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中共中央和共产国际在开除陈独秀的原因和如何开除陈独秀的问题上发生分歧和冲突,主要表现在共产国际远东局想给予尽量多的机会和时间,要求陈独秀承认错误,希望他继续保留在党内;共产国际远东局最后同意开除陈独秀,主要是因为陈独秀在中东路事件上否定了"保卫苏联"的立场,不能容忍.而中共中央政治局则更看重于陈独秀转向托派对本国革命和共产党的影响以及他反对中共六大路线.  相似文献   

Re-visiting the controversy caused by the first female-authored report in the Transactions of the Geological Society, this article probes the gendered layers of the early nineteenth-century scientific community. Maria Graham's ‘Account of Some Effects of the Late Earthquakes in Chili [sic]’ (1824) had considerable influence, and was referred to by Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin. In 1834, however, George Greenough, President of the Geological Society, questioned the accuracy of Graham's observations. Graham in turn defended herself adroitly, in an acrimonious exchange which found an international audience. While this dispute has received some attention from historians of science, previous discussions assume that Graham was no geologist, but simply a traveller who witnessed events of great relevance to contemporary geology. Drawing on extensive archival research, this article demonstrates to the contrary that Graham had considerable interest and expertise in this branch of science. Using the dispute to shed light on the multiple milieux in which early nineteenth-century science took place, it explores the constraints and opportunities faced by women with scientific interests, and the rhetorical strategies required of them, as they negotiated the diverse modes of contemporary science. It also highlights little-known networks of friendship, correspondence and intellectual exchange between scientifically minded women.  相似文献   

今村昌平是日本电影界颇具影响的导演之一。其影片《楢山节考》、《鳗鱼》曾相继两次荣获戛纳国际电影节金棕榈奖。在今村昌平精心营造的影像世界里,无论是他早期拍摄的作品《无止境的欲望,》还是巅峰之作《楢山节考》片中阿玲婆的“参拜楢山,”以至于《鳗鱼》片中杀人犯的“心理障碍”等镜像,无一不承载着导演对生命、人性的历史与哲学的拷问,其影像背后蕴涵着深邃的哲理命题和民族文化之精神献祭。  相似文献   

斯宾塞学说构成清末种群进化和竞争论述的主要外在资源。斯宾塞以进化的哲学思维来缀合威廉·卡彭特、查尔斯·赖尔所代表的动物生理学和生物历史知识,回应马尔萨斯的人口论。19世纪50年代以来在中国译介和流行的正是卡彭特所代表的生理学著述片段或与其相似的种群差别认知。知识界对斯宾塞的翻译,意味着中国在戊戌时期发生了类似的理论缀合过程。清末知识人以种分贵贱、黄白同为贵种调整了斯宾塞的种群进化位阶表述,抵制欧洲人歧视东亚黄种之心。同时,他们却强化了贵贱种之间的等级关系,营造"退化""灭种"的焦虑意识和压迫感,警告需积极参与生存竞争来提升种群的心智和自律性,从而为政治变革酝酿社会气氛。  相似文献   

