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This paper examines how hockey is used to construct and demarcate the Canadian national community from external others, namely, the USA, Europe and Russia/USSR. The paper suggests popular nationalist narratives around the sport of hockey construct difference from external others in ways that place them in tension with state and corporate interests. Drawing on the concept of everyday nationalism, this article explores how the interplay between international competition, national identity and commercial sport has made hockey an ambiguous and contested national symbol in Canada.  相似文献   

<正>冰灯是北国冰雪旅游中的一个亮点。如果说,在漫天皆白的世界中游历,得到的是一份清净的感觉,那么,在五彩缤纷的冰灯世界中观赏,领略到的便是一种热烈和浪漫。那里既有楼台殿阁,又有城区和街道,还有鼓手和动物,而且都那样的晶莹剔透,亮光闪闪,真的像一个晶莹的童话世界。多年来,东北许多城市都有人工制作的冰灯景观。这里向大家所展示的就是旅游摄影爱好者在吉林市和哈尔滨市所拍摄的部分冰灯画面。  相似文献   

Although ice hockey has been characterized as a “people's sport,” since the 1980s neoliberalism has stimulated elite hockey to take on industrial characteristics, driven by: the commodification of sport; a growing scale of hockey performance; the branding of teams and cities; a strategic coupling with media; and the privatization of training and facilities. In British Columbia, elite hockey players are being produced in new regional settings. Formerly, many elite players came from smaller resource-hinterland towns offering strong local support. With neoliberal commodification of the sport, the Lower Mainland has emerged as the main centre of elite player production in British Columbia. This has occurred very rapidly as costly private training programs located mostly in larger metropolitan areas have become the main source of young players aspiring to elite status. High-performance training companies and private hockey academies offer costly routes to elite player status, with new class relations that exclude low-income families. A range of internal and external scale economies lead to these new facilities being concentrated in larger conurbations, particularly in Greater Vancouver.  相似文献   

在文物修复的过程中,首先的工作就是对器物进行清洗,虽然现阶段清洗工艺的效果不错,但使用的试剂与手段造成污染较大,对人体与环境都会造成损害.因此,寻找新的清洗材料与清洗手段,对于文物修复工作的持续发展非常重要。为此,本研究应用干冰清洗技术,工业级清洗机器对在一件晚清胎质较厚、釉质较好的瓷器上进行了清洗实验,并对清洗工艺进行了实验与评估。实验结果表明,干冰清洗技术应用在清除瓷器表面的环氧树脂及污迹效果显著,可谓立竿见影,对瓷器的釉面未造成损害,并且整个清洗流程非常的环保、无污染,清洗完毕只剩下污迹。虽然深层次的环氧树脂清洗效果不明显,但随着今后进一步改善操作技术与清洗工艺,为最终实现环保而可持续的文物修复流程提供经验。  相似文献   


Listed events are policies enacted by states to protect the free-to-air rights of specific television and radio broadcasts that are identified as being of particular national significance. Some states (including the UK, Belgium, and Argentina) have begun to adopt these listed events policies, typically regarding significant national sporting events. We re-conceptualize listed events as a practical means by which to protect the intangible cultural heritage of states – an issue addressed by international institutions such as ICOMOS and UNESCO. Furthermore, we engage in a critical analysis regarding both the merits and potential problems involved in the possibility of Canada adopting listed broadcasting events policies, specifically involving hockey broadcasts.  相似文献   

This paper considers the significance of the International Geophysical Year (IGY) for the development of new knowledge of the shape of the Antarctic bed surface and the ice sheet that covers it. It also situates the Antarctic geophysical work done during the IGY within a longer history that begins in the immediate post-WWII period and extends up to the 1970s. The paper pays particular attention to the US IGY seismic traverses, which were the centrepiece of US IGY activities in Antarctica. We argue that these traverses should be understood as part of a broader set of geopolitical, military and governmental strategies that the USA pursued through the IGY and afterwards. In this sense we agree with other students of Cold War science who suggest that the IGY was far from being the beginning of the end for geopolitics in Antarctica. Instead we demonstrate that US scientific activities in Antarctica during the IGY and after were a form of geopolitics in themselves.  相似文献   

Measurements of the amplitude and phase of VLF radio signals from the Omega transmitters on La Reunion Island and in Argentina have been made on routine Antarctic re-supply nights from Christchurch, New Zealand. It has been found that when the propagation paths to the transmitters cross the Antarctic ice cap, the direct path signals are very rapidly attenuated below the receiver noise level, the dominant signal source then being provided by the radio waves diffracting around the edge of the ice cap. These results have been made possible by the simultaneous use of the phase and amplitude data in a synthetic aperture antenna type analysis.  相似文献   

