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<正>春染眉梢大地枯黄草,情涌花尾翘。南山尚残雪,春来染眉梢。擂台叫阵雄鸡一唱天际白,乌篷披身出山寨。激情何惧寒风冷,旷野嘶鸣摆擂台。黑琴鸡,鸡形目,松鸡科,俗称乌鸡、斗鸡。雄鸡通体黑色,形似古琴,故得名黑琴鸡。雄鸡体长约60厘米,雌鸡45厘米。黑琴鸡在多地均有分布,栖息于针叶林、森林草原、草甸、河谷等地,以植  相似文献   

正春染眉梢大地枯黄草,情涌花尾翘。南山尚残雪,春来染眉梢。擂台叫阵雄鸡一唱天际白,乌篷披身出山寨。激情何惧寒风冷,旷野嘶鸣摆擂台。黑琴鸡,鸡形目,松鸡科,俗称乌鸡、斗鸡。雄鸡通体黑色,形似古琴,故得名黑琴鸡。雄鸡体长约60厘米,雌鸡45厘米。黑琴鸡在多地均有分布,栖息于针叶林、森林草原、草甸、河谷等地,以植  相似文献   

国内旅游安全研究综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着我国大众旅游的普及和发展,旅游者的安全问题日益增多,一些国内学者开始关注和研究旅游安全问题.旅游安全基础理论、旅游安全事故、旅游安全保障成为目前的主要研究领域.但是总体来讲,研究的深度和广度都还不够.  相似文献   

后现代主义自90年代初开始成为中国学者比较关注的话题,1993年在北京召开“后现代主义文化与中国文学国际研讨会”,1994年在西安召开“后现代主义在当代中国研讨会”,1996年又在澳门召开“后现代与中国文化建设研讨会”,其声势可见一斑。在这些沸沸扬扬的论争之中,其核心问题其实是后现代是否适合中国国情,然而理论界一次次为后现代的合法性争得不可开交玄语叠出,这除了让人更进一步感到“后学”神秘莫测远如天人以至望。  相似文献   

If negotiations produce an end to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict then a sovereign, independent Palestine may emerge. But what is required for it to succeed? Nothing is more important than the security of a Palestinian state–for itself, for Israel, and for the region: security trumps all else. In addition to the problem of dealing effectively with opposition to a peace agreement within Palestine or directed against it from outside, the nature and magnitude of the security challenge will depend in large part on three issues: the drawing of borders between Israel and Palestine–and whether they are porous or marked by a rigid line of barriers; whether Israeli settlements are withdrawn, or in part incorporated into Israel, perhaps through land swaps with Palestine; and what arrangements are made for Jerusalem. One answer is the creation of effective Palestinian military forces (in addition to police), but this course could be divisive; a second is the development of a series of Israeli–Palestinian confidence‐building and share–security measures, including intelligence cooperation; a third is progress towards reducing external threats to Israel–Palestine, including success in Iraq and in defusing other Middle East problems. Most useful, however, would be the creation of an American‐led peace enabling force, ideally modelled on NATO. This force would need to be agreed by both Israel and Palestine; it must be adequately staffed, trained and equipped; its duties and rules of engagement must make sense to all parties; and it must be part of a network of dispute‐resolution and confidence‐building measures in full partnership with Israeli and Palestinian authorities.  相似文献   

Following the publication of the various enquiries into the circumstances of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, there has developed a view that the UN lacks the ability to manage complex missions. With particular reference to the case of the UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR), the author pays special attention to the oversight of peacekeeping missions and the crucial role of the UN Security Council, the Secretary General and senior officials in the Secretariat and asks whether the Council is sufficiently equipped at ambassadorial level to address professional military issues. Does the Council have a right and a duty to know the details of peacekeeping missions in order to take decisions? A culture of secrecy has developed in the Security Council and it is common practice now for the Council's important debates to be held in secret. This means that its decision‐making is unaccountable. The author also questions the lack of enquiry into British policy towards Rwanda in the Security Council between 1993 and 1994.  相似文献   

