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Controversy over the alpine route taken by the Hannibalic Army from the Rhône Basin into Italia in 218 bc (2168 cal bp ) has raged amongst classicists for over two millennia. Because Hannibal crossed the Alps, the significance for identifying the route taken by the Punic Army lies more in its potential for identifying sites of historical archaeological significance than a resolution of one of history's most enduring questions. While compelling stratigraphic, geochemical and microbiological evidence has been recovered from an alluvial floodplain mire in the upper Guil Valley, located below the Col de la Traversette (about 3000 masl) on the French–Italian border, it potentially identifies the invasion route as the one originally proposed by Sir Gavin de Beer in 1974. The dated layers in several sections, termed the MAD (mass animal deposition) beds based on disrupted/churned bedding and key/specialized biological components strongly supports de Beer's thesis that Hannibal chose the highest transit col into Italia. In addition to other physical evidence, we present here new physical, geomorphological and stratigraphic evidence, all calibrated by radiocarbon dating, that suggests Hannibal's imprint on the landscape exists in coalescing alluvial fans in the upper Po catchment of northern Italy.  相似文献   

W. C. Mahaney 《Archaeometry》2013,55(6):1196-1204
The title of Kuhle and Kuhle's (2012) (hereafter K&K 2012) paper in Archaeometry appears to be mostly a tirade against the Traversette Route of Hannibal's Army, as originally favoured by Sir Gavin de Beer—a man possessed of singular scientific experience and near‐singular interest in Carthaginian history—in the mid‐part of the last century. The mere fact that Mahaney et al. (2010a,c) added to de Beer's corpus of evidence that Hannibal followed the southern route appears to have brought K&K (2012) to lodge not only a protest, but one of accusatory tone, stating that Mahaney et al. (2010c) had erroneously misinterpreted historical texts to prove the Col de la Traversette as the Punic Army col of passage into Italia. Aside from the fact that the tone of these allegations rises to a curious level, it is the intention of this discussion to put facts where they belong, rooted in what is known of the Hannibalic Invasion and what is inferred by the prevailing scientific evidence. It is important to note that there is not one preferred route as stated by K&K (2012), but three in fact (see Fig. 1 (a) in Mahaney et al. 2010c), and all have been discussed by a legion of historians (see, e.g., Freshfield 1886, 1899; de Beer 1969; Proctor 1971; Prevas 1998; Mahaney 2008).  相似文献   

The point of Hannibal's departure from New Carthage in Iberia, in 218 bc , and his subsequent march along the Mediterranean coast to the Pyrénées and on to the Rhône Basin, has been reconstructed by ancient historians with considerable accuracy. The latter 400‐km phase through the Alps, however, has been the subject of some controversy as to whether the Punic Army followed a southern versus a northern invasion route, or some intermediate variant. What is certain from the ancient texts is that Hannibal was trapped by Gallic tribes in a large defile—a gorge large enough to hold the entire army—along the approach to the high col of passage on to the Po River Plains of northern Italia. The entrapment involved an enfilade attack planned by an unknown Gallic commander, a military operation that nearly decimated the Punic Army. Previous arguments as to the location of the defile have hinged on inconclusive topographic, geological and geomorphic assessments. New data from palaeobotanical reconstruction of the northern approach route show the Gorges de la Bourne and the Gorge du Bréda, astride the Isère River, to have been forest covered during the invasion, which would have made the Gallic assault impossible. The existing evidence argues for a southern route, the approach through the narrow defile of the Combe de Queyras, with passage over the Col de la Traversette, as argued by Sir Gavin de Beer nearly a half century ago. Narrowing the approach route focuses on sites worth geoarchaeological exploration.  相似文献   

