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Recent research refines previous interpretations about the role of climatic factors in the development of Mapungubwe. First, the Medieval Warm Epoch started at about AD 1000, rather than 900. At about AD 900, Zhizo people moved into the Shashe-Limpopo Basin, most likely to hunt elephants for the East Coast trade. Secondly, a dry period at about AD 1200–1250 affected farming societies over a wide area. In the Basin, multiple rainmaking episodes occurred at this time. A similar situation took place around Makapansgat and at Great Zimbabwe. Thirdly, Mapungubwe was probably abandoned in AD 1300 because of cooler and drier conditions. At this time, it would have been impossible to maintain floodplain agriculture at the intensity necessary to support the large population. Agricultural failures probably undermined political authority, contributing to Mapungubwe's abandonment and shift in power to Great Zimbabwe. This detailed sequence challenges the re-calibrated climatic series from Makapansgat.  相似文献   

刘椿 《史学集刊》2006,(1):39-44,52
陕甘宁边区的教育经历了曲折的探索过程,从旧教育模式到创立自己的教育模式,由强迫教育到尊重群众的自愿与需要,由包办到民办公助,形成了具有鲜明时代特色的教育体制。、国民教育培养出的毕业生成为社会的有用之才,提高了陕甘宁边区文化程度,培养了大量专门人才。抗战时期陕甘宁边区的教育从抗战的环境和边区的实际出发,坚持教育同抗战、同社会、同生产劳动相结合的方针,为抗战培养人才,消除了群众中的文盲、迷信、不卫生的习惯,解决了群众生产和生活中的实际问题,既推动了边区教育事业的发展,也但排了边区经济、社会的进步,为抗战作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

新中国成立初期中南区婚姻制度的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立前后,中南区由于长期受封建婚姻制度的束缚,各种陋俗在许多地方普遍存在,广大妇女的社会地位极其低下。1950年《中华人民共和国婚姻法》颁布施行后,中南区在全区范围内大张旗鼓地开展了一场宣传和贯彻《婚姻法》的群众运动,经过调查试验、宣传发动和总结表彰,彻底地摧毁了封建婚姻制度,建立起了新民主主义的新型婚姻制度,形成了男女平等、民主和睦的社会新风尚,从而促进了中南区整体性的社会文明与进步。  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledges play a critical role in addressing the environmental crisis, and the United Nations system has adopted a suite of international treaties to protect and strengthen Indigenous peoples’ rights, which are often described as biocultural rights. Because World Heritage Areas are nominated and monitored by UNESCO, an initial hypothesis in this study was that such areas would be subject to higher than normal standards in regard to Indigenous people’s biocultural rights. By reference to the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, Australia, this research examined how the international legislative framework influences conservation practices. We held semi-structured interviews with conservation and Indigenous local experts and compared park management practices in the Area against those used in an Indigenous Protected Area. Findings align with the literature and suggest that Indigenous and scientific knowledge systems can generate new insights for the Area and other sites. Yet, Indigenous knowledges are only marginally applied in practice. Some barriers to full participation of Indigenous people are specific to the colonial history of the area. Yet, findings point to a lack of action by Australian governments and UNESCO, and that needs to be redressed. The study calls attention to the need to support and resource Indigenous people to enable collaborative partnerships to yield significant benefits for biodiversity and protection of Country.  相似文献   

中国古代青铜器作为中国古代政治权力的工具①,备受学界的关注.随着商代青铜器的不断出土,学者们对其的研究亦日益增多.就现状而言,学者们对商代青铜器的研究主要集中在青铜礼容器的研究,对青铜兵器的兴趣则显得较淡.而作为"戎"事的物化形式,兵器亦与当时的政治权力、社会结构、生产技术紧密相关,对其的研究亦是意义重大.  相似文献   

何克祥 《攀登》2010,29(1):25-28
苏区精神对马克思主义中国化发挥了重要的培育、引导和推进的积极作用。然而,苏区精神与其它革命精神相比较而言,由于自身存在着一些不足,使得它在马克思主义中国化进程中呈现了一定的历史局限,给我们留下了一些重要的启示。  相似文献   

