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狂怒中的战争逻辑 近日布拉德·皮特主演的战争片《狂怒》在国内隆重上映,有评论认为该片是10年来最好的战争片,甚至据说是超越《拯救大兵瑞恩》的作品。那么到底这部电影是否担得起这么高的赞誉呢?  相似文献   

广西是中国唯一沿海沿边的少数民族自治区。亚热带农林土特产品、水电、铝锰锡建材为主的矿产、旅游资源丰富;作为西南出海大通道,地缘政治经济地位突出。迈向21世纪,将进一步完善大通道为主的交通、能源、通讯为主的基础设施结构,建成七大系列支柱产业基地,形成五大经济区的区域开发战略格局,由此而成为中国沿海新兴的少数民族经济发展热点地区。  相似文献   

张小杰 《中国钱币》2007,6(1):12-20
1916年袁世凯死后,北洋军阀分裂,形成直、皖、奉三大系军阀。各军阀问为争夺地盘,扩充实力,因而连年混战,民不聊生。孙中山先后组织北伐均未如愿。1924年1月第一次国共合作后,经过两年艰苦斗争,相继创建黄埔军校,成立国民政府,编组国民革命军,进行东征和南征。并在国民党第二次全国代表大会上提出打倒帝国主义、打倒军阀,统一全中国的纲领。1926年6月5日,国民党中央执行委员会临时全体会议通过出师北伐案。7月9日,广州5万军民在东较场举行了隆重的北伐誓师典礼。蒋介石就任国民革命军总司令职,出兵北伐。  相似文献   

Recent thinking within arts philosophy has moved further and further away from the concept of autonomous art. Nowadays art is mostly seen as an intrinsic part of everyday human life. Artistic value is conceived of more and more as something that depends largely upon experiencing the works as they are encountered within general culture. This relational perspective on art has important implications for the future development of arts marketing as a discipline. This article argues that arts marketing should primarily aim to support and reinforce the artistic functioning of artworks. It proposes that art consumers should be seen as co‐producers in the total art process and advocates that arts marketing should focus on the artistic experience as the core customer value.  相似文献   

The changing international environment for U.S. strategic policy formation is causing progressive uncertainty about the adequacy of threat assessment concepts and procedures. The concept of “strategic value,” which plays a central role in decisions to use and control military force, is defined and elaborated in terms of three key elements–territory, worth and access. This classification allows for a more coherent analysis of the nature of “strategic threat” in the changing international environment. It also provides a more realistic approach for making choices among available policy options and available means of implementing security policy.  相似文献   

Summary.   Occasional claims have been made that some of the names on Roman military brick stamps could be those of civilian entrepreneurs tiling for the Roman army, most recently in the case of a stamp of Legio XX Valeria Victrix from Tarbock (Liverpool). This paper analyses these claims and investigates the evidence for interaction between the Roman army and civilians in brick production. The texts of the stamps and the archaeological context of the bricks and literary sources, which give information about the role of the army and civilian bodies in Roman provincial building, are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

井冈山斗争的军事地理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修春亮  钱肖颖 《人文地理》2016,31(3):116-121
国内的军事地理研究大大落后于其他人文地理分支学科。本文结合实地学习考察,对于井冈山军事斗争这一重大历史事件从现代地理学视角进行比较系统的全新分析。在井冈山斗争期间,根据地经历了从队伍上山、据险驻守,到外线出击、最终撤离的军事地理过程,并在根据地内部形成了"两片、两心、一环、五哨"的军事地理格局。从根据地尺度看,这一格局对于斗争初期的立足有一定合理性,但范围狭小、资源支撑和回旋空间不足;从宏观的区域尺度分析显示,井冈山地区远离敌方核心,但立足后则面临两省"会剿",腹背受敌,军事地理上的劣势凸显。分析还显示了新军事力量形成的"核心-边缘"结构对于旧格局的反转。作为井冈山道路的发展,中央苏区、陕甘宁根据地以及东北解放区的建立,是对井冈山斗争开辟的革命道路的发展,同时也是在区域尺度、位置、区际关系等方面军事地理优势不断增强的过程。  相似文献   

南京区南京总医院位于南京风景秀丽的钟山脚下,是一所所史悠久、医教研协调发展的大型现代化综合性医院。医院前身为1929年筹建、1930年建成的国民政府中央医院,是我国第一家由中国人自己创办的国立西医院。  相似文献   

刘盛佳 《人文地理》1996,11(Z1):96-103
可持续发展在全球获得了广泛的支持与赞同,在我国获得最为积极的响应和行动,就是因为它以发展为前提,反映了全人类的共同愿望。  相似文献   

Summary. The layouts of the Inchtuthil and Colchester legionary fortresses suggest that 7 1/2 and 3 3/4 p.M. units were employed in military as well as civil planning. The 38 units long by 38 1/2 units wide plots occupied by cohortal blocks at Inchtuthil appear to have provided the basis on which the whole fortress was designed and the sizes of other internal buildings seem to have been related to this scheme. Colchester, although much less well-known, shows similarities. Further implications for civil and military planning are considered.  相似文献   

任福民 《人文地理》1997,12(1):77-79
本文从金华山国家级风景名胜区的建设现状出发,通过系统分析该区的开发历史和自然与人文资源背景,提出建设其为中国道教名山和浙中旅游胜地的规划总体构思,并且提出实现这些远景建设目标的部分近期起步对策和措施。  相似文献   

From the inauguration of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP) in 1950, until its termination in the early 1960s, Norway was among the main European beneficiaries of military assistance from the United States. Previous research on this subject has mainly seen the MDAP from the perspective of the recipient, analysing what effect the influx of large amounts of equipment had for the shape and development of the Norwegian Armed Forces. This article discusses the motives for US military assistance to Norway, and analyses this activity as an expression of US Cold War objectives concerning Norway and NATO’s northern flank. The article also explores how these objectives influenced policy making relevant to military assistance, and gives particular attention to the role of US representatives in Oslo. These actors played an important role in highlighting the political and strategic benefits of extensive aid to Norway.  相似文献   

Leeds, Anthony, Sanjek, Roger, eds. Cities, Classes and the Social Order. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994. xiii + 272 pp. including bibliography and index. $39.95 cloth; $16.95 paper.  相似文献   

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