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张延吉  张磊  吴凌燕 《人文地理》2016,31(3):102-108
我国制造业的空间重构不仅表现为整体格局和职能强度的变化,更体现在内部构成要素的分化上。我国从事制造业的正规与非正规从业人员比例由2000年的41.7:58.3转变为2010年的29.3:70.7。两者的空间结构差异明显,非正规就业密度由沿海向内陆逐步递减,而正规就业在内陆省会城市存在明显高地。本文分析了制造业重构过程中的六类城市及其分布变化。研究表明,全球化进程和就业门槛显著促进了非正规就业增长;非正规就业也与经济发展存在共生关系,但与制度环境并无显著关联;此外廉价劳动力、市场可达性与规模经济对制造业的区位选择具有显著影响。  相似文献   

女性内部差异性已成为西方女性主义地理学的重要研究领域。本文以广州市下渡村餐饮业和芳村茶叶市场茶艺表演业两个典型行业为例,研究不同行业女性非正规就业者的行为空间差异性及其产生的不同影响。研究发现,餐饮业和茶艺表演业女性非正规就业者具有总体上相类似的行为空间结构,但由于其所从事的工作性质和经济收入不同,该结构在尺度构成、出行活动的距离分布和出行频率等方面存在明显差异。这种差异性进一步对上述两类女性非正规就业者的职业发展分别产生了限制和促进的不同作用。女性非正规就业者所属行业特征、行为空间与职业发展处于一种相互作用的关系。  相似文献   

李紫晴  袁媛  梁璐  牛通 《人文地理》2020,35(1):19-27
男性和女性除了有生理性别差异,还有通过心理、文化和社会手段构建的社会性别差异,两者共同导致女性在健康、就业、教育、人际、资产等领域的相对弱势地位。近年,由发达国家主导的女性贫困研究热度持续增加,发展中国家研究逐渐增多,但国内研究仍在起步阶段。运用CiteSpace软件分析国外地理学领域的女性贫困研究最新进展,发现研究热点集中在基于空间差异的女性贫困研究、基于社会剥夺的女性贫困研究,以及女性减贫的政策建议研究。基于研究热点与社会性别理论,本文提炼出女性贫困研究框架体系,并总结了内在因素和外部环境共同作用的女性致贫解释机制,认为女性贫困是地区经济、文化与政治的折射。最后提出未来中国女性贫困地理研究建议,以期为推进以性别为切入点的精准扶贫做出贡献。  相似文献   

女性农民工非正规就业与农民工家庭流动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭流动是当前农民工流动中日益流行的趋势,也是提高农民工流动质量的有效途径。女性农民工的非正规就业促进了农民工的家庭流动,政府和社会应该规范非正规就业市场,促进农民工的家庭流动。  相似文献   

肖佑兴 《人文地理》2011,26(6):19-23
论文介绍了国外旅游社会文化变迁研究状况,分别从旅游者、旅游地社区、旅游业以及全球化与地方互动的视角总结了国外旅游地社会文化变迁研究在理论与方法上的主要进展,评述了旅游者类型、旅游凝视、旅游者表演、旅游者阅读、旅游地生命周期理论、社区响应模式及其各种理论解释、文化环理论、旅游创造性破坏模型等在旅游地社会文化变迁研究中的贡献与不足,并指出了近年来国外旅游社会文化变迁研究具有流动性与表演性、社会文化生产与创造性破坏、非线性与复杂性等特点。  相似文献   

刘宁  冯锦彩 《沧桑》2008,(1):68-70
文章在对中西部地区个别省份农村女性流动人口状况进行调研的基础上,认为目前中西部地区农村女性流动呈现出人口数量上升、流动区域狭窄、流动频率稳定、流动动因由被动向主动转化、流动目的倾向于在城市长期居留等特点,并提出在未来一段时期内中西部地区农村女性人口将会出现流动规模进一步扩大、以非正规渠道为主要就业模式、可持续生计能力进一步提高等趋势。  相似文献   

