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岑成德  梁婷 《旅游科学》2007,21(1):56-62
随着互联网在中国的迅速普及,互联网正成为旅游业重要的营销和电子交易工具.与此同时,自助游的崛起,也使旅游电子商务越来越受到年轻旅游者的青睐.但是,目前我国关于旅游者网络消费行为的研究仍不多.本文在前人研究的基础上,分析了年轻人(中国网民最主要的组成部分)的网络信息搜索行为特点.通过对广州中山大学和华南理工大学的在校学生的问卷调查,得出两所高校学生关于旅游网络信息搜索行为的一些特征与偏好,并对我国旅游网站的定位与建设提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

This article is based on the author's research investigation titled “Toward visualizing a proposal from a general practice perspective in social work to reach the social adjustment in the elderly residing the social nursing home: applied study on the old-age home (asylum) in Sulaibikhat area in the city of Kuwait.” Caring for the elderly is a humane issue encountered by many developed and developing nations. This dilemma of caring for the elderly has increasingly spread throughout the world. United Nations statistics reveal that there are over 200 million people who were over 60 years of age in 1950. The number increased in 1975 to 350 million, and further increased to 950 million in 2000. It is expected that the number will exceed 1,100 million people by the year 2025. In Kuwait, the number of elderly people has increased rapidly. Table 1 shows the number of elderly people in the last three years, according to gender and nationality. It is clear from the data displayed in Table 1 that there is a continuous annual increase in the number of elderly people residing in Kuwait. In light of this continuous increase and the government's interest in providing full care for the citizens, there is a great need to reconsider the status of this helpless group once again to fulfill their basic needs in accordance with the latest scientific and social development that is carried out by the country. The needs of the elderly are considered an important necessity, resulting from psychological and biological factors, as well as the nature of social relations associated with aging. Satisfying these needs will ensure the social adjustment of the elderly, while at the same time, accomplish the societal goals. Satisfying these and other emotional needs has given impetus to establishing comprehensive nursing homes in Kuwait, and shed more light on the social adjustment of the elderly residing in these homes.  相似文献   

Kuwait is an oil-rich Gulf country where temporary foreign workers and their families comprise two-thirds of the population, without access to permanent residence or citizenship. Several residents, however, stay for long durations, raising a second or third generation there. Surveys of second plus generation non-nationals were conducted among 973 high school students and 246 working persons in 2012. These surveys were analysed in order to: (i) Advance the understanding of how non-citizens relate to their impermanent status in terms of being happy in Kuwait and considering it home; and (ii) To identify characteristics that enhance the above perceptions. Among students, 48 per cent were extremely happy and 52 per cent considered it as home very strongly; corresponding percentages among working persons were 35 per cent and 48 per cent, respectively. Arab nationality, female gender, longer duration of residence and bilingual proficiency were positively associated with perceptions of belongingness, which may enhance societal harmony.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):341-370

This is a response of the College of Commerce, University of Santo Tomas, to poverty and inequity in the Philippines. Started in 2004-2005, the entrepreneurship course is known as the Triple E program: Entrepreneurship and Ethics education toward Equity. The course unites knowing and doing through opportunities for students to know the poor more as producers and consumers. The vision is for graduates to provide affordable goods, services, and paid work especially to low-income women and out-of-school youth. As a guide, students are oriented to the Triple L model of working with grassroots women—Listening, Leadership, and Livelihood.  相似文献   

A general view of the field of librarianship in Kuwait is presented with special emphasis on the impact of the Iraqi aggression on libraries and information centers in the country. First, a review of the damages and future plans of the main library and information sectors is presented (school, public, academic, central libraries), followed by a summary of the effect of the Iraqi occupation on education in library and information science.  相似文献   

笔者在日本亚细亚大学任教期间,通过资料查询和走访调查,发现了被我国中日关系史及留学日本史研究界忽视了的有关日本战后首批正式招收中国留日学生的史料。史料证明,战后第一批留学日本的是中国香港地区的学生,这既是中日两国在战后文化交流的一个重要侧面,也为战后日本亚细亚大学的成立与发展提供了一个契机。  相似文献   