As discussed in Part I, a large accumulation of mammalian faeces at the mire site in the upper Guil Valley near Mt. Viso, dated to 2168 cal 14C yr., provides the first evidence of the passage of substantial but indeterminate numbers of mammals within the time frame of the Punic invasion of Italia. Specialized organic biomarkers bound up in a highly convoluted and bioturbated bed constitute an unusual anomaly in a histosol comprised of fibric and hemist horizons that are usually expected to display horizontal bedding. The presence of deoxycholic acid and ethylcoprostanol derived from faecal matter, coupled with high relative numbers of Clostridia 16S rRNA genes, suggests a substantial accumulation of mammalian faeces at the site over 2000 years ago. The results reported here constitute the first chemical and biological evidence of the passage of large numbers of mammals, possibly indicating the route of the Hannibalic army at this time. Combined with the geological analysis reported in Part I, these data provide a background supporting the need for further historical archaeological exploration in this area.  相似文献   

Rita Barbuto 《Modern Italy》2014,19(2):161-168
Since 2001 DPI Italia, the Italian section of Disabled People's International, has played an important role in a series of research projects in the European Commission's Daphne Programme on violence against women with disabilities. Several different types of violence have been identified, from sexual abuse to removal of women's control over their environment to invasion of their privacy in healthcare contexts to control of their reproductive capacity, particularly of women with intellectual disabilities. In the light of these projects, and of the CRPD's recognition of the multiple discriminations experienced by many women with disabilities, the article argues for a shift away from an ethics of care and dependency towards one of equal reciprocal relations between disabled women and others and to a bioethics grounded not in exceptional need but in everyday life. Peer counselling among disabled women is particularly important in effecting this shift.  相似文献   

According to a number of influential Italian contemporary historians, Italian political history since Unification has been distorted by politicized scholarship and the existence of a large number of untenable political myths. These views are presented in the volume Miti e storia dell'Italia unita (1999). In this roundtable, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Carl Ipsen and David Kertzer discuss this thesis with two of its leading proponents: Ernesto Galli della Loggia and Luciano Cafagna. Secondo alcuni studiosi dell'Italia contemporanea, la storiografia dell'Italia unita è stata travisata dalla tendenza a scrivere testi politicizzati e dall'esistenza di numerosi miti politici infondati. In questa tavola rotonda, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Carl Ipsen e David Kertzer discutono le tesi proposte nel volumi Miti e Storia dell'Italia Unite 1999 (Bologna, Il Mulino) con due suoi sostenitori: Ernesto Galli della Loggia e Luciano Cafagna.  相似文献   

Each year, nearly one percent of Canadians is injured in traffic accidents. This paper focuses on the nature of road transportation risks in Canada ‐ the magnitude of the problem and the reasons for its persistence. A mobility‐based approach to road safety research is advocated because of its potential to both improve understanding and help work towards longterm solutions. The discussion is organized around two main themes: risks of mobility and mobility‐related risks. In the first instance, the focus is on linkages between quantity of travel/exposure and safety, especially over time. In the second theme, the emphasis is on linkages between quality of exposure and safety. Specific themes, including weather hazards and graduated licensing, are used to develop the second theme. The main conclusion is that casualty rates per unit of travel have declined over the past 25 years, largely due to improved engineering, enforcement and education, but that casualty levels and monetary costs remain high, largely because of the auto‐mobility imperative. Chaque année, près de 1% des canadiens se blessent dans des accidents de la route. Cette communication s'intéresse à la nature du risque routier au Canada, plus spécifiquement sur l'ampleur du problème et les raisons de sa persistance. Une approche axée sur la mobilité est préconisée pour son potentiel à apporter une meilleure compréhension du problème et à faciliter la mise en place de solutions à long‐terme. La discussion s'organise autour de deux thèmes centraux: 1) le risque de la mobilité et 2) les risques liés à la mobilité. En premier lieu, les liens entre la quantité des déplacements/exposition au risque et la sécurité sont investigués à travers le temps. Pour le deuxiéme thème, l'accent est mis sur les liens entre la qualité de l'exposition et la securité. Des thèmes spécifiques incluant les conditions météorologiques et l'expérience de conduite sont utilisés pour développer le deuxième thème. La principale conclusion est que les taux de blessures par unité de déplacement ont diminué au cours des 25 dernières années, ce qui est en grande partie attribuable au progrès en ingénierie, à la mise en place de mesures coercitives et à l'éducation. Toutefois, la gravité des blessures et les coûts monétaires qui y sont liés demeurent élevés principalement à cause des impératifs de la mobilité automobile.  相似文献   