Born in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1934, Thomas S. Morgan received his B.A. from Davidson College, his M.A. from Duke University, and his Ph.D. from UNC-Chapel Hill. He taught in high school in Baltimore, Maryland, and at Wake Forest University, and UNC-Chapel Hill, prior to coming to to Winthrop University where he has remained for the past 27 years. From 1978 to 1981 he was dean of Winthrop's College of Arts and Sciences. Morgan and his wife, Nancy, are parents of three sons. In addition, to publishing some scholarly articles, Morgan wrote the Study Guide for George Tindall's America: A Narrative History in its various editions. In 1972 he served as chair of the membership committee of the Southern Historical Association. Morgan served as president of Phi Alpha Theta from 1991 to 1993, presiding over the final years of service of Don Hoffman, the organization's secretary-treasurer, and the selection of Hoffman's replacement, Jack Tunstall. In April 1994, Morgan received an award for his "Outstanding Service and Exceptional Dedication" as Phi Alpha Theta president. This article is a modified version of his 1993 presidential address.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Y. Dror, Ventures in Policy Sciences: Concepts and Applications Y. Dror, Design for Policy Sciences, Elsevier Publishing Company 2. These changes are reviewed in Policy Sciences, in two special issues devoted to “Universities and the Teaching of Policy Sciences” Richard L. Clinton, William S. Flash, and R. Kenneth Godwin (eds.), Political Science in Population Studies Jaroslav Krej?í, Social Change and Stratification in Postwar Czechoslovakia Ivan Vallier (ed), Comparative Methods in Sociology; Essays on Trends and Applications Theodore Shanin (ed), Peasant and Peasant Societies Elbaki Hermassi, Leadership and National Development in North Africa. A Comparative Study Centre d'Etudes pour le Monde Arabe Moderne, Arab Culture and Society in Change. A partially annotated bibliography of books and articles in English, French, German and Italian International Labour Office, Employment, Incomes and Equality - A Strategy for Increasing Productive Employment in Kenya 1. It is assumed that GDP will continue to grow by 7 percent per annum with a growthrate for the population of about 3&12frec; percent. 2. Report of the Commission of Inquiry (Public Service Structure and Remuneration Commission) A. L. Keith Acheson et al., Bretton Woods Revisited. Evaluation of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1 Alexandra Kafka, The IMF: The Second Coming? and Tom de Vries, An Agenda for Monetary Reform (Essays in International Finance, Princeton, July and September 1972, respectively); and J. Keith Horsefield, et al., The International Monetary Fund 1945–1965. Twenty Years of International Monetary Co-operation. Volume I: Chronicle; Volume II: Analysis; Volume III: Documents Rudolf Bi?ani?, Turning Points in Economic Development* Mouton, The Hague * The author passed away before publication of his book. Kenneth J. Rothwell (ed), Administrative Issues in Developing Economies  相似文献   


The explosion at Haswell colliery in September 1844 in which ninety five men and boys were killed has attracted considerable historical attention. This is in some measure due to Michael Faraday and Charles Lyell taking part in the inquest and writing a subsequent report on the cause of the explosion and how to prevent such explosions in the future. Using evidence not used before, this paper examines the context in which the explosion occurred, the inquest process, the political pressure which led to the involvement of Faraday and Lyell, their role at the inquest, their subsequent report and the way in which it was dealt with by the Government of Robert Peel.  相似文献   

Jakobsen, K.G., Brock, G.A, Nielsen, A.T., Topper, T.P. & Harper, D.A.T., 2013. Middle Ordovician brachiopods from the Stairway Sandstone, Amadeus Basin, central Australia. Alcheringa. ISSN 0311–5518.

Middle Ordovician brachiopod faunas from the Amadeus Basin, central Australia are poorly known. The Darriwilian Stairway Sandstone was sampled stratigraphically for macrofossils in order to provide new information on marine benthic diversity in this clastic-dominated, shallow-water palaeoenvironment along the margin of northeastern Gondwana. The brachiopods from the Stairway Sandstone are of low diversity and represent ca 9% of the entire shelly fauna. Five brachiopod taxa are described from the Stairway Sandstone; all are endemic to the Amadeus Basin at species level. Two new species, Amadeuphyla joanae gen. et sp. nov. and Paralenorthis luritjaorum sp. nov., are described. Unweighted cladistic analysis based on 20 characters places the new genus Amadeuphyla within the Taffinae.