Pairing Thus Spoke Zarathustra with On the Genealogy of Morality foregrounds tensions between artistic creation and critical interpretation in Nietzsche's work. From The Birth of Tragedy to his genesis of the concept, Will to Power, Nietzsche describes the real, or “what is,” in terms of a creative, form-giving force. We might therefore read Zarathustra—a linguistically experimental, richly allegorical, self-reflexive, modernist prose poem—as the pre-eminent, artistic mode of philosophical expression, at least for Nietzsche. But Zarathustra is followed by a sober Abhandlung (treatise), which professes a scientific goal of “getting to the bottom of things” by uncovering the contingency, origin, and fabricated nature of supposedly eternal, “given” values. These instantiations of Nietzsche-the-artist and Nietzsche-the-critic suggest art's “double” or contradictory nature—a nature that accents its kinship with philosophy. Zarathustra and the Genealogy, read together, hint that the destruction of idols—or de-constructive, critical interpretation more generally—is not just supplemental to, but a necessary moment within the aesthetic itself.  相似文献   

It is a truism that a nation must protect itself from internal enemies as well as foreign threats of aggression and invasion. But that is not the entire matter. Our American democracy has striven, with mixed success, to be careful that the justified ends of the American experiment—freedom, justice, and the rule of law—are not sacrificed on the altar of the means to protect these ends.  相似文献   

美国教育史学中的“修正派”出现于 2 0世纪 6 0年代。美国学术界一般认为修正派大体可以分为两类 :其一是以贝林和克雷明为代表的温和修正派 ,他们通过扩大教育史的研究范围来修正以学校为中心的教育史研究传统 ;其二是以凯茨等为代表的激进修正派 ,他们揭露了美国公立学校的黑暗面 ,向以往的教育史研究提出了挑战 ,代表了一种新的研究范式 ,但其自身也面临种种问题。对美国公立学校的历史作出公正的解释 ,这是修正派史学家面临的最大挑战。  相似文献   

美国“地区研究”兴起的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太平洋战争爆发后,特别是冷战初期,美国联邦政府、三大私人基金会以及相当一部分学者逐渐意识到深入了解非西方世界对维护国家安全的重要性,着手共同推动"地区研究"。联邦政府、私人基金会和学者三位一体体制运作的结果是复杂的:地区研究在迅速成长为一门显学的同时也不可避免地在很大程度上沦为政治的附庸;在满足了国家对地区专家和知识需求的同时也为一些地区研究者挑战美国对非西方世界的政策创造了条件。就美国地区研究兴起与国家安全考虑的密切关系而言,政治没有给学术留出太多独立生存的空间,而知识分子本身也并非都希望远离政治,学术与政治难以彻底分离。  相似文献   

二战胜利即将到来之际,反法西斯同盟几个主要国家的领袖开始谋划重建战后世界秩序和集体安全的问题。作为同盟的主要国家之一,中国方面也积极参与了相关工作,建言献策,参与设计。时任国防最高委员会秘书长的王宠惠,作为战时国民党决策层内兼具外交家与法学家身份的元老级人物,在这方面深得蒋介石的倚赖,受命主持国际问题讨论会,结合我国实际,研究和阐释关于战后集体安全的问题,其所提出的方案与主张,成为中国代表团在相关国际会议提出方案的重要蓝本,也为战时中国的国际宣传和争取中国的大国地位,发挥了一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of recent trends in Latin American security and examines three common assumptions that underpin both academic analysis and policy debate—assumptions about the links between political democracy, economic integration and regional stability, and about the need to broaden the agenda of regional security. In contrast to the liberal orthodoxy, there is little reason to believe that the promotion of political democracy and economic liberalization and integration will automatically tend towards regional stability, especially given the weakness of regional institutions, the fragility of many states, the inequality of power among states, and the lack of consensus over the meaning and implications of the 'new security agenda'.  相似文献   


One of the most important aspects of cycling’s impact on Ireland in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods is that it made recreational trips to the countryside easier for the urban middle class and better-off workers who could afford to buy bicycles. As this article shows, many Irish and other cyclists in this period combined their love of cycling and the countryside with camping trips. Cycle camping appealed to enthusiasts for a number of reasons, including its relative cheapness, the welcome temporary release that it brought from conventional urban modes of living, and the perceived mental and physical health benefits that it brought. A close examination of the activities and mindset of cycle campers in Ireland reveals that they had much in common with their contemporaries, the “muscular Christian” enthusiasts for sports.  相似文献   

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