M. KUHLE  S. KUHLE 《Archaeometry》2012,54(3):591-601
For a long time now, historians have considered the way across the Col de Clapier as the most likely invasion route of Hannibal's army across the Alps. Mahaney et al. challenge this view by introducing a two‐tier rockfall into the discussion, which they believe is mentioned in the ancient texts and has gone unnoticed by modern scholars. Since a deposit of this kind can only be found at the Col de la Traversette—and there alone—Hannibal's crossing of the Alps, so they reason, must have followed this alternative route. However, a critical reassessment of the ancient texts and a closer look at the geomorphological situation clearly show that this interpretation is unwarranted.  相似文献   

A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was used as a part of a post‐flood survey among the residents of four small urban communities on the Red River ‐ Emerson, Morris, Ste. Agathe, and St. Adolphe ‐ to assess their preferences for emergency evacuation policies. The respondents were asked to choose repeatedly among three hypothetical evacuation policies described in terms of (a) the type of evacuation (mandatory, voluntary, no evacuation), (b) notification time for evacuation (1, 2, 4 days), (c) post‐evacuation flood relief (75%, 80% current, 90%), and (d) an overall evaluation of the risk of hazardous flooding, i.e. chances of over‐dike flooding or breaching through dikes (99%, 75%, and 50%). The survey results indicated that, despite significant differences between Ste. Agathe and other communities in the magnitude of impact of the 1997 flood, overall, a voluntary evacuation seemed to be preferred at the 50 percent risk of hazardous flooding; whereas the preference for a mandatory evacuation was related to a 99 percent risk. A notification time of 2 days for evacuation was preferred over that of 1 day but the preference for 2 days was not statistically different from that of 4 days. In both types of evacuation a 10 percent increase in the amount of flood relief was preferred over the current amount of 80 percent and the marginal utility of a 5 percent decrease was nearly equivalent to the suggested 10 percent increase. Because of such ability of the DCE to assess tradeoffs of alternative choices/policies, the paper suggests further applications of the model for eliciting floodplain residents' preferences for various flood management issues. Dans le cadre d'une enquête effectuée auprès des résidents de quatre petites communautés urbaines ‐ Emerson, Morris, Ste‐Agathe et St‐Adolphe ‐ à la suite des inondations de la rivière Rouge, les préférences du public quant à la politique à suivre en cas d'évacuation ont étéétudiées. L'évaluation a été menée à partir d'un modèle à choix discret. Les personnes interrogées devaient choisir entre trois hypothèses d'évacuation, hypothèses établies sur les bases suivantes: a) le type d'évacuation (obligatoire; volontaire; non‐évacuation); b) le délai accordé avant l'évacuation (1, 2 ou 4 jours); c) les secours procurés à la suite de l'évacuation (75%, les 80% actuels, 90%); et, d) une évaluation d'ensemble des dangers d'inondation, par exemple, les possibilités qu'une digue soit submergée, ou que les digues rompent par endroits (99%, 75% et 50%). Les résultats de l'enquête montrent que, dans l'ensemble, malgré une différence significative dans l'importance de l'impact de l'inondation de 1997 à Sainte‐Agathe et dans les autres communautés, le choix d'une évacuation volontaire était préféré quand ne se présentait qu'une possibilité d'inondation de 50 pour cent; la préférence pour une évacuation obligatoire n'étant indiquée que dans le cas de 99 pour cent de risques d'inondation. Un avertissement avant évacuation de 2 plutôt qu'l jour était préféré par les personnes interrogées, mais, statistiquement parlant, il n'y avait pas de différence notable entre un choix de 2 ou de 4 jours. Dans les deux types d'évacuation proposés, on préférait une augmentation de 10 pour cent des secours par rapport aux 80 pour cent actuels, l'utilité marginale d'une baisse de 5 pour cent étant presque équivalente aux 10 pour cent d'augmentation suggérés. En raison des possibilités qu'offre un modèle à choix discret pour évaluer les compromis possibles entre les différents choix et politiques d'évacuation proposés, cet article suggère que d'autres études à partir d'un tel modèle soient menées afin d'établir les préférences de ceux qui résident dans des plaines susceptibles d'inondation quant à la prévention et à la gestion de ces inondations.  相似文献   