Kristian G. Jakobsen [] Geological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5–7, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark & Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Australia. Glenn A. Brock [] Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Australia. Arne T. Nielsen [] Geological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5–7, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark. Timothy P. Topper [] Geological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5–7, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark. David A. T. Harper [] Geological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5–7, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark & Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Durham, UK. Received 14.6.2013; revised 25.9.2013; accepted 8.10.2013.  相似文献   

The following excerpt from a speech delivered October 18, 1963, before the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR by a leading ideological spokesman of the Communist party is relevant to the discussion surrounding V. A. Anuchin's advocacy of a unified geography. Ilyichev denounces the Stalinist definition of the environment as a purely natural category. He charges that some Soviet scholars have used this definition as a “theoretical foundation” for erecting an insurmountable wall between the natural and social sciences. A briefer version of his remarks appeared in the journal Voprosy Filosofi, 1963, No. 11, pp. 6–7.  相似文献   

Martin Wight is responsible for one of the English school's most distinctive features: the historical sociology of different international systems demonstrating the importance of world history for the study of International Relations. Because of Wight's influence, the English school was, from the beginning, concerned with the role of religion, culture and civilization in international society. This emphasis, particularly with regard to the role of religion, has been marginalized in the English school's current research programme. This is unfortunate because, despite a renewed interest in the English school, the kind of questions Wight asked about religion, culture and identity have become some of the most important in the study of IR. This article examines the role of religion in Wight's international theory, which cannot be separated from the fact that he was a devout Anglican throughout his life. There was a relationship between his personal faith and his understanding of religion's role in international relations that previous scholars have not examined. When these two aspects of Wight's faith and life are brought together, there is both a better sense of continuity between his early life as a Christian pacifist and his later years as a teacher and scholar of IR, and a better recognition of what his distinctive approach to religion brought to the study of International Relations.  相似文献   

Late 1950s was a period of recognition of Russian neurophysiology by international neuroscience community and vice versa. This process of "opening windows in both directions" might be illustrated by the story of The Moscow Colloquium on Electroencephalography of Higher Nervous Activity. The Colloquium took place on October 6-11, 1958 at the House of Scientists in Moscow. It was organized by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the initiative of the Institute for Higher Nervous Activity and focused on (a) EEG correlates of cortical excitation and inhibition; (b) electrophysiological study of different brain structures and their role in conditioned reflexes; and (c) EEG of higher nervous activity in humans. At the final session it was suggested to launch an International Year for the Study of the Brain and to ask UNESCO for international coordination of brain research. This resulted into the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) founded in 1960. This article is based on unpublished records of international contacts of Soviet neurophysiologists and organization of the Moscow Colloquium from the Archive of Russian Academy of Science (ARAN), reports in Soviet periodicals, publications in obscure Festschriften, etc.  相似文献   

This article seeks to highlight the significant contribution of Latin American scholarship to the further promotion and understanding of more ‘global’ approaches to International Relations. It focuses on the immediate post-independence period and explores the internationalist perspective of Andres Bello, an enormously influential continental scholar, publicist, and political figure, whose work is little known outside South America. It argues that his contribution to International Relations broadly conceived, part of a wider regional contribution, cannot be neatly accommodated within either accounts of the expansion of international society or revisionist post-colonial thought. As such it is neither fully ‘Western’ nor ‘non-Western’. Analysing his contribution under three interrelated headings - international law, the problem of order and international co-operation - it argues that Bello's work needs to be examined on its own terms. Above all it provides an illustration of why we need to take more seriously Latin American thought as part of a wider movement to internationalise International Relations.  相似文献   


Recent developments in archaeological research have highlighted the need to build up a Guide to Archaeostratigraphic Classification and Terminology. Its preparation was undertaken by Workshop 2 (“Classification et Terminologie Archéostratigraphiques”) in the context of the International Geological Correlation Programme. The paper below is the first version of this Guide project; it is intended to propose some basic definitions and principles.  相似文献   

Martin Wight's writings range far more widely than those of most leading historians and theorists of International Relations. His thought escapes from the parochialism of particular academic disciplines and departments. It also escapes from the provincialism of the present, our preoccupation with immediate issues of foreign policy, which is a preoccupation with ourselves and our society. He grappled with some of the great questions of his era, from colonialism to nuclear war. But in doing that he tried to get beyond his time, by recalling other times when similar questions were current. The mark of a leading thinker and writer is the heavy weight of his thought on his readers. Martin Wight's writings left me with a number of ideas and suggestions the accumulative effect of which is the view I hold of International Relations.  相似文献   

