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乐府立于何时,至今学界仍争论不已.究其原因,一是文献自身抵牾,二是考古实物的发现动摇了一些成说的基础.断句错误,造成文意不明亦是重要原因.如将"乃立乐府,采诗夜诵"断为"乃立乐府采诗夜诵",问题即涣然冰释. "乃立乐府"非指"始建立"乐府这个官署,而是始"设立" "采诗夜诵",这个新的职能于乐府.这一职能的赋予,使乐府从内朝皇帝私人性质的御用机构转变为参与国家札乐文化造作的机构,承担起造作大汉新一代礼乐文化的伟任.武帝重用乐府为的是在学术上实现以内驭外的政治格局.  相似文献   

流行的传统说法一直将三国至宋、齐时期的乐乡城与上明城定在今湖北公安县境内,实误。本从原始献特别是六朝时人的有关记载出发,通过细密的考证,乐乡城实当位于汉水中游今钟祥县西北境之乐乡关,上明则在乐乡关以西十余里处。  相似文献   

旅游软实力初论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹国新 《旅游科学》2010,24(3):1-11
旅游软实力是一种文化软实力,指旅游目的地在主客双方的文化对比、形象营销和旅游产品竞争中形成的,使旅游者认同和服膺旅游目的地文化,修正其文化偏好的能力。中国古代有过很好的旅游软实力。西方现有反客为主的单向度旅游文化空间建构模式违反了旅游软实力以主为主,以目的地真实的日常生活为理想景观的文化结构模式,是主客冲突的根源之一。彰显文化主体性是构建我国现代旅游软实力的核心工作。当前应从重建旅游实践美学、重组旅游产业结构、再造旅游管理理论等方面入手强化我国旅游软实力。  相似文献   

That the 1990s began and ended with wars in the Balkans, often evoking reference to ‘ancient hatreds’, might suggest little has been learned since the fall of the Wall on how to address the recrudescence of violent ethno‐nationalist conflict – and indeed some fatalism as to whether this can be done at all. Yet the rethinking of notions of national sovereignty, the increasing minority‐rights jurisprudence and the development of anti‐essentialist concepts of identity in recent times have begun to indicate new policy instruments which might better allow such conflicts to be managed in the twenty‐first century. As ever, however, policy lags behind intellectual innovations, and the predominant approach of the international community remains for the moment significantly more conservative in character.  相似文献   

This article combines historical analysis with international-relations theory to contend that geopolitical developments around the Eastern Mediterranean in the middle third century BCE were indirectly responsible for the emergence of the Parthian state and a new international system of states in the ancient East. Since the death of Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire had ruled over much of the East; however, disastrous military conflicts at home and abroad in the West caused a sudden decline of Seleucid power in the 240s–230s BCE. The troubles of the Seleucid state caused what political scientists call a power-transition crisis that damaged Seleucid hegemony over the East when the Seleucid satraps of Parthia and Bactria declared their independence. Moreover, the deleterious civil wars between Seleucid dynasts in the West and the rebellions of eastern satraps encouraged the nomadic Parni tribe from the Central Asian steppe (later known as the Parthians), who had been seeking a new homeland for decades, to invade northeastern Iran and establish a new kingdom. With the Parni's successful conquest of Parthia and its immediate consequences, a new interstate system of tripolarity between the Seleucid Empire, Bactrian Kingdom, and the newly formed Parthian state emerged in the ancient East.  相似文献   

Political and academic debates about the distribution of resource rents to producing areas have addressed the issue of whether or not the transfers unleash conflicts. While this kind of debate is valid, the present paper argues that such a discussion is missing the point regarding the processes behind said types of conflicts, as well as how such conflicts are framed at the sub-national political geography of the state. By more deeply exploring these dimensions, the argument of this paper is that the production of uneven development within sub-national areas is crucial for understanding the above-mentioned conflicts and how the central state internalises those conflicts, producing new political geographies of rent distribution. As such, different territorial discourses of autonomy emerge along with uneven development, but their capacity to reach institutional autonomy is grounded on the spatial politics of each state. Empirically, this paper analyses how natural gas rents are distributed to sub-national producing areas in Peru and Bolivia, and how the production of uneven development through natural gas rents at sub-national level re-activated previous territorial demands for autonomy, which were internalised by central states in different ways.  相似文献   

通过对古代陕州水资源环境的考察,探讨了广济渠的兴修及入清以后其演变成改善城市风水、促进地方教育的功能转变和官民用水矛盾等问题,展现了传统时代豫西地区环境、城市水利和社会之间一个多重关系的变迁史。文章认为区域环境作用下传统城市水利工程的多样功能和功能转变研究可以为城市生态环境史、水利史研究提供一个有益的视角,丰富其研究内容,从而完善以往城市水利史研究的结论。  相似文献   

