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正我们往往通过一些经典佳作可窥见古人游玩的场景,那么,古时候的孩子都是怎样欢乐地玩耍呢?中国美术史上将描绘孩童玩耍、嬉戏的绘画作品称为"婴戏图"或"戏婴图","婴"原指初生女孩,《苍颉篇》:"男曰儿,女曰婴",后来"婴"泛指初生儿和幼儿,这里指"孩童"。少年儿童生性活泼好奇,世界上的事物对他们而言都是新奇而有趣的,他们都想去探索和尝试。游戏和玩具不仅能启发少年儿童们的心智,也能锻练和强健体魄,是他们用以探索世界的工具。在玩耍和嬉戏的过程中,孩童们生动活泼的姿态,专注喜悦的神情,稚拙可爱的模样,  相似文献   

“婴戏图”薄胎艺术大瓷碗○小燕北京燕莎友谊商城的五楼售货大厅里,有处专卖薄胎瓷的柜台,在精品荟萃的薄胎瓷中,一直径44公分的“婴戏图”薄胎大碗格外引人注目,见之者无不惊叹、流连。此碗产于江西景德镇。我国的瓷器,是由陶器发展而来,萌于汉代,形成于唐代,...  相似文献   

<正>以儿童为题材的文物滥觞于唐代晚期,在宋代大量出现,元明时期繁荣,清至民国则品种更加丰富。这些题材以儿童为代表,被称为婴戏图。表现形式有儿童持莲、舞乐、嬉戏、游艺等。本文以镇江博物馆馆藏儿童题材的文物为例,探索此类文物中的儿童形象,以飨读者。镇江丁卯桥银器窖藏中出土的唐鎏金婴戏图小银瓶,残高7厘米、口径3.8厘米、腹径6.6厘米。侈口、  相似文献   

王兴  王时磊 《收藏家》2007,(1):19-24
宋元时期在绘画中出现了大量表现婴戏题材的作品,并涌现出以苏汉臣为代表的一批著名画家。这种潮流也影响到了磁州窑的画工,在磁州窑的罐、瓶及瓷枕上也出现了大量的婴戏作品。尤其是在以白地黑花为装饰的瓷枕上,运用中国传统的线条技法,寥寥数笔,使孩童天真无邪的形象跃然其上,呼之欲出。孩童往往是喜庆和吉祥的象征,磁州窑婴戏枕中的孩童脸型丰满,体态健康,欢快活泼,使人们对未来充满了希望和憧憬。而这些画面又多以男婴为主,寓含着多子多福、传宗接代的传统观念,折射出当时社会相对稳定,窑工们在小农经济影响下的一种富足感。如果说磁州…  相似文献   

中国人物画,盛起于三国两晋南北朝时代,至唐、五代、两宋达到高潮,既有表现神仙故事的道释人物画,也有表现历史故事和重大政治事件的历史题材画,既有高人贤士隐逸之图,也有文人学士聚会的文会图等等,不一而足。随着人物画的发展,题材日益拓展,仕女图、婴戏图相  相似文献   

杭州市北大桥南宋墓出土的龙泉窑青釉婴戏双转官球纹碗,碗内线刻一婴孩挥舞两只转官球,暗含“双转”之意。宋制,升迁官阶须经转官磨勘,简称转官,其转官三或四年一磨勘,年至即转阶,甚至可双转,超转。此墓为单室墓,墓内随葬漆笔架和抄手石砚,反映出墓主人为男性读书人,具有士人追求功名的特点。  相似文献   

上海博物馆新改建的陶瓷展览大厅里陈列着两件以往未曾展览过的藏品:唐邛窑乐伎俑(图一)和白釉印花婴戏图碟(图二),这二件瓷器,虽都为民窑生产,质量亦不算精细,但对于研究我国古代的拍鼓技艺和瓷器婴戏图的起源、发展却有极大的参考价值,现详细介绍如下:邛窑是唐代四川地区颇负盛名的瓷窑之一,产品较越窑、长沙窑在质地和釉彩上略显逊色,但在器物造型上却别具一格,具有浓厚的地方特色,除日常所用碗、盘、碟、瓶、灯、罐等器具外,邛窑瓷工特别擅长小形雕塑品(如动物、人物等)的生产,上海博物馆所藏邛窑乐伎俑即是一例.此俑高仅6.8厘米,直接用瓷土捏塑成形故胎骨是实心的,俑席地而坐,腿上放着腰鼓,鼓两端搁放在盘曲的腿上,昂首挺胸,全神贯注  相似文献   