Women's sport has always been a challenging subject in Muslim countries and Muslim women have had to face various constraints regarding their participation in sport and exercise, which also influence their attitudes to sport. This study aims to explore the attitude of Iranian female university students toward sport by survey method (N?=?1,120) and qualitative interviews (N?=?50). The results indicate that the majority of the participants have negative attitudes to sport, and accordingly they do not practice it. Various macro-, meso- and micro-level factors were found as perceived barriers. From the results it can be concluded that the media as a tool for raising awareness to providing role models and shaping the social values of mainstream society does not take a positive role in order to develop the culture of women's sport, and to change the attitude of female students and their social environments to sport in Iranian society.  相似文献   

徐善伟 《世界历史》2012,(1):79-88,160
大学日常生活史愈益为当代学者所关注。本文则主要对一位中世纪欧洲大学生的总花费及各项主要费用在其中所占的比例作了大致的估算。从总体来看,在中世纪欧洲各大学,膳宿费、获得学位所支出的各项费用和听课费占了大学生花费的绝大部分,而现代大学中学生每学年开学交纳的高额入学注册费在中世纪大学则微乎其微。而且,不同时代、不同地区、不同专业、不同阶层的大学生的花费亦有差别。大学通常本着贫富有别的原则收费,从而使贫富学生获得相对等同的教育机会,而教俗统治者和富人的捐资助学也为学生完成大学教育作出了贡献。可见,让贫穷学生进入大学并完成其学业可以不必通过降低收费标准,而是可以通过减免或免除其部分费用的方法来实现。但总的来看,在中世纪欧洲,就读大学的费用是昂贵的,绝大部分大学生仍然是占人口极少数的富有阶层的子弟。  相似文献   

广播电视是高校的主要媒体之一,其在提升高校精神文明建设层次、培养人才等方面越来越凸显其重要性。加强高校广播电视建设愈显重要,要坚持科学定位、特色发展,并重视对人员素质的提升。  相似文献   

Juvenile delinquency is considered one of the most serious and challenging problems worldwide. Criminology provides a wide array of explanations for delinquency; however, the vast majority of the theories were applied and tested in Western societies. Therefore, the possibility of applying these theories to non‐Western societies is yet to be determined. This article will examine juvenile delinquency in Kuwait and will attempt to determine the relative effects of social disorganization on delinquency. The study will also test the effects of competing theories such as social control, strain, and differential association. Some researchers believe that urbanization, modernization, and social change lead to such problems. They believe that crime and delinquency can be viewed as an outcome of rapid social changes in societies, which in turn, lead to social disorganization. Faris (1948 ) believed that the decline of unity and harmony in a society is a major condition of social disorganization. Furthermore, Mowrer (1942 ) indicated that disorganization of society can produce many social problems such as divorce, delinquency, crimes, poverty, and unemployment. More recently, researchers viewed the concept of social disorganization as the inability of a local community to identify the common values of its residents and solve their problems ( Bursik, 1988 ; Bursik & Webb, 1982 ). This article explores the assumptions of this theory and other theories as they relate to the Kuwaiti society.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a Web‐based survey designed to explore the perceptions of academic librarians in Kuwait of Library 2.0. It investigates their familiarity with Web 2.0 concepts, tools, services and applications as these relate to academic libraries, and also explores the obstacles to their use. A Web‐based questionnaire was administered to all of the librarians in four universities in Kuwait. It was found that these librarians have a low level of familiarity with Library 2.0 applications. Lack of training was found to be the most inhibiting barrier to their use. There is a positive correlation between their years of work experience and their perceptions of Library 2.0 applications in academic libraries but no correlation between their years of work experience and the barriers to its use. The results from this study contribute to an understanding of the effect of these technologies on academic librarians. They could also be used to create and support appropriate initiatives for the integration of these applications in academic libraries.  相似文献   

