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从当前国内外主要旅游研究期刊中析出关于"认同"研究的文献,通过统计整理,归纳分析出旅游视域下认同研究的视角、内容、方法,反映旅游视域下认同的研究进展和学术动态,为后续研究提供学术线索。研究发现:旅游文献中关于认同的研究热度与其他学科研究具有一致性;旅游文献中关于认同的研究已形成了以心理社会认同理论为基础,文化认同为核心,沿着政治认同、族群(民族)认同、地方(场所)认同、自我认同和社会认同五大脉络延伸的研究思路和框架;通过国内外研究的比较,表明国内关于认同的研究与国外研究相比存在一定的差距。文章最后探讨了认同研究在旅游研究中的学术地位和国内关于认同研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

文彤  张玉林  张庆芳 《人文地理》2021,36(6):157-165
围绕旅游小企业根植于地方社区的社会理性本质,本文借助嵌入理论探讨旅游小企业经济活动背后社会责任行为的成因。研究发现:①旅游小企业主的地方认同对企业社会责任行为有着显著的正向影响;②旅游小企业主的社区嵌入对地方认同有着显著的正向影响;③旅游小企业主的地方认同在社区嵌入对企业社会责任影响中扮演着显著的中介作用;④旅游小企业主的地方身份特征在社区嵌入对地方认同的影响中起着显著的调节作用,社区嵌入中获得更多社会资源的外来小企业主比本地小企业主对地方认同的影响更强。本文揭示了旅游小企业社会责任的地方空间特征,形成了地理学人—地关系研究的新方向,并为社区嵌入管理和商业环境塑造等工作提供了实践启示和建议。  相似文献   

区域一直是地理学研究的核心概念。近些年来,如同“空间”和“地方”在本体论和认识论的变化,“区域”的含义也受到了由空间分析范式转变所带来的挑战和修正。基于这种背景,本文梳理了从社会建构主义视角理解区域问题的相关文献,并归纳了主要研究议题。研究发现:区域的含义逐渐从封闭性、有边界的、稳定的领域性特征转向开放性、可渗透的、流动的关系性特征。当前区域的社会建构的研究议题主要包括区域身份的形成与建构、区域的制度化与去制度化、区域化与区域发展三个方面。值得指出的是,区域的社会建构不是要摒弃区域具有固定领域形状的观点,而是要看到经济、社会和政治力量对区域变化的影响,理解区域是制度化、社会建构和政治上存在争议的空间。更重要在于,探讨区域在领域性和关系性之间的相互作用并对区域发展的影响。此外,文章试图廓清“区域”和“地方”这两个术语在人文地理研究中的区别和联系。最后讨论了运用社会建构主义视角看待区域问题的方法论意义,并进一步提出了国内未来研究值得关注的方向。  相似文献   


One of the world’s most important industrial heritage sites, Ironbridge Gorge has been the focus of numerous archaeological investigations into the area’s early, innovative industrialization. The region’s important contribution to the development of institutional architecture and early social care has not been explored. An archaeological study of Madeley Union Workhouse exposes the complexity of the evolving ideologies surrounding pauperism in the late 19th century. This article broadens our understanding of Ironbridge by analysing the region’s response to poverty and the New Poor Law, and considers the impact of institutional architecture on pauper identity and experience.  相似文献   

旅游地理视角下记忆研究的进展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记忆是当前西方人文社会科学的重要研究领域,同时也是一个跨学科的概念。记忆与时间和空间密不可分,随着20世纪90年代以来"旅游潮"和"记忆转向"的兴起,记忆研究日益成为中西方旅游地理研究者的关注领域。本文通过对人文地理学中旅游相关研究中的记忆议题和研究方法的梳理,从记忆、物质景观与地方意义的感知,记忆、仪式与身份认同,以及旅游者的情感体验与地方建构三个方面进行分析,以期展现充满文化、社会、政治乃至经济内涵的记忆地理问题发展脉络及独特意义,为国内旅游地理学开拓新的研究视野。  相似文献   

Identity is one of the most important matters in social theory, especially in recent decades. Identity is a fluid phenomenon which forms in the process of every day activities. Individuals get practical knowledge of society to do intentional practices. They operate actively in identitizing process. Gender identity is one of important dimensions of individual identities constituting in social relations to others. Different socio-economic classes experience different social relations and engage in different identity processes. This research studies the formation process of feminine identity in the process of marriage (in contrast with the concept of virginity) in lower socio-economic classes of Bam. Body as site of identity and focus of close contact between agency and structure becomes the object of various changes and with creating difference-especially within group differences-distinguishes individuals from one another. Cultural materials is used intentionally in this process. The research is based on finds of “Bam Contemporary Archaeology Project: Excavation in Disastrous Layers”. Six collapsed houses ruined by 2003 earthquake have been excavated. Meshkani House which is represents low socio-economic class is the focus of research. The research take an archaeological approach (reconstructing behavioral patterns of individual and societies base on material culture) investigating gender structure and gender sociability processes in Bam, Iran. The sites being contemporary, has created an extended range of facts. In some cases for better understanding of the context, local people were interviewed .The information from “Disaster Ethno-archaeology Project of Bam” was also used in this study.  相似文献   

