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Despite its centrality to the production of knowledge in the early modern period, the ship remains a rather marginal site in the work of historians of science. Accounts of ‘floating universities’ and ‘laboratories at sea’ abound, but little is said of the countless other ships, and their crews, involved in the production of knowledge through maritime exploration and travel. The central concern of the paper is the life and work of William Dampier (1651-1715), a seventeenth-century mariner who sailed as a pirate and authored genre-defining and well received scientific travel narratives. The thesis presented here is that the ‘way of life’ encouraged among the crews of the pirate ships aboard which Dampier travelled rendered him well-placed to gather the ‘useful’ knowledge and experiences which made his scientific name. Understanding this juxtaposition requires a focus which moves beyond the materiality of the ship, and which ultimately brings into view some of the social and epistemic geographies which took shape in and beyond the ship.  相似文献   

The Tekta? Burnu ship (440–425 BC) sank along a rough and desolate stretch of the Turkish Aegean coast. Archaeological excavation of the shipwreck site by the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University resulted in the retrieval of hundreds of small fragments from the ship's wooden hull and its metal fasteners. Recent study of this artefact assemblage suggests that the coastal trader was built with pine planks and made‐frames, and assembled by a shell‐based construction method. Fasteners include pegged mortise‐and‐tenon joints and double‐clenched copper nails, and the ship may have had laced extremities consistent with other contemporaneous shipwrecks.  相似文献   

La géomorphologie côtière au sud-ouest de l'île d'Anticosti est dominée par une large plate-forme intertidale taillée dans des calcaires. Des flèches transversales, apparentées aux queues-de-comète mais en sens inverse par rapport à la côte, sont les formes d'accumulation les plus remarquables résultant de la dynamique littorale. Perpendiculaires au rivage, ces flèches prennent naissance à partir de ressauts rocheux, dégagés par érosion différentielle de la plate-forme littorale, d'où l'appellation proposée de « flèche transversale de bordure de plate-forme ». Les matériaux d'accumulation, très grossiers, proviennent en majeure partie de roches calcaires. L'évolution de ces flèches est soumise à l'apport de matériaux provenant du substrat rocheux de la plateforme. L'analyse des indices d'émoussé et de la granulo-métrie des matériaux révèle, qu'à la limite inférieure de la plate-forme, les sédiments sont très grossiers et nettement anguleux. La progression des sédiments vers le rivage par les courants de marée et de dérive littorale, issus de la réfraction et de la diffraction des vagues, provoque leur désagrégation en sédiments plus fins, accentuant par le fait même leur émoussé. L'analyse sédimentologique de segments de plage, de cordons littoraux et de flèches transversales révèle le rôle prépondérant de la plate-forme intertidale en tant que source d'alimentation en matériaux. On confirme l'hypothèse selon laquelle les sédiments, à dominance de galets et de graviers, proviendraient de la désagrégation des ressauts structuraux de la plate-forme intertidale par gélifraction et seraient transportés par les courants de marée et de dérive vers le rivage. Par centre, aucune évidence de transport vers la mer n'a été clairement reconnue. La dynamique d'évolution littorale s'avère donc conditionnée à la fois par la présence de la plate-forme qui contrôle les processus hydrodynamiques et par la disponibilité en matériaux issus de sa destruction. Bien que les flèches transversales soient très bien développées, le taux d'érosion apparemment faible de la plate-forme, ainsi que la stabilité des autres formes d'accumulation sur la période de 50 ans de l'analyse par la photointerprétation multidate, tendent à indiquer un schéma d'évolution littorale lente ou tout au moins dèpassant cette récurrence de 50 ans. Intertidal rock-platform is the dominant coastal landform of southwest Anticosti Island and is also the main control of coastal dynamics. Transverse bars are the most remarkable sediment bodies being formed at the surface of this limestone rock-platform. The bars extend on the landward side of small bedrock knolls that were produced by differential erosion of the shore platform, and so we propose the name of ‘platform edge transverse bar’. Bar sediments consist almost exclusively of limestone cobbles that are derived from the surrounding platform. Pebble roundness and grain-size trends indicate that sediments are coarser and very angular at the proximal end of the bars, near the outer limit of the platform; clasts become progressively better rounded and finer-grained as they are transported shoreward by waves and longshore currents. Whether at high or low tide, wave attenuation takes place mainly at the outer limit of the platform; this provides an explanation for the apparently low rate of shoreline erosion, and it also suggests that only severe storms are likely to displace the coarse intertidal sediments and to modify the main coastal landforms. However, the presence of sediments on the platform indicates that some erosion is taking place, mainly by frost action. The rocky coastal platform with its low erosion rate is thus a highly stable landform, and, as a result, coastline evolution seems to be slow in the 50 years period of an airphoto analysis.  相似文献   