明清瓷画中常见一种儿童手持一朵莲花或者一枝莲叶正在玩耍的形象,这种画面的名称,除了"婴戏图"之外,还有"持莲童子""持荷童子""化生童子"等数种。名称应该能反映画意才好,所以这种瓷画究竟怎么定名值得推敲。"婴戏图"是笼统的称呼,不能说错,但对儿童为什么持莲的理解帮助不大。"持莲童子"和"持荷童子"是对人物形象的直观描述,可合一为"持莲童子",这个名称也没有反映画意究竟为何。“化生童子”是佛教典故.但手持莲花就一定是“化生童子”吗?此说似乎有勉强之嫌。本文收集明清数百年间瓷画上岀现的几种“持莲童子”,对其寓意试作探讨。  相似文献   

山西博物院有一件清嘉庆年间粉彩婴戏图碗,高5.6厘米,口径11.6厘米,底径4.6厘米,敞口、圈足、弧腹,底部有“大清嘉庆年制”红彩3行6字篆书款,无框栏,通体满绘婴戏纹图案(图一、图二)。  相似文献   

1929年,周海婴初诞,老来得子的鲁迅先生幸福兴奋,家中来客,海婴即便睡着,也要抱出来,供朋友们欣赏赞美一番。每天晚上12点过后,由他负责看护小宝宝,让许广平静心休憩。他给小宝宝取名海婴,意为"在上海出生的孩子",又从他与许广平恋爱时彼此的爱称——"白象"演变出一个对孩子的昵称:小红象。"小红,小象,小红象,小象,小红,小象红;小象,小红,小红象,小红,小象,小红红……"  相似文献   

孙秀仁  金太顺 《北方文物》2012,(1):11-26,2,113,117
山咀子墓葬是一处重要的唐代渤海国时期墓地,位于黑龙江省海林市新安镇山咀子(大队)居民点。1966、1967年经前后两次调查并发掘了29座墓葬,其中7座为石棺墓,其余均为封土石室墓。山咀子墓群的葬俗有较复杂的形态,有一次葬、二次葬及两种葬式共存的现象。墓葬多数保存尚好,部分人骨亦较完整。发现了陶器4件,陶片数十件,铜器66件,铁器27件。这些发现为我们研究唐代渤海历史与文化提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

老坟岗遗址位于西峡县西4公里的五里桥乡封湾村老坟岗村北的岗地上,是1963年公布的首批省级文物保护单位。这里四周环山,属豫西南伏牛山系,山间有一条通往陕东南的要道。遗址是一处半岛形台地,东100余米即312国道,西与山丘相连,老灌河支流丁河在遗址东300米由西北向东南流过,河面宽阔,水量充沛。遗址所在台地东西长180、南北宽约150米,  相似文献   

2006年9月,仁济药材公司征地时经文物部门勘探并发掘了8座元代墓葬.这几座墓葬除M1外,均为石筑,墓向相同.构筑形制大致相同,均以大石板封顶,棺为前大后小的梯形,墓主人头南足北,出土器物为实用器,特别是钧窑瓷碗、三足香炉、玉饰件等制作精美,时代特征明显.为元代墓葬的研究提供了宝贵的资料.  相似文献   

河北正定县吴兴墓地战国墓葬发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国祥  蔡强  于俊玉  柏艺萌  尚晓波  万雄飞 《考古》2012,(6):3-13,98,102
吴兴墓地位于河北省石家庄市正定县新安镇吴兴村,距正定县城15公里。京广铁路在墓地东南2.5公里处南北向穿过,滹沱河在墓地南12公里处自西向东流,地势平坦(图一)。2006年,南水北调中线工程河北段考古发掘工作全面展开。受河北省文物局委托,辽宁省文物考古研究所与朝阳市博物馆  相似文献   

A total of 15 dog skulls and a number of bones have been discovered in two burial chambers dating from 1,000 BC in the necropolises of the Van‐Yoncatepe Castle in eastern Turkey. The finds were a dog skeleton in burial chamber M5 and 14 dog skulls and plenty of bones in burial chamber M6. It was determined on examination that the skeleton found in burial chamber M5 was an 11–12‐year female dog, and that the skulls unearthed from burial chamber M6 belonged to dogs with an age range of seven to eight months to 12–13 years. In the latter chamber, however, except for one skull whose sex could not be determined, one was ascertained to belong to a female dog and the rest to males. Calculations of 20 different indices and ratios were made on the skulls. This showed that these skulls were of the dolichocephalic type. It was observed that there were signs of a widespread periodontal disease and alveolar recession. Enamel hypoplasia and abscess chambers detected on the teeth, and deformations observed in the hard palate were evidence enough to suggest that these were undernourished dogs. There were also some facial fractures, which were noticed to have occurred before death. On the other hand, examination carried out on the bones revealed that the dogs were of medium size, and that they were likely to have had a withers height of 50–55 cm. The data obtained from both the burial chambers brought to light the fact that these dogs were more of the hunting or working types. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对茂陵发掘出土错金车马器文物表面锈蚀覆盖严重、装饰无法辨识的现状。本工作分别从保护原则、操作思路入手,并且结合文物具体的保存状况,相应采取化学方法软化、机械除锈、水溶液深度清洗、BTA溶液浸泡、高分子有机材料表面封护的方法,有效保护了这批文物,还原了文物的历史、艺术与研究价值。通过这批文物修复保护的实践表明,每项具体的文物保护工作,必须从个体差异的角度、针对性确立保护方案,才能有的放矢地保护好文物。结果显示,所用方法和工艺可为类似文物的保护处理提供参考。  相似文献   

