缘区。碧霞元君信仰地域的扩展,与“岳镇海渎”之祭及朝廷推崇;其神职及信奉民众均多;流动官员、士商、移民的传播及道教的推动等诸多因素有关。  相似文献   

In Rajasthan compared to other parts of Northern India such as Bengal or Orissa, the cult of the god Rama is widespread. One of the characteristics of this cult in Rajasthan is the fact that the god Rama has always been linked to royalty. The association of Rama with royalty has reinforced a certain image of Rajputs (former warriors, rulers) as political leaders. The article shows the relation of myths to social practices and how these myths about Rama have been used by former rulers and by politicians today. In the constructions of national and local traditions, beliefs are often more important than historical traditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The portrayal of Yhwh that emerges from 1 Kings 22,1-40 is at first sight that of a malicious and immoral god who uses a lie to involve the king of Israel in a war that costs him his life. Deception, betrayal, dishonesty, etc., are terms used by some commentators to describe Yhwh’s behavior in this story. How can one understand such an act from a god often presented as faithful (Deut 7,9; 32,4), and whose word is truth (2 Sam 7,28)? In addition, how can we understand the death of Ahab whereas Yhwh just declared at the end of chap. 21 that the punishment of the ruler is postponed to the next generation? Some commentators attempt to justify the “deceit” of Yhwh by minimizing his responsibility in the matter or by citing extenuating circumstances of socio-historical order.

Through a narrative analysis of the story, this article asserts that the god in the story of Ahab’s death and in the previous episodes of his life is rather a patient and benevolent god, who gives the son of Omri opportunities to turn away from his sins and live.  相似文献   

The lifecycle of a Nabataean and Roman community shrine at Humayma, Jordan reflects the evolving values of the town's inhabitants from the first to the third century CE. This paper reviews the evidence for the shrine's appearance and significance over this period, as well as the nature of the cult practised there. Beginning its existence as a Nabataean shrine, whose design incorporated the rising sun and the town's primary peak, the building was damaged when the Romans converted Nabataea into Provincia Arabia. The Roman garrison initially dismantled the shrine to build their fort, but a few decades later the shrine was restored with a centrally placed Nabataean betyl and legionary altar symbolising harmony between the garrison and the town. The garrison's god, Jupiter‐Ammon‐Serapis, and possibly Isis, were now worshipped alongside the town's Nabataean deity. This shrine stressing military‐civilian harmony was later deliberately damaged, most likely during Zenobia's revolt.  相似文献   

Miho、青州和史君墓围屏石榻或石椁上直接表现丧葬仪式的图像,为我们了解和研究入华粟特人葬俗和死亡观提供了丰富的实物证据和图像资料。结合粟特故地、丝绸之路及其它入华粟特人墓葬的考古资料与中外历史、宗教文献记载,可以看出入华粟特人死亡观主要体现在以下四个方面:从犬视尸毒到事死如生;从善恶二元观到钦瓦特桥审判;圣火与善神崇拜;灵魂不死与天国享乐。  相似文献   

河西走廊自古土地肥沃、水草丰美 ,极具农牧之利。但由于气候等原因 ,干旱长期威胁着人的生存和农牧业的发展。人们渴盼水的滋润 ,把希望深深地寄托予水神。从河西人民许多讴歌水的作品以及一系列与水有关的河西地名 ,我们能够体味出河西人相当浓厚的水神崇拜意识  相似文献   

庞政 《南方文物》2020,(1):78-88
汉代壁画和画像中有一些特殊的图像,表现为一个大神两臂分别拥抱伏羲和女娲。学界多认为中间的神祇是"高禖"神。本文通过四个方面的论证,认为图像中的神祇应该是汉代最高天帝——太一,且多出现在以昆仑、西王母和天门为中心升仙信仰环境中,其本身就是信仰的一部分,反映了时人对"太一"的崇拜。此外结合其他文献和考古资料,对太一和麒麟的关系、太一的形象以及太一信仰的地位等问题进行了不同程度的观察。  相似文献   

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