广东五邑地区以潭江流域为中心,是一个相对独立的地理单元,但该地的政区边界却打破了自然山川的界限。从明代到清初顺治年间,为了应对以民变为首的地方政治危机,朝廷先后在潭江流域设置了恩平、新宁、开平三县。这些县级政区的边界大致与潭江流域的地理分界线重合,地理单元的独立性开始作用于政区划界中。清代雍乾年间,形成了新会、鹤山、新宁、开平、恩平五县分治潭江流域的格局。同时,随着新会县核心政区地位的巩固,流域内各县整合为一个统县政区的倾向开始加强,为后世潭江流域的政区整合奠定基础。明清时期潭江流域的政区变迁体现了地理环境和地方政治局势在政区格局形成过程中的根本性作用。  相似文献   

黄淮地区藤花落、后大堂龙山文化遗址古稻的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用粒型分析法,对黄淮地区藤花落和后大堂两处龙山化遗址出土的5群古稻作了研究。就粒型特征而言,尽管两群古稻种群内尚有不同类型存在,但相对比较单纯,其主要演化特征已属粳稻类型。  相似文献   

曹荣林 《人文地理》1992,7(2):47-53
建国以来,南京的集贸市场几起几落,现已成为人们生活不可缺少的购物场所,传统的集市贸易发生了重大变化。南京市城区、郊区、辖县的集贸市场具有明显的地域差异。从影响集贸市场发展布局的主要因素分析,预测了南京市城乡集贸市场的发展布局趋势。  相似文献   

In 1992, an archaeological survey of Marawah Island conducted by the Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey identified two significant Neolithic settlements known as MR1 and MR11. Both sites are constructed on prominent rocky platforms located towards the western end of the island. In 2000 and 2003, small-scale excavations took place at MR11, with the first full excavation taking place in 2004. Excavations continued at MR11 between 2014 up to 2019. Radiocarbon dating demonstrates that the site was occupied between the earliest part of the sixth millennium to the mid-fifth millennium BC. Three areas have been so far examined. Area A—a tripartite house (2004 and 2014–2017 excavation seasons); Area B—a partial structure (in 2003 and 2017–2018); and Area C—a series of at least five rooms (in 2017–2019). The results provide a valuable new insight into the architecture and planning of Arabian Neolithic settlements in the region, as well as the earliest known evidence for pearling.  相似文献   

近年来在珠海、澳门地区的考古发掘中出土了几批水晶器、玉器,本文就这些材料进行了比较研究,认为这些水晶器、玉器为探讨环珠江口史前文化与长江流域乃至中原地区的古代文化之间的关系提供了珍贵的实物佐证。  相似文献   

This paper investigates promotional images in the Metropolitan Area of Helsinki, focusing on the projection, outside national boundaries, of specific “ideas” concerning the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. After introducing the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, presenting its geographical features, urban dynamics, actual problems and actors involved in image-building, the focus of this research will be a comparison between the images proposed in promotional materials and policy documents by the various territorial units, looking at their differences, overlaps, synergies and clashes. In fact, as will be discussed, even if the images proposed by the cities consist of the same thematic fields (technology, nature, culture, etc.), they contain slightly different implicit messages, targets, representations of the cities, values, strategic orientations and approaches.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Stephen G. Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America  相似文献   

林留根 《东南文化》2011,(3):101-111
江南土墩墓建筑遗存主要分为与墓葬构造密切相关的建筑遗存和墓下建筑遗存,前者又可分为墓坑设施、木椁和甬道或墓道建筑设施,其与后者的形制演变均具有由简单到复杂,平面由长方形到"凸"字形的规律。与墓葬构造相关的建筑带有明显的祭祀功能,墓下建筑的主要功能则为墓地标识和祭祀。土墩墓营建过程中最重要的祭祀行为是对墓葬建筑的焚烧毁弃。江南土墩墓相关建筑遗存的发现,为进一步研究江南地区青铜时代的社会生活、丧葬礼俗提供了重要的物质资料。  相似文献   

