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罗杰·夏蒂埃的新文化史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗杰·夏蒂埃是当代法国年鉴学派第四代的重要人物,通过对以"心态史"为代表的传统年鉴文化史学的批判,夏蒂埃提出了其以"表象"和"实践"为核心的新的文化史观,强调文化的基础作用,重视对文本和阅读的历史考察.其文化史观与整个当代欧美史学的主要趋势--新文化史运动相呼应,是其中重要的理论分支之一.  相似文献   

罗杰·库特的医学社会史研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医学社会史在西方史学界是一门方兴未艾的学科。罗杰·库特教授在英国医学社会史研究中经过多年耕耘 ,在颅相学历史、整型外科历史、战争与医学关系、另类医学的发展、2 0世纪的医学发展以及医学社会史理论等研究方面颇有建树 ,不仅阐释了这些医学历史的脉络 ,而且揭示了这些医学历史得以存在和发展的广阔的社会、政治、经济和文化背景。这种历史研究方法从一个特殊的角度切入历史研究之中 ,为人们扩展了研究视野。对库特教授史学研究的介绍 ,可以使读者对英国医学社会史有更加感性的了解。  相似文献   

The Oral History Project describes a middle school project thatbegan with a statewide effort to improve students’ languagearts achievement scores. Pennsylvania educators proposed anintegrative instructional model that would involve adolescentsin intergenerational interviews. Teachers implemented the modelin a variety of settings. This book represents Pennsylvaniaeducators’ attempt to share the integrative intergenerationalinterview model with others. Donald Graves, a nationally known expert in language arts educationand author of the Foreword, asserts the instructional modelrepresented in The  相似文献   

论文以调查和访谈资料为依据,阐述了印尼棉兰华人社会发展与历史变迁的过程,并在此基础上总结出棉兰华人因受周边华人社会影响,兼及殖民种植经济传统与移居型城市特点而形成的独有社会特征:政治参与具有华人社会传统特性;坚守中华传统文化并吸收了西方文化、土著文化;闽南语或普通话日常使用较普遍;经济上居于印尼社会和华人群体的边缘,实力有限;与其他族群相处较为融洽;以横向分化为主的华人社会,各群体间互动频繁,边界较为模糊。  相似文献   

论文在对二次大战前后奥地利华人历史和经济活动进行探讨的基础上,重点对20世纪80年以来奥地利华人的社群分布和特征进行了梳理和分析。在多种华人移民潮和流向相互交错之下,奥地利的华人逐渐形成了一个社群,无论在移民来源地或是社会经济方面都呈现出多元化的特性。源于这种多元性,华人社会内部出现了阶层划分。中国的改革开放和东西方冷战结束这两种因素,使奥地利的华人移民景观发生变化。"中国移民新秩序"格局的形成,对中国人的全球性移民造成深远的影响,延及奥地利。冷战后东西方集团取消政治边界,使奥地利成为中国移民在流向西欧﹑东欧或是南欧的旅途中最受欢迎的过道。奥地利因此从非侨乡新移民的临时落脚地转变成中国移民的安身落户之所。  相似文献   

This article reviews recent scholarship on African religion and argues that, while much has been accomplished, historians have inherited a problematic view of the processes that they have investigated. They have unknowingly adopted evangelical ideas, in the form of written words and concepts that they wrongly assume have maintained consistent meanings down through the decades. Because missionaries' translations have been taken in this way as accurate guides for understanding what gave rise to them, much of Africa's intellectual history appears religious. The article focuses on the example of tui-qua, a term used by Khoikhoi and translated as "God," and suggests a model for understanding evangelism and conversion that does not rely on the supposed ubiquity of religion. It is argued that missionaries used Christian notions to accommodate the falsity of analogous practices, which although often unrelated in their original setting, together became a single entity (religion) as a result.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):247-249

In this essay, I consider the relationship between more radically open conceptions of democracy and the recent "return of religion" as the return of distinct, particular religions. The radical democracy of figures such as Derrida, Badiou, and Hardt and Negri is found to be not radical enough to be open to the particular religious other. Derrida's "religion without religion" does violence to the particularity of concrete religious traditions, Badiou appropriates Paul's universalism while abandoning the particularity and difference in his conception of collective identity, and Hardt and Negri advocate a "politics of love" while severing that love from its ground— namely, God. I then show a way of rethinking both society and Christianity so that Christianity finds a place in society and society makes room for Christianity. A radical Christianity devoid of self-privilege and triumphalism provides a model for an intersubjectivity of love in which the other really comes first. Paul's radical conception of membership in the body of Christ accomplishes precisely what radical democracy fails to do: it allows for heterophony as well as polyphony, and incoherence as well as commonality. It is only when church and society allow the possibility of incoherence and heterophony that they are truly open to the other, and it is only when they are truly open to the other that they satisfy the demands of a truly radical democracy and radical Christianity.  相似文献   

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