Les photographies aériennes du complexe glaciaire formé par les glaciers White et Thompson (ǐle Axel Heiberg, Territoires du Nord-Ouest) acquises au cours des 30 dernières années indiquent que la structure de poussée qui se forme au front du glacier Thompson s'est élargie dans sa zone centrale ainsi que dans sa portion ouest, mais qu'elle a été comprimée dans sa portion est. Les observations sur le terrain confirment le caractère contemporain du développement asymétrique de la structure vers le sud-ouest, caractere qui a été propose dans une étude antérieure. Les observations effectuées en 1989 et en 1990 permettent ?affirmer que la structure ?empilement de blocs de graviers fluvioglaciaires qui forme ce que ?aucuns appellent la « moraine de poussée » du glacier Thompson ne résulte pas principalement de poussées horizontals de surface ni ?un dépǒt de strates de glace basale riche en materiel au front du glacier par écoulement compressif, mais plutǒt ?un ensemble de processus de nature glaciotectonique. On propose enfin un modèle de développement de la structure après avoir passé en revue les fondements théoriques de ?édification des structures de poussée en milieu gla-ciaire. The aerial photograph record depicting the proglacial area of the White and Thompson glaciers, Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, shows that the width of the Thompson Glacier push structure has increased in its western and central sectors, but has decreased in its easternmost sector over the last 30 years. The push structure, which is often referred to as a ‘push moraine’, is mainly composed of stacked up slabs of outwash material resulting from glaciotectonic activity. Recent observations were found to reinforce the asymmetric development trend of the structure toward the southwest that had been noted in an earlier study. Field observations in 1989 and 1990 also suggest that a set of processes related to glaciotectonism, rather than simple bulldozing or deposition of material-laden slabs of basal ice at the front, is mainly responsible for changes in the Thompson Glacier push structure. Theoretical aspects are discussed and a model relating to formative processes in the Thompson Glacier push structure is proposed.  相似文献   

The discovery of a late medieval ship on a building site at Newport (Casnewydd) in south Wales, UK, in 2002 raised public awareness of the fragility of such discoveries where they interrupt municipal building programmes. Within a tight schedule the ship remains were recovered and now await further work. The origins of the ship are unknown since the dendrochronology is as yet unmatched, though the structure indicates Scandinavian and possibly Basque influences. Artefacts indicate trading with Iberia during the first half of the 15th century. Much of the ship had been salvaged at the end of her useful life about 1467.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

When establishing the new Amager Beach Park near Copenhagen, Denmark, a small clinker‐built ship dating to the 16th century (dendro‐dated to 1560–70) was discovered. The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde excavated the wreck in 2004, and parts of the ship were later taken to the museum and recorded in 3D. This article describes the excavation and the documentation, and presents the preliminary interpretation of the ship‐find. The ship is interpreted as a small cargo vessel, probably carrying two masts. Its hull‐form indicates that the vessel was specially designed for navigating the waters of the Sound between Denmark and Sweden. © 2010 The Author  相似文献   