认同研究是社会心理学研究的一个重要领域,近十多年来,社会心理学家把社会认同理论运用于少数民族心理学研究,取得了一系列的研究成果。族群认同涉及到民族心理学研究的方方面面,成为民族心理学研究的核心问题。族群关系,族群文化适应,族群之间的偏见、歧视和冲突,都与族群认同的发展有关。本文综述西方学者近年来对族群认同、族群认同发展、族群认同测定等方面的研究在理论和方法上的新进展,旨在对我国的民族心理学研究提供某种借鉴。  相似文献   

流动性语境下的"家"不再被视为稳定不变的概念,而是被不断建构的社会空间。第二居所赋予了传统社会中的"家"更丰富的动态内涵与独特的象征意义。文章以避暑旅游地重庆仙女山镇为例,研究第二居所避暑居民对"家"的空间想象与感知,及产生的特定认同。研究认为,第二居所避暑居民实现了对舒适空间的功能认同、对精英空间的社会认同及对家庭空间的情感认同,三者凸显出家的休闲属性、社会属性与日常属性的有机统一。第二居所表明了一种逃离现代性及满足休闲需求的旅游形式,也是一种规律性、重复性和循环性的生活方式,同时彰显出对身份、情感及真实性的渴望。第二居所的居住过程是家的解构与重构的过程,与第一居所及流动空间一起,构成了完整的"家"。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,学术界围绕宋代民族融合问题积累了相当数量的研究成果,涉及到各民族的迁徙、杂居、交往、融合以及中华民族的认同意识等各个方面。这些成果对相关问题既有开拓,又有深化,但同时也有不足之处。建议今后的研究应注重挖掘民族融合的媒介和少数民族史料、纵向融合与横向融合的交互影响以及加强相关社会背景的研究等。  相似文献   


Compared with commercial or field lime kilns of the industrial period, very little detailed work has been undertaken to investigate post-medieval and early modern clamp kilns apart from a few notable site-specific studies. Clamp kiln terminology thus far has been unable to distinguish between clamp, sod and sow kilns. Recent field surveying and archaeological excavation across a wide area within the Yorkshire Dales, with associated documentary and archival research, has shed new light on clamp kiln technology and morphology. The results of this work have informed the development of a provisional clamp kiln model which, it is argued, is appropriate to the Central Pennines.  相似文献   

随着全球化的不断推进,跨境流动成为一种常见的地理空间现象,塑造着城市空间和景观,同时作用于族裔社区及族裔经济等,由此带来的多元文化协商进而成为城市发展和城市治理的重要话题。本文通过梳理国内外关于跨境流动和跨国族裔社区的相关研究,发现:(1)国内外关于移民族裔的人文地理学研究仍较倾向于关注跨国空间的特征、演变以及脉络;(2)西方人文地理学界的移民或是跨国族裔研究已展现出较为鲜明的"文化转向"印迹,而国内的相关研究仍处于起步阶段;(3)中国城市族裔空间的研究仍以具体的描述性和解释性研究居多,多尺度、多地方的对比研究较为缺乏。研究立足于国内外移民研究进展,以期更多的跨境流动研究为城市综合治理提出"中国经验"。  相似文献   

周亚平 《人文地理》2013,28(3):15-19
城市化水平的发展是否会提升城市居民对对外来移民的容忍度, 这对关系的研究没有形成一致的意见。一方面, 经典理论考察了城市化水平和地方区域特征对众多外来目标群体的一般态度, 认为从多元化与异质性的角度上, 城市居民比起乡村居民更加开明与宽容;另一方面, 群体边界的视角却持一种相反的观点, 他们认为对城市化中群体边界的封闭性与排他性会加剧对外来者的歧视。这些争鸣对中国城市化进程中的农民工的社会融合有着重要的启示。  相似文献   


Changes in settlement organisation in Mediterranean France throughout the Iron Age have long been viewed as a social and cultural by-product of contact with Greece and Rome. While relationships with the state societies of the Mediterranean would doubtless have left their mark on settlement structures, it is possible that changing habitat-forms during this period could also be used to extrapolate patterns of conflict in the region.