This paper is about reading and using the Soviet texts published in the 1930s on the Northern sea route (NSR) and the Arctic in general. The history of the NSR exploration and exploitation and its current potential as a round-the-year transportation waterway connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic is outlined. Specific features of the 1930s’ sources for the study of the NSR are explored using the example of the journal Sovetskaya Arktika (The Soviet Arctic), published between 1935 and 1941. The representation of the Northern Sea Route in this journal is described from two perspectives: what was presented (and what wasn't) and how it was presented. Special characteristics of the language used are considered to be interesting examples of the Soviet version of “totalitarian language” (newspeak, langue de bois). Historical sources written in this kind of language require special skills and special caution to read, interpret, and use.  相似文献   

A recollection by Hannibal Hamlin of a speech given by Daniel Webster during the debates over the Compromise of 1850 provides the starting point for a brief examination of Webster's renowned fondness for alcohol. While shedding light upon the extent and culture of drinking among American politicians of the period, the note also provides a poignant perspective on the failure of traditional mechanisms used for resolving disputes in the antebellum Senate.  相似文献   

This article discusses how Petrarch's self-portrayal as a spokesman for peace, armed with quill and inkpot, is brought forward in the canzone "Italia mia benché 'l parlar sia indarno" and in his epistles of the 1350s. The poet's activity as peace mediator appears in this famous canzone dedicated to Italy well before the epistles were written. Dated to 1344, the poem's thematic kernel seems to have been subsequently unfolded and broken down into the epistles that Petrarch later sent to the political leaders of his day. Petrarch's cry for peace in the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta is threefold: he invokes spiritual, societal, and teleological peace. The different faces of this threefold pining for harmonic conciliation find an outlet in the invocations of, respectively, Chiare fresche e dolci acque, "Italia mia," and the Canzone alla Vergine. "Italia mia," his most distinctly political text as well as heartfelt plea to the lords of Italy, marks Petrarch's last attempt to recompose the political fractures of Italy within the peninsula itself; from the 1350s onward, Petrarch addresses his political appeals solely to foreign rulers, a sign of the waning independence of Italian states.  相似文献   

In spite of fierce British protests, Israel supplied Argentina with arms both during the Falklands war and with greater intensity after the fighting. While the weapons sales were vital for Israel's economy and its arms industry, recently declassified papers suggest that the Begin government viewed the arms supplies to Argentina as a bargaining chip to exert pressure on Britain to halt its own sale of weapons to Israel's Arab adversaries and to end London's arms embargo against the Jewish State. Britain's restrictions on arms sales had long cast a shadow over Anglo-Israeli ties, and Israeli resentment towards Britain was exacerbated by anger over London's strong condemnation of Israel's invasion of Lebanon and its leading involvement in the EEC Venice Declaration of June 1980 which recognized Palestinian self-determination and a role for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The Israelis also perceived the arms supplies as a means to influence the junta in its treatment of Argentina's Jews. Yet, there was actually a rise in the level of anti-Semitism in Argentina during the period in question. At the same time, Britain's approach in attempting to dissuade its allies from selling arms to Argentina was riddled with inconsistencies and ultimately misconceived.  相似文献   

France has often been perceived as the most resilient country to political transfers from abroad. This view does not withstand close scrutiny and political realities tell a different story. This article argues for a reinterpretation of the role of political transfers in modern French political life (since 1789). Through the study of the introduction of rules inspired by the British parliamentary system, this article seeks to show that transfers did take place and gave rise to controversy. The July Monarchy represents the best example. There was an effective transfer but the resistance to this transfer was also very effective. This resistance shows the structural specificity of the French parliamentary system. Political transfers are thus double edged: it is simultaneously an import into a system and a way of reorganizing the system that modifies the nature of the transfer (in this instance the ‘recipes’ of the British parliament).

