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王新萍 《攀登》2008,27(5):163-165
情报学与信息管理学之间是相互借鉴、相互促进的关系。随着信息技术的迅猛发展,传统的情报学受到了严峻的挑战,其研究领域也随之扩大。与此同时,起源于组织内部的“信息管理”也悄然兴起,并与其它相关学科融汇整合,逐步形成为一门新兴的综合性学科——信息管理学。本文通过阐述情报学与信息管理学之间存在的联系和区别,试对这两门学科进行对比分析。  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients derived from radar meteor echoes and corrected for atmospheric wind shears have been used to investigate a linear relation between diffusion and height in the atmosphere. The results of a least square fit and of a method in which both variables are considered subject to errors are presented and discussed. The present results seem to indicate that the relation between diffusion coefficient and height is not as simple as supposed. Scale height values derived from these data are not consistent with accepted values in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

论日本与晚清军事教育近代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪末,日本势力开始渗入到中国的军事教育改革之中,随着日本顾问和教习人数的大量增加,日本逐渐垄断了中国的军事教育权,并由此对中国的军事近代化产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   


This paper aims to examine historiographical layers in the historical narrative on the relationship between science and technology, a topic which has been exhaustively discussed without consensus by both historians of science and technology. I will first examine two extreme positions concerning this issue, and analyze the underlying historiographical standpoints behind them. I will then show that drawing implications for the relationship between science and technology from a few case studies is frequently misleading. After showing this, I .will move to the “macrohistory” of the relationship between science and technology, which reveals a long process in which the barriers between them gradually became porous. Here, I will examine the historical formation of three different kinds of “boundary objects” between science and technology, which facilitated their interactions by making their borders more permeable: instruments as a material boundary object; new institutions, laboratories, and departments as a spatial boundary or boundary space; and new mediators as a human hybrid.  相似文献   

In cognitive archeology, theories of cognition are used to guide interpretation of archeological evidence. This process provides useful feedback on the theories themselves. The attempt to accommodate archeological data helps shape ideas about how human cognition has evolved and thus—by extension—how the modern form functions. But the implications that archeology has for cognitive science particularly relate to traditional proposals from the field involving modular decomposition, symbolic thought and the mediating role of language. There is a need to make a connection with more recent approaches, which more strongly emphasize information, probabilistic reasoning and exploitation of embodiment. Proposals from cognitive archeology, in which evolution of cognition is seen to involve a transition to symbolic thought need to be realigned with theories from cognitive science that no longer give symbolic reasoning a central role. The present paper develops an informational approach, in which the transition is understood to involve cumulative development of information-rich generalizations.  相似文献   

龙山文化时期是历史上一个重要的时代。文字的发明,铜器的使用,城址的大量出现,薄胎黑陶及快轮制陶技术的广泛应用,说明这一时期社会生产力获得了空前的发展,由此导致了社会内部的贫富分化和阶级对立现象的发生。尤其是许多特大型墓葬的发现,大量陶器、成组玉器等的存在,不仅表明这一时期文明化程度有了很大提高,诸项文明因素或文明成果已经基本具备,而且昭示这一  相似文献   

文明探索以夏商周断代工程成果为起点,深入探讨中原古文明李伯谦 夏商周断代工程作为中国古代文明研究的第一步,在其取得阶段性成果之后,应该考虑如何进一步推进中国古代文明研究的问题。夏商周断代工程所取得的一系列进展,对探讨中原古文明,特别是最早的文明,是一个新的起点。在古代文明的研究中,第一,应很好地总结前人的研究成果。第二,中原古文明的研究范围很广,涉及的课题很多,应集中力量,以华夏文明的形成及其早期发展和它与周边地区其他文明的关系作为我们研究的核心。第三,利用区系类型的理论方法,梳理清中原地区的考…  相似文献   

21世纪中国明起源研究的思索,黄河流域农业的起源:现象和假设,中原史前化的优势,从敦煌洞窟到欧洲教堂——解开三只兔子之谜,尉迟寺聚落遗址的初步探讨  相似文献   

《列子》与《庄子》在文字表述上的近同处有16处之多。通过比较可以看出,《列子》更注重寓言故事和情节的独立完整性;而《庄子》则注重利用寓言进行理论的阐发,更擅长理论的阐述。《列子》归于故事情节性,而《庄子》则更重于理论阐述的目的性。比较也证明,《列子》应早于《庄子》。  相似文献   


One means of communicating science and technology effectively, especially since the mid nineteenth century, has been popularisation. This now assumes three principal modes, and each of these should continue to occupy its own cultural and economic niches in evolving world society.  相似文献   

Controlled experiments in percussion flaking allowed for objective analysis of relationships between variables of flake production and those variables which are attributes of the final result. The independent variables, those controlled by the flintknapper in the production of stone tools, include force and angle of blow, platform thickness and exterior platform angle. The dependent variables are those attributes of the flakes which are often used in current lithic analyses and include interior platform angle, length, thickness and flake termination. The results clearly show that exterior platform angle is highly significant for understanding many aspects of flake production. These and other relationships between the independent and dependent variables are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨梅岭玉与吴地早期出土玉器的关系,在综合了梅岭玉成因的基本特征和吴地出土玉器考古资料的基础上,分别从梅岭玉与吴地早期玉器的化学成分,梅岭玉出土的地理位置,及制作玉器以就近取材为第一要素等方面进行讨论,提出梅岭玉与吴地早期玉器有着密切关系的论点。  相似文献   

商兆鑫 《攀登》2010,29(1):37-40
民主集中制是党和国家的根本制度,认清民主和集中的辩证关系至关重要。民主集中制中的民主的功能和目的包含集思广益和利益协调两个方面。民主集中制中的集中则主要表现为人民群众个人对多数人意见的服从,对整体意志的服从,对统一的决定的服从,对纪律的服从,对代表共同利益的权威性指挥中心的服从。从作为一个政党的组织制度和领导制度来讲,民主集中制实际上是一个有机统一的和谐整体。集中是民主基础上的集中,民主是集中指导下的民主。民主是集中的前提和基础,集中是民主的归宿和方向。  相似文献   

狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗的对立统一关系是尼采借助于古希腊的宗教和神话传说提出的一种艺术原则,但这种关系只是尼采应其时代的需要而做的一种创造,与两神在古希腊宗教体系中的实质关系还有一些差别。对古希腊的宗教来说,狄奥尼索斯崇拜不仅不是一个外来的因素,而且在时间上还早于阿波罗崇拜,两者之间的对立成分很少,而且存在着很多联系和相似性。同时,狄奥尼索斯与阿波罗通过这种联系,确立了彼此在古希腊宗教里的层次和地位。  相似文献   

利古里亚人是一个世居阿尔卑斯山、亚平宁山地区至地中海岸之间的古代族群,素有自己独特的民族历史、文化、语言和风习.在古代地中海世界民族关系博弈的棋局中,利古里亚人与罗马的交往最为重要.从第二次布匿战争时起,罗马开始通过持续的武力征服,逐渐将北意大利和高卢东南部一带的利古里亚人纳入自己的版图.在其后罗马优势文化的浸渍和影响下,利古里亚人如同其他部分蛮族那样,不得不走上了一条最终否弃自身的罗马化之途.  相似文献   

张淑君  王国力 《攀登》2001,20(5):35-38
知识与道德之间并非存在着不可逾越的鸿沟,而是处于一种广泛而深刻的联系之中,具体表现为:一是知识对道德的促进作用;二是道德对知识的影响和制约;三是知识与道德的相互转化。正确认识与道德的关系,对我们培养、选拔人才,保证改革开放的顺利进行都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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