Recent anthropological research has revealed a correlation between 'warlike', non-state societies and 'socialization for fear'. In ethnographic accounts this manifests itself as an increased delineation of personal space and reductions in social access on an individual level. It is possible that the fairly commonplace sets of evidence which reveal this 'fear' are apparent in the settlement record of the later Iron Age throughout the Bouches du Rhone.  相似文献   

This review highlights archaeological investigations of prehistoric and historic households in southeastern North America. There are a number of inherent challenges to the archaeology of households in the region, including generally poor preservation and a long history of relatively insubstantial domestic architecture. An appraisal of the historical development of household archaeology developed slowly in the Southeast, largely in reaction to trends in other areas of the world. Over the last decade, however, southeastern archaeologists have been at the vanguard of the application of new approaches to households. From an early focus on generalizable patterns of domestic activities and behavior, researchers increasingly view households as historical constructs situated within larger landscapes. Prominent areas of concern include enduring issues such as status variation, production, and consumption but also newer themes such as gender, identity and ethnicity, agency and power, and ritual and symbolism. Some of the most innovative studies explore the intersections of these topics. Conceptual and methodological challenges remain, but the household endures as a practical and productive focus of analysis and interpretation for southeastern archaeologists more than 30 years after household research in the area began.  相似文献   

Recent studies of frontier settlement in North America have suggested the existence of a greater complexity of society and locality than once visualized. The settlement of propinquitous groups of people with similar origins was a common feature of nineteenth-century America. The territorial identity of these groups may have both reflected and reinforced their cultural distinctiveness. This study examines the geographical propinquity of the Catholic Irish in the Robinson emigration of 1825 to Upper Canada (early Ontario). The object is to demonstrate the varying pattern of propinquity spatially and to associate the pattern with characteristics of social propinquity. The existence of social institutions, particularly the nuclear family and the parish, or antecedent community, within the Irish group appears to have been an important influence on the local geographical pattern of initial settlement.  相似文献   

王天根 《安徽史学》2015,(1):91-100
近年来,女性史研究是社会文化史的重要亮点。清季以秋瑾、吕碧城为核心的女性精英身份认同呈现的路向及其书写尤值得考量。近代意义上的才女不仅涉及女性才貌,还关联着社会转型过程中女性的自我定位及其身份认同,这其中涉及女性才貌的社会文化分析。由男女平权转向性别政治中近代女性史学探索还涉及性别话语分析及其社会意义的解读等。而社会文化史框架下的女性史书写关联着书写对象的思想,也涉及论证材料的选择,有其难度。处理思想与材料的勾连,涉及研究对象内在的主体性及其外在形象的客观性的把握,等等。唯有处理好这些关系,女性史书写才能有所前进。  相似文献   

Recent research on local and regional economic development has focused upon transformations in local governance and institutional capacity. It has been argued that local authorities have ceded power to other actors and institutions involved in economic development and regeneration, and that the success of local and regional economic development is closely related to the strength of 'institutional capacity' within an area. In this paper, we examine these claims with reference to the operation of EU Structural Funds in the Humber Sub-region of the UK. Previous research on local governance and institutional capacity has had a limited empirical focus, drawing conclusions from studies of either economically 'successful' regions or regions undergoing regulatory and institutional transformation and precluding analysis of the nature and conditions of local governance and institutional capacity in less developed regions. Our case study evidence not only suggests that arguments about the declining influence of the local state are overdrawn, but also indicates a need for more nuanced accounts of the role of institutional capacity in regional development.  相似文献   

Recent Paleolithic work along the middle Enisei River of central Siberia has revealed a long history of occupation that almost certainly begins in the Middle Pleistocene. Although the evidence for the Lower Paleolithic is somewhat tentative, there is good reason to believe that hunter-gatherers had periodically occupied the middle Enisei before the last interglacial. The steppe environment of the region during the Upper Pleistocene was relatively bountiful; more than 200 Upper Paleolithic sites, both before and after the Last Glacial Maximum, have been located. The region appears to have been abandoned during the Last Glacial Maximum. Most of Soviet and Russian archaeological work has been guided by a cultural–historical orientation, but recently there has been increased interest in developing adaptationist and ecological research strategies. The middle Enisei and the wider central Siberian region are key to understanding early adaptations to the north and the dimensions of Paleolithic population movements.  相似文献   

A. Henry Rhind 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):154-163
Studies of early Anglo-Saxon social identity have been largely based on information obtained from the skeletal remains and grave assemblages from inhumation burials. As a result, the social identity of populations that practiced the alternative mortuary rite, namely cremation, is often overlooked. This paper will provide new evidence for the social identity of cremation practicing groups based on a comprehensive study of the Elsham and Cleatham cemeteries, both located in North Lincolnshire. The demographic attributes of the burial populations will be scrutinized alongside their associated grave furnishings. In addition, the spatial distribution of burials will be assessed as a means of establishing whether certain social groups were segregated at these cemeteries. Based on the results presented in this paper, it is clear that the often binary differences in grave provisions afforded to men and women in the inhumation rite play only minor roles in the manifestation of social identity among cremating groups in eastern England. Instead, stages in the lifecycle, kin associations and perhaps even ideological beliefs seem to have been emphasized by the treatment of the cremated dead.  相似文献   

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