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Among the Gende people in Madang Province the game of Last Card is played almost exclusively by young men. Requiring greater concentration and skill than the more popular games of Three Leaf and Seven, Last Card is rejected by older players on the grounds that it angers them when their carefully planned strategies are upset by the lucky draw of a less skilled opponent. This paper examines Last Card's appeal for young men and puts forward the proposition that, in many respects, Last Card is a functional equivalent of traditional male initiation. Providing frequent opportunity for public displays of self-control and mastery, games of Last Card give otherwise undistinguished village youths a chance to attract the attentions of potential mates and brideprice supporters. For players who are especially talented (or lucky) Last Card is a source of income to be invested in exchange relations with other youths as well as older men and women. Finally, although older card players rarely play Last Card, they are keen observers of the game and will sponsor new players by giving them the initial stakes.  相似文献   

敦煌文献《禅门秘要诀》的校录及其与《永嘉证道歌》的关系讨论,徐俊先生已取得了突破性的成绩。文章主要在徐先生基础上,对《禅门秘要诀》进行部分补校。  相似文献   

Summary. Diverse streams of archaeological and metallurgical research have demonstrated that Cyprus was an important regional copper producer and supplier during the eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, at least from 1700–1100 BC. Until recently, research into metallurgical production and exchange on Bronze Age Cyprus necessarily focused on technological change and chronological division. Metals' provenience studies have begun to mature, and economic approaches related to copper production and exchange have begun to appear. In stark contrast to recent literature on hoarding activity in Bronze and Iron Age Europe, virtually no attention has been paid to the manner in which metals enter the archaeological record. In response to a growing body of theoretical literature, this study examines the gift-commodity model and finds it wanting; instead the deposition of Cypriote hoards is considered from a politico-economic perspective, and in light of socio-historical and metallurgical data relevant to interregional developments in the contemporary Mediterranean world.  相似文献   

This paper describes some Tiwi conceptions of death, linking an important myth of the origins of death to an interpretation of the dynamics of Tiwi mourning. It argues that one part of the myth describes the psychological dangers of human responses to loss, in particular the dangers of destructive rage and self-destructive withdrawal, suicide. The mourning ceremonies facilitate the overcoming of these dangers and the re-integration of the individual into collective life in the course of a drawn-out process, a patterned dramatization of reactions to grief in collective action. The collective process of mourning is central to processes of psychological and social integration in Tiwi life. The paper then discusses a case of pathological mourning which led to the suicide of a young man, and sketches the impact of this death on a number of the younger male kinsmen of the deceased. The suicide was followed by a number of suicide attempts by these men. These attempts can be seen partly as manifestations of individuals' conflict with their surroundings, but also as manifestations of the collective process of adjustment to the death, in a sense as the culmination of the history of mourning in a family-group extending over more than twenty years. In conclusion, the paper briefly summarizes recent changes in Tiwi social life which have contributed to the precariousness of integration of young men, and to the emergence of the historically new pathological forms implied by the contemporary rise in the number of instances of suicide.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  In this paper we employ dichotomous, multinomial and conditional logit models to analyze the employment-migration behavior of some 380,000 U.K. university graduates. By controlling for a range of variables related to human capital acquisition and local economic conditions, we are able to distinguish between different types of sequential migration behavior from domicile to higher education and on to employment. Our findings indicate that U.K. female graduates are generally more migratory than male graduates. We suggest that the explanation for this result lies in the fact that migration can be used as a partial compensation mechanism for gender bias in the labor market.  相似文献   

邵磊 《中国钱币》2003,5(1):14-20
一、序言1 935年冬 ,江南铁路公司在中华门外绕通济门达光华门一线修筑铁路。施工过程中 ,因在中和桥西南草场圩取土 ,出土了大量萧梁时期的五铢钱土范 ,是为迄今所知六朝铸钱遗物的首次发现 ,具有重要意义。但由于古董商与附近村民私挖滥掘 ,以致出土钱范流失殆尽 ,给学术研究工作造成了难以挽回的损失。上述经古董商售出的钱范 ,多为沪上钱币收藏家郑家相所收 ,遂有编纂《梁五铢土范图说》之议 ,并于民国二十六年夏 ,制成泉图铜模 ,拟委托军法司监狱署刷印。未果 ,寻将《梁五铢土范图说叙言》刊于《泉币》总第 7期 ,广为流传。在此文中 ,…  相似文献   

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