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“十二五”时期青海省加快发展绿色经济问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对全球绿色发展浪潮和新一轮经济转型的机遇和挑战,青海省如何在制定和落实"十二五"规划过程中加快推动绿色经济发展,在更高层次上实现经济、社会与生态可持续发展,成为一个亟待研究和解决的重大现实问题。基于此,本文探讨了"十二五"时期青海省加快发展绿色经济的新思路、新路径,以期为政府决策提供相关的参考依据。  相似文献   

杨晓龙 《丝绸之路》2011,(16):65-66
和政历史悠久,旅游资源丰富,有"陇上绿色明珠"、"古动物化石之乡"、"中国花儿传承基地"等美誉。近年来,和政县落实科学发展观,编制旅游规划,开发旅游资源,完善旅游基础设施,健全旅游服务功能,基本形成"五彩扇形"旅游发展格局,旅游业成为推动社会经济发展的支柱产业。但也存在旅游资源潜力开发不深,旅游产品单一,对外形象不突出等问题,为此,本文建议引进旅游娱乐项目,建设高标准的宾馆饭店,亮化、美化、净化和政县城,在古动物化石博览苑设立"和政县旅游集散中心",使其成为全县乃至全州的旅游集散中心;在松鸣镇建设"松鸣岩大旅游区游客服务中心";全力开发古动物化石资源,将古动物化石品牌打造为和政县的旅游名片;深度挖掘旅游文化潜力,为旅游产业发展注入灵魂;建设高档次的花儿剧场;邀请著名导演创作"古动物的伊甸园新花儿的狂欢节"为主题的大型文艺节目,使其成为和政县的文化形象;开发太子山森林寻宝、登山探险、金顶观光等旅游项目,再创和政生态旅游品牌。  相似文献   

建设生态文明,事关国家发展大业,百姓民生需求,功在当代,利系千秋。一直以来,宜兴市始终"坚持生态宜居核心价值",不断"攀登生态文明新高峰",成为绿色江苏、环保江苏、资源节约型江苏和环境友好型江苏的领军城市。放眼宜兴,水碧山翠,草长莺飞,云淡天高,风景独好。宜兴,是人们心驰神往的花园之城,是媲美威尼斯的水韵之城,更是生态文明建设的明珠之城。  相似文献   

1992年,由于卡扎菲拒不执行联合国决议(交出1988年洛克比空难涉嫌人员),联合国从4月15日起对利比亚实行空中封锁。那时候,中东"社会主义运动"还强大呢.卡扎菲就不服,毛主席有红宝书,他有绿宝书,要建设"绿色社会主义"。但连邻国突尼斯、埃及也准备加入制裁,这令自视为民族解放运动领袖的卡扎菲大惑不解。  相似文献   

张莉雅 《丝绸之路》2011,(20):95-96
具有5000年历史的文明古国,中国古代的精神文化,包括道德文化、宗教文化、哲学等,都对物质文化产生了直接或间接的影响,艺术设计也不例外。中国古代的五行说、《考工记》、法家的"厚生强国"及"格物致知"等设计思想对于设计的伦理性与合理性不乏精粹的论断,其思想精髓及蕴涵其中的绿色设计理念对现代设计仍然具有重要意义。  相似文献   

8月16日9时,K9821次列车满.载着第一批乘客,由拉萨西行,在山峦间、云雾下、绿色上、谷中行进2个小时后抵达日喀则。这条被誉为"天路"的青藏铁路,已经向珠穆朗玛峰方向延伸了251千米,结束了藏西南地区不通火车的历史。  相似文献   

吴婷 《攀登》2012,(5):115-118
青藏铁路从建设施工到运营管理所采取的一系列环保措施是践行可持续发展理论的有益尝试。以生态文化引领可持续发展之路;以制度创新保障可持续发展之路;以科技创新主导可持续发展之路;以"特色旅游"推动可持续发展之路都是全面实施绿色天路工程,建设世界一流高原生态环保铁路的有效途径。  相似文献   

丁山 《收藏家》2012,(10):49-50
清雍正黄釉莲纹盘,直径29厘米,日本出光博物馆旧藏。底为墙足,青花双蓝圈内"大清雍正年制"双行楷书六字款。 黄为暖色,是大自然中可见光的中波长部分,光谱介于橙色与绿色之间,是感光度最高的色彩。在中国传统文化的用色中,红、黄、蓝、白、黑使用概率最高,如北洋时期的五色旗曾代表汉满蒙回藏"五族共和",  相似文献   

苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
席广亮  甄峰 《人文地理》2009,24(5):87-91
本文在绿色产业成为全球产业发展热点的背景下,提出在江苏省北部沿运河地区适宜重点发展绿色产业。首先分析了苏北沿运河地区发展绿色产业的支撑条件,进而提出了苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展战略,确定了绿色产业发展方向、发展模式和发展重点。发展战略中重点分析绿色产业选择方法和提出绿色产业发展的空间组织模式、产业循环模式和经营管理模式,并指出沿运河地区绿色产业发展的重点,这对明确绿色产业发展方向,形成苏北沿运河地区特色的绿色产业品牌,培育区域发展优势,打造苏北沿运河地区绿色产业发展新形象有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