顾栋 《攀登》2007,26(1):96-99
非正规就业已成为下岗失业职工寻求再就业的主要渠道,在缓解就业压力方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。加强对非正规就业问题的研究,积极促进我国妇女就业,具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,西方城市研究界认为大部分城市发展将发生在发展中国家,新的城市理论也将产生在这些新的地理空间,而城市非正规性是其主要特征。本文首先对城市非正规性的演变进行了梳理,认为城市非正规性的研究具有对"二元主义"的超越,"传统"非正规研究的超越和认识论上的转变3个特征,并明晰了城市非正规性的理论内涵是一种管治模式;其次,认为制度变迁和城市非正规性研究之间的焦距在于国家、地方政府、企业和个体等行动者之间的相互作用,在此基础上总结出了城市非正规性互补式、补充式和让步式3种主要类型;最后,从政治、社会和文化三个维度总结了非正规性在中国形成的根源,并提出非正规性可以理解成为中国城市发展的一种模式,非正规实践及非正规制度蕴含制度创新的启示。  相似文献   

发展与困惑——新时期中国大陆的妇女史研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是对 2 0世纪 80年代以来中国大陆妇女史研究发展历程的总结与思考。作者认为妇女史定义应涵盖以妇女为研究对象的历史和以女性视角撰写的历史 ;论述了妇女史在中国的产生、发展、断裂、复兴过程与当前妇女史研究的特色以及妇女史对于传统史学的借鉴与超越 ;提出了当前妇女史研究中存在的一些值得探讨的理论问题 ;并指出当前应做好基础研究 ,不必急于建立理论框架 ;要积极与国外学者对话 ,但不要盲从。  相似文献   

研究非正规金融的存在合理性,具有明确的政策含义。本文从当前农村正规金融服务短缺、银行组织体系不甚完善以及正规风险投资发展欠充分等方面,分析了现时我国非正规金融存在的过渡性理由。从众多农业人口和小农经济长期存在、社区银行的覆盖空隙及正规风险资本对创业企业早期投资的障碍等方面,分析了我国非正规金融的非过渡存在合理性。  相似文献   

This article investigates the incidence of agglomeration externalities in Ecuador, a small-sized, middle-income developing country. In particular, we analyze the role of the informal sector within these relations, since informal employment accounts for a significant part of total employment in the developing countries. Using individual level data and instrumental variable techniques, we investigate the impact of spatial externalities, in terms of population density, local specialization and urban size, on the wages of workers in Ecuadorian cities. The results show that spatial externalities matter also for a small developing country. Moreover, analysis of the interaction between spatial externalities and informality shows that, on average, workers employed in the informal sector do not enjoy significant benefits from agglomeration externalities. Finally, by investigating the possible channels behind spatial agglomeration gains we show that the advantages from agglomeration for formal sector workers may well be accounted for by better job-quality matches and, to a lesser extent, by learning externalities. For informal sector workers, our findings also suggest possible gains from job changes, which offset a penalty for remaining employed in the same occupation.  相似文献   

Microfinance has become an increasingly widespread tool for fostering economic growth among the poor in developing countries. This study tracks the progress of 239 borrowers in a Guatemalan microfinance institution from 1994 to 1999. Results from the study show that rapid gains in employment within the sample enterprises after initial credit access were followed by a protracted period of stagnation in employment growth. Other results highlight gender differences in response to credit access, showing — surprisingly — that the long–run growth in hired labour for female entrepreneurs was slightly greater than that for male entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

深圳市“城中村”非正规住房的形成与演化机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵静  闫小培 《人文地理》2012,26(1):60-65
非正规住房是发展中国家普遍存在的城市现象。快速城市化背景下,大量村庄被纳入城市并以"城中村"的方式成为我国城市的非正规居住空间。"城中村"非正规住房作为规划外的住房发展方式,在承担特殊的住房供应职能的同时带来各种环境、经济、社会和管理问题。论文在梳理深圳市"城中村"非正规住房发展演化过程的基础上,从制度—市场—社会的视角剖析"城中村"非正规住房形成与演化的影响因素,并运用"结构—能动性"理论总结"城中村"非正规住房形成演化的内在机理。在此基础上,提出"城中村"非正规住房的管治方向与措施。  相似文献   

叶丹  张京祥 《人文地理》2015,30(5):57-64
基于米歇尔·德赛图的日常生活实践的视角,结合列斐伏尔的空间生产理论(空间生产的三个层次),建立"战略/战术-空间生产"的分析框架,以宁波市孔浦街区为例,通过对权力主体和弱势群体(流动人口和失地农民)之间规训——抵制的空间实践分析,解释非正规空间的生产过程:施加于日常的支配、压制和规训与来自日常的抵抗构成非正规空间生产的核心机制。研究表明,在"增长主义"发展模式之下的中国,地方政府成为非正规空间的主要塑造者,而被固化在非正规空间中的弱势群体为了生存,通过灵活的日常生活实践对空间进行重构,进一步加剧非正规空间的非正规化。  相似文献   

