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Zwingt die Eurokrise zur Umstrukturierung der Bundesrepublik?  相似文献   

Abstrakt Immer mehr Geographinnen und Geographen zieht es in die Immobilienbranche. Kein Wunder – das Berufsfeld bietet attraktive Arbeitsm?glichkeiten im In- und Ausland. über Anforderungen und Chancen, aber auch über noch bestehende Defizite in der geographischen Ausbildung sprachen Dipl.-Geogr. Maike Dziomba, Sprecherin des AK Immobilien, und Dipl.-Geogr. Ute C. Bauer, Redaktion STANDORT, mit Dipl.-Geogr. Hartmut Bulwien von der BulwienGesa AG. Er ist zugleich langj?hriges DVAG-Mitglied und Pr?sident der gif (Gesellschaft für immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e.V.).  相似文献   

How do Goya's representations of the body disrupt the Enlightenment's configurations of the corporeal? If for eighteenth-century aesthetics the body is both the site of ideal beauty and the limit of what can and may be represented, then Goya's panoply of monsters provides a way of understanding other modes of reason(ing), other ways of representing the body and its functions within culture. In his work there is a recuperation of those elements that seem to lie outside the ken of the Enlightenment project: physicality, animality, hybridity, the grotesque, the popular; a recognition of the animal nature of the body and the products of bodily impulses and forces. A rethinking of the body would incorporate an understanding of its role as a physical and social phenomenon in the constitution of the subject. Following on from Paul Ilie's concept of counter-rational Reason, which he defines as the opposite of a uniform centre of rationality in representative thought, the first half of my paper will consider Goya's problematization of representation. My analysis of a selection of drawings from the collection Los Caprichos (1799) will focus not just on the representation of bodies in the painter's work but on his exploration of bodies in their material variety—configurations of modes of constructing the body. This examination of Goya's prolific pictorial negotiations and adaptations of flesh and world will draw upon contemporary approaches to theorizing the body, namely the theories of Julia Kristeva and Elizabeth Grosz.  相似文献   

A large number of the so-called electronic balances, for example those using wire strain gauges, are based on the elastic deformation of solid materials, and on the electrical measurement of the resulting changes in length. Such instruments must therefore be grouped into the class of spring balances. The spring balance operates within the limits of proportionality according to the law discovered by and named after Robert Hooke. No precise information about the spring balance can be found so far in the literature about balances: it is assumed that it was invented before 1700, without knowledge of the name of the inventor. As the result of a literature research it is shown that Robert Hooke found experimentally in 1676 with „ut tensio sic vis”︁ not only the physical principles which led to the law of elasticity: he also drew practical conclusions from it, and in the treatise De potentia restitutiva, published 1678, he described the most important types of spring balances. Experiments carried out by him to demonstrate the reduction of gravity with increasing altitude by using such a balance led, however, to a negative result because of its lack of sensitivity. Further developments for more than 100 years were necessary, until the spring balance come into more general application.  相似文献   

Scholarship on race in the eighteenth century continues to treat the concept as somewhat foreign to Britain itself. This essay, which reviews two new works that contribute to the ‘domestication’ of eighteenth-century ideas of race, suggests one way in which race was interwoven with the fabric of British culture in the period.  相似文献   

Gazing into the Depths of the Soul: Hypnotism in Documentary and Instructional Film (1920–1936). Although part of the medical fold since the 1870s, hypnosis was long relegated to the margins, recognised and used by only a relatively small group of medical professionals. In the decades around 1900 hypnotic techniques were monopolised as a form of medical treatment through a long and in no way linear process. Hypnosis of laymen was vehemently opposed, however, denounced as being far too dangerous. And yet, medical participation in the aura of spectacular intervention into the human psyche garnered support. The medium of both documentary and instructional film served an important function in this regard, conveying popular interest in acknowledging hypnosis as a scientific method. On the basis of four medically accredited films on hypnosis from 1920 to 1936, this paper attempts to investigate how medical experts and these genres, as part of their effort to claim hypnosis from the realm of public spectacle and parapsychological experimentation, worked to stabilise hypnosis as a purified form of medical and psychiatric practice.  相似文献   

