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本文对陕西境内历年来发现的金代墓葬和出土墓志进行全面考查,在此基础上,对金朝在陕西的辖区、陕西金代墓葬和墓志的区域性特征等问题进行论述。  相似文献   

2007年许昌市文物工作队抢救性发掘一批墓葬,其中两座金代墓葬,虽被盗扰过,但仍出土各类随葬品27件.其出土的钧瓷,可作为钧瓷断代研究的参考.M2为壁画墓,壁画内容表现了墓主人生前日常生活的场景.这两座墓葬的发掘,为研究金代历史、佛教流传、金人的丧葬习俗等方面提供了珍贵的资料.  相似文献   

<正>在对淮北柳孜隋唐运河遗址河道内晚期地层堆积的考古发掘中,金代定窑瓷器的出土让我们格外兴奋。近年来,随着考古发掘中定瓷的不断发现,金代定窑瓷器也越来越多地引起人们的关注。冯先铭先生在《中国陶瓷·定窑》[1]一书中,充分利用金代包括南宋遗址和墓葬中发现的金代定窑瓷器的资料,从原来归于北宋晚期的定窑瓷器中划分出不少属于金代的产品,这也使得金代定窑瓷器更多地得到学术界的关注。淮北柳孜隋唐运河遗址考古发掘出土的这批金代定窑  相似文献   

2016年7月,河北省三河市老辛庄村发现两座古墓葬,出土了一批陶器、瓷器、铜器、玉器以及铜钱等遗物,但未见墓志等纪年材料,发掘简报根据墓葬形制和出土器物将墓葬年代定为金代中晚期。将出土瓷器的器形、纹饰,陶器器物组合与纪年材料进行对比分析可知,两座墓葬的年代应为元代。老辛庄墓葬的发现,不仅补充了廊坊地区元代墓葬的资料,还表明元代廊坊和北京地区的丧葬习俗相近,属于同一墓葬文化区。墓中出土一炉二壶的铜器组合应是进行"香花供养"的供祭之器,对于研究元代仿古铜器的性质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2011年9月,在唐县县城的一座高层住宅施工中发现一座古墓,经清理发掘,出土瓷器有盘、碗、罐、盖、瓶、盆以及银簪、骨质牙刷、铜钱等遗物,根据墓葬形制及出土遗物对比研究,此墓葬的年代为金代。  相似文献   

五十年代初,山西省大同市一座金代墓葬中出土一件剔犀奁。此奁出土时已散架,但部件齐全,出土后长期存放在大同市博物馆库房。直到1984年4月,我们看到它的极大的工艺价值,不胜惊喜,当即着手复原研究。经拼合修整,已基  相似文献   

李军 《文物春秋》2006,(6):36-42,F0002
2002年,邢台市文物管理处在配合邢台旅馆基建中发掘了一批汉至宋、金的墓葬,文章对其中的7座唐代洞室墓、1座金代竖穴土坑墓的墓葬形制及出土遗物进行了介绍。经初步对比分析,7座唐代洞室墓时代上限为武周初年或唐玄宗后期,下限不晚于唐代中期;金代墓葬的时代上限为北宋末年,下限为金初或稍晚。  相似文献   

洛阳东龙观墓地是唐代到清代的一座大型墓地,在宋金时期的墓葬中出土了较多的瓷器,原报告对极少数瓷器作了产地推测。为了全面了解出土瓷器的产地问题,本文进行了系统探讨,认为其中存在北宋洪山窑场产品,金代随葬瓷器主要为金代介休城内窑场产品。  相似文献   

2013年11月,西安市文物保护考古研究院在西安市南郊黄渠头村配合基建考古发掘过程中,发现一座有明确纪年的金代墓葬,墓室保存完好,出土了8件器物,其中4块镇墓石较为特殊,为研究西安地区金代墓葬积累了资料。  相似文献   

郑州市洼刘村西周早期墓葬(ZGW99M1)发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年10月至2000年4月,郑州市文物考古研究所清理了一批二里头文化时期的窖穴及西周贵族、平民墓葬。这里介绍的一座西周墓葬(编号ZGW99M1)。出土多件青铜礼器,墓主属大夫以下、元士以上的贵族。  相似文献   

清代湖北育婴事业的时空分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴琦  黄永昌 《史学月刊》2007,(10):111-122
育婴是清代官方与民间倾注最多、堂局最普遍、制度与组织最为健全的善举,因而在慈善史中占有独特地位。清代湖北育婴事业是在雍正二年上谕颁发后才开始的,发展较为迟滞,官办色彩浓重;根据其发展特征可分为雍乾、嘉道、咸同光宣三个时期。湖北各地育婴机构在设置时间与规模、经费来源、育婴方式等方面存在着明显的差异;同时东中西部之间、城市与乡镇之间、省府治与一般城市之间以及省际之间也都存在着较大的差异。溺婴风俗、各地经济发展水平、官方主导作用的强弱以及地方力量参与的程度等则是形成这一差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