杨晓宇  逄洁冰 《神州》2012,(17):142-143
词缀是汉语中的一种重要的语法现象,在古代就已经存在。汉语中流传至今的典型词缀主要有"老"、"阿"、"子"、"儿"、"头"、"第"等,我们虽然对这些词缀非常熟悉,但是对于它们何时形成的,如何发展的,及其发展演变的来龙去脉并不熟悉。本文从语言史的角度探讨了"老"字的演变和发展,使我们对词缀"老"有一个更清晰的认识和解读。  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent green turn in China by investigating a large-scale urban greenway project. Using the perspective of the socio-ecological fix, we demonstrate that multi-scalar states strive to upgrade environmental quality. Specifically, the local state seizes the opportunity for ‘ecological civilisation’ envisioned by the central state to carry out green infrastructure development. We reveal complex motivations to incorporate ecological changes into entrepreneurial urban governance instead of encroaching greenspace for economic growth. Our state-centred analysis reveals that such an environmental strategy, the making of Chinese green urbanism, is promoted like a political mission, despite its operation by the development corporation. We argue that, while the socio-ecological fix facilitates capital accumulation, its deployment must be understood through state politics and actors.  相似文献   

李广泳 《攀登》2011,30(2):75-79
发展绿色化是人类社会今后发展的大趋势。青海在发展的过程中不应该全盘仿效发达地区模式,要积极探索适合本省省情的发展路径。本文从绿色发展路径的基本要求、发展模式的路径选择、经济形态的路径选择、社会发展的路径选择四个方面对青海绿色发展路径做了全面的分析。  相似文献   

Syracuse has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2005. Notable for its visible traces of the ancient Greek city, the inscribed sites are mainly located on the Ortigia Islet and in the Neapolis Archaeological Park. In this park, in addition to monuments of global significance such as the Greek theatre carved into the rock in the fifth century bc, wild flora of great interest are preserved. Some species may have been introduced in the classical period. In 2013, significant maintenance interventions of green areas were made, aimed at safeguarding the monuments and the most relevant flora present. This activity provided an opportunity to create, through an interdisciplinary project, some guidelines for the management of the green cover, and has also created new opportunities for the use of the site through thematic routes.  相似文献   

Newly established multilateral development banks promote green finance and support a green transition in the global South. This article examines the new multilateral development banks using a dynamic view and documents the projects and lending preferences of New Development Bank (NDB) in Brazil and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Turkey. While AIIB and NDB have made it easier for global South actors to access infrastructural investment funding and are committed to expanding green lending, their commitment rests on the use of country systems and national financial intermediaries. This results in extending loans for projects with significant risk and ignoring the broader connections of the projects to the environmentally hazardous strategies of capital accumulation. Despite their strong green discourse, their design and the way their mandates have been interpreted render new multilateral development banks prone to business as usual.  相似文献   

王铁鹏 《中国地方志》2012,(1):27-30,3,4
为了贯彻中共十七届六中全会精神,促进地方志事业大发展大繁荣,各级地方志工作机构和地方志工作者要认识到地方志事业是有中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,社会主义文化大发展大繁荣为地方志事业发展提供了重大机遇。第一,抓住大力发展公益性文化事业的机遇,加大方志馆的建设力度,更好地为社会公众服务。第二,抓住为人民提供更好、更多的精神食粮的机遇,推出质量更高、数量更多的文化产品,满足人民群众日益增长的文化需求。第三,抓住建设优秀传统文化传承体系的机遇,加强对优秀传统文化的挖掘和整理,发挥优秀传统文化的作用,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。第四,抓住繁荣发展哲学社会科学的新机遇,加强方志理论研究与创新,创立社会主义方志学科体系。最后要以高度的文化自觉和自信推动地方志事业大发展大繁荣。  相似文献   

绿色农业视角下青海特色农业发展路径及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡守琴 《攀登》2011,30(4):90-92
绿色农业是二十一世纪农业发展的理想模式。青海独特的地域环境和资源条件形成了丰富的特色农业资源,也为发展绿色农业奠定了基础。文章通过对青海特色农业绿色化发展条件的分析,指出了特色农业的发展目标,并提出了实施路径及相关对策。  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore how place leadership aims at producing transformational changes in the context of green growth. We ask what the main leadership strategies are that key actors pursue to gain leverage in their efforts to boost green growth. We use the well-known categories of transactional and transformational leadership. The following are the main research questions: (a) What do place leaders do to boost green institutional paths? (b) How do they aim to amplify their limited power base? and (c) How do they amplify their ability to influence both place-based and placeless agents? We scrutinize these questions in the context of green path development in two Finnish regions. The empirical study follows a two parallel single case study design. The cases in this paper deal with the cleantech-related path development in the Tampere city-region and bioeconomy-related path development in Central Finland. The two case studies were carefully chosen to illustrate the two main green growth-related industries in two different Finnish regions. The empirical data was based on 30 interviews of the national and local/regional development agencies as well as from firms and research/educational organizations. Additionally, the written material from the Internet, relevant journals, related newspaper articles and respective policy documents were analysed.  相似文献   

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