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Debate has long raged over the nature and extent of contact and cooperation between the Greeks and the Levantines at the site of Pithekoussai on the Tyrrhenian coast of Italy. The native Italic population, however, has been largely overlooked or viewed as a marginal or fringe element. Italic fibula types, which are found extensively in the cemetery, have been traditionally interpreted as evidence for the intermarriage of Italic females into the colonial settlement. This concept has limited our understanding of the role or impact of the Italic population at the site, effectively obscuring any more nuanced or balanced interpretations of their activity. A detailed analysis of several tombs from Pithekoussai, which contained iron tools or instruments, indicates that the Italic population was more actively involved in the creation of material culture at the site than has previously been supposed. Parallels for the practice are found widely on the Italic mainland and have often been associated with elite customs or funerary rituals. The presence of such practices at the site of Pithekoussai indicates the active impact of the native Italic population and the dynamic effect that diverse members of the community had on the creation and promulgation of a uniquely Pithekoussan identity.  相似文献   

Summary. The aim of the present project is to put to the test by using chemical analysis the origin of early Greek vases imported to Cyprus. In the present case samples were taken from vases found in the cemetery at Amathus published by Prof. J. N. Coldstream. The scientific results coincide with his attributions and confirm the suggestion that there was a revival of communication between the Aegean and Cyprus from the end of the tenth century, and that Euboean vases were the earliest imports to have reached the island and outnumbered other imports.  相似文献   

The cultural interaction between the native population of south Italy and the first immigrants from Greece and the Levant in the early first millennium BC has been exhaustively discussed in recent years. In most cases the debate has been focused on the native side of the encounter, on imports and imitations of Greek and Levantine products found in Italy and on the effects that these foreign goods and the ideologies attached to them had on the local population. Only rarely, however, has the question been asked of how the encounter affected the Greek and Levantine participants. New evidence from the necropolis of Francavilla Marittima, a pivotal point in the early trade and exchange network across the Mediterranean, reveals the adoption of Greek drinking and dining customs based on the notion of ritualized guest‐friendship by the local elite as early as the third quarter of the eighth century BC. As Greek xenia functions on the basis of equal rank of the participants involved, it follows from this discovery that Greek aristocrats must have been present in the pre‐colonial world from a very early time. In the second part of the paper the question is raised of the material evidence in Greece and the Aegean world for these early contacts with the native Italic population, focusing in particular on the evidence from Eretria, one of the leading powers in the early Greek exploration of the West.  相似文献   

This paper examines regional, ethnic-specific patterns and individual-level correlates in same ethnic marriages (endogamy) and ethnic intermarriages in Indonesia. With data from over 47 million couples in prevailing marriages from the full enumeration of the 2010 Census, we outline the provincial variations in endogamy against development indicators and an ethnic fractionalisation index. We compare the prevalence of endogamy for major ethnic groups, and use network plots to examine pairing patterns in ethnic intermarriage. We use multivariate analysis to summarise the relationships between the likelihood of endogamy and migration status, ethnic group size, age group, and education for individuals in two selected provinces: North Sumatra and Jakarta. There is evidence to support negative associations between endogamy rates and provincial development indicators. Endogamy rates vary across major ethnic groups, and as expected, are higher in relatively large ethnic groups. In Jakarta and North Sumatra, individuals in urban areas, with younger age, and higher level of education have lower likelihood of endogamy. We found a positive relationship between ethnic size and endogamy, but conflicting results on the association between lifetime migration and endogamy in both provinces. By studying ethnic pairing patterns, this research provides a unique window to understand the dynamics of development, social change, and social stratification in an ethnically diverse emerging democracy.  相似文献   