Résumé La France a souvent été vue comme le pays du refus de toute importation politique venue de l'étranger. Mais, une telle idée appartient plus au monde des représentations (que les Français ont abondamment nourri) qu'au domaine de la réalité politique. Cet article plaide pour une réévaluation du rôle tenu par les transferts politiques dans la vie politique française moderne (à partir de 1789). A travers l'étude de l'introduction de règles inspirées du modèle parlementaire britannique, l'article tente de démontrer que les transferts ont été à la fois effectifs et sujets à de très fortes controverses. La période de la monarchie de Juillet, de ce point de vue, offre un exemple remarquable. Le transfert eut bien lieu (la publicité des votes principalement) mais la résistance opposée à ce transfert fut elle aussi très efficace. Cette résistance est un révélateur des spécificités structurelles du parlementarisme français. Un transfert politique se révèle donc ici ambivalent: il est à la fois un phénomène d'importation à l'intérieur d'un système d'accueil (ici, la monarchie de Juillet) et une forme de recomposition de ce système qui vient modifier à son tour la nature initiale du transfert (ici, les ‘recettes’ du parlementarisme britannique).  相似文献   

We have analyzed the mid-to-late 20th century instrumental record of winter and summer temperatures and precipitation for six stations representative of Newfoundland subregions and of central and coastal Labrador. In addition, these modern records have been extended into the 1800s by using portions of records from Belle Isle and the city of St. John's. For these two lengthier records, several ‘epochs' of alternating relatively high or low characteristic temperatures are distinguished, particularly for the winter season. The modern (post-1940) temperature records show that the mid-century warm period has been succeeded by a significant shift to predominantly colder winters over this entire region since about 1972. A concurrent decline in summer temperatures is restricted to Labrador and north-central parts of the island. With respect to other studies of recent climatic trends over northeastern Canada and the northwest Atlantic, our results demonstrate a significant correlation, at most of our study locations, between mean winter temperature and seasonally averaged values of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Baffin Island-West Atlantic Index (BWI). Comparative examination of the precipitation record for these stations also reveals subregional scale contrasts in the degree of variability and trend for annual and seasonal totals. For St. John's, representative series of total precipitation spanning the past century are analyzed for winter and summer; these series lack significant lengthy trends, although short-term precipitation variability is to some degree associated with the mean temperatures of the defined epochs. Since the 1940s, significant upward trends in total amounts and frequencies characterize the southwestern coast of the island for both winter and summer, and eastern Labrador in summer. The increased winter snowfall observed on the southwest coast during the past three decades is considered to be linked to a greater frequency of onshore synoptic airflow patterns accompanying the trend to predominantly positive winter NAO Index within this period. Nous avons analysé les relevés instrumentaux des températures hivernales et estivales et des précipitations qui ont eu lieu du milieu à la fin du 20ème siècle dans six stations représentatives des régions de Terre-Neuve ainsi que du Labrador central et côtier. De plus, nous avons pu adapter ces relevés récents au 19ème siècle en nous servant de relevés de Belle Isle et de la ville de St. John's. Dans ces deux groupes de relevés plus longs, on distingue plusieurs «époques » qui représented des températures caractéristiques (1) relativement hautes et (2) relativement basses - surtout en hiver. Les relevés récents de températures (après 1940) indiquent que la période chaude du milieu de siècle a été suivie par un changement remarquable caractérisé par des hivers plus froids depuis 1972 et dans toute la région. Une baisse simultanée des températures estivales se limite au Labrador et aux régions du centrenord de l'île. En ce qui concerne d'autres études sur les tendances climatiques récentes du nord-est canadien et du nord-ouest atlantique, nos résultats démontrent une corrélation dans la majorité des régions étudiées, entre les températures moyennes hivernales et les valeurs moyennes saisonnières de l'Oscillation Nord Atlantique (ONA) et l'Index île de Baffin-Atlantique Ouest (IBA). L'étude comparative des relevés de précipitations de ces stations révèle aussi des contrastes à l'échelle subrégionale dans le degré de variabilité et dans les tendances des totaux annuels et saisonniers. Pour St. John's, on analyse des séries typiques du total des précipitations hivernales et estivales sur l'ensemble du siècle dernier; on ne trouve aucune tendance significative dans ces séries, même si la variabilitéà court terme des précipitations est associée en partie aux températures moyennes des époques définies. Depuis les années 1940, on remarque que d'importantes augmentations des quantités totales et des fréquences des précipitations caractérisent la côte sud-ouest de l'île pendant l'hiver ainsi qu'en été. Le même phenomène se produit à l'est du Labrador en été. L'augmentation des chutes de neige sur la côte sudouest pendant les trois dernières décennies s'explique par des courants d'air synoptiques venant du large qui accompagnent la tendance positive prédominante hivernale de l'index de l'ONA pendant cette période.  相似文献   