Retallack, G.J., 1.7.2015. Reassessment of the Silurian problematicum Rutgersella as another post-Ediacaran vendobiont. Alcheringa 39, 573–588. ISSN 0311-5518

Rutgersella is a problematic fossil from the early Silurian (Llandovery) Shawangunk Formation of New Jersey, at first interpreted as a jellyfish comparable with Ediacaran fossils, such as Dickinsonia. Three proposed species of Rutgersella from the same locality are here regarded as growth or reproductive variants of a single species, R. truexi. Sedimentary structures, associated trace fossils and petrographic examination now show that they were sessile organisms of intertidal mudflats. These fossils have been dismissed as pyrite suns, but thin-sections show that they were weakly pyritized, organic structures, with a quilted hollow internal structure, similar to Seilacher’s constructional and taxonomic concept of Vendobionta. As for Cambrian Swartpuntia, and Devonian Protonympha, Rutgersella may be a post-Ediacaran vendobiont. The biological affinities of Rutgersella are problematic, but are compared with coenocytic green algae, cellular slime moulds, puffball-like fungal fruiting bodies and foliose lichens.

Gregory J. Retallack [], Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1272, USA.  相似文献   

以著名人文地理学家R.J.Johston教授《论人文地理学》的思想为基础,探讨了西方应用地理学哲学基础的若干问题;基于经验主义,释经学和唯实论科学的三种应用地理学,有其自身的定义、思想意识和研究体系,统一的应用地理学是不存在的,它取决于地理学家的选择.  相似文献   

Most of the material used in this article was collected while the author worked for ILO in Latin America and Southeast Asia. The opinions expressed are those of the author. This is a revised version of a paper that will be published in World Anthropology, Proceedings of the IXth International Conference of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 1973 (Mouton, forthcoming).  相似文献   

How did Fred Halliday recast International Relations (IR) theory as international historical sociology? This article explores Halliday's intellectual trajectory across this terrain and suggests that the notion of ‘capitalist modernity’, derived from an amalgamation of neo‐Marxian and neo‐Weberian historical sociology, functioned as the strategic master‐category, which anchored his thought on International Relations throughout his work. This category was successively reconceived and complemented to generate four, partly contradictory, analytical frameworks at a lower level of abstraction: ‘global conjunctural analysis’; a neo‐Weberian ‘sociology of the inter‐state system’; ‘international society as homogeneity’ and ‘uneven and combined development’. The article identifies the advances and impasses in each intellectual move and exemplifies the limits of Halliday's approach in relation to his analysis of revolutions. It suggests that while Halliday was instrumental in reconnecting IR with historical sociology, providing crucial openings and correctives to mainstream IR theory, his theoretical emphases remained ultimately too syncretistic and additive to shift the debate on firmer ground. While this can be read as a failure, there is also evidence to understand this anti‐formalism as a deliberate intellectual choice. The article concludes by suggesting that the very term international historical sociology, predicated on a distinct modernist vocabulary, may itself preclude a full historicization of categories of analysis, restricting its use as a general framework for capturing the historicity and sociality of geopolitical practices across time and space.  相似文献   

What does the qualitative increase in the brutality of international relations in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China (770–221bc) mean for the implicit progressivism of Alexander Wendt's constructivism, as espoused in his landmark text Social Theory of International Politics (1999)? Wendt's constructivism is useful in understanding international systems outside the contemporary Westphalian order and provides an excellent analytical tool for understanding ancient China. However, this article argues that Wendt's implicit teleology of progressively cooperative ‘cultures of anarchy’ in international politics is empirically questionable. It is demonstrated that such a progression is not supported by the historical evidence of ancient China, which represents an instance of an international system ‘regressing’ from a more to a less cooperative international social structure.  相似文献   

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