康熙《皇舆全览图》系清初官方主导实测的经纬度地图,对清代直至民国初期地图的绘制产生深远影响。对其数字化可为自然、人文要素变迁研究提供这一时间断面具有相对准确位置的地理数据,这对自然要素的变迁研究尤为重要。以图中广东地区为例,采用不同的地图配准方法,结合历史文献,分析《乾隆十三排图》对康熙《皇舆全览图》的继承与发展,并与之前有关广西的数字化研究作比较。研究发现《乾隆十三排图》以康熙《皇舆全览图》为基础,使用相同的坐标系,但是两个地区坐标系的偏移程度不同,主要与地理配准方式有关;图面内容的承继也有差异,这与清初对两个地区开发程度有关。  相似文献   

东北地区国民党组织的建立与蒋张关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭正秋 《史学月刊》2000,17(3):63-66
19291931年,蒋张在东北地区建立国民党组织问题上的争斗,是南京国民政府初期中央与地方关系中独具特色的一个方面。双方的争斗是在统一与合作的条件下进行的,本质上是统治阶级内部中央集团和地方集团在政治权力上的分配与争夺。其影响是相互的和多方面的。  相似文献   

王荣成  任晶 《人文地理》2004,19(1):37-41
本文在考察图们江地区国际城市系统的形成与发展及其现状特点的基础上,分析了主要影响与制约因素,预测了未来图们江地区国际城市系统的发展趋势。图们江地区国际城市系统是区域一体化的必然产物,短期内,基本发展框架是以中国珲春、俄罗斯斯拉夫扬卡和朝鲜罗津为顶点的"小三角"核心区为主;长期来看,则将在以中国延吉市、俄罗斯海参崴市、朝鲜清津市为顶点的"大三角"框架下发展,以现代国际网络城市系统构成东北亚地区国际物流中心与增长极。  相似文献   

The project to construct a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is unique in its attempt to integrate and build on existing subregional blocs. The impact of the hemispheric integration process on subregionalism can best be understood not through a simplistic strengthening/weakening dichotomy, but rather as involving a substantial reconfiguration of subregional projects. This article focuses on the manifestations of this relationship in the case of the Mercosur, with comparative glances at other subregions. It pays particular attention on the one hand to strategic 'bloc bargaining' issues, and on the other to the policy challenges generated by the FTAA project, which form the twin pillars of the reconfigured form of subregionalism that is currently emerging.  相似文献   

南阳市近年出土了4件有铭青铜器,据相关资料,断定其年代应为春秋晚期。这批青铜器的出土为研究养国、许国特别是楚国的历史、文化、艺术以及楚文化对中原文化的影响等提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

This paper describes environmental impacts of tourism and recreation activities in the world heritage listed rainforests of northeast Australia and presents management strategies for sustainable visitor use of the protected area. Tropical rainforests are characterised by their low resistance and moderate to high resilience to impacts associated with human visitation. Visitor use in the World Heritage Area is mostly associated with walking tracks, camping areas, day use areas and off‐road vehicle use of old forestry roads and tracks. Adverse environmental impacts range from vegetation trampling, soil compaction, water contamination and soil erosion at the local scale through to spread of weeds, feral animals and soil pathogens along extensive networks of old forestry roads and tracks at the regional scale. Concentration of visitor use is the most desirable management strategy for controlling adverse impacts at most World Heritage Area visitor nodes and sites, and includes methods such as site hardening and shielding to contain impacts. For dispersed visitor activities, such as off‐road vehicle driving and long‐distance walking, application of best practice methods by the tourist industry and recreational users such as removal of mud and soils from vehicle tyres and hiking boots before entering pathogen‐free catchments, together with seasonal closure of roads and tracks, are the preferred management strategies. Retention of canopy cover at camping areas and day use areas, as well as along walking tracks and forestry roads is a simple, yet effective, management strategy for reduction of a range of adverse impacts, including dispersal of weeds and feral animals, edge effects, soil erosion and nutrient loss, road kill and linear barrier effects on rainforest fauna.  相似文献   

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