Immer größer wird der Einfluß der EU auf alle Lebensbereiche. Kaum ein Gesetz kann verabschiedet werden, ohne zuvor mit den Richtlinien europäischer Politik abgestimmt zu werden. In großem Maße betrifft dies auch den Umweltbereich. Als Mittler zwischen den Mitgliedsländern und der Kommission setzt die EU verstärkt auf thematisch spezialisierte Agenturen. UTE C. BAUER sprach mit DIPL.-GEOGRAPH STEFAN JENSEN , der seit zwei Jahren als Projektmanager bei der Europäischen Umweltagentur in Kopenhagen tätig ist.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1979 approximately two million people died in the Cambodian genocide. We argue that the mass violence that transpired during this period was a manifestation of the Khmer Rouge's attempt to make life. Through a focus on the production of both violence and vulnerability we direct attention to the contradictory policies and practices forwarded by the Khmer Rouge that were designed to maximize life through the maximization of death. Specifically, we consider the mass starvation that accompanied the genocide as a structure of violence; we forward the argument that the rationing of food constitutes a calculated yet contradictory policy, namely that food rations represent in material form an inner contradiction of fostering life and disallowing life. Subsequently, the policy of forced rations—which imposed a particular space of vulnerability on Cambodia's population—resulted in massive loss of life through starvation and disease that were not the unintended side-effects of poor research, poor planning, or poor implementation on behalf of the Khmer Rouge, but rather were the necessary consequences of a proto-capitalist form of state-building.  相似文献   

Für die frühe nach-exilische Zeit, also die formative Phase des Judentums und des Alten Testaments rücken vor allem die Innovationsleistungen der judäischen Gola-Gemeinde in den Blick der Forschung. Es existierte aber in nach-exilischer Zeit ein weiterer bedeutsamer monotheistischer Jahwismus im palästinischen Kernland, nämlich in Samaria. Dieser wird in seiner Prägekraft für die nach-exilischen theologiegeschichtlichen Entwicklung kaum berücksichtig, was damit zusammenhängt, dass die Zeit vom 6.-2. Jh.v.Chr. gegenwärtig noch als Konfliktzeit zwischen Juda und Samaria beschrieben wird, der samarische Jahwismus im Grunde als judäische Deviation marginalisiert wird. Hier werden die Evidenzen durchgegangen, die für die nach-exilische Zeit ein völlig anderes Bild der samarisch-judäischen Beziehungen zeichnen: In der Levante gab es zu nach-exilischer Zeit zwei gleichwertige Jahwismen in Juda und Samaria die ko-exisiterten. Daher ist nicht nur Juda sondern auch der Norden in der formativen Phase mit einzurechnen.

Research on the early post-exilic period (the so called formative period of Judaism and the Old Testament) is primarily occupied with the innovative achievements of the Judean Golah community. However, a further important aspect of monotheistic Yahwism existed in post-exilic times in the heartland of Palestine, namely in Samaria. Nevertheless, little attention is devoted to its formative developmental influence on the history of theology in the time after exile, something which can be explained by the period from the 6th to the 2nd century B.C.E. still currently being described as a period of conflict between Judah and Samaria, with Samarian Yahwism essentially being marginalised as a Judean deviation. This article examines evidence which offers an entirely different picture of Samarian-Judean relations in the post-exilic period: In the Levant in post-exilic times there were two homologous Yahwisms in Judah and Samaria which existed side by side. It is for this reason that, in the formative period, due consideration should be given not only to Judah, but also to the North as well.  相似文献   

Abstrakt Den Problemen peripherer Regionen stehen Chancen gegenüber – eine davon kann Tourismus sein. Die Europ?ische Route der Backsteingotik (EuRoB) gibt dem Kulturtourismus rund um die Ostsee Impulse. Sie greift das einmalige hanseatische Kulturerbe auf und vernetzt St?dte und Regionen in sieben Staaten. Damit tr?gt sie dazu bei, einer strukturschwachen Region touristisches Gewicht zu verleihen. Touristische Entwicklung ist wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Das er?ffnet Perspektiven für die Bev?lkerung, eine Grundvoraussetzung für soziale, ?konomische und demographische Stabilisierung. Für die St?dte wiederum, die sich dadurch weiterentwickeln, ergeben sich Chancen im Wettbewerb, der zunehmend globaler wird und ganze Landstriche abzuh?ngen droht.  相似文献   

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