This paper argues that indigenous peoples' responses to climate change are better understood in relation to emerging notions of citizenship than to climate change crisis narratives. The latter, like development narratives, are often used to license the intervention of experts in debates about resource management and conservation. Dominant climate change narratives about the Arctic emphasise the power of global climate systems to threaten northern communities by situating them as being intrinsically ‘at risk’. These narratives envisage Arctic citizenship within very narrow parameters which have largely masked the voices of northern citizens. Definitions of ecosystem resilience, while providing a framework for comparing disparate cultural and ecological contexts, are predicated on avoiding systemic collapse. It is argued that such definitions heighten the sense of risk implicit in climate change impacts. This may ultimately impede the development of different aspects of civic participation by northern citizens with climate change policy opportunities. Policy responses across a range of diverse geographical contexts require new narratives that put communities back into the calculus of risk and decision-making. One way to be more critical about the language of climate change narratives is to evaluate the extent to which they can account for, and mitigate, growing inequalities of power and wealth. Studies in the historical reception of science narratives are proposed as a better approach for making grounded comparisons of the discursive strategies with which climate change narratives are made to work. This also helps to bridge discussions of climate change across regions like the Arctic and Africa, which share much in common, but are too often studied in isolation.  相似文献   

庄子《大宗师》集中出现了四则有关"真人"的论述。"真人"思想具有丰富的内涵。作为庄子自身理想人格的画像,"真人"等同于"至人"。真人一旦上升到"道"的层面,又等同于"神人"。真人思想的矛盾性源自《庄子》一书内容的复杂性。作为天道哲学的真人,其思想源自《道德经》、《山海经》等典籍;作为生命哲学的真人,源自《黄帝内经》、《周易》等。由后者形成一种"葆真"的生命哲学观,产生了积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

本对于古籍献中“百工”一词的多义和歧义现象进行分析、考证,发现它与“百官”一词的关系错综复杂,于是从字形、声音及化历史的研究对比中取证,认为“百工”作为上古一官职名,后世直接对译成“百官”实际上存在混淆和误解,却也可从中看出它们意义上的联系与区别,对这一特殊语词的变化的历史考证将对训诂学有所补益。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of a developing thunderstorm has been adapted in order to test the importance of various charge transfer parameters to the electrical development of the storm. The charge transfer data are taken from laboratory measurements obtained when ice crystals rebound off soft-hail particles in the presence of supercooled water droplets. The experiments showed that the charge transfer depends on ice crystal size and impact velocity, so a range of size and velocity dependences have been tested in the model. The calculations have been performed using initial conditions from three storm cases having a range of storm severities. The charging rates calculated were found to be affected more by the initial storm conditions than by the specific size and velocity dependencies chosen.  相似文献   

Museum learning的相关研究范式和成果主要集中在博物馆学观众研究和教育学教育技术研究领域中。国内这两门学科对museum learning的翻译存在分歧:博物馆学界将其译为"博物馆学习",而教育学领域则将其译为"场馆学习"。原因在于二者对museum learning的研究方法存在分歧,以及二者对"博物馆"一词本身范畴和概念存在认知差异。"博物馆学习"不仅保持了museum在跨语境研究中的一致性,更重要的是在概念上确保了自然科技类博物馆和历史艺术类博物馆在museum learning研究中的相同地位,这是"场馆学习"一词无法体现的。  相似文献   

“树崇拜”是世界各地早期人类一项重要的信仰习俗,在我国西南地区有广泛的影响。三星堆出土的三千年前的青铜神树和四川等地出土的东汉前后的大量青铜钱树,是“树崇拜”的珍贵遗物。它们不仅造型优美、内涵丰富,而且有其内在的联系。研究两者的特征、异同及其演变情况,有助于揭示古代先民的思想观念发展变化及其所反映的历史问题。  相似文献   

论"夷"和"东夷"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栾丰实 《中原文物》2002,2(1):16-20
“东夷”本是传世和出土文献对古史上某一时期东方居民的称谓。近年来,随着考古学的发展,越来越多的学者把黄淮下游海岱地区史前考古学文化的族属称为东夷。本文旨在根据传世和出土文献的相关记载,廓清“夷”和“东夷” 的产生、发展、流变和消失的历史过程。  相似文献   

伴随唐宋文化转型而兴起的“正统”论,扬弃了天人感应、五德终始之说.以法则性、道德性“天理”取代主宰性、意志性“天命”,经宋儒精心阐发的文化价值理想、社会政治理想“天理一王道”再次构成统合历史兴盛衰亡之变的“贞一之理”。而北宋时代的正统之辨呈现出儒家历史哲学、政治哲学在因应时代变化之际曾具有的复杂、深刻的思想面貌。  相似文献   

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