Models of spatial behavior implicitly assume a direct connection between the individual's utility function and his actual behavior. In reality, this link is mediated by the extent and quality of his spatial knowledge. Without sufficient knowledge, the chosen behavior will be selected from a small number of known alternatives. Using a route choice study in Beer Sheva, this paper investigates the extent and the level of spatial knowledge exhibited by the public in episodic, nonroutine travel. It demonstrates that their knowledge stabilizes at the intermediate “route level,” whereas only professional drivers attain the highest “survey level.” The cognitive opportunity sets of drivers at the route level are idiosyncratic. Accordingly, route selection by the general public was found largely unpredictable. Implications for urban travel modeling are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports energy balance measurements which were made over a forest and a clear-cut site in the summer of 1985, and over the forest in 1987 at the Petawawa National Forestry institute (PNFI), Chalk River, Ontario. Evapotranspiration was evaluated by the Bowen ratio/energy balance method using a model of the Reversing Temperature Difference Measurement System (RTDMS) at each site in each year. The evapotranspiration regimes of the forest and clear-cut sites are interpreted within the resistance framework of the Penman-Monteith combination model. The behaviour of the Priestley and Taylor (1972) α term and the McNaughton and Jarvis (1983) Ω factor are discussed for both sites. The summer of 1987 was exceptionally dry and thus provided an opportunity to examine the forest's evapotranspiration regime under severe water stress. The soil moisture conditions in 1987 are in marked contrast to those in 7985, a wetter year. Dans cette communication, on fait état des mesures du bilan énergétique prises, à l'été 1985, au-dessus d'une région forestière et d'une région de terrain déblayé de sa futaie et, en 7987, au-dessus de la même région foresitière à l'lnstitut Forestier National de Petawawa, à Chalk River, Ontario. Avec la méthode du rapport de Bowen/bilan énergétique, on a déterminé l'évapotranspiration en utilisant un dispositif de mesure de la différence de température à renversement dans chaque région pour chacune des années. On interprète les régimes de I'évapotranspiration de la région forestière et de la région de terrain déblayé de la futaie dans le cadre de la résistance du modele combine de Penman et Monteith. On discute la tenue du terme α de Priestley et Taylor (1972) et du factor Ω de McNaughton et iarvis (1983) pour toutes les régions. Le temps en été 1987 était exceptionnelle-ment sec, favorisant I'examen d'un régime d'évapotranspiration sous des conditions de pénurie deau. Les conditions de sécheresse du sol font contraste avec celles de I'an 1985 qui étaient plus humides.  相似文献   

