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MaoOnTibet40YearsAgo¥byShaZhouThatwasahistoricmeetingbetweenMaoZedong,chairmanoftheGovernpublicofChina,andthe14thDalaiLamaDai...  相似文献   

林尚斌 《收藏家》2008,(6):23-27
大乘佛教宣称三世十方有无数佛,并由此将佛推向神话。佛教传入藏区青藏高原时,大乘佛教已成定势,在此基础上产生的藏传佛教自然拥有许多佛。特别是藏传佛教形成时期正是佛教金刚乘极盛时期,藏传佛教在其形成过程中充分吸收了佛教金刚乘教义,因而在藏传佛教中产生了庞大的佛、菩萨、护法神等佛教神像体系。  相似文献   

孙涛 《收藏家》2012,(4):26-30
藏传佛教拥有庞大的、数量众多的神彽,其中尤以护法神系最甚。护法衬通指护卫佛法,免受妖魔的袭扰,维护佛教教义完善的一类重要的神灵。^①其面容或净拧恐怖、或慈悲安详,按其神通可分为“出世间护法神”(这一类神灵具有高强巨大的神力,悦离了六道轮回苦,属十高级神灵。)  相似文献   

At nine o'clock sharp onespring morning this year,this writer paid a visit to Su Bai in the capacity of a special reporter of China's Tibet .I showed him the magazine published in Chinese, Tibetan and English, and he loved them very much. Howev-er, when told of my intention to ask him to write about his experience gained in his 1959 and 1988 archaeological surveys in Tibet as an expert archaeologist, he demanded time to organize his thoughts."In 1959, I went with the Cul-tural Relics Surv…  相似文献   

清末西藏新政述论   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
清末西藏新政是在英、俄等国加快侵略西藏的步伐、清政府统治西藏面临困难的情况下实施的。政治上调整行政体制和整肃吏治,经济上发展实业,军事上训练新军和加强兵备,化上兴办学堂和创办报纸,是清末西藏新政的主要内容。西藏实施新政后,政府机构的办事效率有所提高,农牧工矿和交通电信业得到发展,近代化军队产生,近代化得到传播,清政府加强了对西藏的统治,维护了对西藏的主权,有利于抵御外来势力的侵略。帝国主义国家的干涉和破坏,清政府的腐败,新政的某些措施脱离藏族地区的实际,最终使西藏新政归于失败。这一切给人们留下了深刻的启示和教训。  相似文献   

清朝驻防西藏官兵的制度是清朝对西藏地方主权的标志之一,对于维护清朝驻藏大臣、达赖喇嘛为首的西藏地方政府的权力,以及西藏社会的安定、保卫边防等方面起了重要的作用.  相似文献   

本文对11世纪至16世纪西藏西部壁画艺术的发展轮廓作一简要概述,探讨它们与西藏中部地区同时期壁画艺术的不同风格特点。笔者所选择的范例,其用意主要在于揭示西藏西部独特的绘画语汇,它们在许多方面都与西藏中部的绘画风格具有显著的区别。本文也期望对消除目前流行的一些关于西藏西部绘画风格方面的误解有所助益,这种误解存在于各个方面,例如一些学者之所以产生误解是由于西藏西部的大量资料证明,约13世纪末镀金的青铜器具有明显的西藏中部的风格所导致。  相似文献   

The Tibet AutonomousRegion has now been inexistence for 40 years. Iwould just like to recall someprofound memories to com-memorate this 40th anniversary of itsfoundation.Delegation Head Chen YiEntering Tibet in a JeemoVehicleIn April 1956 a very great motorcadeconsisting of more than 200 vehicles spedalong the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Therewas a great variety of vehicles, includingJeemo, Warsaw, and others. This was thefirst Central Government Delegationgroup to enter Tibet after the li…  相似文献   

孙涛 《收藏家》2011,(12):65-70
在晚期西藏金铜造像作品中,扎什利玛佛像是知名度很高的一种。扎什利玛为简称,全称为扎什伦布寺利玛,指以日喀则地区扎什伦布寺为核心铸造的佛像系列,代表了以扎什伦布寺为核心金铜造像艺术的最高艺术水平。  相似文献   

Article 9 of the Agreement of theCentral Government and the LocalGovernment of Tibet on the PeacefulLiberation of Tibat, signed on May23, 1951, stipulates: "The spokenand written language and schooleducation of the Tibetan ethnicgroup shall be developed step bystep in accordance with the actualconditions in Tibet."In accordance with the Agreement,Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, instructedthe Central People's Governmentto work hard to develop school education in T…  相似文献   

AuthoredbyXiaoHao,thebookrecordshowthePLAtroopsmarchedintoTibetinthechronologicalway.ItshowsthetragiclivestheTibetanserfsandslavesledunderthecruelfeudalserfdom:andhowthePLAtroopsmadefriendswiththeTibetansandbuiltroadsforthemallalongtheway.PublishedbytheNationalitiesPublishingHouse,thelarge32-mobook,runningto230,000words,ispricedat17.80yuanpercopy.AJourneyIntoTibetFortyyearsago,LinTian,authorofthebook,wasreporterwhowenttoTibetasaPLAman.Thebookcontainsfourvolumesofdiarieshewroteduringt…  相似文献   

民国时期,英国以赠送、出售方式向中国西藏提供了大批武器,对于英国控制西藏,攫取更多权益,将西藏纳入其缓冲地带战略轨道发挥了重要作用。英国对藏武器供应成为撬动英国与中国西藏之间关系的重要杠杆。本文利用英国印度事务部档案及其他史料,对这一时期英国向中国西藏武器供应的时间、种类和数量做了澄清,并论述了其性质。  相似文献   

As an important phenomenon of human society,the problems of religion have been deeply influencing both religious believers and political, economic,cultural and social aspects of all nations ever since their emergence. In today’s multicultural, information  相似文献   

Jails in Tibet     
There are three jails in the Tibet Autonomous Region, with 2,300 inmates, including those serving lifesentences or awaiting execution. They account for 0.9 per 1,000 of the Tibetan population.The three jails are the Tibet Autonomous Regional Prison, the Lhasa Prison and the Borne Prison. Of the three, the TAR Prison is the largest and the only one exclusively for female inmates.Of the inmates, 76 percent are of the Tibetan ethnic group, 20 percent from the Han ethnic group, and remaining four percent from  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet.The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique.However, this is what is described in written language.What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?We sincerely invite our readers and friends to visit in order to see Tibet with their own eyes and talk to our editors.  相似文献   

Many of our readers have been reading our magazine for years. But very few of them have been to Tibet. The landscape is number one in the world. It is highlighted by the Tibetan culture is unique. However, this is what is described in written language. What is Tibet really like? Is Tibet a region just as described by China's Tibet?  相似文献   

PermafrostinTibet¥byLiShudeChinaranksthirdintheworldintermsofcountrieswithextensiveterritorysubjecttopermafrost.Tibet,whichsi...  相似文献   

Dice in Tibet     
Dice in TibetDiceinTibet¥BASKRULESDividingtwo,three,fourorsixpeopleintotwoteams.Eldermembersofthegroupthrowfirstinthemorning,...  相似文献   

Stones In Tibet     
Collision of two continental plates gave birth to the Tibetan Plateau. As this part of the world used to be the bottom of an ancient ocean, rocks could be found wherever you want to find them.  相似文献   

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