L'utilisation efficace des espaces consacrés aux loisirs et l'optimalisation de la satisfaction des usagers exigent la compréhension des relations entre ceux-ci et leur environnement. Cet article explore les liens entre 1'attraction d'un site de camping en milieu forestier et I'ambiance qui y règne. On montre d'abord comment cette notion d'ambiance peut-être mise en ceuvre à travers le concept écologique de structure de la végétation forestière. L'étude montre ensuite le rôle important que jouent ces caractéristiques structurelles dans le choix d'un site pour l'usager. Ce choix est le résultat de stratégies qui, tout en s'adaptant aux particularités du milieu, visent la satisfaction de certaines préférences fondamentales du campeur.
The most efficient use of a recreational area as well as the optimization of user satisfaction require the elucidation of the relationships between recreationists and their environment. This article investigates the links between the attractiveness of camping sites in a forest environment and the ambiance which characterizes these sites. It is first shown how the notion of ambiance can be operationalized through the ecological concept of forest structure. Then the study points out the role of this structural dimension of a forest environment as a factor of the user's choice. This choice results from strategies which are aimed at the satisfaction of some of the camper's fundamental preferences while, at the same time, being adapted to environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

The Akko 1 shipwreck was found in 4 m of water inside the ancient harbour of Akko (Acre), 250 m from the ancient wall, with its stern touching a submerged rampart. The dense framing-pattern and relatively thin planking, the extensive use of oak and the origin of the timber, suggest that this is the remains of a small armed ship or auxiliary vessel built in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ship has been provisionally dated to the late-18th or early-19th century, the late Ottoman period. The finds testify to its involvement in one of the naval campaigns at Akko.
© 2008 The Authors  相似文献   

The diffusion of grain corn production is described and its spatial form considered in light of innovation diffusion theory. A model is developed to examine the covariance of changes in rate of adoption and selected independent variables representing spatial and aspatial hypotheses. The results suggest that the structure of this diffusion process changes over time. Up to 1956, the process conforms at least in part to the geographer's conceptualization of spatial diffusion dependent upon distance-sensitive information flows. After 1956, however, changes in county levels of adoption appear to be determined primarily by other, aspatial factors.
Dans cet article, nous entendons décrire la diffusion agricole du grain de maïs et nous en étudions la configuration spatiale à la lumière des innovations en théorie de la diffusion. Nous avons produit un modèle qui nous permet d'examiner la convariance des changements dans le taux d'adoption et nous avons adopté un choix de variables indépendantes, représentant des hypothèses spatiales et aspatiales. Les résultats indiquent que la structure de ce processus de diffusion change avec le temps. Jusqu'en 1956, le processus est conforme, au moins en partie, à la conceptualisation, chez les géographes, d'une diffusion spatiale dépendante d'une information influencée par les distances. Toutefois, après 1956, les changements de niveaux d'adoption dans les comtés semblent déterminés surtout par d'autres facteurs aspatiaux.  相似文献   

The King's Privy Passage 15
The Mint Gate 24
Chapel at Roskilde Cathedral 25
Børsen 31
Architects 41
The Gate Tower & Vitruvius 49
Architectural Analysis 59
Statues 65
Architectural Analysis 70
Inigo Jones & Rosenborg 79
A Painting 85
I. John Webb in 1655 on Inigo Jones 90
II. "Stone Mason Double Foot" 90
III. Rosenborg Castle & King Christian IV. Outline Chronolgy 91
IV. Rosenborg Gardens & Structures. Selected Statements and Accounts 91
V. Text Accompanying Leonardo da Vinci's Drawing of the "Vitruvian man" 92
VI. Length of the Long Wall Segments in the Blue House 92
VII. Inigo Jones and Selected Events 93
VIII. Excerpts from the Diary of Sivert Grubbe 94
BIBLIOGRAPHY 95  相似文献   

Between industry and tourism: The evolving landscape of La Baie in Saguenay, Québec La Baie is a borough of the newly amalgamated city of Saguenay, which is defined by its past industrial and maritime development. This area encompassing the Ha! Ha! Bay is characterized by a lush natural landscape, contrasting sharply with the haphazardly built environment and urban fabric. The demolition of the Port‐Alfred pulp and paper mill and the cruise ship terminal project offer the possibility to improve and harmonize this former municipality's landscape. In this article, we will discuss the evolution of the borough's landscape patterns through glimpses of the maritime and tourist tradition, industrial base and the design of downtown commercial space.  相似文献   