The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine are to be found in two areas. The first is the revival of Tsarist imperial nationalist and White Russian émigré nationalist denials of the existence of Ukraine and Ukrainians. Russian imperial nationalists believe the eastern Slavs constitute a pan Russian nation of Great Russians, Little Russians and White Russian branches of one Russian nation. The second is the cult of the Great Patriotic War and Joseph Stalin and the revival of Soviet era discourse on Ukrainian Nazis (i.e., nationalists). A Ukrainian nationalist in the Soviet Union and Vladimir Putin's Russia is any Ukrainian who seeks a future for his/her country outside the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russian World and who upholds an ethnic Ukrainian (rather than a Little Russian) identity. The Russian World is the new core of the Eurasian Economic Union, Russian President Vladimir Putin's alternative to the EU's Eastern Partnership. In the contemporary domain, Ukrainian nationalists are Nazi's irrespective of their language preference or political beliefs and if they do not accept they are Little Russians. Putin's invasion goal of denazification is a genocidal goal to eradicate the ‘anti-Russia’ that has allegedly been nurtured by Ukrainian nationalists and the West.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on research conducted over a period of thirty months as part of a wider ESRC-funded initiative on violence. It focuses on the sustainability of safer gay space. This paper shows how the generation of the fear of the 'heterosexual other' functions to enable certain claims to be made on the space from a proprietorial aspect which includes recourse to purity, danger and respectability. This shows how property relations become articulated as a property of the person, demonstrating how entitlement to space is formed. It also explores how boundaries are being constructed and maintained in different (and often novel) ways and shows how different intelligibilities are constructed for understanding one's place through concepts of property and propriety that relate to forms of investment and movement through space. It thus challenges traditional ideas on boundary formation and maintenance. Ultimately it foregrounds how these understandings of bodies in space influence current articulations of citizenship and poltical participation. Cet article analyse des recherches effectuées au cours d'une période de trente mois dans le cadre d'une étude plus large sur la violence, subventionnée par ESRC. Le thème principal est celui de la viabilité des espaces sans risque. Nous démontrons comment le maintien d'une peur de 'l'autre hétérosexuel' sert à fonder certains droits envers ces espaces, droits qui sont reliés à un sens de la propriété faisant appel à des notions de pureté, danger et respectabilité. Notre analyse indique comment ces relations de propriété sont exprimées en fonction de la personne, démontrant ainsi comment se formule l'accès à l'espace. Elle démontre aussi les divers modes de construction et maintien des frontières, et comment ceux-ci élaborent des cadres de perception permettant de comprendre la place de l'individu au sein des concepts de 'rectitude' et 'propriété' qui sont liés à des formes d'interaction avec l'espace. Finalement, notre étude questionne les idées traditionnelles quant à la formation et au maintien des frontières, signalant ainsi comment l'analyse des corps dans l'espace ouvre de nouvelles voies d'étude ayant trait à la citoyennetéet àl'exercise de droits politiques. El enfoque de este papel es una investigación elaborada durante un período de 30 meses como parte de una iniciativa más amplia sobre la violencia fundada por ESRC. El enfoque es sobre la sotenibilidad de sitios más seguros para gays. Este papel demuestra como la generación de miedo del 'Otro heterosexual' facilita ciertas reclamaciones sobre un espacio. Estas reclamaciones incluyen nociones de pureza, peligro y respetabildad y demuestran la manera en que las relaciones propietarias llegan a ser articuladas como propiedad de la persona y de ahí, cómo es formado el derecho a un espacio. También examina como límites están siendo construidos y mantenidos de diferentes maneras (muchas veces nuevas) y indica como uno construye diferentes inteligibilidades para mejor entender su lugar a través de conceptos de propiedad y tenencia vinculados a formas de inversión y movimiento en un espacio. Así desafía las ideas tradicionales de la formación y mantenimiento de límites. Por último destaca la manera en que este entendimiento de 'cuerpos en un espacio' influye en las ideas actuales de ciudadanía y participación política.  相似文献   

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