The Department of the Interior has a major role in coordinating the national archeological programs of the United States. This function is generally vested in the National Park Service, which reports to the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, who of course reports to the Secretary of the Interior. Mr. Ric Davidge, a native of Alaska and a leading authority on land management, was appointed early in the Reagan administration as special assistant to Mr. Ray Arnett, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, and given responsibilities to oversee a variety of historic preservation activities within the Department. On April 15, 1982, he represented the Department in a symposium entitled “These Changing Times: the Federal Response to Cultural Resource Management”, sponsored by the Coordinating Council of National Archaeological Societies and chaired by Hester Davis, Coordinator of the Coordinating Council. Although Mr. Davidge was unable to be present in the flesh, he provided a paper, which Ms. Davis read on his behalf. He has graciously given his permission to publish it here, I have requested and received two comments on his paper, one from Hester Davis, the other from Dr. Janet Friedman, an archeologist who for several years has overseen the Department of Agriculture's historic preservation programs. Both comments follow Dr. Davidge's paper.  相似文献   

This article draws upon ethnographic accounts of female potters’ movement and intermarriage into multi-ethnic Pueblo communities in the U.S. Southwest to illustrate how marriage networks created opportunities for innovation through the production, distribution, and consumption of boundary objects. These objects did not define boundaries but facilitated boundary crossing or bridging by potters. I argue that the concept of boundary objects is more useful than hybridity for understanding the processes of culture contact and material culture diffusion. Archaeological evidence for late twelfth through thirteenth century migrations from the Four Corners to the southern Colorado Plateau is used to make a case for a high degree of intermarriage and post-marital movement of women. Such patrilocality challenges normative views of post-marital residence, including those employed by early ceramic sociologists working in the same area of the Southwest and even at the same sites. The case that I discuss provides a contrast to other Southwest examples in which conformist transmission was more common, and helps to solve a paradox in explanations of the Southwest Pueblo Sprachbund. I conclude that the concept of boundary objects complements formal social network approaches in archaeology by bringing out the active role of objects in linking social actors.  相似文献   

Men and women who became friends in the early American republic struggled with societal worries about the purity and chastity of their friendships. More so than other pairs of friends, heterosocial friends had to attend to how their friendships appeared to those around them. One of the most important ways of doing so was positioning a friendship in relation to spouses. In an era when marriage was the central structure for relations between men and women and fears of seduction and ruin were rampant, friends of the opposite sex needed to integrate their friendships within their marriages. This paper examines how men and women did so through the lens of their correspondence. Navigating a society without clear boundaries or rules for conducting a friendship between a man and a woman, individual pairs of friends improvised to create safe friendships in person and in letters. The careful intertwining of marriages and friendships they created demonstrates the way intimate social relationships were embedded in the social fabric of the early American republic.  相似文献   

In this study, I use a queer theoretical framework to critically assess narratives of reproductive reorientation in the early Turkish republic. I focus on the writings of one of the central medical professionals associated with the Kemalist regime, Dr Besim Ömer. Inspired by Sara Ahmed’s approach to orientation, I undertake a queer reading of Dr Besim Ömer’s writings on reproductive bodies and the spaces that they inhabit. Spatial dimensions of reproductive misalignment and reorientation are especially evident in Dr Besim Ömer’s work between 1923 and 1938. Rural and urban women are written as out-of-line with respect to the presumed national family line of Turkishness, one that extended Turkish bodies from the heroically fertile past and into a successfully (re)productive future. This assessment is predicated upon a spatio-corporeal imaginary: the naturally fecund Turkish woman, a body whose otherwise reproductively inclined tendencies had become misaligned in both the stagnating rural and industrializing urban spaces of the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish republic. I draw upon Ahmed in order to highlight the slantwise character of desires for properly oriented reproductive bodies and spaces that were in-line with the nationalistic family line of Turkishness; desires that were predicated upon a placeless idealization and an embodied utopia. Spatio-corporeal imaginaries such as these have limited the scope and dimension of what constitutes, as Ahmed describes, ‘a life worth living.’  相似文献   

东周楚国联姻考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鸿亮 《江汉考古》2007,(2):52-57,90
楚国与其它诸侯国的联姻是楚国政治生活的重要方面,不仅反映了楚国与各国之间的关系变化,同时也有助于了解东周时期复杂的国际关系。楚国联姻与其国策密切相关,春秋早期为求发展多与周边小国如郧、邓等进行联姻,春秋中晚期至战国初期,争霸使其与其它大国如秦、晋等联姻频繁,战国中晚期楚国由盛而衰,联姻已失去其政治意义。由于文化差异及地理位置关系,楚国无固定的联姻国,与东周王室也无联姻关系。本文结合文献及青铜器铭文,对春秋战国两个时期联姻情况进行考证,并对楚国联姻特点进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