Tirana, the Balkan capital examined in this study, displays patterns of gendered job search behavior and access, which are unique within contemporary Europe and even within post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Here, it is a rather spatially constricted job search range rather than transport poverty that prevents women living in first-ring suburbs from attaining satisfactory employment. Female commutes are extraordinarily short and most often on foot. While the city now has nearly one million inhabitants and a high car ownership rate, and is located in Europe, the employment and mobility choices and behaviors of its female residents resemble those in developing rather than developed countries, and in small rather than large cities. The reasons underpinning this situation have more to do with socio-cultural gender barriers and less with transport poverty or labor market weaknesses. This finding might apply to other Balkan capitals or cities outside Europe, which have recently experienced large waves of internal migration and where both existing residents and newcomers have not yet adjusted to ‘big city’ life.  相似文献   

非正规经济已成为我国重要的城市景观,本文以北京朝阳区为研究范围,利用流动商贩和POI等大数据,探究城市建成环境对摊贩空间分布的影响。研究表明:①高密度的消费需求是引致流动商贩集聚的首要原因,尤其是在正规商业较为缺乏的区域,流动商贩的高发态势尤为明显,政府管制没有也无法遏制这一非正规经济现象。②相较于道路网络的通达性,街区尺度的宜人性和城市功能的多样性更为显著地促进了商贩集聚,因此小巷支路是疏导区选址的理想场所。③不同用地类型对各时段的商贩空间分布具有差异化影响,可考虑在特定用地周边设置固定型、临时型等多种形式的疏导区,以实现各类城市功能的兼容并包。  相似文献   

21世纪上半叶发达国家华侨华人社会的发展态势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
21世纪上半叶 ,随着老龄化进程的加速和知识经济时代的到来 ,发达国家将以更大的拉力吸纳其所需人才 ;中国作为发展中国家 ,其与发达国家之间的社会、经济等方面的差距依然存在 ,对华侨华人产生的推力作用依然存在。有鉴于此 ,今后 2 0— 30年 ,发达国家的华人社会 ,其规模不仅可能由目前的 6 0 0— 70 0万人急速膨胀为 2 0 0 0— 30 0 0万人 ,而且其成份亦将更为多元化、年轻化、知识化。如何使中国人的海外迁移活动成为对华侨华人自身、对其居住国以及对其祖 (籍 )国三者均有利的三赢行为 ,是有关各方面临的共同课题。  相似文献   

Recent research in the Harris-Todaro (HT) tradition has added an important new element to the model by incorporating an urban land market. Brueckner and Zenou (1999) (hereafter BZ) argue that a model where migration equalizes expected wages between city and countryside may overlook another important force that equilibrates the process of rural-urban migration. This force is the migration-induced rise in the urban cost of living, which occurs principally through escalation of urban land rents as the city population expands. Land-rent escalation, which tends to limit rural-urban migration, provides an important additional force that may help determine city sizes in developing countries. The present paper provides a simpler alternative to BZ's analysis by assuming that urban residents smooth their income as they cycle between formal and informal employment. This allows migration decisions to be based on the expected wage, as in the usual HT framework, in a model that includes a land market. The analysis shows that this modified framework generates results slightly different from those of BZ.  相似文献   


Mass immunisation is a central aspiration of global health programmes, such as in the 2000 Millennium Development Goals (MDG), as a means of addressing the glaring inequalities in life expectancy that separate the Global North and South. A recent initiative, the Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) vaccine, is being rolled out in so-called developing countries to prevent a number of sexually transmitted diseases, including one of the rarer forms of cervical cancer. Despite its apparent good intentions, resistance to the vaccine has occurred, in developed as well as in developing countries, not least because it constitutes a largely gendered form of medical intervention which is promoted according to Western concepts of risk, biomedical knowledge and normative understandings of female sexual behaviour. As a major component of the MDG health strategy aimed at developing countries, the HPV vaccine initiative carries implicit tendencies towards ‘medical colonialism’ underpinned as it is by hegemonic scientific masculinity, in which gendered forms of structural violence are legitimised through the discursive affiliations of progress and global health. This paper will examine the intersecting themes of political economy, gendered structural violence and hegemonic medical masculinity underpinning HPV immunisation programmes within the context of development. It interrogates how masculine scientific narratives of disease prevention, which legitimises the state-endorsed (and increasingly mandated) pharmaceuticalised protection of young women as objects of patriarchal care and control, have become the new missionary voices, saving bodies rather than souls.  相似文献   

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