甘肃玉门花海比家滩古绿洲沙漠化的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省玉门市比家滩古绿洲,面积约310平方公里,今地表景观主要为连片分布的遭受严重风蚀的弃耕地,并伴有吹扬灌丛沙堆。古绿洲上遗存丰富,有火烧沟类型化遗存、多座汉魏时期的古城遗址等。笔通过实地调查,对其历史面貌及其沙漠化发生的时代和原因作了细致的探讨。  相似文献   

Recent research has thrown considerable light on the history of the domestic sheep, but has not extended to ancient sheep specimens. In the present study, ancient DNA analysis was carried out on eight archaeological sheep remains recovered from Erlitou archaeological site in Henan Province (ca. 2100–1800 B.C.) to explore the genetic structure of ancient sheep and the phylogenetic relationship between ancient and modern sheep. We analyzed the control region sequences and coding regions of mitochondrial DNA from the remains by direct sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, respectively. Our results reveal that all ancient sheep belong to lineage A defined by modern sheep sequences. Phylogenetic analysis shows that neither argali (Ovis ammon) nor urial (Ovis vignei) mtDNA is closely related to Erlitou ancient sheep. In addition, our results suggest that ancient DNA analysis can serve as a powerful tool in tracing prehistoric population movement.  相似文献   

Both the United States and Canada have made fundamental changes in their policies regarding natural resources. The province of British Columbia made major revisions to its forest policy in the earlyto-mid-1990s; in the western United States, policy efforts have been stymied by conflicts between state and federal officials and between conservationists and resource developers. The different structures of federalism in the two countries result in two different approaches to policymaking that are discussed here. However, the ultimate test of natural resource policy, I argue, should be their consistency with the goal of sustainable ecosystems and preservation of biodiversity. From the perspective of ecological science, neither country has been particularly successful in policymaking for public lands and for logging in particular. Both nations have failed to give priority to protecting old-growth forests and largely have rejected the idea that ancient forests are much more valuable than simply sources of timber  相似文献   

In Iran, ancient mythical elements are very much alive in the present as a part of the fabric of ordinary people's lives and worldview. This paper explores the relationship between culture, myth, and artistic production in contemporary Iran, using the specific examples of symbols and mythological themes evoked in the work of painter/writer Aydin Aghdashloo and photographer/video artist Shirin Neshat. The paintings of Aghdashloo, in which he deliberately damages beautifully-executed classical style Persian miniatures, convey a sense that the angelic forces have failed and that the world is succumbing to the destructive and degenerative activities of the demonic. The photographs, videos and installations of Neshat likewise draw heavily on cultic forms inherited from ancient Iranian tradition. It is important to note that in none of these cases does the artist use mythological themes and symbols to express their original cultural meaning; rather, they appropriate well-known elements of ancient Iranian culture and imbue them with new meanings relevant to contemporary issues and understandings. What these examples do illustrate is the persistent resonance of ancient Iranian culture among Iranians up to the present day. Iranian artists have demonstrated the effectiveness of evoking their target audience's deep sense of cultural identity to convey contemporary messages using ancient cultural concepts, sometimes on a subconscious level.  相似文献   

李凡  金忠民 《人文地理》2002,17(5):17-20,96
安徽黟县的皖南明清古民居群是世界文化遗产,本文在对西递、宏村和南屏三个古村落调查的基础上,整理出旅游对古村落的经济、社会文化和环境的影响指数,并对比旅游对三个古村落的影响程度,分析了古村落旅游发展影响效应已呈现出的阶段性特点,即西递的旅游影响效应要高于宏村和南屏。并指出目前中国古村落的旅游发展过程中存在着相似的模式:古村落的保护、规划和旅游开发是旅游可持续发展的生命轴线,其中社区村民和地方政府是两个最重要影响因素,在古村落的旅游发展过程中,双方应在考虑到彼此的利益的前提下,达成良性的互动机制,以确保古村落旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The present paper is a review of the Morphology of Ancient Chinese Writing by LiuZhao and at the same time puts forward some ideas on theoretical problems of the morphology of ancientChinese writing.Firstly,the theoretical research on Chinese characters should be based upon thedeep-going study of Chinese characters themselves,and a good grounding in the basic skill for decipheringancient characters constitutes the necessary precondition of constructing theories on ancient writing.Secondly,theoretical st...  相似文献   