Ancient Greek colonies were founded by Greek seafarers all along the Mediterranean coast as early as the eighth century bc . Despite extensive archaeological and historical research, the population structure of the inhabitants of Greek colonies and their relationship to indigenous populations are still debated. Here, we perform a biodistance analysis to reconstruct migration and gene flow between the ancient Greek colony of Metaponto (southern Italy) and indigenous groups in the surrounding hinterland (900–250 bc ). We collected dental nonmetric trait data of 355 human skeletons from the indigenous Italic sites of Santa Maria d'Anglona, Incoronata and Passo di Giacobbe. This data set is compared with an urban and rural sample of the Greek colony of Metaponto comprising 351 individual dentitions. The R‐matrix approach is used to estimate inter‐population relationships and F ST. The resulting kinship coefficients indicate that the three indigenous groups exhibit greater similarity to each other and possess lesser similarity to the two Metapontian samples. Interestingly, the two samples of Metaponto are least similar to each other, although they are geographically very close. The F ST estimates confirm this pattern and reveal greater biological variation between the two nearby Metaponto samples (F ST = 0.0603) than between the three geographically fairly distant indigenous groups (F ST = 0.0389). We conclude that the Greek colony of Metaponto included large numbers of people with diverse geographical origins, whereas the indigenous Italic communities of the surrounding hinterland exhibited high levels of homogeneity and cohesion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the kinship terminologies and marriage practices of Oenpelli Kunwinjku (Gunwinggu) owners/speakers. These terminologies and marriage practices have been presented as symmetrical, the standard pattern in Australia. This paper shows that first preference marriages are asymmetrical, which is rare in Australia. It further demonstrates that first preference marriages do not produce a transitive terminology, which is even rarer in Australia. Though these patterns are unusual, this paper shows that the Oenpelli Kunwinjku marriage practices accord in a number of important aspects with the marriage practices of owners/speakers of other languages with asymmetrical terminologies, such as the Yolngu (Murngin) terminologies. These common aspects to marriage practices and terminologies are to be understood in light of a more general analysis of the correlations between kinship terminologies, marriage practices, and the construction of ranges and regional identities in Australia. There is significant variation in Australia as to whether people express a predilection for narrow or wide ranges. This paper shows that there are non-random correlations between predilections for particular types of range, marriage preferences, and types of terminologies. It also shows that terminologies and marriage preferences have a role in the construction of regional identities.  相似文献   

"A representative sample of just over one thousand marriages solemnized in England and Wales in 1979 is used to analyse the distribution of the distances between the partners' addresses at marriage....according to various social and demographic variables also derived from the same source. Comparison with other surveys suggests that marriages in which both partners give the same address are likely to be those of couples who cohabit before marriage. Partners who work in unskilled manual occupations, or who marry with a civil ceremony, or who have been married before, appear more likely than the average to cohabit. Of the marriages where different addresses are given, about one-half bring together partners living within 5 km of each other." It is found that "there is a strong relationship between high social class and increased marital distance, and also between greater marital distance and older ages up to about age 40. Longer-range marriages show clear evidence of geographical orientation, the effect being more pronounced at longer distances. This is attributed to variations in population density over the country and geographical constraints on settlement patterns."  相似文献   

While some geographical surveys on marriage behaviour concern general marriage patterns and family systems, there are other discussions on regional variations in marriage within specific countries. This article belongs to the latter tradition, charting the regional differences in ages at marriage in Sweden from 1870 to 1900, and exploring potential determinants of the regional variation. The study builds on Sundbärg's division of Sweden into three main demographic regions, the subsequent Swedish research, and the historical-demographic studies on the determinants of marriage. The results do not fit perfectly into Sundbärg's geography but find a basic divide between the west and east/north of Sweden, mean ages at first marriage being one to one-and-a-half years higher in the west. Social norms and socioeconomic structure seem to have influenced the timing of marriage. At county level, family farming and crowding/competition over land and tenure were typically associated with later marriages, while commercial agriculture and a more diverse economy were correlated with a lower average marriage age. Also, in counties where real wages were higher, marriages usually took place earlier. Finally, results indicate that counties characterized by more secular and tolerant values were on average associated with earlier marriages.  相似文献   