对民族高等院校来说,很多学生都来自经济欠发达的少数民族地区,学生欠缴学费问题尤为突出。民族高等院校的学生欠缴学费既有经济困难等客观方面的原因,也有缴费观念淡薄等主观方面的原因,要解决学生欠缴学费问题,民族高等学校必须从学生的缴费观念、助困措施和学校缴费管理等三个方面来着手。  相似文献   

Research on perceptions of safety in public spaces must seek a balance between paying careful attention to the effects of gender, while challenging simplistic notions of a dichotomy of fearful women and fearless men. In a study of perceptions of safety among undergraduate students at the Ohio State University, this principle was addressed by decentering fear as the object of study and focusing instead on the various strategies that women and men use to manage their perceptions of safety—including avoidance of certain situations (for example, being in specific places, or going outside after dark), precautionary measures, and assertions of confidence. Questionnaire responses and follow-up interviews indicated that most students usually felt safe on campus; however, women were more likely than men to have felt unsafe. Students used a wide range of strategies to make themselves feel safer, from staying home after dark to formulating plans for self-defense to telling themselves they had nothing to fear. While a focus on strategic responses illuminated areas of overlap in men's and women's experiences, gender differences were also striking. Men are unlikely to rely on avoidance strategies, while some women view self-imposed restrictions on activity as normal and necessary. Furthermore, many men are unwilling or unable to relate to questions about fear and safety, explicitly or implicitly reinscribing fear as a ‘women's issue’.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(2):174-194

This article concentrates on the ‘drug scare’ caused by the introduction of heroin to Greece in the inter-war period. It will first retrace the story of heroin’s introduction into the Greek drug scene and assess the reasons for its speedy diffusion among drug users. Following this, it will examine some central themes in the discourse on drugs and heroin in particular, such as the actual or projected harm caused to individuals, society, or the nation as a whole. Then the focus will shift to perceptions of heroin and its users, considering broader debates which circulated in Greek inter-war society, for example, the country’s identity and its position within two parallel and interrelated conceptual frameworks: traditional vs. modern and ‘East’ vs. ‘West’. The paper will conclude by addressing drug users’ self-representations that were influenced, to a certain degree, by the prevailing approaches to drug addiction.  相似文献   

Higher mortality among unmarried persons compared with currently married ones has been reported in many previous studies. There is paucity of such studies in developing countries. We analysed the association between marital status and mortality in Kuwait, an oil-rich Gulf Muslim country. Data were obtained from the Public Authority for Civil Information that has maintained a linked record database of population characteristics with death notifications since 2005. Deaths during 2005–2010 were aggregated for the analysis. Age-specific death rates and standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated according to marital status (married, never married, divorced and widowed), age (15–49, 50–64 and 65+), gender, and nationality (Kuwaiti vs. non-Kuwaiti). Among Kuwaiti nationals, the SMRs for widowed, divorced, and never married were 1.75, 1.68 and 1.15 compared to the married. Higher mortality was found among unmarried men and women at almost all ages. These findings may be indicative of considerable public health problems such as higher disability and depression among the unmarried.  相似文献   

In 1992, elections were held in Kuwait to vote for the four-year assembly. The elections were essentially a compromise formula between two systems and political cultures in Kuwait: traditional hereditary rule and representative and modern forms. The successful conclusion of the election campaign, one of the most intensive in the history of Kuwait, may be the first step in the direction of much-needed political reform that may tilt the country more and more toward a true parliamentary system. The elections resulted in a victory for the opposition forces and their supporters, who together won thirty-five seats. For the first time in the history of Kuwait, government ministers can vote in parliament against a government-backed policy, should they feel the need to do so. Kuwait, as far as conditions allow today, is progressively shifting toward a parliamentary system. But, despite Kuwait's political steps forward, many questions and immense dangers still surround the democratic process.  相似文献   

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