The ships that sail the Southern Sea and south of it are like houses. When their sails are spread they are like great clouds in the sky… The big ship with its heavy cargo has naught to fear of the great waves, but in shallow water it comes to grief (cited in Guy, 1992: 18).  相似文献   

Through the method of reconstituted regional geography, this paper explores the origins, development, and demise of a regional popular musical phenomenon, known as the Northwest Sound. Renowned for the rock classic 'Louie Louie, 'the music of the Pacific Northwest was a product of local geographic conditions within the context of the state of popular music in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This tension between structure and human agency resulted in a period of musical creativity that epitomized teenage social life in the region, but which had limited impact beyond the local area at the time. The passing of the Northwest Sound helped mark the integration of a frontier into the mainstream of North American culture.
Par la méthode ďon;une géographie régionale reconstituée, cet essai examine les origines, le développement et la mort ďon;un phénomène musical, régional et populaire connu comme le 'son du nord-ouest. Renommée pour son rock tube 'Louie Louie, la musique du nord-ouest du Pacifique était un produit des conditions géographiques locales dans le contexte de la musique populaire de la fin des années cinquante et du début des années soixante. De la tension entre structure et ouvrage humain résulta une période de créativité musicale qui fut le modèle même de la vie des jeunes de la région mais qui eut peu ďon;impact au delà de la région cette époque. La disparition du 'son du nord-ouest' marque ľon;integration de la musique régionale dans le courant principal de la culture nordaméricaine.  相似文献   

The Kelenderis ship appears in a harbour scene frame that forms one-third of a mosaic floor (the other two-thirds are decorated with geometric patterns). The name of the ship indicates its location, the town once called Kelenderis, in Turkey. The large sailing ship is depicted with a fully-open quadrilateral sail. No anchor or mooring line is indicated, but its static position suggests that the vessel is at anchor. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the intricate type of sailing rig. The Kelenderis ship was researched in detail for the first time by Zaraza Friedman in her 2003 PhD dissertation.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

In 2009 the well‐preserved wreck of a 17th‐century merchant ship was found at a depth of 50 m in the Stockholm Archipelago. On the top of the ship's rudder is a carved lion, inspiring the working name ‘Lion Wreck’. The state of preservation provides a rare opportunity to study the conditions on board a typical 17th‐century Dutch merchant ship trading in the Baltic. The aim of this text is to describe and summarize the first thorough survey of the site, carried out in spring 2010. © 2011 The Author  相似文献   

The cruise ship is as much a process as an object. Indeed, while the ship appears stable in its material and affective form, this state is maintained only through the interventions of a vast array of human and non-human agencies. The cascading affects flowing from these interactions allow for alternative sociomaterial orders to be established through the suspension and splintering of fixed notions of time and space. This paper brings the theories of heterotopia and assemblage together, through a speculative realist ontology, to explore these temporal and spatial discontinuities, and the way they can create a sense of enclosure amongst passengers on-board. This theoretical approach is utilized to examine articulations of the cruise ship in the self-solicited blog entries of passengers that demonstrate both the mutable and emergent qualities of the ship and the way in which its seeming enclosure is subject to constant disruption. Rather than a static reading of the ship as a heterotopic ‘other space’, we propose that these spatial configurations are vulnerable to entropic forces and unruly agencies that frame the cruise ship as an emerging, rather than realized object, affording it the potential to enact alternative sociomaterial orders.  相似文献   