Joshua F.J. Inwood 《对极》2009,41(3):487-508
Abstract: 4 April 2008 marked the 40th anniversary of Dr King's assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. Since his murder we have seen Dr King's message of social justice, the growing threat of militarism, the threat the USA's burgeoning empire posed, and his goal of ending injustice boiled down to a few words spoken in Washington DC when he declared his dream to see his children grow up in a society free of race prejudice. This paper engages with Dr King's work and presents a more geographically sophisticated understanding of King's legacy than the oft repeated Washington speech. Through an analysis of Dr King's concept of the Beloved Community, I argue that Dr King's work stems from the experiences of the Black Atlantic world. Consequently, we should see Dr King's social theory as part of a larger anti‐colonial struggle which sought to integrate African American and Western notions of community, which holds contemporary importance as a counterpoint to current neoliberal conceptions of community.  相似文献   


Julius Drachsler's 1921 book, Intermarriage in New York City, examined 171,356 individual marriage license applications from New York City in the years 1908–12. The author found little intermarriage across social lines among immigrants but a considerable amount among their U.S.-born children. This study replicates Drachsler's by taking a 1% sample (N = 1,714 cases) of the same set of marriage license applications for the same years. The replication results show that Drachsler correctly found an increasing trend to intermarriage between the first and second generations, and with close to the same proportions as Drachsler's work. The replication study of New York City marriage licenses is also consistent with the results from a 1910 sample of married couples living in New York City, taken from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Sample. The replication study differs from Drachsler's reported findings on the extent of intermarriages across social lines of nationality and race, mainly due to the idiosyncratic way that Drachsler defined those two constructs. The New York City marriage license files offer the researcher further opportunities to pose and answer questions about intermarriage.  相似文献   

准噶尔汗国时期的卫拉特蒙古诸部联姻是卫拉特历史和诸部关系史上重要一章,对清朝统一多民族国家进程具有深远影响.本文利用汉、蒙、藏文资料,特别是我国尚未翻译出版的俄文档案资料,通过梳理联姻史实,归纳联姻特点,进而指出诸部联姻在加强土尔扈特和祖国联系及维护多民族国家统一具有重要历史作用.  相似文献   

This article attempts to link commercially arranged cross-border marriages to the discussion of the commodification of intimacy and to explore how a transnational phenomenon is contextualized in national politics. The question of commodification – what can or cannot be assigned economic value – has been a contentious area of intersection between economics and ethics, and intimacy has often been at the heart of the recent debate on commodification. Yet, commercially arranged cross-border marriages are perceived differently in Vietnam, a country that sends brides, and in Korea, a country that receives brides. In Vietnam, cross-border marriage has been portrayed negatively and is often associated with trafficking in women. Although a similar discourse exists in Korea, the official discourse on cross-border marriage has focused on supporting multicultural families. The difference in discourse with respect to the same phenomenon suggests that the tension around commodification is not necessarily shaped uniformly across the national border. In this article, I juxtapose the contrasted discourses and policies on commercially arranged cross-border marriages in both countries and discuss the contexts that may have contributed to the difference in discourse. By doing this, I show that the global trend of commodification of intimacy and the cultural meaning of this phenomenon cannot be divorced from national politics.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1984,28(4):391-400
Book reviewed in this article:
North Sea Oil and Environmental Planning: The United Kingdom Experience , by I an R. M anners
The Scottish and Alaskan Offshore Oil and Gas Experience and the Canadian Beaufort Sea , by J. G. Nelson and Sabine Jessen
The Natural Environment of Newfoundland Past and Present , edited by A. G. M acpherson and J. B. M acpherson
Biogeography and Ecology of the Island of Newfoundland , edited by G. R obin S outh , Dr W. Junk
This Remarkable Continent: An Atlas of United States and Canadian Society and Cultures , edited by J ohn F. F ooney , J r , W ilbur Z elinsky , and D ean R. L ouder  相似文献   

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