刘尊志 《南方文物》2012,(1):74-79,99
徐州作为两汉重要的诸侯王封国所在地,有较多西汉墓陪葬有陶俑。从总体上看,徐州西汉墓陪葬陶俑经历了萌芽、繁荣和衰落的全面发展过程,每一阶段都有其自身的特点和表现形式,并与社会的发展及葬制、葬俗的演进等密切相关。徐州西汉墓陪葬陶俑还与本地区东汉墓葬及周边地区西汉墓葬的陪葬陶俑存在一些相同和不同之处,综合反映出相关丧葬内容、物质文化等的时代特点及地域特征。  相似文献   

This paper examines undergraduate student perceptions of the learning utility of video podcasts. The perceived and actual effectiveness of the technology was assessed by written questionnaire, focus groups and assessment results. The podcasts were perceived as effective in supporting learning, largely by offering a flexible and visual learning experience. They were also viewed as a useful resource for revision and assessment, stimulating factual recall. There were no significant differences, however, between examination grades from cohorts prior to and post-adoption of podcasts. There is a need to unite the technology with reflective discussion and critical application in a social constructivist framework.  相似文献   

石涛和张大千都善于师古人,都重视师造化,作品都讲求气势,是他们创怍特色的相同之处。怛两人艺术个性不同,用笔、用墨特点不同,表现手段不同,则构成了他们刨作特色的区别。  相似文献   

以往学者在估算唐代陕西人口数量时存在不少疏漏。本文对唐天宝元年(742 年)今陕西省境内各有关州(郡)的在籍人口数逐一作了估算,认为此年今陕西境内列入政府户 籍的人口为76.36万户,424万口。在此基础上,又估算了当时陕西境内各类未入籍人口的数 量。如果加上这些未入籍的人口,那么天宝元年时生活在今陕西境内的实际人口数应为548·8 万人。天宝十四年(755年),今陕西境内实际人口数约为580万人左右。  相似文献   

Summary. Wild birds were probably of little importance for food in Roman Britain, but there is some advantage, for ecology, conservation, archaeological reconstruction and education, in establishing a tolerably correct list of species present in Roman times. There are special problems for the recovery and identification of bird bones; on the other hand, historical and other sources are wanting for Roman Britain. There is no evidence for falconry in the Roman period; birds would be caught, for sport by lime-rods, and for food by a variety of methods. There is little definite evidence for religious use of wild birds in Roman Britain. The environment of Britain in the Roman period was, in many respects, quite similar to that of recent times, but the bird species recorded from Roman sites suggest that the landscape was rather varied, and favourable to wildlife. An up-to-date list of 94 wild species can be roughly quantified by the number of sites on which each has been found; both the more numerous species and the absentees offer some surprises, and the effect is to emphasize the Romanization of eating habits in the province.  相似文献   

《史记》的缺补问题在学术界一直争论较大。这一疑案总的看有两大关键问题:一是《史记》的亡缺问题,二是《史记》的补窜问题。关于《史记》的亡缺,古今以来的学者有多种说法,归纳起来,主要有七种;《史记》的补窜问题较为复杂,所谓“补”,是指对《史记》缺亡的部分进行补写,附骥《史记》而行;“续”是指对《史记》以后的事件进行续写;“窜”是指其他文字窜入《史记》文本之中。补窜问题涉及到《史记》中的许多篇目,古今学者也进行了多方面的考辨。解决《史记》的缺补问题,对于搞清《史记》文本的本来面目具有重要意义。  相似文献   

EXCAVATIONS in Wood Street, Nantwich uncovered two salt or wich houses, the first medieval wich houses belonging to an inland production centre to be thoroughly investigated. From the excavation a picture emerges of a highly structured and ordered organization, with each stage in the production of salt clearly defined and demarcated. The two wich houses were approximately the same size and both included amongst their equipment a trough, either clay-puddled or, in the later periods, a hollowed-out tree trunk, technically called a ‘ship’. These were used for storing the brine, once it had been carried across the river in wooden pipes. There was no trace of this aqueduct network. The brine was then boiled in lead pans over an open fire. There were six hearths to each wich house. The houses are dated to the late 12th century. One was pulled down shortly after it was built; for the other the last recorded date is in the 16th century.  相似文献   

There are many functional, organizational and ideational similarities between the labour services in Germany, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) and in Norway, Arbeidstjenesten (AT). There were numerous conduits for transnational transfers of ideas and practices, especially as the RAD oversaw the creation of the Norwegian obligatory service during the occupation. Although the German conception of labour service inevitably influenced the development of the AT, the AT was not simply a copy of a German model. Norway had its own history of voluntary labour services and the labour service idea resonated with existing structures in Norwegian society and politics. This article discusses what elements of the model were adopted and rejected. Contingencies, context and continuities also played a decisive role in shaping the Norwegian service, for which the German RAD served as an example of what a labour service should look like, but also what it should not look like.  相似文献   

明中叶以前 ,汉水下游右岸 (东、北岸 )存在着众多的分流穴口 ,并不止“九口”。这些穴口在明后期大都渐次被堵塞。之后 ,由于洪水时常冲决堤防 ,又出现了数十处决口 ,这些决口旋溃旋塞 ,口下未形成支河  相似文献   

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