A dynamic urban model is used to study the post-war evolution of the Atlantic Canada urban system. The computer-based simulation model is calibrated for the period 1951-86 and then employed to predict the 1991 population of each cma and ca within the system. The simulation results show that, to a large extent, the evolution of the system can be understood in terms of endogenous system dynamics rather than exogenous events. Specifically, competition among the cities of the region is a significant factor in the urban system evolution. The high degree of abstraction of the model means that data requirements for application are minimal, and the calibration procedure is relatively simple. The successful predictions show that the model can yield useful results in spite of its simplicity.
Un modèle dynamique est employé afin ďétudier ľévolution du système urbain de la région atlantique du Canada depuis 1951. Le modèle de simulation est ďabord calibré sur la periode 1951-86, et ensuite utilisé pour générer une prévision de la population en 1991 de chaque rmr et ar dans la région. Les résultats montrent que ľévolution démographique du système peut être expliqué, pour la plupart, par la dynamique inhérente du système. Plus précisement, le processus de concurrence économique et démographique entre les villes de la région est décisif; les événements exogène sont ďune moindre importance. Le modèle est plutot simple et abstrait; par conséquent, son application exige relativement peu de donnés, et le procédé calibration est relativement simple. La qualité des prévisions déographiques indique que ce genre de modèle, malgrésa simplicité peut êre utile.  相似文献   

Although the design and construction of wooden merchant vessels in the nineteenth century is generally considered to be well understood, the excavation and subsequent analysis of the wreck of the wooden Finnish topsail schooner Pettu (1865) revealed a number of unexpected features, which prompted the authors to take a closer look at the ship. In the following study, it will be attempted to gain an insight into the society that produced and used the merchant vessel through a detailed analysis of its construction and an investigation into the concept behind its design. The wreck of the Pettu, which, considering its loss in 1893, is barely covered by the 100 year rule in Danish heritage legislation, is a good example for the archaeological potential of even relatively ‘modern’ wreck sites, adding to their significance.  相似文献   

Time series for industrial production covering the period 1964 to 1984 for 16 countries of the oecd are analyzed in order to measure the trends in production and to study the diffusion patterns of cyclical fluctuations within the system. The dramatic growth at the beginning of the period is unequally distributed, favouring industrializing countries, such as Greece and Spain, as well as Japan, which joins the ranks of oecd leading nations during this period. Along with Germany, Japan becomes a key indicator of the system as a whole, its short term performance being highly correlated with most countries of the oecd, whereas that of the U.S.A. becomes quasi-isolated .
On a analysé les séries chronologiques de la production industrielle pour la péride 1964 à 1984 pour seize pays de l'ocde afin d'évaluer les tendances, et étudier la structure des variations cycliques au sein du système. La croissance vertigineuse au début de période s'avère inégalement distribuée, favorisant les pays en voie d'in-dustrialisation tels que la Grèce et l'Espagne ainsi que le Japon qui rejoint alors le rang des pays les plus impor-tants. C'est d'ailleurs le Japon qui constitue avec l'Alle-magne l'indicateur clé pour tous les pays de l'ocde, sa performance à court terme reflétant sensiblement la situation de l'ocde dans son ensemble, alors que celle des Etats-Unis apparat isolée .  相似文献   

Des données de ľenquête Santé Québec de 7 987 sont utilisées dans cet article, ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle, intégrant les concepts ďambiosystème, ambiostasie et ambiocontrôle, dans ie but de mettre en lumière et ďexpliquer les disparités socio-spatiales de santé qui existent au Québec. Les résultats montrent qu'un faible niveau de contrôle environnemental (ambiocontrôle), conjugaison ďun environnement complexe et ďun faible statut socio-économique, caractérisent les milieux les plus pathogènes et semblent être un déterminant capital de problèmes de santé mentale et physique.
Data from the Santé Québec survey of 1987 are used in this article, together with a new model based upon the ambiosystem, ambiostasis, and ambiocontrol concepts; the objective is to uncover and explain the socio-spatial health disparities existing in Québec. Results show that a low level of environmental control (ambiocontrol), corresponding to the combination of a complex environment and a low socio-economic status, characterizes the most pathogenic milieu and seems to be a prime determinant of mental and physical health problems.  相似文献   

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