‘Command and control’ has become ever more important in the postmodern military world even though there is no universal consensus among contemporary militaries on what ‘command and control’ encompasses. Military histories, manuals and handbooks of the Anglo-American world concede that classical armies and leaders understood the concepts but dismiss eras like the long twelfth century entirely or present them with a lack of understanding or context. Why is this? This can be partially answered through the following factors: (1) the nature of ancient vs. medieval source material; (2) perceived lack of professionalism in medieval armies; (3) the existence of discrete tactical formations in the ancient world but not medieval; (4) the perceived existence of a professional officer class or political career in the ancient world but not the medieval; and (5) the nature of ancient and medieval authority and strategic, operational and tactical objectives. Twelfth-century commanders exhibited command and control although they faced different challenges compared to their ancient or modern counterparts.  相似文献   

我国现存大量的砖石结构古建筑急需修缮保护,但文物行业目前还没有关于古建筑修缮质量控制的一套完整标准体系和规范。鉴于当前古建筑修缮工作的发展水平,本文针对砖石结构古建筑的特点,就现有相关其它行业规范在砖石结构古建筑修缮中的材料、设计和施工等方面的应用进行分析,同时针对砖石结构古建筑修缮的特性提出问题及相应建议。  相似文献   

龚留柱 《史学月刊》2005,(10):87-96
朱绍侯先生是我国当代著名的历史学家,半个世纪来笔耕不辍,在中国古代史的诸多领域都取得了突出的学术成就。在对他的访谈中,内容涉及到了其治学经历、主要学术成果、学术风格及他长期形成的史学观和方法论等诸多方面。最后,朱先生还对当前学术研究的环境和风气提出了自己的评判,并对21世纪的中国古代史研究做出了乐观的展望。  相似文献   

The small mineral-binding bone protein, osteocalcin, has been applied in a number of studies on ancient bone due to predictions of its long-term stability. However, the intact protein has not been shown to survive in ancient bone devoid of DNA, which is a much more phylogenetically informative biomolecule. In this investigation, the survival of osteocalcin is directly compared to the amplification of mtDNA in a set of 34 archaeological samples from four sites throughout Europe. We also present unpublished osteocalcin sequences of seven mammalian species in addition to the 19 published sequences to highlight phylogenetic limitations of this protein. The results indicate that the intact osteocalcin molecule survives less in archaeological samples than mtDNA and is more subject to the temperature of the archaeological site. Amino acid analyses show the persistence of the dominant protein collagen in samples that failed both osteocalcin and mtDNA analyses. The implications these findings present for biomolecular species identification in archaeological and palaeontological material are that, although proteins do survive beyond ancient DNA, osteocalcin does not appear to be the most ideal target.  相似文献   

金属成形加工技术是人类文明的杰出贡献,在中国,传统金属加工技术门类繁多,其中发展最深、应用最广的首推铸造技术。考古发掘与文物研究证明:中国悠远灿烂的青铜文化其基础为铸造技术,而泥质铸型处理技术又是中国传统铸造技术的关键之一。本文拟通过现存传统泥质铸型处理技术的研究、古代文献资料的分析、出土泥质铸型(陶范)的科学测试,对中国传统泥质铸型处理技术的形成作初步探源工作。  相似文献   

In recent years, mitochondrial diversity of goats has been extensively studied, in order to shed light on domestication processes. There are limited studies on genetic diversity and demographic history of Anatolian goat breeds, and these studies have focused only on modern goats. Until today, no research has been conducted on DNA analysis of ancient Anatolian goats. In the present study, seven ancient DNA samples of goat remains from Van‐Yoncatepe archaeological site in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, dating 1000 BC, were successfully extracted and amplified for the first time. A 230‐bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA Hypervariable Region 1 of the samples was analyzed. All of the ancient sequences belonged to haplogroup A, which is the most widely distributed and frequently encountered haplogroup in modern goats. The results also pointed out that Anatolian ancient goats might have contributed to the genetic structure of modern goats in the Near East, the Mediterranean Region and South‐Southeastern Asia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debates over the antiquity/modernity of the nation have often made use of evidence from the ancient Near East. In doing so, these debates employ the distant past principally as a ‘mirror’ of the present, using contrast or similitude to argue for a particular understanding of nations and nationalism since the eighteenth century. In this manner, both ‘Modernist’ and ‘Perennialist’ approaches incorporate pre‐modern contexts into the categories and priorities of modernity. This article critically reviews several influential studies on nations and nationalism in light of ancient Near Eastern evidence in order to highlight the narrowing of possibilities that this practice involves. I argue that the cost of this narrowing is not so much a misunderstood past as a mystified present.  相似文献   

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