Palace lanterns were important and highly visible decorations in the imperial palace in Beijing, China, during the Qing dynasty (1636–1912). Most lanterns had colourful tassels made of fibres. The study performed a comprehensive investigation of the materials and dyes used for palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing. Eight samples with different colours, including yellow, green and red, from five palace lanterns were analysed. By using ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the compositions of the dyes were identified quickly, and thus the dyes' origins were explored. A X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assisted in the detection of whether a mordant was used during the dyeing process. As a result, the tassels were all made of silk, discovered through the use of microscopic observation and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. Different dyeing techniques were found in these tassels: yellow tassels were dyed by cork tree or turmeric by a direct dyeing method; greens were dyed by pagoda bud with an iron mordant, or by the combination of cork tree and indigo using multi-dyeing method; and red tassels were coloured with different acid red industrial dyes. These results provide valuable data for the conservation of ancient textile tassels and contribute to the investigation of other hanging tags.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty two granite columns were examined in eight towns and archaeological sites in Andalucía and Extremadura, Spain, in order to determine the geological provenance of the columns. Three non-destructive methods of characterization were used: mineralogical features, magnetic susceptibility, and concentrations of radioelements (K, U, Th) determined by portable gamma ray spectrometry. Columns were compared with potential sources within Spain and in the Mediterranean area using analogous data previously published and also new data obtained for this work. The majority of the columns are made of Spanish granites, some of which were probably quarried near Mérida. Different chemical types of Spanish granites were used in the northern part of the area studied (Extremadura) and in the southern part (Andalucía). Twenty five columns are not of Spanish granites, but were imported from other sources, namely the Troad and Kozak Dağ areas of western Turkey, the Italian islands of Elba and/or Giglio, and Sardinia (confirming a column previously identified in the literature). The imported columns are found in Itálica, Hispalis (Seville) and Astigi (Écija), and were probably carried along the River Guadalquivir and its tributaries.  相似文献   

The role of the past in prehistoric societies is a frequently occurring topic in recent archaeological literature. It is proposed that prehistoric societies were concerned with the construction of an ancient past, and that relics were actively used as mnemonic devices in recalling the past. This paper comments on the significance of historicity in cultural reproduction on the basis of indigenous Sami conceptions of time and ancestry. It is a personal reflection from an archaeologist's point of view. The indigenous Sami concept of time, life and death implies that distances in the past were not ascribed any significant value and that there was no chronological or genealogical scale against which events in the past were measured. It is argued that relics were not ascribed a discursive value, and that they were not used as mnemonic devices in recalling an ancient past. By the example of Sami conceptions of time and ancestry, the author advocates great caution in promoting relics as carriers of collective memories in ancient societies.  相似文献   

用于古建筑琉璃瓦保护的高分子聚合物材料的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索高分子聚合物用于古建筑琉璃瓦的保护研究,采用所选择的9种有机高分子聚合物对现代黄釉琉璃瓦进行保护处理,分析保护材料的耐光性能及保护后琉璃瓦的憎水性、耐冻融性和化学稳定性等性能,同时选择性能较好的材料用于胎体酥粉古琉璃瓦的保护,分析憎水性、耐冻融性、耐折、抗压强度、透气性以及进行保护机理研究.结果表明,保护材料丙烯酸类材料的Primal SF和1372耐光性能较差;用于现代琉璃瓦保护的Primal SF憎水性和耐冻融性较差;有机硅的耐酸碱性较差;聚氨酯和硅丙乳液的憎水性和耐碱性能较差;氟碳清漆、氟树脂和复配材料的各项性能相对较好;含氟聚合物及其氟树脂为主的复配材料用于胎体酥粉古琉璃瓦保护的憎水性、耐冻融性、耐折、抗压强度和透气性等性能相对较好,保护材料以良好的渗透能力渗入古琉璃胎体内部,有效提高胎体强度,起到填充空隙和防止水分破坏的作用.综合几项指标,含氟聚合物及其复配材料的各种性能优良,为选择中国古建筑琉璃瓦的保护材料提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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